View Full Version : Laguna Niguel Lake (sulfur creek res) 1/21

01-23-2017, 01:19 PM
caught a break in the rain on a day I could actually go fishing. Took my son to LNL to scratch the itch. got there at 9:30am and fished until 3:00pm

Log: 59 degrees, partly cloudy, light to moderate wind changed directions a few times during the day.
Water was chocolate milk about 3-4" vis. not super cold though, i'd guess high 50's.

I put a sliding sinker and some floating trout bait on my sons pole and started throwing a firetiger spinnerbait with a tandom gold indiana blade. talking to the other guys down at the lake the trout bite was non-existent, but Garrit was too cold when we got there to work a lure.

Leting the spinnerbait hit the bottom and reeling as slow as i could keep the blades spinning i was Pleasantly surprised by this 3.7lb chunk that thumped my spinner in the first half hour.

http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag192/brian_wilson4/Mobile%20Uploads/4D25860D-D6E1-4485-A6FA-3E726ECBA176_zpsfxnpjaf9.jpg (http://s1368.photobucket.com/user/brian_wilson4/media/Mobile%20Uploads/4D25860D-D6E1-4485-A6FA-3E726ECBA176_zpsfxnpjaf9.jpg.html)

After taking a picture and letting her swim back into the depths I decided to switch to a dropshot rig with a 5" dark senko, 10" leader. I had already fan casted the entire point we were on and didn't think lightning would strike twice. Not 10 min later I stuck a small bass about 1lb. My son said heck with the trout give me one of those! haha.

Unfortunatly for him after changing out his rig for a DS neither one of us got a bite for the next 2 hours... I was packing up and he was still casting an shaking with his new found determination i've never seen in him before. I was chatting with a trout angler who had setup next to us about the slow trout fishing when I here my son behind me " i think i got one!" haha think? I turn around to see his spinning rod bent and moving, ok its not stuck check, you do got one, lol. A few proud minutes of standing back and letting him do his thing he gets the fish to the bank and give him the ok to swing him up the bank, I was waiting with the net since they are all huge when your 8 yrs old, lol. It was a solid 2lbs his PB of his very small fishing career.

http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag192/brian_wilson4/Mobile%20Uploads/8D8EEE7C-2AA8-41A1-BB03-656349E6036B_zps9js8nkrh.jpg (http://s1368.photobucket.com/user/brian_wilson4/media/Mobile%20Uploads/8D8EEE7C-2AA8-41A1-BB03-656349E6036B_zps9js8nkrh.jpg.html)

Nice ok we can go now, lol NOT. but i can't complain because i stuck another 3+ maybe 4lber about 15 min later. ok kid we gotta get home and get our chores done before mom gets mad. Great day on the water with my favorite fishing buddy.

01-23-2017, 08:50 PM
Right on. Glad to see you caught a few with your son.

01-23-2017, 10:13 PM
Awesome report and great pics!

01-24-2017, 06:55 AM

That is a day that your son will never forget! Way to go Dad...keep him fishing!

01-24-2017, 01:29 PM
Thanks for the replies of encouragement. I sometimes wonder if its worth dragging him along. He'd rather we play video games or play on the playground at the park.

He is kinda spoiled watching me catch fish since he was 2 months old so he doesn't feel like its a big deal. Kinda a double edge sword growing up around fishing so much he doesn't know life without it. (Wish I had a picture of me Knee deep in the surf with him in a front pack at 3 mo old, haha. when the perch are running you make it happen...)

Proud moment for me too making the front page! haha Not too hard when everyone is too busy talking politics instead of posting reports, lol.

I'll Probably be there again this weekend, not sure if my son will be going with me or going to grandmas house, hard to compete with that. but hit me up if anyone wants to stick a few on Saturday.

02-18-2017, 07:19 AM
Awesome! Glad to see he was rewarded for hanging in there. Cool report