View Full Version : A.M./New Del Mar 10-19-07

10-19-2007, 04:07 PM
Today was the day that I introduced my daughter to sportboat fishing. We picked the New Del Mar for it's modern design, size and good service. We almost missed the boat but I called from on the road and Captain Danny waited several extra minutes for us to get there. See what I mean about good service??? Anyway, the fish of the day was SCULPIN! I was hoping for that because they usually bite very well. Today was no exception, either. They were lickin' on the squid strips. Alyssa caught about 4 with my help, most of them were the bigger models. We ended up with easy double limts. We then moved on closer to home and scratched away at a few bass, sheepshead and more sculpin. We fished in 100' or less, water temp was 61.5 and green. We also saw several short lings caught today, one was a keeper. But Mr. Billy-Goat took the JP honors. Can you say "ba-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-"? I also got a few licks on the duck but nothing stuck. She and I did not fish the whole time. We moved around on the boat and watched others fishing, watched the jets taking off from LAX and watched seagulls, pelicans and sea lions. I pulled up a piece of red seaweed and she played with that for a spell, too. Anyway, the trip was a success, Alyssa loved it and the crew and food were great. Check out the pics...[attachment=6:06023]43600164.JPG[/attachment:06023][attachment=5:06023]43600179.JPG[/attachment:06023][attachment=4:06023]43600167.JPG[/attachment:06023][attachment=3:06023]43600185.JPG[/attachment:06023][attachment=2:06023]43600198.JPG[/attachment:06023][attachment=1:06023]43600200.JPG[/attachment:06023][attachment=0:06023]43600189.JPG[/attachment:06023]

ghetto dad
10-19-2007, 04:33 PM
great job hawgman....nice report and pics..thanks alot......

10-19-2007, 05:12 PM
Cute kid!

Nice flat conditions, not too crowded, great weather and good food & service + first time for the kid = good times!

10-19-2007, 06:07 PM
great report man, looks like you two had a lot of fun!

10-19-2007, 08:46 PM
Good Job on the introduction on the salt Mike, Glad you guys shared a little quality time. I remember when I took my daughters on a rattlesnake hunt I was a little reluctant at first but luckily nobody got stung... on the very next trip a sclupin pierced through my boot though. anyways, wasn't the water perfect today? Hit me up whenever mike let's go kill em soon.

ghetto dad
10-19-2007, 08:52 PM
Good Job on the introduction on the salt Mike, Glad you guys shared a little quality time. I remember when I took my daughters on a rattlesnake hunt I was a little reluctant at first but luckily nobody got stung... on the very next trip a sclupin pierced through my boot though. anyways, wasn't the water perfect today? Hit me up whenever mike let's go kill em soon.

as long as he doesnt flake, it should be a great trip mike....

10-19-2007, 08:57 PM
[quote="k3vin_kim":e9300]Good Job on the introduction on the salt Mike, Glad you guys shared a little quality time. I remember when I took my daughters on a rattlesnake hunt I was a little reluctant at first but luckily nobody got stung... on the very next trip a sclupin pierced through my boot though. anyways, wasn't the water perfect today? Hit me up whenever mike let's go kill em soon.

as long as he doesnt flake, it should be a great trip mike....[/quote:e9300]

oooh....below the belt... :nutkick:

10-19-2007, 08:59 PM
ghetto dad,

We are all at least a little flakey from time to time...

It's an imperfect world.

ghetto dad
10-19-2007, 09:04 PM
i know im just giving him crap cuzz he gave me so much when i flaked..... :D

10-19-2007, 09:48 PM
Hi Ambassadorhaw,

Good job on the fishys and making the first trip interesting. She just might decide to make it a regular thing!! Couldn't ask for much more!!


10-22-2007, 08:17 AM
Way to go on the S/W introduction!!! Looks like she had a great time.

ghetto dad has me wondering, what's it like to flake?
