View Full Version : The Trump President

11-13-2016, 09:10 PM

I feel that the wind has blown pretty hard

He got to see what's behind the curtain

Something he never imagined

Trump now has the secret and was shocked by what he saw

Very sobering

I'm sure.


11-16-2016, 02:23 PM

I feel that the wind has blown pretty hard

He got to see what's behind the curtain

Something he never imagined

Trump now has the secret and was shocked by what he saw

Very sobering

I'm sure.


I'm pretty sure Trump is the most disappointed of all when it comes to his election. He never thought this would happen and only wanted to shake things up. His playboy, jet setting lifestyle is over and he's not going to like it. It's only a matter of time before the wheels fall off the Trump wagon. I truly don't believe he really wanted the job and now that he's seeing what's involved. Let's see how quick he delegates everything to others like he has his entire life and goes on a mid morning tweet bender rant to beat all.
Hooked, you should know all about middle of the night rants.

11-16-2016, 02:51 PM
I truly feel he didn't really want the job!!!! Wouldn't it be funny if he announces one day he had enough and quits!!! If that happens remember WHERE you heard that first!!! lol

11-16-2016, 10:15 PM
I'm pretty sure Trump is the most disappointed of all when it comes to his election. He never thought this would happen and only wanted to shake things up. His playboy, jet setting lifestyle is over and he's not going to like it. It's only a matter of time before the wheels fall off the Trump wagon. I truly don't believe he really wanted the job and now that he's seeing what's involved. Let's see how quick he delegates everything to others like he has his entire life and goes on a mid morning tweet bender rant to beat all.
Hooked, you should know all about middle of the night rants.

He genuinely didn't want the job. His goal for this election was to prove a point and man did he do it well showing how broken our two major parties are. As much as I disagree with the guy and despise him I gotta hand it to him on pulling off the greatest scam of all time.

11-17-2016, 01:09 AM


Crosby, Still & Nash

Well I came upon a child of God, he was walking along the road
And I asked him tell me where are you going, this he told me:
Said, I'm going down to Yasgur's farm, going to join in a rock and roll band.
Got to get back to the land, and set my soul free.
We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon,
And we got to get ourselves back to the garden.

Well, then can I walk beside you? I have come to lose the smog.
And I feel myself a cog in something turning.
And maybe it's the time of the year, yes and maybe it's the time of man.
And I don't know who I am but life is for learning.

We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon,
And we got to get ourselves back to the garden.

We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon,
And we got to get ourselves back to the garden.

By the time we got to Woodstock, we were half a million strong,
And everywhere was a song and a celebration.
And I dreamed I saw the bomber jet planes riding shotgun in the sky,
Turning into butterflies above our nation.

We are stardust, we are golden, we are caught in the devil's bargain,
And we got to get ourselves back to the garden.

I think you're right in that he never thought he would win and I also felt he didn't really want the job.

I admire him for fighting all the way through to the end.

He never gave up, not for a second (just my opinion).

I hope (and now have hope) he shows me more of what he's made of while in office.

Joni Mitchell wrote this song. You can find her version on YouTube also.

is it too late to post things?

isn't this place open 24/7?

and... pot's making a comeback!


11-17-2016, 05:25 AM

After a long night binge, it's time to openly discuss brenty boy and true feelings about the election choices he made... (nudge nudge, its about other ding ding things too) I feel really bad about doing this but he asked me to, so everyone would know... he asked for me to bring this over for all to see. I told him everyone saw already, but he insisted.

Here ya go guys...

You say to protect the vote from idiots like him (tuck), but when he said the exact same thing everyone bashed him? Which is it?
I say both sides have dumba$$es that shouldn't vote, but the electoral college needs to go. Popular vote should be the only way. Doesn't an electoral vote deciding go against Democracy?
If the dumba$$es elect an idiot then so be it. They've elected one of their own and have a majority. You don't have to like it, but you do have to live with it.
Unfortunately paranoia and bigotry go hand in hand and can be very dangerous. PC bs is waaaay out of control as well. Don't get me wrong, I'm no tree hugger, but I do have empathy for other people and that's something way too many people are lacking these days.

maybe you should read stuff b4 you post sheet

you'll be informed learn a little and not sound like an idiot, oh yeah... who did you vote for again?

