View Full Version : The Polls

03-23-2016, 06:07 AM
No not the election polls but the "Peaceful Muslim" polls.

ICM Poll: 20% of British Muslims sympathize with 7/7 bombers


NOP Research: 1 in 4 British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified


Channel Four (2006): 31% of younger British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified compared to 14% of those over 45.

People-Press: 31% of Turks support suicide attacks against Westerners in Iraq.

YNet: One third of Palestinians (32%) supported the slaughter of a Jewish family, including the children:

World Public Opinion: 61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans
32% of Indonesians approve of attacks on Americans
41% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on Americans
38% of Moroccans approve of attacks on Americans
83% of Palestinians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (only 14% oppose)
62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose)
42% of Turks approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (45% oppose)
A minority of Muslims disagreed entirely with terror attacks on Americans:
(Egypt 34%; Indonesia 45%; Pakistan 33%)
About half of those opposed to attacking Americans were sympathetic with al-Qaeda’s attitude toward the U.S.

Pew Research (2010): 55% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hezbollah
30% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hezbollah
45% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hezbollah (26% negative)
43% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hezbollah (30% negative)

Pew Research (2010): 60% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hamas (34% negative).
49% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hamas (48% negative)
49% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hamas (25% negative)
39% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hamas (33% negative)

Pew Research (2010): 15% of Indonesians believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified.
34% of Nigerian Muslims believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified.

16% of young Muslims in Belgium state terrorism is "acceptable".

Populus Poll (2006): 12% of young Muslims in Britain (and 12% overall) believe that suicide attacks against civilians in Britain can be justified. 1 in 4 support suicide attacks against British troops.

Pew Research (2007): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).
42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall).
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).
29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall).

Pew Research (2011): 8% of Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified (81% never).
28% of Egyptian Muslims believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified (38% never).

Pew Research (2007): Muslim-Americans who identify more strongly with their religion are three times more likely to feel that suicide bombings are justified

ICM: 5% of Muslims in Britain tell pollsters they would not report a planned Islamic terror attack to authorities.
27% do not support the deportation of Islamic extremists preaching violence and hate.

Federation of Student Islamic Societies: About 1 in 5 Muslim students in Britain (18%) would not report a fellow Muslim planning a terror attack.

ICM Poll: 25% of British Muslims disagree that a Muslim has an obligation to report terrorists to police.

Populus Poll (2006): 16% of British Muslims believe suicide attacks against Israelis are justified.
37% believe Jews in Britain are a "legitimate target".

Pew Research (2013): At least 1 in 4 Muslims do not reject violence against civilians (study did not distinguish between those who believe it is partially justified and never justified).

Pew Research (2013): 15% of Muslims in Turkey support suicide bombings (also 11% in Kosovo, 26% in Malaysia and 26% in Bangladesh).

PCPO (2014): 89% of Palestinians support Hamas and other terrorists firing rockets at Israeli civilians.

Pew Research (2013): Only 57% of Muslims worldwide disapprove of al-Qaeda. Only 51% disapprove of the Taliban. 13% support both groups and 1 in 4 refuse to say.

BBC Radio (2015): 45% of British Muslims agree that clerics preaching violence against the West represent "mainstream Islam".

Palestinian Center for Political Research (2015): 74% of Palestinians support Hamas terror attacks.

Pew Research (2014): 47% of Bangladeshi Muslims says suicide bombings and violence are justified to "defend Islam". 1 in 4 believed the same in Tanzania and Egypt. 1 in 5 Muslims in the 'moderate' countries of Turkey and Malaysia.

The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 19% of Muslim-Americans say that violence is justified in order to make Sharia the law in the United States (66% disagree).

03-23-2016, 08:58 AM

None of your links work, bro.

03-23-2016, 09:10 AM
It was copied from a link sent to me. This is the link (http://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/showthread.php?t=1178785&page=5) Post#186. Links all work at that site. Must be some format problem from trying to replicate it on this site.

03-23-2016, 02:45 PM
It was copied from a link sent to me. This is the link (http://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/showthread.php?t=1178785&page=5) Post#186. Links all work at that site. Must be some format problem from trying to replicate it on this site.

Rats, I lost my password for the Cal Guns forum.

I tried my NRA password and my Death to Islam Forum password and neither worked.


03-23-2016, 02:53 PM
Rats, I lost my password for the Cal Guns forum.

I tried my NRA password and my Death to Islam Forum password and neither worked.


You could watch this to get an overview but your someone that is short on patience so you could watch from about 12 min to 30 and get the juicy stuff.

03-23-2016, 03:55 PM
You could watch this to get an overview but your someone that is short on patience so you could watch from about 12 min to 30 and get the juicy stuff.
Shouldn't we be more afraid if Trump wins the Presidency then Islamic terrorist attacking the USA!!!!!! I could think of a lot more things going terrible wrong with President Trump in charge.

03-23-2016, 05:07 PM
Not a Trump fan but I would vote for Charlie Manson if he could get paroled before I would see the “Sisterhood of the Pantsuit” win.

Having said that I think Hillary and slick Willie will end up in orange jumpsuits. I have a friend that is a retired FBI special agent and we have had some interesting chats the last few months. As you know the Obama’s and Clinton’s have a strong dislike for each other. The FBI has more than 150 agents on the investigation and my buddy doesn’t believe anywhere near that many are needed for the e-mail scandal. But that many to investigate a RICO case against the Clinton Foundation makes much more sense.

Besides an indictment on the e-mail would put Obama between a rock and a hard place. If indicted it would tarnish his legacy and he would still have Bill to worry about. If the FBI recommended charges be brought and the Justice Dept failed to follow through a bigger problem to Obama’s legacy would be front page and non-stop MSM coverage. However a RICO case would not tarnish the White House and would be the ultimate revenge on two political enemies and would dwarf the e-mail scandal.

We will have to stay tuned and see if my friend is right in his opinion.

03-23-2016, 06:14 PM
Not a Trump fan but I would vote for Charlie Manson if he could get paroled before I would see the “Sisterhood of the Pantsuit” win.

Having said that I think Hillary and slick Willie will end up in orange jumpsuits. I have a friend that is a retired FBI special agent and we have had some interesting chats the last few months. As you know the Obama’s and Clinton’s have a strong dislike for each other. The FBI has more than 150 agents on the investigation and my buddy doesn’t believe anywhere near that many are needed for the e-mail scandal. But that many to investigate a RICO case against the Clinton Foundation makes much more sense.

