View Full Version : Commander In Chief Forum

John Harper
09-07-2016, 05:59 PM
The CIC Forum was almost all "softball" questions, not much detail. But, I liked the 30 minutes of each candidate separately. No chance of interrupting or petty bickering. I really wish someone would ask really detailed questions, most were just jello style. Nothing about global strategy, regional, South America (our new horizon IMO). I guess I can't expect much on today's media.

OMG. Aspiring President Trump looks like a complete geopolitical neophyte. He has not answered one question that was asked, just falls into his stale sloganeering. He shows no knowledge of anything except boasting of his powerful plans, huge plans, great plans, tell the generals his plan is "maybe better" in some cases, "take the Iraqi oil" was a classic, etc. All government agencies are corrupt, blah, blah, blah. All sizzle, no steak. It seemed like he was always attacking Obama, not Klinton. Bad political strategy IMO.

Someone who wants my vote better show me they have some command of what's going on in the world (past and present) and some sign of reasoned thought about (practical) solutions. He did not sell me. I want a smart and wise President. He's neither.

A master of deflection for sure. I think he's trying to throw the election now. I think even a casual observer would say he looked unprepared, at best. I thought he had advisers, he seems to have not sought, nor gained, any wisdom at all.

Hillary looked very aggressive (does that scare you?) and serious, very strong, hungry to lead (Katniss Klinton?). Showing at least a personal response to audience questions and comprehensive knowledge of all issues raised. I'm sure misogynists hate that. It's too late to keep whining about IT issues (she wasn't CTO/CIO of the State Department,who should have not let any of this happen IMO), we have two choices now.

A very stark contrast in what I saw. Your opinions are welcome. Just show some class.

Femme Fatale, or Fellini's Fool?


09-07-2016, 11:37 PM
The CIC Forum was almost all "softball" questions, not much detail. But, I liked the 30 minutes of each candidate separately. No chance of interrupting or petty bickering. I really wish someone would ask really detailed questions, most were just jello style. Nothing about global strategy, regional, South America (our new horizon IMO). I guess I can't expect much on today's media.

OMG. Aspiring President Trump looks like a complete geopolitical neophyte. He has not answered one question that was asked, just falls into his stale sloganeering. He shows no knowledge of anything except boasting of his powerful plans, huge plans, great plans, tell the generals his plan is "maybe better" in some cases, "take the Iraqi oil" was a classic, etc. All government agencies are corrupt, blah, blah, blah. All sizzle, no steak. It seemed like he was always attacking Obama, not Klinton. Bad political strategy IMO.

Someone who wants my vote better show me they have some command of what's going on in the world (past and present) and some sign of reasoned thought about (practical) solutions. He did not sell me. I want a smart and wise President. He's neither.

A master of deflection for sure. I think he's trying to throw the election now. I think even a casual observer would say he looked unprepared, at best. I thought he had advisers, he seems to have not sought, nor gained, any wisdom at all.

Hillary looked very aggressive (does that scare you?) and serious, very strong, hungry to lead (Katniss Klinton?). Showing at least a personal response to audience questions and comprehensive knowledge of all issues raised. I'm sure misogynists hate that. It's too late to keep whining about IT issues (she wasn't CTO/CIO of the State Department,who should have not let any of this happen IMO), we have two choices now.

A very stark contrast in what I saw. Your opinions are welcome. Just show some class.

Femme Fatale, or Fellini's Fool?


Your bias shows no matter what you post.
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Classified documents have headers.
Classified documents have headers.
Classified documents have headers.
How do you wipe a server clean, with a towel or something ?
How do you wipe a server clean, with a towel or something ?
How do you wipe a server clean, with a towel or something ?
How do you wipe a server clean, with a towel or something ?
How do you wipe a server clean, with a towel or something ?
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Preservation order issued for all servers and documents.
Preservation order issued for all servers and documents.
Preservation order issued for all servers and documents.
Preservation order issued for all servers and documents.
Preservation order issued for all servers and documents.
I thought maybe you would understand better if I repeated each point, but it does not matter to you self loathing types that hate what you see in the mirror each morning.
Hilliar is a criminal, if you had done the same thing you would be locked under the prison no doubt, but for some reason it does not matter to you self loathing types because you hate your own image, you hate those that look and act just like you, which explains your dislike for Trump, he is your mirror image, but somehow you want to lay claim to being the only obtuse person in the world. Trumps qualities are what made this country great, without his type this country would never have survived. So keep your head buried, click your heels together in those red pumps, and enjoy your access to the womens restroom while you can, while the rest of us get ready for the impending doom that will resort when the lying, criminal, smelly old hag is elected God forbid. No reply is necessary or welcomed because you appear to be severely biased and brain dead no doubt.