This statement alone says everything about what's wrong.

brenty boy you talkin bout me? LOL

Because you're not a part of it. It's a cesspool, but you don't think people of "the cesspool" have the same rights as the "redneck hicks" that live outside the urban areas???

not if they don't belong here and don't have proper documentation. GTFO!

You speak of thoughts not aligned with you as a disease.

you speak in the same manner, you fool!

I would have to argue that you are the disease for not trying to find common ground.

common ground? you lost, right won. live with it. we have no common ground, we'll let you live on our ground... or i see Canada in your near future...

If it is up to you, we are all f'd because there will be no discussion and no working anything out.

yup, no discussion necessary... it is now up to us, you and your crew are just along for the ride. now, go sit in the corner and shut up, we'll call you if we need you...

So, congrats on your man being elected and unlike you for the last 8 years, I will from the "cesspool" do all I can to work with and support the new President as much as I can find a common ground with and there are subjects that I do agree with him on.

congrats on the obligatory sucking on your new reality, unlike us for the last eight years. go ahead pretend you like it, pretend support. at least we had the balls to fight it the whole way and prove that giving in is out of the question. a few days ago shows you we will not stand for pussifying America, common ground? again? kow tow to common ground, we all know you hate and are just acting like you don't. you can act with affinity to your forced common ground, but we know different your puzzyness is showing again...

I will not refuse to back anything he does just because he's Orange.

Orange is the new black, don't you know? i always expected color discrimination from you, it was just a matter of time. Yup it always is some superficial trait with the likes of your kind... you're no better than anything else that has crawled outta your neighborhood cesspool, you learned it well cesspool baby and you didn't even know it not til it slapped you square in your face, did you? you ready? get ready, here it comes... like father like son... you can fight him for the rest of your life but just realize this... you're cut from the same cloth, they just cut your shape with pinking shears...

am i wrong?


11-17-2016, 07:58 AM
I think you are all dead wrong if you think Trump really did not want to be President. I would suggest you buy and read "The America We Deserve" written by Trump in January 2000. It covers almost every policy and statement he has made during his campaign and was written 16 years ago. He has been thinking about this for a very long time.

Amazon.com Review

Donald Trump doesn't pull any punches when he surveys the American political scene: Pat Buchanan's "totally lost it," Al Gore is "an able, underrated man who seems confused," and Bill Bradley is simply a "disaster." But the real estate tycoon has some ideas of his own about how the United States should be run, and he shares them with the potential electorate for the 2000 presidential race in The America We Deserve. There aren't too many surprises here: Trump lambastes the government bureaucracy that's made a mess of the civic infrastructure, particularly the public school systems; he supports creating opportunities for business developers (both large and small); and he's tougher than tough on crime. He's also prepared to come down hard on America's enemies abroad, such as China, North Korea, and Cuba. Among the more interesting aspects of his platform is his desire to do away completely with soft money in campaign financing and allow unlimited personal contributions--along with full disclosure of political contributions, updated daily on the Internet.

The America We Deserve is an effective combination of Trump's straight-shooting personality and policy-wonk data points. As another American presidential campaign heats up, Trump raises issues that will force voters to give serious consideration to what they want in a candidate. --Ron Hogan

11-17-2016, 03:05 PM
Mr Trump is much better than the alternative. Think positive.

11-17-2016, 04:02 PM
Mr Trump is much better than the alternative. Think positive.

Really!!!! I saw the most interesting prediction today. Donald Trump will be impeached!!! Why because he can't help himself. He's skirted the law all his life and it will catch up with him. He will also be convicted!!! Why because he's not a real Republican and VP Pence is and that's who they really want!! As I said earlier, I don't just read bretbart for my news!!!!