Besides an indictment on the e-mail would put Obama between a rock and a hard place. If indicted it would tarnish his legacy and he would still have Bill to worry about. If the FBI recommended charges be brought and the Justice Dept failed to follow through a bigger problem to Obama’s legacy would be front page and non-stop MSM coverage. However a RICO case would not tarnish the White House and would be the ultimate revenge on two political enemies and would dwarf the e-mail scandal.

We will have to stay tuned and see if my friend is right in his opinion.
BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! I read this today, "no charges will be brought against Hillary for the email scandal." Bo ho!!!! Now what are the Republicans going to complain about now??? It's not good to be a Conservative any more!!!! Why?????? Because even though Obama wasn't PERFECT, the Conservatives have absolutely nothing better to offer!!!! They are proving it every day!!!! Congress does absolutely nothing!!!! I saw today they can't even get a budget passed and they control both houses of Congress!!!!! The best they can offer for President is Trump!!!! Come on, everyone one of you should apologize for picking on Obama!!!! Why because what your offering is a Helll of a lot worse then anything that Obama ever did!!!!!!

03-23-2016, 07:45 PM
I wouldn't count your chickens on Sister Pant Suit yet. You and your lib friends seem to be more upset about Trump than the Republicans are about Sister Pant Suit. No one, not a one is marching and trying to disrupt Sister Pant Suit or Bernie the Socialist. It's just the La Raza, BLM and Occupy movement, Free Stuff crowd and Soros financed groups. Trump hasn't won the primary and y'all are in a panic mod. Why, my guess is you got a weak candidate and the turnout at the polls seem to show the Republicans have historical turnouts and the Dems not so much. As I said I am not a Trump fan but if I was guaranteed Ted Cruz in the SCOTUS to replace Justice Scalia, I could live with Trump in exchange. Your best candidate was Jim Webb, decorated Viet Nam veteran, former Sec of the Navy and Virginia Senator and someone even I could have voted for.

03-23-2016, 08:53 PM
I wouldn't count your chickens on Sister Pant Suit yet. You and your lib friends seem to be more upset about Trump than the Republicans are about Sister Pant Suit. No one, not a one is marching and trying to disrupt Sister Pant Suit or Bernie the Socialist. It's just the La Raza, BLM and Occupy movement, Free Stuff crowd and Soros financed groups. Trump hasn't won the primary and y'all are in a panic mod. Why, my guess is you got a weak candidate and the turnout at the polls seem to show the Republicans have historical turnouts and the Dems not so much. As I said I am not a Trump fan but if I was guaranteed Ted Cruz in the SCOTUS to replace Justice Scalia, I could live with Trump in exchange. Your best candidate was Jim Webb, decorated Viet Nam veteran, former Sec of the Navy and Virginia Senator and someone even I could have voted for.

The article I read said the law about the emails was never intended to go after someone like the Secretary of State. You Conservatives just have to get over it!!!! (nothing is going to happen to Hillary) Just like Benghazi!!!!!! Do you even hear it mentioned any more. You people have to stop polluting your mind with right wing propaganda. It's only there to make money off of you Rubes!!!!!!!

As for the progressives panicking, "Are you not listening to what Trump is saying!!!!!!" It's like reading Hitler's book, he spelled out what he was planning on doing!!!! Do I have to spell it out for you and the ramifications that would happen if he tried to do it????????

03-23-2016, 10:06 PM
Those poll #s are scary. Crazy world we live in these days.

Is it just me or does Bill Clinton look and act like he is going on 80 years old ? He is 69 but aging a lot.
That kankle leg Hillary has such a poor record it is hard to grasp the fact that she is going to get nominated.

Total insanity.....

03-23-2016, 10:32 PM
the truth is the lying biotch is lucky.

lucky, that no one (domestic or foreign) realized just what a stupid &%$ she really is. if anyone thought that someone of such status (sec of state) would use a private server for any state documents, let alone docs that may or may not be top secret, we could be in a bigger pot of hot water than we ever imagined.

can you imagine if someone realized that she was using a private server and hacked into it?

where would this biotch be if a news reporter got a whiff of her actions and broke the story by printing a few classified emails in the Times?

more importantly,

where would this biotch be if a foreign spy got a whiff of her actions and used that information? (how do we even know that they didn't get that info and are still using it? they may be laying low and hoping she gets off, so other idiots (ones we may (or may not) elect) will lower their guard and the spies can then tap into more unprotected documents.)

and what would you (pucken) dummies be saying if this "spy-thing" is happening now? would you idiots still be loving the fat-*** pants suit?

what if this were the Donald? would you dummies be saying: oh, it's ok, let HIM off. (like you're saying for the Cliton?)

seems there's a double standard and some of you idiots are working to bringing down the standards of a once great nation. seems you puhsies are getting soft and have rubber backbones.

give punishment when punishment is due. don't let liars and cheats prosper.

man up! i say... we have problems in our country... and around the world.

and don't let some dumb sec of state who made such an egregious error take the reigns of the highest office in the land!

03-23-2016, 10:43 PM
the truth is the lying biotch is lucky.

lucky, that no one (domestic or foreign) realized just what a stupid &%$ she really is. if anyone thought that someone of such status (sec of state) would use a private server for any state documents, let alone docs that may or may not be top secret, we could be in a bigger pot of hot water than we ever imagined.

can you imagine if someone realized that she was using a private server and hacked into it?

where would this biotch be if a news reporter got a whiff of her actions and broke the story by printing a few classified emails in the Times?

more importantly,

where would this biotch be if a foreign spy got a whiff of her actions and used that information? (how do we even know that they didn't get that info and are still using it? they may be laying low and hoping she gets off, so other idiots (ones we may (or may not) elect) will lower their guard and the spies can then tap into more unprotected documents.)

and what would you (pucken) dummies be saying if this "spy-thing" is happening now? would you idiots still be loving the fat-*** pants suit?

what if this were the Donald? would you dummies be saying: oh, it's ok, let HIM off. (like you're saying for the Cliton?)

seems there's a double standard and some of you idiots are working to bringing down the standards of a once great nation. seems you puhsies are getting soft and have rubber backbones.

give punishment when punishment is due. don't let liars and cheats prosper.

man up! i say... we have problems in our country... and around the world.

There are reports that say intelligence do in fact think her server was compromised by foreign entities. And as Dev said on another forum here the Clinton foundation's shady dealings and probable RICO violations will be their ultimate undoing. The amount of support Clinton still has is truly a sad reflection on our society, let alone a complete nutjob like Sanders...