09-08-2016, 12:18 AM

Your bias shows no matter what you post.
I don't recall.
I don't recall.
I don't recall.
I don't recall.
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I don't recall.
I had one device.
I had one device.
I had one device.
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I had one device.
I had one device.
I had one device.
I had one device.
The "c" meant call back.
The "c" meant call back.
The "c" meant call back.
The "c" meant call back.
The "c" meant call back.
Classified documents have headers.
Classified documents have headers.
Classified documents have headers.
Classified documents have headers.
Classified documents have headers.
Classified documents have headers.
How do you wipe a server clean, with a towel or something ?
How do you wipe a server clean, with a towel or something ?
How do you wipe a server clean, with a towel or something ?
How do you wipe a server clean, with a towel or something ?
How do you wipe a server clean, with a towel or something ?
Preservation order issued for all servers and documents.
Preservation order issued for all servers and documents.
Preservation order issued for all servers and documents.
Preservation order issued for all servers and documents.
Preservation order issued for all servers and documents.
Preservation order issued for all servers and documents.
I thought maybe you would understand better if I repeated each point, but it does not matter to you self loathing types that hate what you see in the mirror each morning.
Hilliar is a criminal, if you had done the same thing you would be locked under the prison no doubt, but for some reason it does not matter to you self loathing types because you hate your own image, you hate those that look and act just like you, which explains your dislike for Trump, he is your mirror image, but somehow you want to lay claim to being the only obtuse person in the world. Trumps qualities are what made this country great, without his type this country would never have survived. So keep your head buried, click your heels together in those red pumps, and enjoy your access to the womens restroom while you can, while the rest of us get ready for the impending doom that will resort when the lying, criminal, smelly old hag is elected God forbid. No reply is necessary or welcomed because you appear to be severely biased and brain dead no doubt.

thx theos, at least i only have a meth problem...

this guy must love/dream katniss kliton his little brown nose...no need for class with the pretentious likes of him, me thinks.


09-08-2016, 01:11 AM
The saddest part to prove who is correct, "Trump would have to be elected President!!!" The only problem with that is, "how scary that actually might turn out to be!!!" With Hilary, I'm not too worried the world I know wouldn't be in any danger!!!! With Trump, "anything is possible!!!" If you don't believe that, just listen to what he say's!!! Today's headline right from the horses mouth, "in Iraq would we should have kept the oil!!!!"

09-08-2016, 02:11 AM

The saddest part to prove who is correct, "Trump would have to be elected President!!!" The only problem with that is, "how scary that actually might turn out to be!!!" With Hilary, I'm not too worried the world I know wouldn't be in any danger!!!! With Trump, "anything is possible!!!" If you don't believe that, just listen to what he say's!!! Today's headline right from the horses mouth, "in Iraq would we should have kept the oil!!!!"

what country would have done more "good" with it, regardless of who the leader is, should be, or will be? (in either of the two countries you might happen to choose...)

who runs iraq anyways? and, how's he doing at that job?


John Harper
09-08-2016, 06:23 AM

thx theos, at least i only have a meth problem...

this guy must love/dream katniss kliton his little brown nose...no need for class with the pretentious likes of him, me thinks.


You show real class, mister, real class. You can return to the basement now.


John Harper
09-08-2016, 06:25 AM

what country would have done more "good" with it, regardless of who the leader is, should be, or will be? (in either of the two countries you might happen to choose...)

who runs iraq anyways? and, how's he doing at that job?


I guess hoping for some intelligent, reasoned responses is too much to hope for.

Thanks for trying.


John Harper
09-08-2016, 06:29 AM
Your bias shows no matter what you post.

I voted for Hillary back in 2008, before I voted twice for Obama. I've been completely consistent. Just because someone has a different point of view, does not make them biased.

Biased is not reporting events fairly. I'm not a reporter, I'm a voter. I have no bias against Trump, I just know the base requirements if feel are needed to do the job, especially in the temperament department. He just doesn't have the right temperament for me to trust as a leader. Is there a problem having an opinion that differs from yours?


09-08-2016, 07:29 AM

You pretentious prique... When I want to communicate with the likes of you, I'll crawl out of the basement, fly to heaven and find you... sweet angel...

