View Full Version : Quick Report

03-06-2017, 12:15 PM
After all the rain we have been having I decided it was time to get out and fish. Fished a local lagoon March 4th and 5th. Both days I fished from an hour after low tide peaked till 2 hours past high tide. My fishing opportunities are beginning to get few and far between so when I get a chance to get out on the water I make the most of it. Both days I fished my *** off and covered a lot of ground. First time in a while that my arm had gotten sore from casting.
The water is cleaning up a lot and hopefully the fishing will improve as well. At low tide the water was pretty murky and resembled chocolate milk in some areas. But as it transitioned to high tide the water looked pretty good.
Both days were pretty slow and I decided to throw the LC the whole time. Got one halibut each day. Both were very small. The first one was about 8 or 9 inches at most. The second day got one that was 6 inches at most. But beat the skunk both days so I can't complain. Plus every time I've gone fishing so far I've gotten a halibut so atleast i know I'm doing something right. Also about a couple weeks ago I went spottie fishing and got a 21 inch halibut and a handful of spotties. Hopefully my second legal of 2017 will be coming soon.