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View Full Version : How Hot was It At Fishers Landing?

Durdy Daug
06-26-2016, 08:57 PM
Well to answer that question, I will first bore you with that which lead up to the trip as well as the trip itself!
It all started with my painting again at my friends house, then I replaced a garbage disposal for them. I got home on Wednesday @ 19:00, only to discover to my horror that I had a broken water pipe at my own house. I started digging- and then called all the family, friends, and co-workers. Dug up the front yard, went to home depot to get a new Wet Vacuum. I ended up buying 5 of every part I thought I could possibly use, canceled the fishing trip and went to work on the pipe. Finished up @23:55, went to sleep, but before I did that I called my brother - n - law and promised to pick him up at 07:00, We got on the road for out 260 mile journey @ 08:00 made 2 fuel stops and arrived at Fishers Landing just before 13:00 Thursday Temperature was reported to be 122 degrees. We went into the store and talked to "Lou" who told us that we should go into Yuma and get a room or 2. Lou told us about 2 other guys that had attempted dry camping in a tent just 2 days prior and were sick after 1 day and had to leave, me being me, I just laughed and told him that we were good to go. We ate lunch at the bar and set up camp, we were on the river @ 15:00. Went up River to a place called "Clear lake" so named because of the water clarity, I could see 7 feet to the bottom. I caught a few Red ear and a couple of bass. We left there at 20:00, I was wanting to try out my new "Go Light", well with the light and 2 Stanley hand held spot lights we were finally able to get part of the way back, we then ran onto a sand bar, tangled a fellow anglers 3 lines in the propeller. Made it back and went to the tent, started the generator and Air Conditioner, which I thought was really smart, at about 01:00 the generator ran out of fuel, so I had to go out and refill it. Friday at 06:00 we started out again, but this time we went to Martinez lake and I caught 1 Cat fish of about 5 pounds. I also wanted to try out my new ladder, so once we got stuck on a sand bar I got out of the boat and started to push the boat, well seeing as we were in less than 2 feet of water, and seeing how I had a swim ladder, I seen no good reason to wear a life jacket. I can't swim, but after all there is the ladder and the fact that the river was shallow. Well as you probably guessed, the river went from 1.9 feet of water to 7 feet of water in about 2 feet, I tried to climb the ladder only to discover that the ladder was not designed for a bass boat, I was too weak to pull myself into the boat, and so after holding on for dear life I finally remembered a post on this site about using the trim on the motor to lift yourself out of the water! Yup, you guessed right again, this did not work for me, so I had to climb up the motor to get into the boat! My investment of the "Mac's River Runner" saved the day and the night several times this trip alone. I had ran into a few sand bars, got fishing line, para cord, and a sump pump all caught up in my propeller, It felt like the boat was going to simply shake apart from the vibrations. I actually thought that I had bent the propeller.
I started out with 3 cans of sun screen, 5 cases of water, 50 bottles of Gatorade, and 20 cans of Monster coffee. Ran out of nearly everything by Friday night, so Saturday Morning we were packed and on the road by 08:00.
The food at Fishers Landing Bar was really good, they serve really huge portions, and I really don't like to eat while out fishing, (truth be known, I don't really eat much at all anytime for the past 18 months, even lost 40 pounds that I could not afford to lose.
Today I was watching fishing on the TV, they were catching what looked to be "Spring time " yellow tail out at Cedros island. This brought back many happy memories of fishing the ocean, so now I'm struggling with fresh and salt water fishing - being somewhat healthy or going for broke!
Just another chapter in the life of "The Durdy Daug"!
Well Hope to be able to send out another report in a couple of weeks, but the boat is going to be in the shop for a couple of weeks, but I do at least have a second boat! Soo We will just have to wait and see!

06-27-2016, 03:04 PM
I just got in from Senators Wash which is just a couple of miles down river from Martinez. Today (Monday) the temp is down to 111 degrees, but it is a dry heat, so not to bad. The bite has been good the last week. A mix of Green and Small mouth. FYI: I have lost a prop almost every time I went into the river at any speed at all, so I feel for your "challenges".

Stray Cat
06-30-2016, 05:01 PM
It doesn't take too long to figure out the river and when you do. You will be rewarded with great fishing and adventures. I've learned that going when it's that hot is not cool...

Durdy Daug
07-02-2016, 06:34 PM
Well, looks like I'm down for a couple of weeks. Boat is in the shop for the annual service, and to have a bimni top added! that should cool things down at least a little bit! Taking the wife on our 25th anniversary, and just to think I am only 1 and a half years late! Going up past Santa Barbara for a few days, time to listen to the surf at night! One of my favorite sounds! Just spent the last 10 hours cleaning out the garage. # trash cans full...

07-06-2016, 01:28 AM
Thanks for the report! I am glad you are still with us. The river from Mead to Yuma is too hot in the summer. River time is mid October through April. Been there done that!
Have a good time up north at the beach.