View Full Version : Perris/Silverwood recent trips Wide Open

04-16-2016, 10:27 AM
Before I get to Perris here's a few recent trips from the past two weeks.

Long Beach:
I entered my 1st salt water calico tournament In my new CC 2 weeks ago out in LB and took home the win with 16.5lb bag. It was a tough day out
there due to weather. Big winds and big swells made it tough for everyone. 2nd place had 4 keepers with a bag of 5lbs so that's tells you how
tough the bite was. We had 5 good keepers, Big fish went 5.25 (chunk)


Same friend and I checked out the evening bite (both had nothing to do that evening) and we crushed them. This was his 1st time striper fishing so what a way to pop
his cherry. I didn't feel like taking out the boats so We fished the back side and fished for 2 1/2 hours. We got em on almost every cast. 7 double hook ups for a total
of 40 Stripers and 1 cat. A lot of 2-3 pounders and a few 4=6 pounders. What a fun night with nice weather!


Now on to Perris!

Been a while since I hit up Perris. We had plans to head out to PV in the CC but I had something pop early morning that day so we called it Perris

We got there pretty late (after 2p) We headed for my 1st spot, Anchored down and caught one on the 3rd cast, 5th cast
and then nothing for a good hour or so. We anchored down on another spot and it was Wide open. We went from 2bass to 15 in
no time. After that bite died down we went back to the same spot we started and caught another 9 bass for a total of 26 by 6p.
What a fun day, only fished 3 spots for a great time and all on Artificial hard baits. Crankin baby! My buddies biggest went 4lbs. My
biggest went 5.25 with a bag of 19.50lbs Only 2 bass were shorts, the rest just solid footballs. All stuffed and well fed!
Get out there and get some


04-16-2016, 01:06 PM
Congrats on the win.

I know nothing about saltwater but it looks like a Calico is basically a saltwater LMB. How do compare in fighting between the two?

Also on your Perris pics. Did you upload the right ones? There no green on shore anywhere there.

04-16-2016, 04:53 PM
Congrats on the win in the salt .... Those are some Quality LMB from Perris ... it is the time !

04-17-2016, 07:22 AM

Thanks for a great post. I've been waiting for Perris to "go off" to take the guy across the street and his two sons again. We went to Perris a couple of Sundays ago, (the same day as the ABA Tournament), and it was a tuff bite for us and most everyone else! His two boys are 7 & 9 and have never caught a bass. I want to get them hooked!

04-17-2016, 08:15 AM
Thanks Flying and Mist.
Yup Calicos are pretty much salwater large mouth bass. You'll find them in the same kind of environments, they hunt the same and their very aggressive.
Calicos fight much harder. I'd say a 2lb Calico fights about the same as a 4-5lb Large mouth. I've caught 4-5lb Smallies to and still can't compare it to a
fresh water Bass. Give them a try some time, You'll be hooked!

04-18-2016, 10:18 AM

Thanks for a great post. I've been waiting for Perris to "go off" to take the guy across the street and his two sons again. We went to Perris a couple of Sundays ago, (the same day as the ABA Tournament), and it was a tuff bite for us and most everyone else! His two boys are 7 & 9 and have never caught a bass. I want to get them hooked!

Now's the time!
It looks like consistent warm weather this week and you know what that means! Big maybe I'll be out there this week. Will see!
Let us know how it goes

04-18-2016, 10:42 PM
Congrats on the win.

I know nothing about saltwater but it looks like a Calico is basically a saltwater LMB. How do compare in fighting between the two?

Also on your Perris pics. Did you upload the right ones? There no green on shore anywhere there.

Flying, not sure when you were there last, but that is indeed Perris and Perris has plenty of "green" on its shores right now.


04-19-2016, 08:50 AM
Yeah my bad for not seeing that part of your message flying. That was by the old kayak ramp I think or near it. Caught em else where and went
to the opposite side of the lake for pictures. You know the drill! But yes that's good ol Perris

04-20-2016, 10:48 AM
I don't know how I missed seeing all that green. I've been tubing the dam for the last 5 weeks but still drive thru lot 12 to check things out. I think the barren image of Sailcove and the eastend consruction is burned in my head:Explode:

04-20-2016, 12:34 PM
Now wait a second Troutsniffer. I see your report about the wide open Perris bite and I cant help but not get excited...................(wait)...(pause)....(its gonna be a fight)..........(people are getting the popcorn ready).............(troutsniffer has his fists clinched)...............cause you always do good at Perris regardless of the season, time of year, or conditions....lol. You post some darn good catches from that place and always have and always will.

Interesting Silverwood report as well. You really hammered them, buddy. Lazy guys like me need not apply.

Piss on Myspace
04-22-2016, 10:16 PM
great post t/s...congrats on the BOAT and the win as well. Seems like you have the fish dialed in everywhere, fresh or salt. I've fished the wood at night but never with the results you had. Only caught a buzz and a few small striper. Mind spilling the beans on the bait, or were they just magical beans?? Backside, as in the damn side or the ranch? Either way, congrats buddy!