View Full Version : Best Boat out of Long Beach?

City Dad
06-07-2016, 11:16 AM
Promised to take City Girl and City Sushi on a really good trip this summer - they've had their fill of orange-tips surrounding them on the local twilights and 1/2 day trips we've done so far.

I'm thinking an overnight out of Long Beach.

Anyone have a favorite to recommend?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated,


06-07-2016, 01:53 PM
Thunderbird out of daveys locker.

06-07-2016, 02:04 PM
Promised to take City Girl and City Sushi on a really good trip this summer - they've had their fill of orange-tips surrounding them on the local twilights and 1/2 day trips we've done so far.

I'm thinking an overnight out of Long Beach.

Anyone have a favorite to recommend?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated,

There is only 4 choices for an overnighter and during the summer it get's down to 3. There is a wild card boat that I'll finish up with! Let me give you the pro's and cons of all of them as seen by this writer.

Freedom (San Pedro)


1. Nice big boat rides good in the water
2. Excellent skippers. Jeff Jessop and Tino
3. Free parking


1. Takes the most passengers (45)
2. Very little sitting places
3. 4 high bunks 1 or 2 isn't bad 3-4 you might kill yourself getting in and out of the bunk
4. Price is the highest

El Dorado (Long Beach sport fishing)


1. Captain is just ok, but is a real nice guy. (TJ)
2. Decent seating
3. Bunks are ok
4. Free parking
5. Passenger load (35)
6. Price is fair if you buy it on line. (big savings)


1. Only one big one. He moves to San Diego for the summer season.

Toronado (Pierpoint landing Long Beach)


1. Decent skipper Ray Lagma
2. Nice boat with good seating and rides good in the water
3. Decent bunks
4. Maximum load 32 passengers
5. Best price in town (tell them 976-tuna sent you and you get a discount)


1. He rarely get's high boat honors for fish count that day. T-bird and Freedom usually get that honor.
2. Parking 2 dollars and you have to walk a small distance.

Thunderbird (Davey's locker Newport Beach)


1. Jeff is the best skipper hands down
2. People like the way the deck hands clean the fish
3. Bunks and seating are fair


1. Jeff only runs the boat a little more then half the time. Andrew the second ticket is having a better year then last year.
2. The price during the summer goes way up
3. Parking is a joke (they make you pay a lot to park at the pier parking lot)
4. Small boat rides just fair in the water and holds 30 people

There is other boats that do Island runs but they are not very note worthy. However, there is an in between run to Catalina on the Indian out of Redondo Beach that I like.

Indian (Redondo Beach)

Doesn't get much of a crowd even on Weekends
Price is good $80 for Adults and less for kids
Bunks are available
Food is good but a little pricey
Excellent seating in the galley
Skipper is super nice

Just check the fish counts before you go. Make sure he is catching 25 plus Yellowtail per trip on the Indian before you book!!!!

City Dad
06-07-2016, 03:38 PM
thanks for the replies, fellas.

will look into these.

06-08-2016, 01:22 AM

There is only 4 choices for an overnighter and during the summer it get's down to 3. There is a wild card boat that I'll finish up with! Let me give you the pro's and cons of all of them as seen by this writer.

Freedom (San Pedro)


1. Nice big boat rides good in the water
2. Excellent skippers. Jeff Jessop and Tino
3. Free parking


1. Takes the most passengers (45)
2. Very little sitting places
3. 4 high bunks 1 or 2 isn't bad 3-4 you might kill yourself getting in and out of the bunk
4. Price is the highest

El Dorado (Long Beach sport fishing)


1. Captain ok but a real nice guy. (TJ)
2. Decent seating
3. Bunks are ok
4. Free parking
5. Passenger load (35)
6. Price is fair if you buy it on line. (big savings)


1. Only one big one. He moves to San Diego for the summer season.

Toronado (Pierpoint landing Long Beach)


1. Decent skipper Ray Lagma
2. Nice boat with good seating and rides good in the water
3. Decent bunks
4. Maximum load 32 passengers
5. Best price in town (tell them 976-tuna sent you and you get a discount)


1. He rarely get's high boat honors for fish count that day. T-bird and Freedom usually get that honor.
2. Parking 2 dollars and you have to walk a small distance.

Thunderbird (Davey's locker Newport Beach)


1. Jeff is the best skipper hands down
2. People like the way the deck hands clean the fish
3. Bunks and seating are fair


1. Jeff only runs the boat a little more then half the time. Andrew the second ticket is having a better year then last year.
2. The price during the summer goes way up
3. Parking is a joke (they make you pay a lot to park at the pier parking lot)
4. Small boat rides just fair in the water and holds 30 people

There is other boats that do Island runs but they are not very note worthy. However, there is an in between run to Catalina on the Indian out of Redondo Beach that I like.

