View Full Version : 80 dead in France !

old pudd fisher
07-14-2016, 08:48 PM
WTF is going on with the world these days.

07-14-2016, 09:14 PM
Just in a statement from the pResident:

Truck driver work place violence.
Evil assault truck caused it.
Ban high capacity gas tanks.
Impose 10 MPH speed limit.
What difference does it make.
Nothing to see, move on.
Islam is religion of peace.

07-14-2016, 09:50 PM
Just in a statement from the pResident:

Truck driver work place violence.
Evil assault truck caused it.
Ban high capacity gas tanks.
Impose 10 MPH speed limit.
What difference does it make.
Nothing to see, move on.
Islam is religion of peace.

The sad part is what would pResident Trump say!!!! The sadder part is, "he would be serious about what he said!!!!!"

Stray Cat
07-14-2016, 11:32 PM
The sad part is what President Hilary Clinton is going to say...

07-15-2016, 09:11 AM
Sad part is people politicizing tragedy.

07-15-2016, 11:03 AM
DS what you are seeing in Paris, Nice, Belgium and Chattanooga, Orlando, San Bernardino and many other events on a near weekly basis is a direct result of politics. The politics of open borders, multiculturalism and political correctness is just rearing its ugly head. It’s just that Europe got a 20+ year head start on the USA.

My guess is that too many libs spent too much time at Disneyland on the “It’s a Small World” ride. And where was that ride to be found “Fantasyland”. The real world is much closer to the “Pirates of the Caribbean”.

Ten infants and children were killed and fifty more injured by that truck driver in Nice. If that as not the last straw to call it “Radical Islam Terrorism” and declare war on them what is. My guess is that the French will have grown a set of balls after this event and get aggressive while the pResident continues to say that Global Warming is our greatest threat.

All the candles, teddy bears, flowers and balloons will not not make this evil stop or go away.

07-15-2016, 11:44 AM
DS what you are seeing in Paris, Nice, Belgium and Chattanooga, Orlando, San Bernardino and many other events on a near weekly basis is a direct result of politics.


I think you're the type of person that could argue that the bowel movement I had this morning is a direct result of politics.

Then again, if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail...

Lady Quagga
07-15-2016, 11:59 AM

I think you're the type of person that could argue that the bowel movement I had this morning is a direct result of politics.

I can say that a roofer's personal politics come heavily into play when choosing jobs.

07-15-2016, 02:10 PM
I can say that a roofer's personal politics come heavily into play when choosing jobs.

Like when?

Lady Quagga
07-15-2016, 02:30 PM
Like when?

Three months ago I was offered a job up in the hills. A beautiful house with tons of property. It was a simple re-shingling job, but I was told that if it was finished within a day, my price would be doubled. Then I realized whose house it was.

07-15-2016, 02:36 PM
Three months ago I was offered a job up in the hills. A beautiful house with tons of property. It was a simple re-shingling job, but I was told that if it was finished within a day, my price would be doubled. Then I realized whose house it was.

Whose house was it?

Lady Quagga
07-15-2016, 02:37 PM
Whose house was it?

Barrack Obama.

07-15-2016, 02:39 PM
Barrack Obama.

Barry "Babyface" Obama?

Lady Quagga
07-15-2016, 02:40 PM
Barry "Babyface" Obama?

The same! The money was right, but the risk was too big. I knew who he was, and based on that, I passed the job on to a friend of mine.

07-15-2016, 02:40 PM
The same! The money was right, but the risk was too big. I knew who he was, and based on that, I passed the job on to a friend of mine.

Based on personal politics.

So Dev is right.

Lady Quagga
07-15-2016, 02:42 PM
Based on personal politics.

So Dev is right.

Right. And that week, the Trump family put a hit on Babyface's house. My friend was shot and killed. He wasn't even finished shingling.

07-15-2016, 02:44 PM
Right. And that week, the Trump family put a hit on Babyface's house. My friend was shot and killed. He wasn't even finished shingling.

No way!!!!

Lady Quagga
07-15-2016, 02:53 PM
No way!!!!

I'm alive because I knew there were risks involved taking on that particular client. My friend wasn't so lucky.

You know, any contractor willing to work in France knew the risks. If they were killed, it was their own fault. A roofer listens to his heart, not his wallet.

07-15-2016, 03:28 PM
DS what you are seeing in Paris, Nice, Belgium and Chattanooga, Orlando, San Bernardino and many other events on a near weekly basis is a direct result of politics. The politics of open borders, multiculturalism and political correctness is just rearing its ugly head. It’s just that Europe got a 20+ year head start on the USA.

My guess is that too many libs spent too much time at Disneyland on the “It’s a Small World” ride. And where was that ride to be found “Fantasyland”. The real world is much closer to the “Pirates of the Caribbean”.

Ten infants and children were killed and fifty more injured by that truck driver in Nice. If that as not the last straw to call it “Radical Islam Terrorism” and declare war on them what is. My guess is that the French will have grown a set of balls after this event and get aggressive while the pResident continues to say that Global Warming is our greatest threat.

