View Full Version : Night fishing on the boat?

Durdy Daug
04-20-2016, 08:41 PM
Anyone know of any local lakes that allow boats to be on the water all night? The only ones that I have found were in Arizona... Long drive, and if the bite is off, a lot of money spent with little reward! Haven't been to the wood for a couple of months now, haven't been to Parris either,,, Bought the year pass thinking that I would fish the 2 every other weekend, but I have been tempted by the lure of the river, and fishing when ever I wanted, not having to come back in just because the sun was setting!

04-20-2016, 09:31 PM
central valley lakes, maybe naciemiento?

castaic does night fishing once so often in summer time.

04-21-2016, 09:29 AM
Big Bear Lake

04-21-2016, 12:20 PM
Anyone know of any local lakes that allow boats to be on the water all night? The only ones that I have found were in Arizona... Long drive, and if the bite is off, a lot of money spent with little reward! Haven't been to the wood for a couple of months now, haven't been to Parris either,,, Bought the year pass thinking that I would fish the 2 every other weekend, but I have been tempted by the lure of the river, and fishing when ever I wanted, not having to come back in just because the sun was setting!

Lake mead all night, cut bait work very well on striper bass and catfish..

Durdy Daug
04-21-2016, 07:21 PM
Where exactly is "Lake Mead" Nevada, or Arizona? I have licenses for both California and Arizona, I do not yet have a Nevada license. Not sure that I really want to buy one this year, but if the fishing is good and the distance is not too very long, I just may have to give it a try...

04-21-2016, 09:09 PM
lake mead is in nevada. near las vegas....closer to henderson

Durdy Daug
04-22-2016, 06:10 PM
Thanks for the Info, I also heard about Parker Dam, said the Striper and Cats were biting... Any idea about which would be a better bet?

04-22-2016, 06:30 PM
Have you taken to out on a guide trip yet? You seem to be chasing fish but just FYI, the local lakes are packed and easy!

04-22-2016, 10:20 PM
Have you taken to out on a guide trip yet? You seem to be chasing fish but just FYI, the local lakes are packed and easy!
I would agree with this statement. You're definitely puttin in the work, but it seems like you're throwing an awful lot of dough at equipment and fuel. The knowledge you'd gain by hiring a guide would pay for itself very quickly. Just my $0.02 :Thumbs Up:

Durdy Daug
04-23-2016, 05:57 PM
Thank you all, I did hire a guide @ Paris, we fished off my own boat, which for me is a must, because I fear that I cannot learn as well fishing off of another's boat. I have invested a great deal of money on my 2 boats, the electronics as well as swim baits and such. I like being on the water on my boat, and hooking up on the fish is a major bonus, but not the whole package, I also enjoy the solitude of camping and exploring the back waters and the not so busy areas of the lakes, probably the #1 reasons for the buying of the boats. I know that a lot of fishing is the paying of the dues, I paid a lot of dues fishing the ocean, but these days I basically need to stay within an hour of the shore... May not do another long range trip on the ocean, my longest was an 11 day trip on the "Royal Polaris" and several 10 day trips aboard the "Independence". My latest ideas of long range are 4 and 5 day trips, but I am never more than 1 hour from the shore and transportation into the nearest town. Kind of sucks to get old, and have to limit my independence...
But as long as I remain on this side of the grass, and not confined to a hospital bed, I will try to get out and fish as often as possible.
In my earlier years I did a lot of shore fishing, but no longer! I simply have to fish off a boat.

04-29-2016, 09:01 PM
Moonlight madness at Castic lake.
It's during full moon during the summer.

04-30-2016, 09:18 AM
This year my bass club had scheduled a night tournament at Silverwood on the 2016 Tournament Schedule, (which we've had done several times in the past at Lake Perris). At Perris we just had to pay the OT Rate for a staff member. We fished until midnight at Perris and had a ball.

This year we contacted Silverwood to make arrangements for the tournament and were informed Silverwood does not allow night tournaments! Doesn't surprise me, as the Silverwood staff always seems to be much stricter on the rules and regulations. Probably as a result of some of the abuse they get from the public.

04-30-2016, 09:28 AM
This year my bass club had scheduled a night tournament at Silverwood on the 2016 Tournament Schedule, (which we've had done several times in the past at Lake Perris). At Perris we just had to pay the OT Rate for a staff member. We fished until midnight at Perris and had a ball.

This year we contacted Silverwood to make arrangements for the tournament and were informed Silverwood does not allow night tournaments! Doesn't surprise me, as the Silverwood staff always seems to be much stricter on the rules and regulations. Probably as a result of some of the abuse they get from the public.

Don't think your take is an accurate reflection of the reason. The "staff" has nothing to do with this type of decision and it is more than likely something to do with the other players in Silverwood lake, feds., DWR etc...

Oh and your bass club scheduled a night event at the lake without even discussing it first? Wow that was certainly putting the cart before the horse.