View Full Version : Decided to Start a worm bin

04-28-2016, 12:25 AM
So today I my half pound of European night crawlers arrived hoping to get them to multiply for all my fishing needs and to feed my chickens some good protein anyone have experience in worm breeding ?

04-28-2016, 06:37 AM
So today I my half pound of European night crawlers arrived hoping to get them to multiply for all my fishing needs and to feed my chickens some good protein anyone have experience in worm breeding ?

Go with red worms instead. They breed more frequently, grow rapidly, and are more tolerable of our weather extremes. I used to have a bin but the nutrient water byproduct those works produce were not worth the effort not to mention the roaches that would sneak in occasionally to eat the food scraps. What I do now is just have a compost pile in the yard where the worms can roam free and have a larger breeding area. You never have to clean anything or harvest castings since everything goes back to the earth.

04-28-2016, 09:17 AM
What I do now is just have a compost pile in the yard where the worms can roam free and have a larger breeding area. You never have to clean anything or harvest castings since everything goes back to the earth.

Free range worms! Just like free range chickens. That's pretty cool.