I've been reading your crappe, and yip, it's crap. You got nothing over anyone in this forum no matter how much you puke down towards the basement. Your ideas, yippy, just ideas... really all your condecending spewage means nothing, blowhard.


keep trying...

but do it with some humility, will ya? Then maybe you'll get some reasonable responses, hell you may even change a few minds. If youre trying to sway favor to your Presidential Pique, youll never do it with that attitude. Get off your high horse...

Before you fall off and land on your ***!

Take this advice or not, I'm pretty sure no one cares which, or who, you choose...

You act like you don't want this flack? Then don't keep asking ... dipstick.

Now just wait a bit then go do your civic duty!


09-08-2016, 08:06 AM
Well "Sister Pantsuit" sure seems to have the full support of the US Navy Seals.


PROJECT WAR PATH will tell the stories of individuals who soulfully and voluntarily answered a calling to put themselves through one of the most rigorous and punishing military training environments in the world. These driven individuals, who are all combat veterans of the SEAL Teams, tell the stories of the path that led them from where they grew up to what drove them to find themselves on the Grinder at the Naval Special Warfare training Center in Coronado, California.

Right now we are sending a message out about the tragedy in Benghazi 9/11/2012 where two of my Frogmen brothers lost their lives because of the poor decision making of Hillary Clinton. And we are raising money for the Navy SEAL Museum in Fort Pierce, Florida on behalf of the Woods family.

© 2016 Project War Path, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

09-08-2016, 08:58 AM
The saddest part to prove who is correct, "Trump would have to be elected President!!!" The only problem with that is, "how scary that actually might turn out to be!!!" With Hilary, I'm not too worried the world I know wouldn't be in any danger!!!! With Trump, "anything is possible!!!" If you don't believe that, just listen to what he say's!!! Today's headline right from the horses mouth, "in Iraq would we should have kept the oil!!!!"

The last time I checked the oil would have been called the spoils of war, just like during every other war. Hitler ran out of oil, Japan's first acts of war were to capture natural resources like rubber and oil. You and the rest act as though career military officers and "responsible" politicians are just gonna allow anything to jump off. Next you will give the "can you imagine if he had the nuclear codes" line, that sounds good to ignorant people, but those in the know understand that no one person can start any type of war in this country, in other words they all voted to go to war in IRAQ. Both parties, and Trump gave them contributions, both parties. Now lets see, would you rather have someone that tells the truth about the contributions, the pay to play, the lies ? Or would you rather have a cold calculating liar that will say anything to get elected, someone that has been part of the problem as an elected official with the highest security clearances, yet squandered them because of greed and just plain arrogance. Someone that potentially got our service members and diplomat killed then covered it up, lied to us but told the truth to her daughter who does not have a security clearance, clowned the mother of said service member by calling her crazy. Or maybe you'll choose her because her top aide's husband just got exposed for sexting next to his child with a boner, and it just so happens Huma is part of an investigation oops my bad a "security review". With all due respect, you have got to be insane to vote for Hillary Clinton, the patterns of corruption have been put out there for everyone to see, and it's going to get worse, during other points in our history what she has done borders on treason. Persons have been executed for less.

09-08-2016, 09:03 AM
I really enjoyed Trump's "Take the oil" campaign.

Oh, we should’ve just went in and taken the oil from them and gotten the eff out, then we wouldn’t have had any of these problems with terrorists.

I guarantee you this has been said by more than one hammered jackass at your local dive bar.

And, correct me if I'm wrong, last time I checked, isn’t pillaging the natural resources from a country you’ve invaded a war crime?

And then when pressed on what his plan would be to 'take their oil,' we get this gem: "I have a plan. But I wanna be—I don’t want to... Look. I have a very substantial chance of winning. Make America great again. We’re going to make America great again. If I win, I don’t want to broadcast to the enemy exactly what my plan is."

Another gem: “People don’t know this about Iraq, but they have among the largest oil reserves in the world.”

I thought every 6th grader who pays attention in geography class knows this. I mean his supporters probably don’t but pretty much everyone else on Earth does, right?

Then we get this exchange:

“What are you going to do to improve relationships with Russia in your first 120 days in office?”

His answer? "I think I would have a very, very good relationship with Putin. And I think I would have a very, very good relationship with Russia."

Great plan!

Can't wait for the debates.

09-08-2016, 09:13 AM
I voted for Hillary back in 2008, before I voted twice for Obama. I've been completely consistent. Just because someone has a different point of view, does not make them biased.