Indian (Redondo Beach)

Doesn't get much of a crowd even on Weekends
Price is good $80 for Adults and less for kids
Bunks are available
Food is good but a little pricey
Excellent seating in the galley
Skipper is super nice

Just check the fish counts before you go. Make sure he is catching 25 plus Yellowtail per trip on the Indian before you go!!!!

very interesting thread here...

i brought a couple of ideas from another section...

and added my own meth-induced comment...

i hope it's ok. (hah, you guys know i don't really care anyways :Evil: ...sorta).

. .

lol you guys are something special, no wonder it's dead here.

The crazy's aren't the real problem. (there actually harmless and only engage people who want to fight with them) The real problem is the paranoid fishermen who think you can't say VERY MUCH on a fishing web site. When a good person posts a great fish report and then is criticized by others. That person unless he is real hard core will be reluctant to post another fish report.

There is a good side about this place being a little on the dead side. The paranoids/Nazi's/haters are largely gone!!!! Why because they starved to death for lack of prey. Let me explain that, since there is hardly any fish reports to complain about the haters stopped checking this website. So you can write a fish report now and have a pretty good chance no one will complain about it. Unfortunately in my opinion if this website got really rock and rolling again about every lake. The paranoids would start to come back and start their crap again. So you really can't win!!!!! A perfect example is this post about Bass fishing in Laguna lake. If this would have been 4 years ago, the OP would have been heavily criticized for burning the lake!!!!! Bass fishing in a park lake was a taboo topic to many in the past on this website. But since the haters are largely gone or don't feel safe to start their crap, the OP made a nice fish report with no criticism!!!!!!!

The content of any of the posts, even the argumentative ones, isn't the problem when "dead here" is the issue (did I really just say that?! :Twisted::Evil: Twisted n Evil ).

When a person posts an informative report and is then criticized by others, that person might then be reluctant to post another report. But, that poster may also give out more detailed information of his/her fishing prowess/locations; so, attacking the poster can be a double-edged sword if the critic is not careful (lesson? don't let anyone bully you on this techno-space playground!).

In some cases, a post's content is just full of crappie (or just antagonistic) and needs to be called out.

The content of any post is actually harmless and can only hurt the people who choose to let it offend them.

The real problem is those who think you can't say what you want on a fishing web site (OR ANY OTHER PLACE...).

It is the accumulation of successful attempts to promote censorship that will truly make it "DEAD HERE" (OR ANYWHERE ELSE, for that matter...).

This site is... in reality... based on Entertainment (I think...).

Look at how many views the "bickering posts " vs. the "fishing information posts" receive and then tell me where it's really dead here... (AND! not that i promote the bickering; I do it, but for a whole other reason).

you want a more "ALIVE HERE" forum? then make it more interesting... post pics, give out info, help each other out... make your fishing posts entertaining... make us want to view it!

when someone gives out/asks for info and you know something that will add to a better fishing experience... share your knowledge! (did i really just say that too? what is this world coming to?!)

I show all fellow fishermen/fisherkids (who aren't catching) everything I know about how I catch fish. (again, i even set them up with my own terminal tackle when they aren't catching... )

Do they always catch? NO.

Many times they do though.

Do I always catch? NO.

Many times I do though.

It's more fun when everyone catches fish, than not... that's why I help when I can. Are they gonna catch my fish if I teach them a better technique? Hell yah... do I care? m-m-maybe... lol

Shoot, do you know how much better this site can be if we did this? what are we trying to hide here? the fun? REALLY??

In my world... when i want to learn about fishing stuff... I go to YouTube. Too many egos running around here... including mine... YUUUP!

I try to show a friend of mine all i know about how to catch: the what, where, when and why of fishing... she, sometimes, still can't catch... why? because it takes a lot of "right things" and luck to catch a fish. Do one or two wrongs and you will get "no luck"... sorry says mr. limpet... see ya!

it's sometimes hard to catch a fish, can i get a little help please?

Last edited by hookd; Early, real early... AM. Reason: If I'm full of schlitz, oh well...

I wrote this a bit ago and have been trying to decide if it was worthy enough to post; you know... will it help? or is it meth B.S.?

one last thing... select this "word" and hit ctrl-A, see what all my space-space-space has been about... I'm finished here. will visit from time to time, but that's about it for me...

scroll up to the top and find the secret to my fishing success... because it wasn't on this forum... i can tell ya that!

DF, thanks my fnn friend, you seem like a great person (and your posts make sense).
