View Full Version : Newport again

08-12-2016, 06:50 PM
2 Weeks ago the tide movement was OK but the fishing wasn't. The usual Halibut spot produced nothing and the bait barge was slow pickings. Went outside to the boiler rocks where the week before it was a fish every 3rd cast and the size was good too. This time it was a big fat ZERO as there were small waves and little current. It appears the fish like the huge waves and hide or are non existent when there is little water movement. Total fish for a 6 hour session was less than 25.


Last week the tide swing was really big so figured the fishing would be better than the week before. Launched at dawn and the water temp was 70.1 at grey light. Seen a lot of bait on the way to the harbor mouth. Got to the halibut spot and it produced some OK results with 2 small fish. Headed to the bait barge for a quick fix on Bass and saw the fish finder light up and the Bass stacked up. Dropped down a small lead head curly tail 3 inch plastic for no results. That color of the 3 inch grub I used has never failed me at the barge but for some reason this time they didn't want it. Tried the drop shot with a 3 inch glass minnow and same thing....not even a nibble. Couldn't figure out what was up with the fish then noticed the water temp on the fish finder showed it had shot down to 64.4 and fluctuated to only 64.9. Mystery solved. I had some weird cold up welling right near the bait barge right when the current started to really get going like a river. Saw the bait boat come in to unload bait at the barge. A ton of birds followed it in and were probably picking off the bait that got spilled over the side. The bait boat had left and the Turn Birds are still crashing into the water 30 minutes after the bait boat had gone. Figured I should check it out. Turns out that the other side of the harbor only 100 yards away had 69-71 degree water and it was wide open on Barracuda in the 10 inch to 24 inch size and every 5th fish was a Calico Bass from 6 inches to 13 inches. I worked my way out of the harbor and fan cast in all direction. The water temp jumped to 74.1 at the harbor entrance, almost 10 degrees difference from the cold up welling near the bait barge. The Calicos were high up in the water column as were the Barracuda. I noticed outside the harbor the Turn Birds were going nuts so headed over to see what was going on. Turns out there were big and small bait balls tightly packed and Bonito crashing in on the bait. It was wide open once again but this time on the Bonito. After countless catch and releases I decided to have fun and switched out the Jackal Squad minnow for a small popper. First casts gets blown up on. A fun time for sure when they start eating the popper. Unfortunately the area I was fishing was right to the south side of the harbor entrance and inconsiderate boaters in huge yachts would blast by me within 30 feet and almost flipped me over several times with their giant wake so I left for the boiler rocks at CDM to avoid a possible catastrophe. The waves were OK size and I got a few nice Calicos before calling it a day. Must have landed over 80 fish this day....all released. I crunched down the barbs once it went wide open for a better release. Some spit the hook but most were landed. Jackal Squad Minnow 115 was killing it and the hard bait of choice since it proved itself months ago.