03-23-2016, 10:53 PM
Those poll #s are scary. Crazy world we live in these days.

Is it just me or does Bill Clinton look and act like he is going on 80 years old ? He is 69 but aging a lot.
That kankle leg Hillary has such a poor record it is hard to grasp the fact that she is going to get nominated.

Total insanity.....

Is it just me or does Bill Clinton look and act like he is going on 80 years old ? He is 69 but aging a lot.

He's sweating balls because the FBI is onto the Foundation's money laundering and political pay to play with foreign governments scheme.

03-24-2016, 06:26 AM
He's sweating balls because the FBI is onto the Foundation's money laundering and political pay to play with foreign governments scheme.

Seems as if they are untouchable ? He/She commits felonies, nothing happens.

(http://media.photobucket.com/user/latida11/media/Hillary/53dd1590-d0ef-4bf2-a67a-72af6c38219b.jpg.html)http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad335/justpolitics/photo.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/user/justpolitics/media/photo.jpg.html)

03-24-2016, 10:22 AM
Seems as if they are untouchable ? He/She commits felonies, nothing happens.

(http://media.photobucket.com/user/latida11/media/Hillary/53dd1590-d0ef-4bf2-a67a-72af6c38219b.jpg.html)http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad335/justpolitics/photo.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/user/justpolitics/media/photo.jpg.html)
Think of what Trump is saying!!!! He's advocating being a "WAR CRIMINAL!!!!" Saying he'll go back to torture and get this, "he'll go after the FAMILY'S of the terrorists!!!" Makes the Clinton crimes seem like a parking ticket compared to that guy!!!!!!!

03-24-2016, 10:46 AM
Have you watched the earlier video? Did you see the news yesterday? A war is already upon us... do you not see? The pot's simmering you stupid frog...

03-24-2016, 11:08 AM
Have you watched the earlier video? Did you see the news yesterday? A war is already upon us... do you not see? The pot's simmering you stupid frog...

etucker and the libs are still stuck on the "Fantasy Land" ride at Disneyland "It's a Small World". Hey Liberals how’s that PC, COEXIST, Multicultural, Muslim immigration thingy working out for you in Europe. Just wondering. Ya just can't fix STUPID!

And of course he didn't watch the video it doesn't fit his agenda.

03-24-2016, 12:39 PM
etucker and the libs are still stuck on the "Fantasy Land" ride at Disneyland "It's a Small World". Hey Liberals how’s that PC, COEXIST, Multicultural, Muslim immigration thingy working out for you in Europe. Just wondering. Ya just can't fix STUPID!

And of course he didn't watch the video it doesn't fit his agenda.
When it's American against American fighting on our soil, instigated by one party. (Republicans) You people all better learn that famous apostle quote, "I know not this man!!!!!"

03-24-2016, 01:45 PM
etucker you need to get your meds adjusted. If there is a "Revolution" it will be a "Reaction" by the right and not "Instigated" by the right. Get a clue.


03-24-2016, 01:59 PM
Think of what Trump is saying!!!! He's advocating being a "WAR CRIMINAL!!!!" Saying he'll go back to torture and get this, "he'll go after the FAMILY'S of the terrorists!!!" Makes the Clinton crimes seem like a parking ticket compared to that guy!!!!!!!


remind me again...

which ONE of these guys is not a war criminal already?

remind me again...

which ONE of these guys haven't tortured and killed someone already?

remind me again...

which ONE of these guys wouldn't cut your head off (AND your FAMILY?) if they got a hold of you?

which ONE of these guys worry about Cliton's parking ticket? (do you really think they care if she dings their car door and drives away without leaving a note? :Smack:)

these guys want her in; they'll be able to gather more intel from her. (you remember... that minor parking ticket you mentioned earlier?)

03-24-2016, 02:28 PM
And that's why we need to vote Trump!

03-24-2016, 02:36 PM
And that's why we need to vote Trump!

finally, you're pulling your head outta that damn net you paid a chit load of power bait for...

03-24-2016, 02:46 PM
finally, you're pulling your head outta that damn net you paid a chit load of power bait for...

Trump will fix everything! We need more walls! I am now a Believer!

In fact, you know what we need?! Muslim internment camps.

You know, to assure they're not out to get us.

You with me Hookd!?!

03-24-2016, 02:48 PM
Trump will fix everything! We need more walls! I am now a Believer!

oh wow! i always thought you and pucker boy were psuck buddies!

"you mess with my quagaga, you mess with my pucker boy... you get the horns!

guess that's changing... good for you d umb s!

03-24-2016, 02:51 PM
oh wow! i always thought you and pucker boy were psuck buddies!

"you mess with my quagaga, you mess with my pucker boy... you get the horns!

guess that's changing... good for you d umb s!

Oh yeah Hookd!

Now I am on the Trump team.

Let's create another huge Manzanar baby!

Who's with us!?! (Because if you're not, you're against us.)

03-24-2016, 03:21 PM
No Manzanar, Hookd?

Cmon! The Muslims are coming!

Here are more of our supporters for Trump!!


03-24-2016, 03:23 PM
hey ya big dumb muchacha...

if you bring it up. it's your crap (like that net, remember?)

you put it out there? it's what you are thinking (or touting) about.

don't include me. when i agree with you, you'll know it. i will tell you.

you can ask: "who else is in?" and if you find yourself a new psuk buddy, then good for you!

oh and about that net... do you need me to clarify what i think of your "net-of your-lifetime"?

:Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss::Dog Piss:

let me know if you need clarification on this.


03-24-2016, 03:29 PM
it's no wonder you're a moron...

those are the videos you look for, watch and then post up?

thanks for that info, chico!

03-24-2016, 03:46 PM
it's no wonder you're a moron...

those are the videos you look for, watch and then post up?

thanks for that info, chico!

I searched for videos which shows our supporters, Hookd!

Wait, so no Manzanar?

I thought we were gonna build the interment camps together?

03-24-2016, 03:58 PM
you keep mentioning Manzanar...

i know exec order 9066.

my friend's parents still have their order, it's framed and hangs in their house.

you, probably just drive by that location on your "i'm a purist with a f'd up net" fishing trips.

i know people who were in that specific camp, at least when they were alive.

i know people who were at heart mountain too.

i know families that lost everything during that time.

i know people who received the $20k.

you think that made up for their time, embarrassment, financial loss, or their dignity?

please, from what i can tell, you're latino...

really, what do you know about it?

