View Full Version : LA Mirada lake

canusmellwhat i'mhookin
03-07-2016, 09:02 PM
I haven't been in a couple years was wondering if it was still stocked with trout.Is there any bass still in there.

03-07-2016, 11:09 PM
I haven't been in a couple years was wondering if it was still stocked with trout.Is there any bass still in there.
You know they claim they still stock trout in there!!! However, every week they claimed to put trout in there nobody showed up. As for the Bass, it was rebounding pretty good till a one man wrecking crew showed up last year. He fished the lake twice a day every day for Bass and kept quite a few of them. I haven't seen him this year so maybe he caught all the Bass and moved on to another lake!!!! lol

03-08-2016, 12:26 AM
You know they claim they still stock trout in there!!! However, every week they claimed to put trout in there nobody showed up. As for the Bass, it was rebounding pretty good till a one man wrecking crew showed up last year. He fished the lake twice a day every day for Bass and kept quite a few of them. I haven't seen him this year so maybe he caught all the Bass and moved on to another lake!!!! lol

Was he Asian? Those damn Asians take everything! Except for me, I don't count as one of those Asians since I'm special. I don't fish for largemouth bass very much.

03-08-2016, 03:47 AM
Was he Asian? Those damn Asians take everything! Except for me, I don't count as one of those Asians since I'm special. I don't fish for largemouth bass very much.
No he wasn't!!! I don't want to play the race card but he should have been fishing for the put and take fish!!!!

canusmellwhat i'mhookin
03-08-2016, 08:49 AM
Sorry to hear such devastating news I hope the lake makes a comeback

03-08-2016, 10:05 AM
No he wasn't!!! I don't want to play the race card but he should have been fishing for the put and take fish!!!!


Everyone seems to get all bent every time someone makes a joke,

it's getting old.

Lets stick to fishing reports, a few laughs and the occasional agreeing to disagree.
I think that would be a good manifesto for the site.

03-08-2016, 10:30 AM
I didn't want to say anything about the guy's race because that's not how I roll!!! But it was very ironic, fall before last the La Mirada lake catfish bite was off the hook for 3 straight months. I caught 3-6 on the average every trip with an occasional double digit session and missed at least that many bites every time I went. Since the lake is only 5 minutes from my house I was going 3-5 times a week. So I would see the same guy fish every morning and every evening for Bass. Even when I didn't fish the lake I would still see him there fishing because I drive by the lake every day in my wandering through the city. Of course he would see me catch these catfish every trip and not once did he put down his bass pole and throw a catfish line out there. Here is the un stereotypical part about him, "he was black." That's why when I hear people talk racialy about groups of people it's all just BUNK!!!!!

03-08-2016, 12:26 PM
Sorry to hear such devastating news I hope the lake makes a comeback
Fortunately I have high hopes for the Bass fishing to pick up again. A few years ago the DFG did some shocking in the lake and took 10 large Bass out to study them. I thought great that's 15-20% of the Adult Bass population in there and now there gone. Fortunately the Bucket Biologist quickly restocked the lake with some nice Bass. (it an easy lake to do that at) So for the next 2 years the Bass fishing was really good in there. (till the 1 man wrecking crew showed up) I saw him take several Bass a month out of there for quite awhile. So who knows what's left in there now. Another good thing is the reduced trout stockings in there!!!! Why????? No big flock of cormorants in there eating the trout and then switching over to the Bass & Bluegill. So I do have hope again for the lake!!!

03-08-2016, 12:36 PM
Does the lake actually have a decent blue gill bite and can you fish after dark at the lake? Thanks

03-08-2016, 02:34 PM
No he wasn't!!! I don't want to play the race card but he should have been fishing for the put and take fish!!!!

lol I'm just pulling your leg. It's always a shame that guys will keep their supposed limit of fish and leave a fishery in shambles only to later repeat the process at another area.

03-08-2016, 02:35 PM
Fortunately I have high hopes for the Bass fishing to pick up again. A few years ago the DFG did some shocking in the lake and took 10 large Bass out to study them. I thought great that's 15-20% of the Adult Bass population in there and now there gone. Fortunately the Bucket Biologist quickly restocked the lake with some nice Bass. (it an easy lake to do that at) So for the next 2 years the Bass fishing was really good in there. (till the 1 man wrecking crew showed up) I saw him take several Bass a month out of there for quite awhile. So who knows what's left in there now. Another good thing is the reduced trout stockings in there!!!! Why????? No big flock of cormorants in there eating the trout and then switching over to the Bass & Bluegill. So I do have hope again for the lake!!!

If Tilapia find their way into the lake the bass will grow even bigger. Higher protein forage fish.

