View Full Version : Self driving cars ?

old pudd fisher
03-31-2016, 05:26 PM
What do you think about that idea. It would scare the hell out of me to ride in one of those.

03-31-2016, 06:50 PM
What do you think about that idea. It would scare the hell out of me to ride in one of those.
It's not an idea, but a reality in about 15 years!!!! I started a thread this week about taking away peoples right to vote based upon a book review. The same author also talked about the impact of the driverless car. The economic impact on loss of jobs would be horrific!!!! Think of all the drivers that would be out of work. Truck drivers, delivery drivers, taxi drivers etc. There soon would be a real need to reduce population!!!!!

03-31-2016, 07:50 PM
As fast as the technology is advancing it will be sooner than 15 years. It will likely be not in use for rural one lane roads. However it will be a great thing for those that are now unable to drive due a handicap, disability or the very elderly. Accidents would likely be reduced due to tired and sleepy drivers on long road trips. And I will not have to have a designated driver anymore. :Envious:

As to your proposition that we need to reduce the population I suggest that you set an example and that you "Off Yourself".

03-31-2016, 08:58 PM
As fast as the technology is advancing it will be sooner than 15 years. It will likely be not in use for rural one lane roads. However it will be a great thing for those that are now unable to drive due a handicap, disability or the very elderly. Accidents would likely be reduced due to tired and sleepy drivers on long road trips. And I will not have to have a designated driver anymore. :Envious:

As to your proposition that we need to reduce the population I suggest that you set an example and that you "Off Yourself".
Losing a great mind like myself would be counter productive!!!!! It will take great minds like myself to solve these very difficult challenges our country will be facing. The first thing our country needs to do is get rid of Federalism!!!! These Red States time and time again are proving left to their own devises they will screw things all up beyond recognition.

04-01-2016, 08:10 PM
What do you think about that idea. It would scare the hell out of me to ride in one of those.
I'm still waiting for my "jet pack"!

Cya Tuna Vic

04-01-2016, 08:35 PM
It's not an idea, but a reality in about 15 years!!!! I started a thread this week about taking away peoples right to vote based upon a book review. The same author also talked about the impact of the driverless car. The economic impact on loss of jobs would be horrific!!!! Think of all the drivers that would be out of work. Truck drivers, delivery drivers, taxi drivers etc.

Driverless trucks have been running at this container terminal for a couple years. I think they have sensors under the road.


04-01-2016, 08:58 PM
Driverless trucks have been running at this container terminal for a couple years. I think they have sensors under the road.

It's kind of kool and spooky at the same time. Thanks for sharing!!!!!!

04-02-2016, 10:20 AM
Cool video DR, but it all comes down to less people/jobs equals more profit.
Capitalism is great, but absolutely has to be controlled. By whom is the trillion dollar question.

04-02-2016, 01:08 PM
Cool video DR, but it all comes down to less people/jobs equals more profit.
Capitalism is great, but absolutely has to be controlled. By whom is the trillion dollar question.

Spoken like a true Bernie supporter. In business as in life to survive one must learn from mistakes, adapt, change, create, improvise and grow. Over time we have had the industrial age, the computer age, the digital age and soon robotics and artificial intelligence age. In each case we have had a higher standard of living and when things become cheaper to purchase luxuries soon become necessities and common place. It is a fool that fails to recognize that change is coming and doesn’t adjust to take advantage of it.

Oh the horror of being a ditch digger when the backhoe was invented. But the backhoe operator was much more productive and commanded a higher wage. And that backhoe manufacturer had to hire someone to build it, market it, sell it, deliver it and service it. All at higher wages than the lowly ditch digger. Perhaps you are old enough to remember when a store clerk or fast food operator had to actually ring up an item on a cash register and count out your change. No bar code reader or register that told you how much change to give the customer from the amount tendered.

I recently had to take a written drivers test, something I haven’t had to do in over 40+ years. In the drivers manual there was no question or even mention of “Hand signals”. Imagine a car today without turn signals, power brakes, steering, windows and air conditioning. Innovation and change made luxuries into necessities and it is happening exponentially in everything our world. You want a theft proof car buy one with a manual transmission if you can find one.