03-24-2016, 04:23 PM
you keep mentioning Manzanar...

i know exec order 9066.

my friend's parents still have their order, it's framed and hangs in their house.

you, probably just drive by that location on your "i'm a purist with a f'd up net" fishing trips.

i know people who were in that specific camp, at least when they were alive.

i know people who were at heart mountain too.

i know families that lost everything during that time.

i know people who received the $20k.

you think that made up for their time, embarrassment, financial loss, or their dignity?

please, from what i can tell, you're latino...

really, what do you know about it?

So no Manzanar then?

That's all you had to say, Hookd.

So you're ok for letting the terrorists run around freely in the U.S.?

Say it ain't so, Hookd.

I thought we were on the same page.

03-24-2016, 04:33 PM
don't quote me on this... but that horror just may happen again.

we were at war with germany at that time too, did they lock up the germans? no, they couldn't differentiate them from the other anglo saxs of the world.

it's easy to tell the asian and african races from most of the rest of the world.

i really don't hate (bigotry), but i don't like morons.

times are different, the lines aren't as clear...

wait til the chit hits the fan, you latinos sure look a lot like some muslims.

that being said, dark shadow, is it? have your paperwork in order, wear your sombrero... (don't worry, you can thank me later)

or just hop over that wall...

Lady Quagga
03-24-2016, 04:40 PM
don't quote me on this... but that horror just may happen again.

we were at war with germany at that time too, did they lock up the germans? no, they couldn't differentiate them from the other anglo saxs of the world.

it's easy to tell the asian and african races from most of the rest of the world.

i really don't hate (bigotry), but i don't like morons.

times are different, the lines aren't as clear...

wait til the chit hits the fan, you latinos sure look a lot like some muslims.

that being said, dark shadow, is it? have your paperwork in order, wear your sombrero... (don't worry, you can thank me later)

or just hop over that wall...

Oh man.

Quoted for posterity.

03-24-2016, 04:55 PM
etucker you need to get your meds adjusted. If there is a "Revolution" it will be a "Reaction" by the right and not "Instigated" by the right. Get a clue.

Now who lives in Fantasy Land?????? Wed night is my Latino comedy night, that's where I go out and listen to Latino comedians. All's they want to talk about is Trump and what would happen if his secret police would bust down their doors at night looking for illegal aliens. They would fight back and who's fault is that?????????? Now who needs to get a clue????? Practice these lines, "it wasn't ME who voted and supported Trump!!!!"

03-24-2016, 05:10 PM
Oh man.

Quoted for posterity.

yeah you're probably right. 9066 chased those small packs of japanese gangs (aka families) who probably didn't have any guns or bombs to speak of...

1.6 billion muslims... some with pretty potent fire power... we're gonna be ducking a lot more.

but, i'll stand by my prediction... albeit only on one leg... just in case i gotta get outta dodge!

03-24-2016, 05:24 PM
Now who lives in Fantasy Land?????? Wed night is my Latino comedy night, that's where I go out and listen to Latino comedians. All's they want to talk about is Trump and what would happen if his secret police bust down the doors at night looking for illegal aliens. They would fight back and who's fault is that?????????? Now who needs to get a clue????? Practice these lines, "it wasn't ME who voted and supported Trump!!!!"

d umb s

you letting pucker boy over for a little showtime?

is it really only you giving the show? c'mon, if puck's is doing the wiggle for ya, you'd tell us right?

should i look it up on youtube? or will ya post it up like your other pertinent vids?

03-24-2016, 05:34 PM
d umb s

you letting pucker boy over for a little showtime?

is it really only you giving the show? c'mon, if puck's is doing the wiggle for ya, you'd tell us right?

should i look it up on youtube? or will ya post it up like your other pertinent vids?

Um...did you just quote etucker and think it was me?

Lay off the meth.

Trump voter, ladies and gents.

03-24-2016, 06:06 PM
Um...did you just quote etucker and think it was me?

Lay off the meth.

Trump voter, ladies and gents.


is that your understanding of the sitch?

ok, then.

03-24-2016, 06:19 PM

is that your understanding of the sitch?

ok, then.


Im not versed in the meth language.

Please explain.

03-24-2016, 06:27 PM

Im not versed in the meth language.

Please explain.


no extrapolation capabilities in that comedian brain?


03-24-2016, 07:09 PM

no extrapolation capabilities in that comedian brain?


No, unfortunately my extrapolations don't occur from methamphetamines.

But go ahead.

You already set up the plate. Continue....

03-24-2016, 07:38 PM
Great...so we get another meth filled 3 am response.

Hookds prolly making a run as we speak.

03-24-2016, 07:45 PM
No, unfortunately my extrapolations don't occur from methamphetamines.

But go ahead.

You already set up the plate. Continue....


you've missed the point AND the answer...


i'm not worried about it, you shouldn't either... it's to be expected.

03-24-2016, 07:59 PM
i get a good laugh from this board...

i get on early in the A.M. so i don't have to banter with the peons (as i am having to do at the moment).

i am going to stop because the boards that dictate my bracket is getting much more interesting...

gotta go!

03-24-2016, 08:00 PM

you've missed the point AND the answer...


i'm not worried about it, you shouldn't either... it's to be expected.



Lay off the meth and perhaps we can converse.

When both Hawgz AND Tuck think you're psycho, I won't even engage you, mostly because what you've been posting lately looks like the ramblings of someone who escaped Atascadero.

But yes, continue about my net, psycho.

03-24-2016, 08:24 PM
i get on early in the A.M. so i don't have to banter with the peons (as i am having to do at the moment).


i am going to stop because the boards that dictate my bracket is getting much more interesting...

gotta go!

Dictate your bracket?

A regular bracket is already pre-determined days ago. You know, you fill them out BEFORE the tourney starts?

How does a board dictate your bracket?

Must be the ole Meth-March Madness apparently.

Winner gets a 1/2 ounce?

BRB, gonna check on my board that is dictating my lottery numbers.

03-24-2016, 09:04 PM

Dictate your bracket?

A regular bracket is already pre-determined days ago. You know, you fill them out BEFORE the tourney starts?

How does a board dictate your bracket?

Must be the ole Meth-March Madness apparently.

Winner gets a 1/2 ounce?

BRB, gonna check on my board that is dictating my lottery numbers.
The Meth adaptation is cute. If it was me engaging with this psycho, "I would be sticking with him soiling his pants" as he tries to engage others. (I've got a lot of Shitee jokes!!!!) lol

03-24-2016, 09:41 PM
I don't know man, I think Hookd has got y'all figured out hence the (his) irrelevancy. That's why I don't even bother here much anymore...










