View Full Version : A blind squirrel finds a nut at Lake Wohlford

03-26-2017, 04:16 PM
Since Glenn has been my every trip fishing partner for the last 3 years. It's safe to say I know his fishing habits pretty good by now. In the ocean he is Dead eye Derk as long as he's awake!!! In the freshwater my GF can fish better then he can. Not that she's all that good, in reality it's just the opposite, so she asks what they have been biting on and fishes that bait. Glenn on the other hand keeps trying something new or sticks to something that is easy to fish with but not very productive. I'm just the opposite, I try to find out before I go what their biting on or quickly see what's working and then stick to it. The first trip to Lake Wohlford this year, I saw Glenn catch a few fish on Orange P/B and I quickly surmised that's the number 1 bait to use there. (I still think it is!!!)

On the 8 trips I've been there to Lake Wohlford with Glenn this year, I have out fished him there on every single trip. Why because I keep sticking to what was working and then grind away at it. 2 out of 3 of the last trips I been with Glenn were complete Dud's. They weren't to Lake Wohlford but to Jess Ranch and SARL. The last trip we went to Lake Wohlford, Glenn got skunked there too. (it wasn't totally his fault it was a tough day but I did catch 5 fish) So on the ride down there he was complaining about 3 skunks in a row. I told him to stick with the Orange P/B and you will catch something. (for once he listened) But he did want to do it "HIS WAY"!!! He went with #2 test instead of #4 that I have been using all season. He also crushed a salmon egg into the bait and smeared it up his line. He only fished 1 pole while me and my other friend fished 4 poles and he out fished us pretty good. He caught his limit pretty easy and me on the other hand had to fish my hiney off to catch 4 trout and 1 catfish while my other buddy only had 1 trout. After Glenn was done fishing for trout, I told him to bait my other buddy's pole up with that concoction he was using. Guess what??? My buddy caught another trout on our next drift. (so it works not just for Glenn)

We also caught 2 catfish on power bait as we were drifting along. So we ended up with 11 trout and 2 catfish. Which is a pretty darn good day considering we left at 12:30 pm. (I had my tax appointment in Brea at 4:00 pm that day) Had we been able to stay all day, I think we would have had been able to get full limits of trout for everyone and 5 or 6 catfish. I had my catfish stuff with me, so it could have been a total banner day if we could have stayed longer. The water is still a little dirty, but clean enough to catch some fish if you know what your doing. The problem is most people don't know how to catch fish under those conditions. Why do I say that???? They rented only 3 boats that day, so the crowds are staying away. It was also a week they stocked trout, so the fish are in there but the fishermen are not!!!!

03-27-2017, 09:06 AM
Thanks for the 411, eTucks.

This place have largies?

03-27-2017, 09:21 AM
Thanks for the 411, eTucks.

This place have largies?

Nice ones too!!! My friend who owns xxxx tackle in xxxxxxx say's it's one of the best kept secrets for LMB. (It's not that big and the lake record is in the high teens) The DFG even stocks those tiny trout for the LMB to fatten up on. When the Crappie go off, we are going to start to target them too. (C&R of course)