11-17-2016, 08:27 PM
Mr Trump is much better than the alternative. Think positive.

Much better then the alternative. Let's see I'll pick just 1 of his bad idea's to elaborate on. The repeal of Dodd Frank. What is Dodd Frank????? It's the legislation to keep Wall Street in check so they don't repeat 2008 again!!! (Wall Street if left unchecked will take stupid risks for big profits) The Republicans think that legislation hurts business. It's does to a small degree but if Wall Street fails, and is not bailed out it's 1929 all over again!!!!!! You want to live through a depression for a decade or more????? I don't!!!! Keep voting Republican, a gambler who keeps taking big risks will eventually "GO BROKE!!!!!!" The problem is he takes the "WHOLE WORLD ECONOMY DOWN WITH HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Are you people really that misinformed??????????

11-17-2016, 08:35 PM

wall st is another swamp

we'll drain that

corrupt banking too



11-18-2016, 07:16 AM
I think you are all dead wrong if you think Trump really did not want to be President. I would suggest you buy and read "The America We Deserve" written by Trump in January 2000. It covers almost every policy and statement he has made during his campaign and was written 16 years ago. He has been thinking about this for a very long time.

Amazon.com Review

Donald Trump doesn't pull any punches when he surveys the American political scene: Pat Buchanan's "totally lost it," Al Gore is "an able, underrated man who seems confused," and Bill Bradley is simply a "disaster." But the real estate tycoon has some ideas of his own about how the United States should be run, and he shares them with the potential electorate for the 2000 presidential race in The America We Deserve. There aren't too many surprises here: Trump lambastes the government bureaucracy that's made a mess of the civic infrastructure, particularly the public school systems; he supports creating opportunities for business developers (both large and small); and he's tougher than tough on crime. He's also prepared to come down hard on America's enemies abroad, such as China, North Korea, and Cuba. Among the more interesting aspects of his platform is his desire to do away completely with soft money in campaign financing and allow unlimited personal contributions--along with full disclosure of political contributions, updated daily on the Internet.

The America We Deserve is an effective combination of Trump's straight-shooting personality and policy-wonk data points. As another American presidential campaign heats up, Trump raises issues that will force voters to give serious consideration to what they want in a candidate. --Ron Hogan

Are you really that Stupid!!!!!!

Let's go over what was just written.

He first talks about civil infrastructure. (the school systems) My whole family including myself have been teacher's. Number 1 problem with kids learning is the breakdown of the family structure!!!!! (not the public school system itself) Parents are just "NOT INVOLVED ENOUGH" in their children s education. This can easily be proven by the number 1 group that is overly involved in their children s education. Those who are playing along should know the answer of which group I'm refereeing too???? "THE ASIANS!!!!!!" Everybody knows how well they "EXCEL" in our Public school system!!!! nuff said!!!

I'm not even going to comment on helping building developers. What else is he going to say, "that's who he is and that's what he does!!!!"


Tough on crime.

Just look at the statistics.

Violent crime has been dropping for years. Drug incarceration has been going up for years especially for people of color. As soon as they start treating Drug addiction as a disease and not a crime that number will start to go down. Only dumb Conservatives who have enlarged parts of their brain that controls paranoia. Think coming down harder on crime is really a top priority!!!!

Coming down hard on our enemy's.

First of all he doesn't even know "WHO" are enemy's really are!!!

He sites China as one of our big enemy's!!!! Excuse me for a minute. (I'm back) I had to clean the coffee I just spit all over my computer screen!!!! I hate to keep using the word Stupid but it fits. How Stupid is he and his followers???? China is our "BIGGEST TRADING PARTNER" neither side would ever want to screw that up. Cuba is a country we just opened up normal relations with because they weren't really that big of a threat. North Korea he got right. Now the big elephant in the room. Where does he even mention Russia????? He doesn't even though Putin wants to start up the Cold War again!!! Also the "BIG LITTLE SECRET" it's not that big of a secret. Trump is and always has been in bed with Putin!!!! Comrade Lenin would have called Trump an "USEFUL IDIOT!!! Look it up, Lenin called people that!!!!