03-24-2016, 10:21 PM
Wed night is my Latino comedy night, that's where I go out and listen to Latino comedians.

ok just so you know... this will be the last time i will ever explain myself to either of you two... revel in that. yay.

Wed night is my Latino comedy night, that's where I go out and listen to d umb s comedians.

Um...did you just quote etucker and think it was me?

no, i was thinking of you when pucker boy was talking about latino comedians. i know better from now on...sorry i mistakenly thought you were a "comedian" but now i realize you're just an "idiot"... my bad!

is that your understanding of the sitch?


Im not versed in the meth language.

Please explain.

so here's my explanation...


no extrapolation capabilities in that comedian brain? ( i mean idiot brain... )



understand peon? but you come up with this...

No, unfortunately my extrapolations don't occur from methamphetamines.

But go ahead.

You already set up the plate. Continue....

so, now if you don't see where you missed, and then missed again... well i can't help you anymore...

i get a good laugh from this board...

i am going to stop because the boards that dictate my bracket is getting much more interesting...

gotta go!


Dictate your bracket?

A regular bracket is already pre-determined days ago. You know, you fill them out BEFORE the tourney starts?

How does a board dictate your bracket?

Must be the ole Meth-March Madness apparently.

Winner gets a 1/2 ounce?

BRB, gonna check on my board that is dictating my lottery numbers.

you do understand that a bracket is set, but the outcome of each individual game dictates how well you've chosen in your bracket, right?

and the board(s) that dictate my bracket? read on d umb s...

Glossary of basketball terms: a board is a rebound, more than one board would then be more than one rebound... rebound or rebounds can and will affect the outcome of a basketball game, thus a board or boards dictate my bracket... and how well i have chosen in my bracket.

it's a rebound you monkey, were you thinking a board is like this forum? lol

and btw, you missed AGAIN! LOL!

oh pucker boy... sorry i've already given up on you, (think soup nazi...) NO MORE ANSWERS FOR YOU!

but i will call you out and pick on both of you whenever the need arises (from now on though, if you don't get it... you'll have to google it). LOL

03-25-2016, 01:11 AM
ok just so you know... this will be the last time i will ever explain myself to either of you two... revel in that. yay.

no, i was thinking of you when pucker boy was talking about latino comedians. i know better from now on...sorry i mistakenly thought you were a "comedian" but now i realize you're just an "idiot"... my bad!

so here's my explanation...


understand peon? but you come up with this...

so, now if you don't see where you missed, and then missed again... well i can't help you anymore...

you do understand that a bracket is set, but the outcome of each individual game dictates how well you've chosen in your bracket, right?

and the board(s) that dictate my bracket? read on d umb s...

Glossary of basketball terms: a board is a rebound, more than one board would then be more than one rebound... rebound or rebounds can and will affect the outcome of a basketball game, thus a board or boards dictate my bracket... and how well i have chosen in my bracket.

it's a rebound you monkey, were thinking a board is like this forum? lol

and btw, you missed AGAIN! LOL!

oh pucker boy... sorry i've already given up on you, (think soup nazi...) NO MORE ANSWERS FOR YOU!

but i will call you out and pick on both of you whenever the need arises (from now on though, if you don't get it... you'll have to google it). LOL
I get you well enough!!!!! You're hiding in the anaonminty of the Internet!!!! By your own admission you've meet FNN members before and you didn't have the balls to reveal who you were!!!!!! That makes you a gutless coward in my book!!!!! HawgZ and myself are real people, we are proud to shake someone's hand if they recognize us in person. You my deranged lunatic are just some psycho on the Internet!!!!!!!

03-25-2016, 02:39 AM
I don't know man, I think Hookd has got y'all figured out hence the (his) irrelevancy. That's why I don't even bother here much anymore...










very insightful. your poignancy ("the (his) irrelevancy" and "That's why I don't even bother here much anymore...")
is spot on...

Lady Quagga
03-25-2016, 09:42 AM
I don't know man, I think Hookd has got y'all figured out hence the (his) irrelevancy. That's why I don't even bother here much anymore...

Hey Trolly McHypocrite, if anyone here wants any lip from you, they'll scrape it off their zippers.

03-27-2016, 07:13 AM

Ayyy... Chico...

Chico Escuela!!!!

Donde vas?

Ju know whaat?... 3 strikes and you're out MAN!


You seem a little more sensible and especially calmer, more so than your lover in mind, puck the tucker boy... so,

Lemme ask, if we were on a feeshing boat somewhere in the deep Azul, would you think we could swap feeeshing stories, even fly feeeshing ones?... and afterwards... I tell you that I am the one that everyone hates on this rebound, I mean board?

Would you still be happy to re-shake hands with the one and only hookdfisherman? Would you? Could you? Be happy that I was able to fool you for a four whiffer?

Come on hombre... truth or dare?

Beisbol ben bery bery goot to me...

Bot not to juuuuu....

Lol d umb s...

03-28-2016, 01:41 PM
ok just so you know... this will be the last time i will ever explain myself to either of you two... revel in that. yay.

Yeah, everyone is still waiting for this glorious moment.


Altho those 3 am posts are always entertaining....

03-28-2016, 02:18 PM
I get tired of having to explain the normal things in a conversation to you pea brains. And you keep commenting about Crack or some other drugs. .. now you getta strike 5. You must be playing that new central American Beisbol where you dumbo monkeys have to play and need 5 or more swings before you can connect the dots. since you're stuck in the bush league aka the jungle howler league... keep howling d umb s...

03-28-2016, 02:27 PM
I get tired of having to explain the normal things in a conversation to you pea brains. And you keep commenting about Crack or some other drugs. .. now you getta strike 5. You must be playing that new central American Beisbol where you dumbo monkeys have to play and need 5 or more swings before you can connect the dots. since you're stuck in the bush league aka the jungle howler league... keep howling d umb s...

Keep doubling down!

And the monkey references? Excellent sir, keep em coming.

03-28-2016, 02:53 PM
Monkey's net, monkey brain, monkey's monkey... you got it!

03-28-2016, 03:09 PM
Monkey's net, monkey brain, monkey's monkey... you got it!

2:53 pm. The EDD line must have been short today.


03-28-2016, 03:17 PM
Monkey missing the point, monkey can't extrapolate, monkey knows a board, monkey doesn't know a board, monkey needs a lot of things explained to him, monkey has hawgsy tell him that hook'd has his number (but hookd is actually sad about that, hook'd had higher hopes but the monkey dropped his bananas ) monkey see monkey tries to do but fails miserably. ..