All the candles, teddy bears, flowers and balloons will not not make this evil stop or go away.
You know Dev, the Demorats put up the weakest candidate for President in my lifetime. 20 Republicans came forward to throw their hat in the ring for President and what was the result????? Donald Trump was their man!!!!!!!! When you talk about libs it's like eating a can of tuna for dinner. It's not steak or even chicken, But it taste ok and it is Healthy for you. The other choice is the Republicans, there is very few nice things you can say about them. So I hope everybody learns to like Tuna!!!!! lol

07-15-2016, 04:39 PM
20 Republicans came forward to throw their hat in the ring for President and what was the result????? Donald Trump was their man!!!!!!!!

Lying Ted? Little Marco? Sad Jeb, the Low Energy Guy? LOL.

I will forever enjoy how he managed to take down a gaggle of similarly regressive supposed political experts with a collection of schoolyard nicknames.

07-17-2016, 09:21 AM

Kinda out of the loop lately

07-18-2016, 11:42 AM
Sad part is people politicizing tragedy.

Amen Brother!

07-18-2016, 11:51 AM
Lying Ted? Little Marco? Sad Jeb, the Low Energy Guy? LOL.

I will forever enjoy how he managed to take down a gaggle of similarly regressive supposed political experts with a collection of schoolyard nicknames.

Republicans currently have ZERO credibility. Trump is the best they could do. I mean seriously, Donald Freaking Trump. That pretty much should stop anyone with one iota of sense from going any further on that topic.
What? Kim Kardashian wasn't available? At least her businesses are successful and haven't gone bankrupt or are blatant thieving operations called "Universities". When you spew crap for so long, some is is bound to blow back and get on you and a giant terd ends up "your guy". SMDH and LMAO.

07-18-2016, 03:48 PM
Republicans currently have ZERO credibility.

Makes you wonder the timing and if it affected the "Trump-ists" (aka, the vocal Republicans) on this board.

It's funny that a few years ago, the same rhetoric these message board members were spewing was EXACTLY on line with what the Trump ticket is spewing forth now.

But, interestingly enough, now that they have their perfect candidate that speaks their language, these same people won't publicly jump aboard the Trump campaign, even though I could sit here and present some quotes that they posted that could have been very well been voiced by the Trump campaign.

You'd think it'd be the year for these individuals to finally have enough chuzpah to come out and be proud of their conservative roots and root for their candidate who most represents the same thoughts they have been expressing for years, but suddenly they have no clue who their Republican candidate is, and when asked who they are going to vote for, are quick to change the rhetoric to how good the weather is.

Then of course, when the heat in the kitchen gets too hot, the same people are then quick to argue that the party they've been aligned with for years (and argued vehemently for) suddenly doesn't count represent them, because they are a 'new Republican,' and subsequently, their political thoughts are absent on any type of thread like this.

John Harper
07-18-2016, 04:07 PM
Makes you wonder the timing and if it affected the "Trump-ists" (aka, the vocal Republicans) on this board.

It's funny that a few years ago, the same rhetoric these message board members were spewing was EXACTLY on line with what the Trump ticket is spewing forth now.

But, interestingly enough, now that they have their perfect candidate that speaks their language, these same people won't publicly jump aboard the Trump campaign, even though I could sit here and present some quotes that they posted that could have been very well been voiced by the Trump campaign.

You'd think it'd be the year for these individuals to finally have enough chuzpah to come out and be proud of their conservative roots and root for their candidate who most represents the same thoughts they have been expressing for years, but suddenly they have no clue who their Republican candidate is, and when asked who they are going to vote for, are quick to change the rhetoric to how good the weather is.

Then of course, when the heat in the kitchen gets too hot, the same people are then quick to argue that the party they've been aligned with for years (and argued vehemently for) suddenly doesn't count represent them, because they are a 'new Republican,' and subsequently, their political thoughts are absent on any type of thread like this.

Pretty clear that the blind hatred of Obama, the cursed black man in the White House, drove a lot of their rage. They probably can't quite focus the same rage on an old white woman, not like that good old hatred of Negroes. After all, they're married to old white women.

As usual, they most likely "piss and moan" about everything, don't bother to vote, and never really learned to construct an educated, fact-based opinion on anything. Phony superstition, fear, hatred, bitter envy, willful ignorance, and (likely) self-loathing are their true lords. The new Six Commandments. Who has time for Ten?

Actually, the perfect Trump voter. They should be shouting their allegiance proudly!!!!


Lady Quagga
07-19-2016, 10:57 AM
You know John, I grew up with certain values; that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise, that you treat people with respect. That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to my kids. And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow. Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.

07-19-2016, 11:26 AM
You know Mollusk Mouth, I too grew up with certain values; that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise, that you treat people with respect. That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to my kids. And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow. Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.