View Full Version : Should the Democrats not confirm ANY of Trumps nominations to the Supreme Court?

11-14-2016, 01:02 AM
If you would have asked my a year ago that very question, I would have answered, "it's the Senate duty to have hearings and to confirm good candidates nominated by the President to the Supreme Court. Now I'm not so sure! I not saying that on ideology reason, but on reasons of tit for tat!!!

In warfare or in politics, if one side introduces a terrible weapon or horrific policy's. I feel the other side has a right to use it's own similar weapons or policy's. In the Civil War on Sherman's March to the Sea. The Confederates started executing captured Union soldiers who were caught foraging for supply's. Sherman's answer to stop that, was to draw lots of captured Confederate soldiers and have them executed!!!! The Confederate practice of executing captured Union soldiers soon stopped.

Now let's get back to the question of Supreme Court nominees. When Justice Scala suddenly died last year, the Republicans in the Senate wouldn't even hold a hearing on Obama's pick. (who was a moderate) There was some historical precedent for that, if an election was just around the corner. But never as long as the time from Justice Scala death.

Here's where in my opinion is where the straw that broke the camels back comes into play. Call it for what is was, Trump won when hardly anyone thought he would. So just a week before the election when most of the Republican Senators all thought Hillary was going to win. They revealed their hand. Senator McCain said, among others they were not going to confirm "ANYONE" Mrs. Clinton would nominate to the Supreme Court!!!! Now back to my earlier statement, "if one side does something horrific to the other side." The other side has a "RIGHT" to act in kind!!!!!

If people don't know their history, "the Supreme Court number of Justices was not spelled out in the Constitution." Prior to the Civil War the number of justices was 7. President Lincoln added or packed the court with 2 more justices. So if the Democrats wanted to argue an historical point, they could say they were unpacking the number of Justices back to it's original number!!!

I feel since the Republicans were such obstructionist under Obama's administration they need to feel what it's like for awhile!!! In the long run BOTH SIDES need to come to an gentlemens agreement that both sides should act decently to each other. Maybe starting in 2020, until then don't confirm anyone!!!! That's just my opinion.

11-14-2016, 06:11 AM
I think you are going to be bitterly disappointed as I believe any obstruction by the Dems will be met with using reconciliation and the nuclear option to get legislation and appointments passed............don't you remember a guy called Dingy Harry Reed and the stuff he pulled.....I think the Dems are gonna regret the tricks he used.......when it's down in the trenches warfare you use the enemy's ammo to kill them....payback and karma is a beach.....

11-14-2016, 06:46 AM
Have you looked at the numbers in both houses? Don't think the Dems will be much of a factor.

11-14-2016, 08:07 AM
I think you are going to be bitterly disappointed as I believe any obstruction by the Dems will be met with using reconciliation and the nuclear option to get legislation and appointments passed............don't you remember a guy called Dingy Harry Reed and the stuff he pulled.....I think the Dems are gonna regret the tricks he used.......when it's down in the trenches warfare you use the enemy's ammo to kill them....payback and karma is a beach.....

There is "NO WAY TO GET AROUND A FILIBUSTER FOR CONFIRMATIONS IN THE SENATE." Unless you have the Super Majority of 60 Senators!!! As I said in the thread, "Tic for Tac!!! When the Republicans start attacking "DECENT" expect the Democrats will too. The problem is the Republicans most of the time were always in the minority. Now that they have everything in both Houses of Congress and the Presidency let's see how they like obstructionist tactics!!!! (it's only fair)

11-14-2016, 08:28 AM
Have you looked at the numbers in both houses? Don't think the Dems will be much of a factor.
A little Social Study's lesson. All governmental jobs that need Congressional approval are confirmed by the Senate only!! In the Senate it takes ONLY 1 Senator to call a Filibuster which stops everything from going forward. The only way to break a Filibuster is to have 60 Senators vote to undo the Filibuster. (it's called cloquier ) Free give my spelling of that word. Last time I checked the Republicans are far short of 60 votes. (No Democrats will break ranks) As I said in my thread, "Don't shoot prisoners!!!" Because when the other side get's a chance they will do the same thing!!!