03-28-2016, 03:19 PM
I make time for you monkey

03-28-2016, 03:27 PM
What's worse than a ...

an fnn monkey fly fisherman?

A central American monkey wanna be fly fisherman with a chitty wooden net.

03-28-2016, 04:26 PM
What's worse than a ...

an fnn monkey fly fisherman?

A central American monkey wanna be fly fisherman with a chitty wooden net.

Central American Monkey Wanna Be Fly Fisherman

That's the name of my new band.

Even though I'm not from Central America, but a meth junkie from the IE seems to think so.

03-28-2016, 04:40 PM
Central American Monkey Wanna Be Fly Fisherman

That's the name of my new band.

Even though I'm not from Central America, but a meth junkie from the IE seems to think so.


seems your brain works like a central american...

a central american monkey that is.

maybe your true ancestry should be looked into...

give up that simian (new world monkey boy) blood to the dna researchers to find out...

but i think all you monkeys came from the same south american lineage...

you might be half Salvadorean monkey

damn! you better hurry up and dispel those rumors!

*no offense intended to anyone... just d umb s.

03-28-2016, 04:46 PM
Central American Monkey Wanna Be Fly Fisherman

That's the name of my new band.

Even though I'm not from Central America, but a meth junkie from the IE seems to think so.

be proud of your heritage!

d monkey s!

03-28-2016, 05:21 PM
Yeah, everyone is still waiting for this glorious moment.


Altho those 3 am posts are always entertaining....

Altho??? lol please explain, my monkey went to break and i need him to extrapolate other monkey truncation. LOL

03-28-2016, 06:40 PM
Im glad this thread has dissolved into a lesson on what happens when you smoke meth.

Parents beware.

03-28-2016, 07:24 PM
Yes, beware of meth d umb monkey s...

With your less than comparative mental capacity to the likes of my meth madness... it would surely put you at an even greater disadvantage.

03-28-2016, 08:32 PM
Yeah, everyone is still waiting for this glorious moment.

Altho those 3 am posts are always entertaining....


03-28-2016, 10:31 PM
yea sorry dr,

i feel so bad having to watch d'monkey fanning my slow pitch softballs...

i can't, with good conscience, pick you apart too.

i always thought d umb s was smarter than you anyways.

but now that his true colors have shown through...

you're probably dumber than pucker boy, i am sad to say...

03-29-2016, 02:28 PM

03-29-2016, 03:13 PM
yup all you can do is deflect from your poor batting average and just how dumb you really are... you're just a clueless moron with a slight intelligence level and very, very poor analytical skills (yo pienso que all muchacha slow-pitch softball games are the most you can handle, lo siento mija).

you googled all my other chit!!! ... why wouldn't you google "boards"? (so that you wouldn't look like a complete idiot...) oh that's right, you thought you knew everything...

maybe if you can, eventually, come up with a good idea, i might have to google something you post... hasn't happened yet. i'm sure the macho in you just refuses to let you reassess your situation... and to allow you become a better person.

but really, do it for the "other contributing" members of this rebound. i am pretty sure they would appreciate the effort. (because i couldn't care less any longer... sorry, NO MORE ANSWERS FOR YOU!

but after all is said and done... it's ok, as i said before... it's to be expected.

i am, as we speak, reassessing my sitch also... i hope to...

well you all know...

03-29-2016, 03:16 PM
yup all you can do is deflect from your poor batting average and just how dumb you really are... you're just a clueless moron with a slight intelligence level and very, very poor analytical skills (yo pienso que all muchacha slow-pitch softball games are the most you can handle, lo siento mija).

you googled all my other chit!!! ... why wouldn't you google "boards"? (so that you wouldn't look like a complete idiot...) oh that's right, you thought you knew everything...

maybe if you can, eventually, come up with a good idea, i might have to google something you post... hasn't happened yet. i'm sure the macho in you just refuses to let you reassess your situation... and to allow you become a better person.

but really, do it for the "other contributing" members of this rebound. i am pretty sure they would appreciate the effort. (because i could care less any longer... sorry, NO MORE ANSWERS FOR YOU!

but after all is said and done... it's ok, as i said before... it's to be expected.

i am, as we speak, reassessing my sitch also... i hope to...

well you all know...

Hookd! You're back!

You run out of the blue this early?! It's only 3:15 pm.


04-01-2016, 08:44 AM
Where's the poll on how many Americans support attacks on the afore mentioned countries?

04-01-2016, 08:49 AM

seems your brain works like a central american...

a central american monkey that is.

maybe your true ancestry should be looked into...

give up that simian (new world monkey boy) blood to the dna researchers to find out...

but i think all you monkeys came from the same south american lineage...

you might be half Salvadorean monkey

damn! you better hurry up and dispel those rumors!

*no offense intended to anyone... just d umb s.

You are truly the biggest idiot ever.

The first thing you need to remember is that if you have to preface or follow up anything with "No offense intended to anyone". It's offensive.
Good to see your true racist tendencies showing through moron.

04-01-2016, 09:04 AM
don't quote me on this... but that horror just may happen again.

we were at war with germany at that time too, did they lock up the germans? no, they couldn't differentiate them from the other anglo saxs of the world.

it's easy to tell the asian and african races from most of the rest of the world.

i really don't hate (bigotry), but i don't like morons.

times are different, the lines aren't as clear...

wait til the chit hits the fan, you latinos sure look a lot like some muslims.

that being said, dark shadow, is it? have your paperwork in order, wear your sombrero... (don't worry, you can thank me later)

or just hop over that wall...

I'm impressed that you were able to refrain from racist rants as long as you did, but now I think you just need to STH up. You are showing your racist side waaaaaaay too much.
Why is there no photo of you on your avatar? Are you afraid someone may recognize you? You should be a*****e!

Lady Quagga
04-01-2016, 05:28 PM

John Harper
04-01-2016, 07:02 PM

Or the meth to finish him.


04-02-2016, 01:38 AM
Oh just quit fanning the flames, this conflagration went out long ago... unless you want to slash and burn more rain forest.... and I don't see many faces showing up here anyways. I do look like Mike Jackson, in his younger days, if you're really wondering...

Lady Quagga
04-02-2016, 12:10 PM
Oh just quit fanning the flames, this conflagration went out long ago... unless you want to slash and burn more rain forest.... and I don't see many faces showing up here anyways. I do look like Mike Jackson, in his younger days, if you're really wondering...

Are we talking meth minutes here?