Last but not least his desire to get rid of unlimited personal campaign contributions.

Yea we all ready got that with the Supreme Court ruling on Citizens United. Which we, "ALL NOW SEE IS A DISASTER!!!!!

That's everything they talked about in the summary of the book and I debunked "EVERYTHING!!!" So I ask, "why are people that Stupid in trying to defend that guy???"

11-18-2016, 09:10 AM
What was written was a review by a reader and not a direct quote from the book. Buy the book and read it. National average reading comprehension is 8th grade 4th month, I suspect yours is much lower. Public education I would guess is the culprit.

11-18-2016, 10:21 AM
What was written was a review by a reader and not a direct quote from the book. Buy the book and read it. National average reading comprehension is 8th grade 4th month, I suspect yours is much lower. Public education I would guess is the culprit.

That's the BEST spin job you could come up with????? Once the review was "debunked" as CRAP by me!!! Your defense is that's it was only a readers review and not direct quotes!!!! It's say's it was reviewed by Amazon.com Review. So let me get this straight, your saying a company as big as "Amazon" is willing to put their name on reviewers. (Amazon.com Review) Who really aren't true professionals but only as you call them just "READER'S" who can't get the story straight!!!!

What a great spin job!!!!! You say you testify in court as an expert witness. If I was the opposing Lawyer, "I would eat you for Breakfast!!!!!"

11-18-2016, 10:39 AM

The leaders, fed and state levels, created a system that tricked families into believing we got the schooling thing down... start working longer, harder, we'll teach your kids. So again, we believed it, at least most of us did... but we're finding out its not true. People can't work their lIves away... they can't be taxed to death and barely scratch out a living for themselves ... while having to pay for everyone else too. Families, the middle class, carry this nation, always have always will. We are the engine of this country. If we fall apart we have a broke down car and where does anyone go in a broke down car?

We need someone who can make our country's engine work better, could hillary have done that?

Look at pres elect's family... are they all deplorables? Does trump have a family to be proud of? Do they steal from other countries? Do they live off the government dole? Do they live off the backs of the people they're supposed to work for? Or do they have values, work ethics, do they create?

Btw, I'm Asian if that'll make you feel better...


11-21-2016, 01:45 PM
So your idea of 'getting back' at Starbucks is to pay for a $5 triple, latte, non fat, upside down, 200 degrees shaken not stirred coffee?
Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that? Found that idea on the internet and thought it was a good idea huh... LMFAO

11-28-2016, 10:25 AM

So your idea of 'getting back' at Starbucks is to pay for a $5 triple, latte, non fat, upside down, 200 degrees shaken not stirred coffee?
Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that? Found that idea on the internet and thought it was a good idea huh... LMFAO

That's your interpretation of that Starbucks pic?

Boy, you're a deep one...

I guess I shoulda found the same pic but for LL...

Eh, you missed the first point anyway...

Are you puck's son?

(Now... daughter? Brenda, is it?)


11-28-2016, 09:12 PM
and the first lady??? America, get ready to rumble!!!!!

11-29-2016, 10:13 AM
and the first lady??? America, get ready to rumble!!!!!

I read some where she is not even going with Donald to Washington D.C. (She is staying in New York) She might be the most invisible First Lady we've had in decades.

11-29-2016, 10:18 AM

I read some where she is not even going with Donald to Washington D.C. (She is staying in New York) She might be the most invisible First Lady we've had in decades.

Good choice by her...

You'll have less master debater malannia material... you putz...


11-29-2016, 04:46 PM
White House Representative at Funeral.