Biased is not reporting events fairly. I'm not a reporter, I'm a voter. I have no bias against Trump, I just know the base requirements if feel are needed to do the job, especially in the temperament department. He just doesn't have the right temperament for me to trust as a leader. Is there a problem having an opinion that differs from yours?


Yes your bias shows, you vote party line not job performance, the "the base requirements" for any of these jobs is the truth repeat after me;

"the base requirements"
"the base requirements"
"the base requirements"

What "temperament" do liars have ? "Trust as a leader" ? Really ? Damn..Hilliar is all over the news today lying, again, making excuses, again, changing her story, again, but she's sorry, she will never do it again so it's OK...Do you fish ? Or are you here just to troll politics ?

09-08-2016, 09:25 AM
Yeah, John Harper


09-08-2016, 09:32 AM
Anyone who likes to fish, hunt, boat or RV and votes for a democrat is just saying he/she/they are more than happy to give all that up to become politically correct and sensitive to fish animals and the environment The fact is they hate fishing, hunting, and gas guzzling boat truck and RVs. So if you want to have all that go away vote for hilary and jerry again.

09-08-2016, 09:38 AM
I really enjoyed Trump's "Take the oil" campaign.

Oh, we should’ve just went in and taken the oil from them and gotten the eff out, then we wouldn’t have had any of these problems with terrorists.

I guarantee you this has been said by more than one hammered jackass at your local dive bar.

And, correct me if I'm wrong, last time I checked, isn’t pillaging the natural resources from a country you’ve invaded a war crime?

And then when pressed on what his plan would be to 'take their oil,' we get this gem: "I have a plan. But I wanna be—I don’t want to... Look. I have a very substantial chance of winning. Make America great again. We’re going to make America great again. If I win, I don’t want to broadcast to the enemy exactly what my plan is."

Another gem: “People don’t know this about Iraq, but they have among the largest oil reserves in the world.”

I thought every 6th grader who pays attention in geography class knows this. I mean his supporters probably don’t but pretty much everyone else on Earth does, right?

Then we get this exchange:

“What are you going to do to improve relationships with Russia in your first 120 days in office?”

His answer? "I think I would have a very, very good relationship with Putin. And I think I would have a very, very good relationship with Russia."

Great plan!

Can't wait for the debates.

You sound ignorant of history let me enlighten you; The middle east is a hodgepodge of tribes, just like in the bible, before industrialization Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia did not exist in their current states. they are the result of wars and the quest for oil, their current configurations are the product of the league of nations after World War one and the UN after World War two. During World War one Turkey and Germany shared secrets and collaborated on the Armenian genocide, which took place in what is today northern IRAQ. In the 20's England took control of the area and gave them independence and IRAQ was born. The same after WW2, England controlled Palestine, the UN voted to make Israel a state and drew the borders. And no maintaining oil production would not have been consider looting or pillaging, an account could have been set up to support their people until stability took hold, just like it was done before.

09-08-2016, 09:49 AM
I cannot claim to have seen the whole thing, mostly Clinton so although I'd love to bash Trump I only can comment on Clinton. I was constantly reminded by the questions and answers given of what a lying piece of crap she is. I cannot believe anybody could have the response that one individual on here has had, brain washed in a major way is all I can think. For anyone to watch either of these individuals after all we have learned about them and have nothing but positive praise shows me that they are either brain washed or full of horse poo.

There is absolutely no way I can vote for either with good conscience, either I find an alternative or I will not be voting for President, I know the "you have to vote for somebody" crowd will probably attack me but this election has no major party candidate that deserves or is capable of representing what this country SHOULD be all about.

But on the positive front the debates are possibly going to be some of the best entertainment ever!

09-08-2016, 10:10 AM
You sound ignorant of history let me enlighten you

Enlighten us with the correct use of punctuation and not writing in run on sentences before calling someone 'ignorant.'

The middle east is a hodgepodge of tribes, just like in the bible, before industrialization Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia did not exist in their current states. they are the result of wars and the quest for oil, their current configurations are the product of the league of nations after World War one and the UN after World War two. During World War one Turkey and Germany shared secrets and collaborated on the Armenian genocide, which took place in what is today northern IRAQ. In the 20's England took control of the area and gave them independence and IRAQ was born. The same after WW2, England controlled Palestine, the UN voted to make Israel a state and drew the borders.

Thanks for the history lesson, but what does your cursory review on how the Middle East was created have anything to do with Trump saying he wants to take their oil? Please enlighten us once more.

And no maintaining oil production would not have been consider looting or pillaging, an account could have been set up to support their people until stability took hold, just like it was done before.