03-08-2016, 03:45 PM
Does the lake actually have a decent blue gill bite and can you fish after dark at the lake? Thanks
In the warmer months when I'm fishing for catfish with mealworms and a bobber, the bluegill in a few spots are pretty aggressive. I swear when I catch a bluegill at night their usually pretty big. So I guess you can say IF you know where to go the bluegill fishing is pretty good. Fishing at night that's a good question. Technically it's a no no!!! Of over 500 times I've fished their at night, I've never been told to leave. (for me I was fishing in the daylight and it got dark on me) But I'm never in a panic to leave as soon as the sun went down. I have heard on some super rare occasion the police have asked people to stop fishing after dark. But I have never ever heard of someone ever getting a ticket for fishing there after dark. People are walking through the park at night all the time, so fishing really isn't that big of a deal. But you know what??? Of all the park lakes that I've fished, La Mirada fishes best in the day light.

canusmellwhat i'mhookin
03-10-2016, 03:13 PM
Etucker I would like to meet you there I fish it pretty regularly between 10 am and 2:30 pm I'm an old guy with a raider cap buy I never catch anything now I know why

03-10-2016, 04:12 PM
Etucker I would like to meet you there I fish it pretty regularly between 10 am and 2:30 pm I'm an old guy with a raider cap buy I never catch anything now I know why
No problem!!! I love meeting and making new friends. I'm going to fish for Carp & Catfish, what's your fish of choice??? I do know that lake like the back of my hand, so we have a puncher's chance for success!!!! lol

canusmellwhat i'mhookin
03-10-2016, 06:35 PM
I like bass but anything that bends a pole in good

03-10-2016, 07:15 PM
I like bass but anything that bends a pole in good
I can't tell how many adult Bass are left in there, but it is definitely the right time of the year to fish for them!!!

Mister Twister
03-10-2016, 09:37 PM
Never seen a black guy catch a bass in my life,To much work.

Mister Twister
03-12-2016, 09:22 AM
Never seen a black guy catch a bass in my life,To much work.

no come back? Going to Brite sunday, i will post. Out of town,low fishing pressure, NO COME BACK? peace MY FREINDS

03-12-2016, 09:33 AM
Never seen a black guy catch a bass in my life,To much work.
Ok I'll make a comment!!!! I think because soon to be President Trump is a racist, we are all getting numb to racist statements!!!! lol

Mister Twister
03-12-2016, 08:32 PM
Ok I'll make a comment!!!! I think because soon to be President Trump is a racist, we are all getting numb to racist statements!!!! lol
Raise your right hand and pledge. The future is coming. I will be fishing. I dont care anymore,what a bunch of bs

03-12-2016, 09:50 PM
Never seen a black guy catch a bass in my life,To much work.


I'm just saying....

Mister Twister
03-13-2016, 10:44 AM

I'm just saying....

I saw him at La Mirada lake! He had a surf pole with large treble hook. He snagged it.

03-13-2016, 02:17 PM
I saw him at La Mirada lake! He had a surf pole with large treble hook. He snagged it.

You liar!! I was there when he caught it with a Tenkara USA dapping stick. Ok, you were right about the treble.

Mister Twister
03-13-2016, 03:29 PM
You liar!! I was there when he caught it with a Tenkara USA dapping stick. Ok, you were right about the treble.

I bet my Shih tzu would kick the crap out of your toy.

Mister Twister
03-13-2016, 04:31 PM
I bet my Shih tzu would kick the crap out of your toy.

Here's your chance to fish with the infamous MR TWISTER - Send me your SS # your mother maiden name and ten years of resdinence. That way I know your are worthy of fishing with me. I will take you secret spot that have never been fished. Humans have not been there! Make sure you bring your visa card.

03-13-2016, 07:44 PM
Here's your chance to fish with the infamous MR TWISTER - Send me your SS # your mother maiden name and ten years of resdinence. That way I know your are worthy of fishing with me. I will take you secret spot that have never been fished. Humans have not been there! Make sure you bring your visa card.

Good luck, he's a cheap Chinese that keeps all the fish he catches. Especially LMBs. He love's steaming them with black bean sauce.

Mister Twister
03-13-2016, 07:58 PM
Good luck, he's a cheap Chinese that keeps all the fish he catches. Especially LMBs. He love's steaming them with black bean sauce.

black bean sauce? Doing now bluegill. legg lake

Mister Twister
03-13-2016, 08:04 PM
remember the high hard one for you my lame friend.

Mister Twister
03-13-2016, 08:44 PM
ok a holes, pm if wont to go fishing with me and my boys. With the low water and stocks I say Quail lake. Do I know what up? No. But we will go maybe end up at Tupman

Mister Twister
03-14-2016, 05:03 PM
ok a holes, pm if wont to go fishing with me and my boys. With the low water and stocks I say Quail lake. Do I know what up? No. But we will go maybe end up at Tupman

Whoa! 2nd 12 pack. My humble apologies H Ha