Lady Quagga
04-02-2016, 02:38 PM
Spoken like a true Bernie supporter. In business as in life to survive one must learn from mistakes, adapt, change, create, improvise and grow. Over time we have had the industrial age, the computer age, the digital age and soon robotics and artificial intelligence age. In each case we have had a higher standard of living and when things become cheaper to purchase luxuries soon become necessities and common place. It is a fool that fails to recognize that change is coming and doesn’t adjust to take advantage of it.

Oh the horror of being a ditch digger when the backhoe was invented. But the backhoe operator was much more productive and commanded a higher wage. And that backhoe manufacturer had to hire someone to build it, market it, sell it, deliver it and service it. All at higher wages than the lowly ditch digger. Perhaps you are old enough to remember when a store clerk or fast food operator had to actually ring up an item on a cash register and count out your change. No bar code reader or register that told you how much change to give the customer from the amount tendered.

Ah, so you support technology driven eugenics. Finally something we can agree on.

I recently had to take a written drivers test, something I haven’t had to do in over 40+ years. In the drivers manual there was no question or even mention of “Hand signals”. Imagine a car today without turn signals, power brakes, steering, windows and air conditioning. Innovation and change made luxuries into necessities and it is happening exponentially in everything our world. You want a theft proof car buy one with a manual transmission if you can find one.

First: That is a lie.

Second: I learned (the hard way) how to drive a three speed on-the-column Chevy. You could hear my gramps cussing from miles away.

04-02-2016, 04:05 PM
[QUOTE=Lady Quagga;777797]Ah, so you support technology driven eugenics. Finally something we can agree on.

First: That is a lie.

Your correct on page 53 there is hand signals. However on my actual test and on the DMV test practice site there was no question on hand signals. http://www.dmv-written-test.com/california/practice-test-1.html

Second: Four on the floor for me.....Varooooom! 48011

04-04-2016, 03:19 PM
Spoken like a true Bernie supporter. In business as in life to survive one must learn from mistakes, adapt, change, create, improvise and grow. Over time we have had the industrial age, the computer age, the digital age and soon robotics and artificial intelligence age. In each case we have had a higher standard of living and when things become cheaper to purchase luxuries soon become necessities and common place. It is a fool that fails to recognize that change is coming and doesn’t adjust to take advantage of it.

Oh the horror of being a ditch digger when the backhoe was invented. But the backhoe operator was much more productive and commanded a higher wage. And that backhoe manufacturer had to hire someone to build it, market it, sell it, deliver it and service it. All at higher wages than the lowly ditch digger. Perhaps you are old enough to remember when a store clerk or fast food operator had to actually ring up an item on a cash register and count out your change. No bar code reader or register that told you how much change to give the customer from the amount tendered.

I recently had to take a written drivers test, something I haven’t had to do in over 40+ years. In the drivers manual there was no question or even mention of “Hand signals”. Imagine a car today without turn signals, power brakes, steering, windows and air conditioning. Innovation and change made luxuries into necessities and it is happening exponentially in everything our world. You want a theft proof car buy one with a manual transmission if you can find one.

Probably surprise you, but I'm not a Bernie supporter. I'm a people supporter and smart enough to realize that the country cannot survive with two classes. Rich and poor. It will collapse into anarchy at some point.
I believe people should be able to keep what they earn, but not at the expense of manipulation and abuse of the laws and rules that the rich have rigged the system with. It's becoming disgusting. The leaks today regarding the hiding of offshore money should have very interesting consequences as well as soon as the people here in America start having their names listed.
Look up the documentary "The Heist". It's pretty interesting and also shows that it's not a blue and red issue. It's a government issue and we're all screwed if things don't change and as near as I can tell a vote for red is a vote for more of the same and a vote for blue is more of the same, so what do we really do? That's the question. The only reason I can't vote red any longer is that candidates like Ted Cruz remind me of the American Taliban. I really don't like the situation as it stands now and also feel that the election has already been decided behind closed doors and Hillary will be our next POTUS whether she gets the "popular" vote or not. This is the country we are living in now and it is broken and in desperate need of fixing if anyone has a clue how to do it. I know the current idiots past and present aren't the ones.