Maintaining oil production? He never said that he wanted to maintain oil production. His exact words were, "take their oil." Feel free to gloss over the transcripts if you think I'm not quoting him correctly.

09-08-2016, 10:42 AM
The last time I checked the oil would have been called the spoils of war, just like during every other war. Hitler ran out of oil, Japan's first acts of war were to capture natural resources like rubber and oil. You and the rest act as though career military officers and "responsible" politicians are just gonna allow anything to jump off. Next you will give the "can you imagine if he had the nuclear codes" line, that sounds good to ignorant people, but those in the know understand that no one person can start any type of war in this country, in other words they all voted to go to war in IRAQ. Both parties, and Trump gave them contributions, both parties. Now lets see, would you rather have someone that tells the truth about the contributions, the pay to play, the lies ? Or would you rather have a cold calculating liar that will say anything to get elected, someone that has been part of the problem as an elected official with the highest security clearances, yet squandered them because of greed and just plain arrogance. Someone that potentially got our service members and diplomat killed then covered it up, lied to us but told the truth to her daughter who does not have a security clearance, clowned the mother of said service member by calling her crazy. Or maybe you'll choose her because her top aide's husband just got exposed for sexting next to his child with a boner, and it just so happens Huma is part of an investigation oops my bad a "security review". With all due respect, you have got to be insane to vote for Hillary Clinton, the patterns of corruption have been put out there for everyone to see, and it's going to get worse, during other points in our history what she has done borders on treason. Persons have been executed for less.

Let's focus on the word "INSANE". In all of my life, "I've never really heard a career politician talk like a crazy man in America." (North Korea yes) Yet Trump does!!!!! A few of his gems, I'm going to deport 11 million illegal aliens, I'm going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, Obama created ISIS, we should have taken the Iraq oil when we had the chance. Does this sound like a sane person to you????? Remember as Commander in Chief he has the sole authority to use nuclear weapons!!!!! At the height of the Cold War the biggest fear we had in dealing with an opponent with nuclear weapons was the "MAD MAN SCENARIO." The logic was a sane man would never use nuclear weapons against anyone but a "MAD MAN WOULD!!!!" (think the movie Red October) The premise was a "MAD MAN" scenario!!! Wouldn't Trump come off as a "MAD MAN" to our enemy's in the world???? Thus creating a more unstable world?????? Remember he can't get into office UNLESS you vote for him!!!!!!

If anyone thinks I'm here just to troll the GD section they are wrong!!! However, there does seem to be a fair amount of people on here, that need to hear a little logic when it comes to politics!!!!! The biggest thing most people complain about Hillary is her mistakes. Yes she did some things wrong. (they were not evil by nature) But she has a track record!!! Former first Lady, Senator and Secretary of State. What's Trump political record, "ZERO!!!" If you go back to the start of the 20th century till now. No candidate of the 2 major party's has any where close to the lack of political experience of Trump except IKE. Yet we all know what IKE did in World War 2. So go ahead and roll the dice and vote for Trump, you were WARNED!!!!!

It's amazing to me how people just hate the Democrats so much, they would even consider voting for anybody so poorly qualified as Trump!!! Only because he is not a Democrat.

09-08-2016, 11:14 AM
.the greatest part of last night was hilLIARy ,,,,saying nobody died in bengazi........two ex seals decorated heros and two of obozo's state dept pals...........

09-08-2016, 11:20 AM
Enlighten us with the correct use of punctuation and not writing in run on sentences before calling someone 'ignorant.'

Thanks for the history lesson, but what does your cursory review on how the Middle East was created have anything to do with Trump saying he wants to take their oil? Please enlighten us once more.

Maintaining oil production? He never said that he wanted to maintain oil production. His exact words were, "take their oil." Feel free to gloss over the transcripts if you think I'm not quoting him correctly.

How do you take the oil without maintaining production ? You have to get it from the ground.
Turkey was buying the ISIS oil for cheap, just like it was taking it along with Germany prior to WW1.
Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it.
Judging by some of your prior posts I never knew you were an English professor.
This may give you a clue how it was done back in the day via escrow account.


09-08-2016, 02:02 PM
How do you take the oil without maintaining production ? You have to get it from the ground.
Turkey was buying the ISIS oil for cheap, just like it was taking it along with Germany prior to WW1.
Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it.
Judging by some of your prior posts I never knew you were an English professor.
This may give you a clue how it was done back in the day via escrow account.


