View Full Version : Looks as though the time has come!

Durdy Daug
08-31-2016, 06:53 AM
Yup, I'm ready to get out there and give it another go! Planning on fishing Senators Wash and Squaw lake for this holiday weekend. I have been advised of a different route to shave off possibly 1 hour of the drive time getting down to the Yuma area. I have yet to look into the weather forecast, but I really don't expect that to change my plans any, well except if there is wind in the forecast! I plan to write about the trip once I return, I asked a few friends and relatives, but got the usual replies... It's too hot, It's too far, you stay down there too long... So needless to say, I will be going it alone again, at least I don't have to be bothered by the - "I gotta go to the restroom" or the "lets go back now- , I'm bored, tired, hungry, TIRED..." Even if I do complain, I rarely listen to myself, and therefore won't interrupt the fishing game!

08-31-2016, 11:34 AM
Good luck! looking forward to the report!

08-31-2016, 03:54 PM
Nice to hear that you are committed to the trip. I find myself doing the same thing(going when it is too hot, stormy, stay out too long, go too early) but it is what I do for the challenge.

Durdy Daug
08-31-2016, 06:28 PM
Okay, I looked at the weather channel and the forecast is for 105 degrees, wind at 10 MPH. In about 8 weeks I will get to enjoy a nice camp fire, for right now it is simply too hot for that, I plan on camping out at night unless I end up staying on the lake, having never been to Squaw lake, I really don't know if I will be able to stay out all night, I have tried staying out all night on the river, but it did not turn out to well. At any rate I hope to find a place to target shoot my AR 15, and possibly sight in my AR 10 that I recently built. Looking forward to trying out my boat with the new Bimini top to keep out of the mid day heat, and with a little luck I may even be able to get a few cats and maybe a bass or two... Well I will definitely give a full report after this trip is in the books. Nice to find that there are a few that like to read about my crazy adventures. If I didn't actually live the experiences myself I would have a difficult time believing that someone would keep doing what I do with all the drama that I often experience, but I really do enjoy what I do and like meeting fellow fishing enthusiasts. Life without adventure would be rather boring. I really do need to be more careful in this heat, one of my last trips out to Havasu I really got into a bit of a jam with the heat and my bad habit of not eating, I had failed to eat for about 48 hours, and then eating 2 ice creams, then I was really in trouble... Heat exhaustion / Stroke... Thought that I was going to pass out, and was afraid that it would end up being hours before any drove by and discovered me... For the cold, I was up at Silverwood in December I think, I almost fell into the lake, not 1 time, but 2 times within 10 minutes. The tempature was a smoking 18 degrees! I was holding onto the ramp rail for dear life, and 2 guys from FNN started yelling at me "Hold On, were coming to help!" All I could think of was, "You better bet your A.. I'm going to hold on!" I can't swim, and I had 100 MPH rain gear and fishing boots on! No life vest! Well that was one of my more frightening trips...