Margaret Thatcher-0
Nancy Reagan-0
Fidel Castro- Ben Rhodes Deputy Advisor to Obama.

I'm Thankful for January 20th 2017. Can't come to soon.

11-29-2016, 07:01 PM
White House Representative at Funeral.

Margaret Thatcher-0
Nancy Reagan-0
Fidel Castro- Ben Rhodes Deputy Advisor to Obama.

I'm Thankful for January 20th 2017. Can't come to soon.

Thankful for us going "BACKWARDS", Yep that pretty well sums up how a Conservative thinks!!! Got a question for YOU Deve????? What do you think for your son's sake, if they start screwing around with Medicare??? As Paul Ryan wants to do!!! It won't effect you or I but it would affect him.

11-29-2016, 07:23 PM
Pull your head out Tucky, Medicare is in worse shape than Social Security. The cost curve vs the funding is upside down on Medicare and everyone keeps kicking the can down the road.

As bad as the debt is ($20 Trillion) the unfunded liability (Social Security, Medicare, Federal and Veteran benefits and retirement) is 6 times higher.

As far as my son's sake I have enough set aside in a family trust and other assets that they will not suffer in the least without Social Security or Medicare if it comes to that.

11-30-2016, 07:35 AM
..........tp..............dont waste youre time trying to talk to the etard.................

Lady Quagga
11-30-2016, 08:55 AM
Who drank all the Wild Turkey?

11-30-2016, 09:16 AM

Chicken Licken is lickin chicken...


No one seems to be able to answer the original q...

Can any boneheads answer the question?

Which is why we have the electoral college?

In the form...

We have it so the electorals have a place to learn, advanced learning... like for 12 years... you know... college and stufffu...

Finger that out...

The nuke ems are falling the nuke ems are falling and pucker tucker thought to himself:

"I better go tell the Donald duck, in case our new King thought he was just trying to nuke some leftover spaghetti and accidentally blew up China instead... it's a good thing I'm around to think..."

And off peetucker went to warn the world that the sky was falling...


11-30-2016, 10:39 AM
Pull your head out Tucky, Medicare is in worse shape than Social Security. The cost curve vs the funding is upside down on Medicare and everyone keeps kicking the can down the road.

As bad as the debt is ($20 Trillion) the unfunded liability (Social Security, Medicare, Federal and Veteran benefits and retirement) is 6 times higher.

As far as my son's sake I have enough set aside in a family trust and other assets that they will not suffer in the least without Social Security or Medicare if it comes to that.

They say, "Ignorance is Bliss!!!" Every time I read something about Trumps Proposals, it seems to effect more the very people "Who voted for him!!!" In cutting back on Obama Care the hardest hit will be Rural poor people!!!!

I threw out his and Ryan's Medicare proposal to you and how it will effect your son. Your response is the family nest egg will take care of him if necessary. Let's talk about the family nest egg for a minute. Most peoples portfolios are diversified so their invested in several things. Since Trump has been elected President the Bond market has lost 1 trillion dollars world wide. (that's not good) Another one of Trump's big proposals is to repeal Dodd Frank (stock market) which is designed to protect the investor. (if the stock market fails it will take a lot of other investments down with it) The way things could be going, Trump will break your family's nest egg!!!!

Why don't you take TO'S advice and stop responding to my posts. "BECAUSE IT JUST KEEPS MAKING YOU LOOK BAD!!!!!!!" lol lol lol

11-30-2016, 11:14 AM

They say, Ignorance is bliss!!!"

Why don't you take TO advice and stop responding to my posts. "IT JUST KEEPS MAKING YOU LOOK BAD!!!!!!!" lol lol lol

ohhh so that's the reason

it makes you look bad...

that's understandable...


11-30-2016, 03:25 PM
I read some where she is not even going with Donald to Washington D.C. (She is staying in New York) She might be the most invisible First Lady we've had in decades.

She will be going to D.C. when their son Barron finishes his current school semester.