I tried to read all the link but good really sleepy!!!!! lol Ok I got the jist, but it "NO WAY" say's or justifying Trump going in there to take the oil as a spoil of war!!! So enlighten us please!!!!!! lol

09-08-2016, 02:17 PM
I tried to read all the link but good really sleepy!!!!! lol Ok I got the jist, but it "NO WAY" say's or justifying Trump going in there to take the oil as a spoil of war!!! So enlighten us please!!!!!! lol

Trump is not a king, he would not have been able to take the oil, only continue production and put the proceeds in escrow. This was done and is done all the time as part of sanctions, the money is kept in an account until the country complies. Thats why the illegal payments to Iran are such a big deal, they had money removed and in escrow because of sanctions. But they did not comply and they still got the money back. I did not say Trump would take the oil as a spoil of war, I said that seizing oil fields and other resources was once considered part of the spoils of war. After killing the installed dictators you can't just leave the country to fend for itself. There has to be some sort reorganization, it happened for Germany, Japan and South Korea, but we did not leave before it was time and we had smarter leaders then that understood. Our current crop of narcissist don't have a clue.

09-08-2016, 02:17 PM
How do you take the oil without maintaining production ? You have to get it from the ground.
Turkey was buying the ISIS oil for cheap, just like it was taking it along with Germany prior to WW1.
Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it.
Judging by some of your prior posts I never knew you were an English professor.
This may give you a clue how it was done back in the day via escrow account.


I guess you're misunderstanding my question to you.

Maintaining oil production and investing the profits of the production back into the country and their citizens is one thing.

Maintaining oil production and then taking it for yourself is another. See the difference?

No where did Trump say that he wants to give the oil back to the Iraqis. He said that we should 'take it.'

So what is your opinion on what he actually said, not what you think he said? Is it ok to invade a country and 'take' their natural resources? And, please, don't use the ole 'maintaining production' shtick as it was pretty clear that he did not say that nor mention it, nor allude to it and you bringing it up was a nice attempt at a Straw Man.

09-08-2016, 04:14 PM
Trump is not a king, he would not have been able to take the oil, only continue production and put the proceeds in escrow. This was done and is done all the time as part of sanctions, the money is kept in an account until the country complies. Thats why the illegal payments to Iran are such a big deal, they had money removed and in escrow because of sanctions. But they did not comply and they still got the money back. I did not say Trump would take the oil as a spoil of war, I said that seizing oil fields and other resources was once considered part of the spoils of war. After killing the installed dictators you can't just leave the country to fend for itself. There has to be some sort reorganization, it happened for Germany, Japan and South Korea, but we did not leave before it was time and we had smarter leaders then that understood. Our current crop of narcissist don't have a clue.
Speaking on not having a clue. As Commander in Chief, Trump could act like a KING with the nuclear weapons of the United States. He could lock himself in a room with the football (the briefcase with all of the nuclear codes) and launch a nuclear strike at anybody he wants!!!!!!

Are you getting scared yet?????????

I am just thinking of that possibility!!!!!!! That's what makes him so DESTABILIZING to our enemy's. You take another NUT like the leader of North Korea and see what happens if he get's in a pissing contest with Trump. Can you imagine the worst case scenario's?????? I can!!!!!!

As I said before, "Go ahead and vote for Trump!!!!!" At least at Judgement time, I can say with a straight face, "I didn't vote for Trump!!!!"

09-08-2016, 10:13 PM
Speaking on not having a clue. As Commander in Chief, Trump could act like a KING with the nuclear weapons of the United States. He could lock himself in a room with the football (the briefcase with all of the nuclear codes) and launch a nuclear strike at anybody he wants!!!!!!

Are you getting scared yet?????????

I am just thinking of that possibility!!!!!!! That's what makes him so DESTABILIZING to our enemy's. You take another NUT like the leader of North Korea and see what happens if he get's in a pissing contest with Trump. Can you imagine the worst case scenario's?????? I can!!!!!!

As I said before, "Go ahead and vote for Trump!!!!!" At least at Judgement time, I can say with a straight face, "I didn't vote for Trump!!!!"

With all due respect no he can't.



Nice try though, it fits the cankled one's talking points to a T....

09-08-2016, 10:19 PM
I guess you're misunderstanding my question to you.

Maintaining oil production and investing the profits of the production back into the country and their citizens is one thing.

Maintaining oil production and then taking it for yourself is another. See the difference?

No where did Trump say that he wants to give the oil back to the Iraqis. He said that we should 'take it.'