04-02-2016, 05:34 PM
Are we talking meth minutes here?

shall i put my finger in it for ya?

you'll feel a lot better!

04-03-2016, 03:01 AM
shall i put my finger in it for ya?

you'll feel a lot better!
I'm starting to think you don't do drugs but just have a mental handicap. Where the **** did you learn to type?

04-03-2016, 03:56 AM
I'm starting to think you don't do drugs but just have a mental handicap. Where the **** did you learn to type?

starting to think i don't do drugs?

that would require you to be able to think...


Lady Quagga
04-04-2016, 10:25 AM
I'm starting to think you don't do drugs but just have a mental handicap. Where the **** did you learn to type?


Insomnia? Aggressive behavior? Incessant conversations? Irritability? Confusion? Obsessive behaviors?

Sound like anybody we know? :Wink:

I mean, he's not mentally handicapped. He's just on meth! (Hence another 4 am post.) He probably just got finished cleaning his room for the 12th time since midnight.

starting to think i don't do drugs?

that would require you to be able to think...


Wasn't funny the first time you posted that hookd.

Add memory loss to the side effects, apparently.

04-04-2016, 12:50 PM

Insomnia? Aggressive behavior? Incessant conversations? Irritability? Confusion? Obsessive behaviors?

Sound like anybody we know? :Wink:

I mean, he's not mentally handicapped. He's just on meth! (Hence another 4 am post.) He probably just got finished cleaning his room for the 12th time since midnight.

Wasn't funny the first time you posted that hookd.

Add memory loss to the side effects, apparently.

it was a pretty funny response to the anti gay, homophobic comment by your boyfriend (go search for it since you probably don't remember...)

like i said, i don't like bantering with peons (you should google this too, so you get the true meaning of the word)... but thanks for noticing my time stamps :LOL::ROFL::Idiot:.

mrs. chubnazi post police... you and your peon should write up another report and send it to an administrator for review...

:LOL::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot ::Idiot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........: LOL::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot: :Idiot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........:L OL::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot:: Idiot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........:LO L::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot::I diot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........:LOL ::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot::Id iot:........

never thought you'd stoop to posting up those d umb s pictures, but i guess since you can't really say anything worth a damn, you gotta drop a level or two, (specifically to the bee's knees... no pillow for you! and... a typical move for all you gap deficient chubbies).

maybe you're just feeling a little green and are looking for a little smoochie smoochie like your boyfriend gives when DR posts up his pics? don't worry babe, he still loves ya...!

but i'm glad you came out to defend DarkShadow 48021 after his puny mind couldn't pick up on any topics we discussed earlier in THIS THREAD!.

since he's realized he was duped (earlier in THIS THREAD!),

he probably has his head all the way up in that crooked net of his, rubbing it back and forth and whimpering like a little girl.

sweetie! the poor little huevo sack needs you... go to him...

and let him know that if there's something he doesn't understand... he needs to ask before he responds.

tell him you don't want to have to come out and pick a fight to protect his honor anymore!

laidy quagagaMAMA! go to your boy, he's still cwyin'

if you build it, he will come... ease chico's pain...


04-04-2016, 01:15 PM
You are truly the biggest idiot ever.

The first thing you need to remember is that if you have to preface or follow up anything with "No offense intended to anyone". It's offensive.
Good to see your true racist tendencies showing through moron.

hey moron!

you don't think i know that?

here's a hint for ya, idiot...

that's why i put it up!


04-04-2016, 01:21 PM
it was a pretty funny response to the anti gay, homophobic comment by your boyfriend (go search for it since you probably don't remember...)

like i said, i don't like bantering with peons (you should google this too, so you get the true meaning of the word)... but thanks for noticing my time stamps :LOL::ROFL::Idiot:.

mrs. chubnazi post police... you and your peon should write up another report and send it to an administrator for review...

:LOL::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot ::Idiot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........: LOL::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot: :Idiot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........:L OL::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot:: Idiot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........:LO L::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot::I diot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........:LOL ::ROFL::Idiot::Idiot:........:LOL::ROFL::Idiot::Id iot:........

never thought you'd stoop to posting up those d umb s pictures, but i guess since you can't really say anything worth a damn, you gotta drop a level or two, (specifically to the bee's knees... no pillow for you! and... a typical move for all you gap deficient chubbies).

maybe you're just feeling a little green and are looking for a little smoochie smoochie like your boyfriend gives when DR posts up his pics? don't worry babe, he still loves ya...!

but i'm glad you came out to defend DarkShadow 48021 after his puny mind couldn't pick up on any topics we discussed earlier in THIS THREAD!.

since he's realized he was duped (earlier in THIS THREAD!),

he probably has his head all the way up in that crooked net of his, rubbing it back and forth and whimpering like a little girl.

sweetie! the poor little huevo sack needs you... go to him...

and let him know that if there's something he doesn't understand... he needs to ask before he responds.

tell him you don't want to have come out and pick a fight to protect his honor anymore!

laidy quagagaMAMA! go to your boy, he's still cwyin'

if you build it, he will come... ease chico's pain...



The methadone is apparently not working.

Sorry for the absence Methd. I was out fishin' this weekend.

But thanks for thinking of me, in your....interesting post.

04-04-2016, 01:47 PM

The methadone is apparently not working.

Sorry for the absence Methd. I was out fishin' this weekend.

But thanks for thinking of me, in your....interesting post.

no problem chico

keep bumping this one back up

i have no problem with people seeing this one more and more!

or thinking i ramble and am a meth addict...

just so long as i can talk to my dyQue

and make you look like more of a chico escuela than you already have proven

did ya think of me when you used that crappy net? lol

i bet you did!!! lol

isn't methadone used to alleviate the withdrawals of heroin?

04-04-2016, 01:58 PM

at least when i mention "boards" later on when i leave...

you'll know what i'm speaking of...

now that you've been educated (earlier in this thread!)

by ...

the hookdfisherman!



04-04-2016, 02:20 PM

at least when i mention "boards" later on when i leave...

you'll know what i'm speaking of...

now that you've been educated (earlier in this thread!)

by ...

the hookdfisherman!



Uh oh.

Someone got a new batch.

(BTW, Pyscho, you can't use 'lol' when the entire community is LOL'ing at you. Just a thought.)

And I'm really sorry the methadone didn't help.

Meth is....a hellavu drug.

PM me. I have resources. It's not fun making fun of a drug addict. Seriously, PM me. I have resources.