12-06-2016, 12:51 PM
She will be going to D.C. when their son Barron finishes his current school semester.

You must be thrilled. You'll get to see much more of that flag you're so proud of.

12-06-2016, 02:39 PM

You must be thrilled. You'll get to see much more of that flag you're so proud of.
That flag was around long before the democrat created kkk came into existence. Nice try though Brenty.

12-06-2016, 02:56 PM



COUNTERTERRORISM (https://homeland.house.gov/all?tax_filter=topic&term_filter=counterterrorism&topic=counterterrorism)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The December Terror Threat Snapshot (https://homeland.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/December-Terror-Threat-Snapshot.pdf) was released today by Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX). The “snapshot” is a monthly Committee assessment of the growing threat America, the West, and the world face from ISIS and other Islamist terrorists.

Chairman McCaul: “The attack last week at Ohio State University is further proof that our homeland remains in the crosshairs of Islamist terrorists. Groups like ISIS are radicalizing new operatives from within our borders, and just this week their new spokesman called for more inspired attacks by supporters ‘all over the world.’ Make no mistake: we face a deadlier threat than ever before not only because our enemies have gotten savvier, but because we took the pressure off them. For eight years, the Obama Administration reluctantly played global whack-a-mole with terrorists rather than leaning into the fight with decisive leadership. Because of this, the Trump Administration will inherit a generational struggle that has only gotten longer. But rest assured, we will work closely with them to turn the table on these fanatics.”

Key takeaways in this month’s Terror Threat Snapshot:

Since 9/11, the nation has seen 227 homegrown jihadist cases with a recent surge of 115 cases in 2015 and 2016 alone. ISIS’ shift in messaging—from joining the jihad in Syria and Iraq to carrying out attacks in fighters’ home countries—is likely to accelerate this trend.
Throughout the year, ISIS conducted 62 attacks, wounding 732 and killing 215 in places like the United States, France, and Belgium. The threat to Europe and the United States will persist in 2017, particularly as jihadists flee from Mosul and Raqqa.
The Iran nuclear deal—coupled with instability in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen—has reenergized Tehran’s hardliners and placed the regime in a stronger position to achieve regional hegemony. Iranian aggression, particularly in the Persian Gulf, has become routine and remains largely unopposed. If left unchecked, Tehran will continue to threaten United States’ interests at home and abroad.
The Obama Administration transferred 48 prisoners from Guantanamo Bay in 2016. The Director of National Intelligence assesses that at least 30 percent of all former Guantanamo Bay prisoners are known or suspected to have returned to terrorism following their release. As of early December 2016, 59 prisoners remain in detention.


12-06-2016, 03:40 PM


this map might be more to your liking...

it does designate a different topic

than the presidential election

but that shouldn't matter to your mindlessness

git your crayons, git rid of mo terrorists, make it mo betta...

since your current pres. and former sec of state couldn't do it...


Lady Quagga
12-07-2016, 03:18 AM
That flag was around long before the democrat created kkk came into existence. Nice try though Brenty.

I see Hawggy continues to be disingenuous about the Klan's origins....


12-07-2016, 03:44 AM

Pucker boy too, lives in the dead zone.

As it seems, do more than half the voters in America...

I am enjoying the twilight years of life... let the bombs fly!

Put your hand on the screen and you'll go down in history with me...

Save us Chris!


You must be a fan of the Clit n team. ..


12-07-2016, 10:47 AM
That flag was around long before the democrat created kkk came into existence. Nice try though Brenty.

Keep living the dream Hog Boy.

12-21-2016, 07:28 PM

gotta love this...


12-27-2016, 11:28 AM
That flag was around long before the democrat created kkk came into existence. Nice try though Brenty.

That changes nothing. You're still as racist as ever regardless of how long the flag has been around.
Keep making up your weak excuses and just own it. Oh, that's right. That's why they wear hoods, they won't own it either. Nice try little piggy.