04-04-2016, 03:53 PM
Probably surprise you, but I'm not a Bernie supporter. I'm a people supporter and smart enough to realize that the country cannot survive with two classes. Rich and poor. It will collapse into anarchy at some point.
I believe people should be able to keep what they earn, but not at the expense of manipulation and abuse of the laws and rules that the rich have rigged the system with. It's becoming disgusting. The leaks today regarding the hiding of offshore money should have very interesting consequences as well as soon as the people here in America start having their names listed.
Look up the documentary "The Heist". It's pretty interesting and also shows that it's not a blue and red issue. It's a government issue and we're all screwed if things don't change and as near as I can tell a vote for red is a vote for more of the same and a vote for blue is more of the same, so what do we really do? That's the question. The only reason I can't vote red any longer is that candidates like Ted Cruz remind me of the American Taliban. I really don't like the situation as it stands now and also feel that the election has already been decided behind closed doors and Hillary will be our next POTUS whether she gets the "popular" vote or not. This is the country we are living in now and it is broken and in desperate need of fixing if anyone has a clue how to do it. I know the current idiots past and present aren't the ones.
If you really think it's broken, the way to start over is with a new Constitution!!!!! Keep the good like the Bill of Rights and get rid of the Bad like Federalism!!! This time a Parliamentary system would probably work out better!!!!! At the same time see if Canada would like to join the North American Union. The USA and Canada merging with each other. (sorry Mexico!!!)

04-05-2016, 09:21 AM
If you really think it's broken, the way to start over is with a new Constitution!!!!! Keep the good like the Bill of Rights and get rid of the Bad like Federalism!!! This time a Parliamentary system would probably work out better!!!!! At the same time see if Canada would like to join the North American Union. The USA and Canada merging with each other. (sorry Mexico!!!)

Not too sure you've thought that one all the way through tucker.

04-05-2016, 09:57 AM
Not too sure you've thought that one all the way through tucker.

That's a understatement if I ever heard one.......

04-05-2016, 01:53 PM
Not too sure you've thought that one all the way through tucker.
I'm going to start a thread, "I'm going to call it the mind of etucker1959." I'm going to take on issues one at a time like the Constitution. I'll put in parenthesis what the topic is all about. I encourage you to participate, I think you have one of the more logical minds on here. You probably don't have as big a Brain as John Harper but who does!!!!! lol

04-05-2016, 04:12 PM
I'm going to start a thread, "I'm going to call it the mind of etucker1959."

Well that's going to be a short read.

04-07-2016, 10:32 AM
Well that's going to be a short read.

LMAO...Devore. That's funny.

Tucker, even you have to laugh at that one.

04-07-2016, 03:29 PM
LMAO...Devore. That's funny
Tucker, even you have to laugh at that one.
Nooooooooooooo!!!!!! I will tell you why that's not funny. Apparently by not elaborating or giving hour long lectures on here, people think I'm just using Buzz words or talking points and not really understanding the subject matter. So I just usually make a statement and see if someone wants to engage in a discussion about the subject matter. The problem is most of the time the crickets come out. If I make a long factual post without first being prompted to do so, "I'll be accused of being a Buzz killer." (as in Buzz Killington) I remember the post I spent the longest time composing. I had to take 3 breaks while I was writing it up. Was it a tough subject??? Heck yea!!!! It was my ideas on how to balance the Federal budget in 10-15 years. What was my reward for my efforts???? A good long discussion!!!! Noooooooooo!!!! Total crickets from the audience!!!! Not one comment!!! So after that I decided to just throw the smallest bit of chum to see if any fish are biting, before I go into any great details on any subject!!!

04-07-2016, 07:43 PM
If your self-driving car must choose between a collision in traffic or swerving just you over a cliff, how should it decide? Greater good?

04-08-2016, 02:30 PM
If your self-driving car must choose between a collision in traffic or swerving just you over a cliff, how should it decide? Greater good?

I say it depends on your IQ.