04-04-2016, 02:31 PM

lol me

but let them see what an uneducated boob you turned out to be...

from the lashing you took earlier in this post...


the hookdfisherman!












04-04-2016, 03:05 PM

lol me

but let them see what an uneducated boob you turned out to be...

from the lashing you took earlier in this post...


the hookdfisherman!




I thought most people would've figured it out, but damn, after your last post? If anybody hadn't figured it out, you're a methie, and the size and color of our words don't really mean anything. In fact, you're exposing yourself more than you ever did before. You have random people, who have never interacted with you, really asking if you're on drugs. In FACT, i get people PMing me asking me if you're a meth head.

I've got a few methadone clinics that will help you out. Like I said, PM me. You don't need all those big colorful words to let the world know you need help. Put the pipe down, bro.

04-04-2016, 03:36 PM
I thought most people would've figured it out, but damn, after your last post? If anybody hadn't figured it out, you're a methie, and the size and color of our words don't really mean anything. In fact, you're exposing yourself more than you ever did before. You have random people, who have never interacted with you, really asking if you're on drugs. In FACT, i get people PMing me asking me if you're a meth head.

I've got a few methadone clinics that will help you out. Like I said, PM me. You don't need all those big colorful words to let the world know you need help. Put the pipe down, bro.

why do you think the size and color means something?

04-04-2016, 03:55 PM
why do you think the size and color means something?

I dunno, you're the MethHead using sizes and colors in this thread while everyone else isn't.

And you're asking ME why you post in different sizes and colors?

Damn, man. You're worse than I thought.


04-04-2016, 04:31 PM
And like I said before, PM me...

I know a few clinics that don't work off of methadone.

They'll find something that will work for you, Hookd.

04-05-2016, 12:13 AM

well, well, well,

maybe you need a little break from me...

your frustration levels are hitting the ceiling... it seems to be causing you to miss my points all over this place...

you complain about my space, space, space...

you're made to look the fool by the hookdfisherman... point, answer... point, answer... point, answer... point, answer...sitch...the boards...(among many other things)

you complain about the size and color of the fonts i post with...

you don't know how to read a sentence with parenthesis in it... and chico... i had to escuela you on that topic too...

your concern about my meth madness are unfounded (whether they are true or not...) lol

your net... is, aesthetically, still a piece of chite and YOU KNOW IT!

and lastly, that you're the moron in all our bantering...pobrecita!

for your own well being and peace of mind...

maybe you should imagine everything i post is in parenthesis...

that way, you can (and should) ignore me...

take a break from all the meth madness, mija...

and... as far as PM-ing you?

lol, never... gonna happen ya fool!

why would i want to hide any of the ignorance (which is not really derogatory, btw...) you seem bent on displaying?

i certainly make fun of your ignorance, but it's nothing for you to be ashamed of... you should be more ashamed that you sent your dyQue over to fight your battles for ya... lol

i guess that's what happens when the man is weak... and the quagaga is STRONG!

(please you little baby... don't complain about my capitalization too!) ok?

in the words of another wise poster... give it a rest d umb s...

you'll be happier not being outsmarted by... the hookdfishermethman...

(please you little baby... don't complain about the bold option either!) ok?

here's another thing... google ellipsis... b4 you complain about that too lol

04-05-2016, 06:32 AM

lol me


the hookdfisherman!



http://i855.photobucket.com/albums/ab119/Bazzileus/GIF/GIf.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/user/Bazzileus/media/GIF/GIf.gif.html)http://i855.photobucket.com/albums/ab119/Bazzileus/GIF/GIf.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/user/Bazzileus/media/GIF/GIf.gif.html)

04-05-2016, 06:47 AM

Hey rat, you is a fat one too...

04-05-2016, 08:13 AM

I like this better...



04-05-2016, 09:19 AM

well, well, well,

maybe you need a little break from me...

your frustration levels are hitting the ceiling... it seems to be causing you to miss my points all over this place...

you complain about my space, space, space...

you're made to look the fool by the hookdfisherman... point, answer... point, answer... point, answer... point, answer...sitch...the boards...(among many other things)

you complain about the size and color of the fonts i post with...

you don't know how to read a sentence with parenthesis in it... and chico... i had to escuela you on that topic too...

your concern about my meth madness are unfounded (whether they are true or not...) lol

your net... is, aesthetically, still a piece of chite and YOU KNOW IT!

and lastly, that you're the moron in all our bantering...pobrecita!

for your own well being and peace of mind...

maybe you should imagine everything i post is in parenthesis...

that way, you can (and should) ignore me...

take a break from all the meth madness, mija...

and... as far as PM-ing you?

lol, never... gonna happen ya fool!

why would i want to hide any of the ignorance (which is not really derogatory, btw...) you seem bent on displaying?

i certainly make fun of your ignorance, but it's nothing for you to be ashamed of... you should be more ashamed that you sent your dyQue over to fight your battles for ya... lol

i guess that's what happens when the man is weak... and the quagaga is STRONG!

(please you little baby... don't complain about my capitalization too!) ok?

in the words of another wise poster... give it a rest d umb s...

you'll be happier not being outsmarted by... the hookdfishermethman...

(please you little baby... don't complain about the bold option either!) ok?

here's another thing... google ellipsis... b4 you complain about that too lol

Still amazed that you don't get it. Your middle of the night rants about how smart you are and how racist you are are too funny, but at the same time very sad too.
Mental illness is not really funny and I think people on here are finally realizing that it's not any fun or right to play with a mentally disturbed persons mind.

I'm sure you'll have some "clever" reply at 3 or 4 am tomorrow morning for this, but please remember, those rants are why everyone thinks you either A) Are a dope fiend or B) Have a mental illness.

04-05-2016, 10:57 AM
Still amazed that you don't get it. Your middle of the night rants about how smart you are and how racist you are are too funny, but at the same time very sad too.
Mental illness is not really funny and I think people on here are finally realizing that it's not any fun or right to play with a mentally disturbed persons mind.

I'm sure you'll have some "clever" reply at 3 or 4 am tomorrow morning for this, but please remember, those rants are why everyone thinks you either A) Are a dope fiend or B) Have a mental illness.

Hilarious dr brenty boy... and in your professional opinion...

What mental illness do you diagnose?

if you can get it right... i'll admit to it...

you're probably right, i am not clever as opposed to your bantering team of misfits are just very very dumb...

04-05-2016, 02:38 PM
i am not clever as opposed to your bantering team of misfits are just very very dumb....

Professional curiosity...

Do you read what you write before you post?

Considering all the 3 am (meth)edits that you do, you must, right?