So what is your opinion on what he actually said, not what you think he said? Is it ok to invade a country and 'take' their natural resources? And, please, don't use the ole 'maintaining production' shtick as it was pretty clear that he did not say that nor mention it, nor allude to it and you bringing it up was a nice attempt at a Straw Man.

Trump can say what he likes, just like odummy but his power only goes so far, the resources are not taken literally they are put into escrow in case they get a grip later and want their money back. This has been done after wars through out history. I believe the conquering general is in charge of the assets, it happened to IRAQ, Japan, Germany and every clear loser of the wars we fought.

09-08-2016, 10:43 PM
With all due respect no he can't.



Nice try though, it fits the cankled one's talking points to a T....

I read both of your links and where in either one of them, did it say someone else can veto the Commander in Chief order to launch a nuclear strike?????

09-08-2016, 11:01 PM
I read both of your links and where in either one of them, did it say someone else can veto the Commander in Chief order to launch a nuclear strike?????

You skipped history class ?
You should know the the chain of command.
Never forget Alexander Haig...

09-08-2016, 11:20 PM
You skipped history class ?
You should know the the chain of command.
Never forget Alexander Haig...
Did you read your own link and understand what it said??????? The Secretary of Defense is there only to verify the President is the President. The link said, "The Secretary of Defense has no legal authority to veto the President decision."

Are you talking about Haig when President Reagan was shot and who was next in command for the Presidency. It that was the case, what does that have anything to do with the President and launching a nuclear strike at somebody???????

Are you kidding me about skipping History class????? I've got more education then most and I live next to my 90 year father. Who was a History professor by trade and a Full Bird Colonel in army intelligence. His mind is still sharp as a tack and could win any Jeopardy showdown on the history of the world. I take him out to breakfast everyday and get a 2 hour lesson on the history of mankind!!!!

09-08-2016, 11:38 PM
Did you read your own link and understand what it said??????? The Secretary of Defense is there only to verify the President is the President. The link said, "The Secretary of Defense has no legal authority to veto the President decision.'

Are you talking about Haig when President Reagan was shot and who was next in command for the Presidency. It that was the case, what does that have anything to do with the President and launching a nuclear strike at somebody???????

Your horse is dead, no one person can do a nuclear strike, period...get off the talking points. Better still get back on them, if Trump can so can Hilliar. Now would you rather have a old *** smelly depends wearing cow with the codes ? I'm sure you know a few women hopefully, would you want them/her with the football ?
Think panty shields with deodorant, smelly funky pissy old cow, tinkle tinkle with your so called codes.
Come on man, stop self loathing, I give you permission to be a white man, you can have an opinion without being called racist, I just want you folks to get out there and get my money so my black *** can stay paid.
No one person can order a nuclear strike, period...now I'm going to bed, bacon wrapped dogs have me fat and happy, get some rest and stop biting on the propaganda.

09-09-2016, 12:06 AM
With all due respect no he can't.



Nice try though, it fits the cankled one's talking points to a T....

I'll put this to rest after 1 more comment. Your own link say's the President has almost sole authority to launch a nuclear strike. (when your own link won't support your point) You're dead in the water!!!! That's why electing Trump is such a foolish idea!!!

09-09-2016, 12:14 AM

some people are worried about liar cliton taking their guns (maybe the bullets... it's easier to run a gun owner out of ammo than to take a gun from someone who doesn't want to give it up (think of the black market on bullets when we run out!)).

some are worried about trump the rump dropping nuclear bombs (maybe multiple warheads... it's easy, now, to see who's really paranoid).

really? he touts about "bombing the sheet outta them..." what do you think bush, ol' man cliton and dumbama did to a whole bunch of people?

i doubt the donald'll drop a nuclear weapon on anyone unless the bad guys happen to strike somewhere first... then it'd be a mandatory second strike... si o no?

incidentally, i'll take a rich, off the cuff, businessman who can learn...

over a scheming, lying, world diplomat whose top google search of "hillary's successes" came up with these:

7 of Hillary Clinton's biggest accomplishments (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwi_097D2IHPAhVHLB4KHTJvCJYQFggoMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hillaryclinton.com%2Fpost%2F seven-hillary-clintons-biggest-accomplishments%2F&usg=AFQjCNGu9hpHKO4TngFtDYG-hroBF4gfXw&sig2=yEXVahbO-YQvLJae9ZJohA)


i'll let someone else find her failures... oh wait someone did already... !

btw, which way is that teeter tottering anyways? lol


09-09-2016, 07:09 AM
I'll put this to rest after 1 more comment. Your own link say's the President has almost sole authority to launch a nuclear strike. (when your own link won't support your point) You're dead in the water!!!! That's why electing Trump is such a foolish idea!!!

