View Full Version : Be carefull in believing what your favorite Republican canidates tell you!!!!

02-04-2016, 08:34 PM
Politician's since the beginning of time have exaggerated the truth. However, this new generation of Republicans have taken lying to a new level!!!!! The worst part is, "they DON'T EVEN CARE if they get caught!!!" Donald Trump say's he's seen video's of American Muslim cheering the 911 attacks. (no such video exists) Other prominent Republicans say they seen video's of aborted fetuses being kept alive to harvest their organs. (sorry folks that video doesn't exist either) Let's also look back at some of their other old lies.

Man made climate change doesn't exist!!!!!

If this year is another record year of being the warmest since they been keeping records. (I think it will be) Even the sharpest deniers of man made climate change will be hard pressed to have any explanation of how EVERY YEAR now is a new record.

Then there is my old favorite, "VOTER ID LAWS." Missouri just a couple of weeks a go passed a new Voter ID law. Why because they say it's to help prevent fraudulent voting. The Liberals have said all along that's Bull shite, the real reason is to keep people who would vote against Republicans candidates from voting. In Florida 31% of all African American males have been declared ineligible to vote. In Vermont (Bernie's state) you can vote from your jail cell. Florida is also the same state who gave us Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush and George W. Bush as President, thank you very much Kathryn Harris!!!!

A new study that has just been concluded done right here in San Diego CA on fraudulent voting had some unbelievable results. (it was reported in the Washington Post) It said in recent years with over 1 Billion votes cast (yes 1 BILLION VOTES) they found only 33 cases of fraudulent voting. Yet those SOB Republicans say it's a problem that needs to be addressed. When I was young and growing up watching programs like the Dukes of Hazard. I thought characters like Boss Hog were just plain fiction and nonsense. Even if some one tried to do dirty tricks like he did, "no one would be dumb enough to follow them." I guess I was wrong!!!!!!

Obama might have just been a mediocre President, but I can at least say "he wasn't a snake in the grass." Can you say that about some of these Republican Presidential candidates and my new favorite list of Bastards. "Republican Governors!!!!!"

02-05-2016, 03:03 AM

Politician's since the beginning of time have exaggerated the truth. However, this new generation of Republicans have taken lying to a new level!!!!!

like this kinda lying???

I was minding my own business making friends and writing up my local park experiences

don't you mean minding your business writing friends and making up "crape"????????

for more bs see the following...

(I didn't take too kindly to that group of people who craped on my fish reports) I decided to do the gunslinger trick of spinning my guns in public. (let me explain that) In the old west a person who had a reputation of being good with a gun didn't want to prove himself all the time. Because one of these day's he might end up DEAD!!!! So they would show off by spinning and twirling their guns in public all the time. (it was all for intimidation purposes)

hey... are you one o' dem lying ash republicans?????????

everything I say is like a Newspaper reporter's duty, you need double confirmation from different sources on anything BEFORE you even think about writing about it.

because you obviously cannot back up your "crapey" dumbazz gunslinger bull... OR even the claim that you're some kinda pewlitzer prize winning reporter that obtains reliable sources for the "crape" you write.

u might be "pepe le pew" :Skunk::Skunk::Skunk: that must be the kinda pew you's talkin bout.

Donald Trump say's he's seen video's of American Muslim cheering the 911 attacks. (no such video exists) Other prominent Republicans say they seen video's of aborted fetuses being kept alive to harvest their organs. (sorry folks that video doesn't exist either)

at least you got video of your claim!!!!!!! remind us all again what that was? is that crickets i hear? oh ok let me remind us all... the Carradine Brothers... ahhh yessss, lol!!!!!

Let's also look back at some of their other old lies. Man made climate change doesn't exist!!!!!

now, this one i believe IS A LIE!!!!! man made climate change DOES exist. proof of that is... hoggie told me when you two are lyin' on da couch and doin' the dutch oven thing, a lotta heat comes outta there... so, yeah... woo hoo climate change!!!!

If this year is another record year of being the warmest since they been keeping records. (I think it will be)

well of course you do, but did ya ever think?????... hmmm, to stop global warming... stop doing

double dutch ovens with hoggy boy

and viola!!!!, no more greenhouse gasses...

probably not.