Sole authority after he is backed up by the rest of the chain of command, sole authority to say yes or no, not sole authority if no one else agrees.

09-09-2016, 07:18 AM
I'll put this to rest after 1 more comment. Your own link say's the President has almost sole authority to launch a nuclear strike. (when your own link won't support your point) You're dead in the water!!!! That's why electing Trump is such a foolish idea!!!

The two man rule...


"While the President does have unilateral authority as commander-in-chief to order that nuclear weapons be used for any reason at any time, the actual procedures and technical systems in place for authorizing the execution of a launch order requires a secondary confirmation under a two-man rule, as the President's order is subject to secondary confirmation by the Secretary of Defense. If the Secretary of Defense does not concur, then the President may in his sole discretion fire the Secretary. The Secretary of Defense has legal authority to approve the order, but cannot veto it".

"In the event whereby the Secretary of Defense refuses to second the order and is removed from office, the Deputy Secretary of Defense would then assume the office of Acting Secretary of Defense in accordance with the Secretarial order of succession. An Acting Secretary would, likely, face the same test: to countersign the Presidential order or be relieved from office. This potential cycling of Acting Secretaries of Defense could be reminiscent of the so-called "Saturday Night Massacre" at the Department of Justice in 1973. (However, the Vice President and a majority of the heads of the Executive Departments could invoke section 4 of the Twenty-fifth amendment to the Constitution and have the President declared incapacitated. The Vice President would then become Acting President until the President submits a declaration to the Speaker of the House and the President pro tempore of the Senate that affirms his ability to discharge his duties".


09-09-2016, 09:43 AM
Sole authority after he is backed up by the rest of the chain of command, sole authority to say yes or no, not sole authority if no one else agrees.

Did you ever hear the story about Robert Bork!!!!!!! When Nixon ordered the Attorney General to fire the special prosecutor who was to investigate Watergate. (he found someone to do it) My point is, the Secretary of Defense can only SLOW down the President. (if he chooses too) Remember he was hand picked by the President!!!!!!! Do you really think Trump would hire disloyal subordinates???? Where were you when he came up with his famous catch phrase, "YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!"

This is WHY voting for Trump is as-sine!!!!!!

While we are on the subject, let's talk about his WAR CRIMINAL actions he will do as Commander in Chief.

1. Enhanced interrogation for Terrorists. (aka torture) Clearly against the Geneva convention.

2. Going after the family's of suspected Terrorists. Going after noncombatants!!!! Is he insane???? (Maybe)

3. Seizing the Oil of Iraqi to pay for the occupation!!!!! (clearly theft of a country's resources)

Remember I'm not making this stuff up!!!!! He clearly said, "All of these things."

Go ahead and VOTE for a crazy man with his finger on the nuclear trigger!!!! So far no one has convinced me he couldn't launch a nuclear strike at somebody on a wim!!!!!

09-09-2016, 09:46 AM
[QUOTE=Theos;782654]The two man rule...


"While the President does have unilateral authority as commander-in-chief to order that nuclear weapons be used for any reason at any time, the actual procedures and technical systems in place for authorizing the execution of a launch order requires a secondary confirmation under a two-man rule, as the President's order is subject to secondary confirmation by the Secretary of Defense. If the Secretary of Defense does not concur, then the President may in his sole discretion fire the Secretary. The Secretary of Defense has legal authority to approve the order, but cannot veto it".

"In the event whereby the Secretary of Defense refuses to second the order and is removed from office, the Deputy Secretary of Defense would then assume the office of Acting Secretary of Defense in accordance with the Secretarial order of succession. An Acting Secretary would, likely, face the same test: to countersign the Presidential order or be relieved from office. This potential cycling of Acting Secretaries of Defense could be reminiscent of the so-called "Saturday Night Massacre" at the Department of Justice in 1973. (However, the Vice President and a majority of the heads of the Executive Departments could invoke section 4 of the Twenty-fifth amendment to the Constitution and have the President declared incapacitated. The Vice President would then become Acting President until the President submits a declaration to the Speaker of the House and the President pro tempore of the Senate that affirms his ability to discharge his duties".


So your counting on Trump's "HAND PICKED CRONY" (Secretary of Defense) to save the world from Nuclear destruction!!!!!!!

Would you at least admit, "If Trump and his hand picked crony" (Secretary of Defense) wanted to nuke North Korea. Those 2 people alone could do it???????????????????