Then there is my old favorite, "VOTER ID LAWS." Missouri just a couple of weeks a go passed a new Voter ID law. Why because they say it's to help prevent fraudulent voting. Liberals say it's an attempt to prevent certain people from voting. (people who are most likely to vote against Conservatives interest.) The truth is, only a tiny amount of people were ever caught trying to make fraudulent votes.


A new study that has just been concluded done right here in San Diego CA on fraudulent voting had some unbelievable results. (it was reported in the Washington Post) It said in recent years with over 1 Billion votes cast (yes 1 BILLION VOTES) they found only 33 cases of fraudulent voting.

so, we're supposed to believe this "crape" now????? you certainly need to build up a little credibility before fnn'ers are gonna believe this spewage...

why don't you start with this, before you open up your current can of little worms?????? :Food::Food::Food:


rebut this little tidbit first


then, let's you n me have one of these...


and thennnnn..... when all is proven factual and spelling is correct..... then this forum might start taking you seriously.


here's something you wrote that i believe....

Obama might have just been a mediocre President, but I can at least say "he wasn't a snake in the grass."

oh wait, nope... can't believe your reportin' on this "crape" either. sorry dude, ya got no cred!!!!!! besides we all know he's the WORST!!!!!!

(as the world chants to the snake in the grass... puck yo couch piggy!!!!)

lol (but sadly)

remember this from a while back?????

Unlike all you hypocritical wanna be master (de) baters who think you can debate, I don't debate.

So you admit your not here to debate, then what are you here to do????????

you figure that out yet????? hawgs figured it out and he super wussed. so much so that he will not crawl out from under his couch to stand his ground... lol!!!!!

that's good!!!!

i'm kinda worried he'll sneak out from under you two's dub dutch and twirl for you, i mean back you up on the gunslinger "crape". after all he's a scary fat man!!!! right CHUBS????

well, it's late (blah blah blah, but not hawggy late!!!!!) hahahaw

so, are you a republican??????

That sure doesn't stop them from spouting their lies over and over again!!! I normally don't pull stuff out of my ARSE, I hear or read about something from several different credible sources before I ever write about it on FNN. So many story's from the Right are just plain arse lies or conspiracy theories reported to be the truth!!!!

cuz we all know you're a damn liar.

this post of yours spews that all repubs/conserves lie, kinda supports the question, no?

the simplest answer will suffice... are you a damn liar or a republican???? which is it pucker boy?????


02-05-2016, 09:32 AM


like this kinda lying???

don't you mean minding your business writing friends and making up "crape"????????

for more bs see the following...

hey... are you one o' dem lying ash republicans?????????

because you obviously cannot back up your "crapey" dumbazz gunslinger bull... OR even the claim that you're some kinda pewlitzer prize winning reporter that obtains reliable sources for the "crape" you write.

u might be "pepe le pew" :Skunk::Skunk::Skunk: that must be the kinda pew you's talkin bout.

at least you got video of your claim!!!!!!! remind us all again what that was? is that crickets i hear? oh ok let me remind us all... the Carradine Brothers... ahhh yessss, lol!!!!!

now, this one i believe IS A LIE!!!!! man made climate change DOES exist. proof of that is... hoggie told me when you two are lyin' on da couch and doin' the dutch oven thing, a lotta heat comes outta there... so, yeah... woo hoo climate change!!!!

well of course you do, but did ya ever think?????... hmmm, to stop global warming... stop doing

double dutch ovens with hoggy boy

and viola!!!!, no more greenhouse gasses...

probably not.


so, we're supposed to believe this "crape" now????? you certainly need to build up a little credibility before fnn'ers are gonna believe this spewage...

why don't you start with this, before you open up your current can of little worms?????? :Food::Food::Food:


rebut this little tidbit first


then, let's you n me have one of these...


and thennnnn..... when all is proven factual and spelling is correct..... then this forum might start taking you seriously.


here's something you wrote that i believe....

oh wait, nope... can't believe your reportin' on this "crape" either. sorry dude, ya got no cred!!!!!! besides we all know he's the WORST!!!!!!

(as the world chants to the snake in the grass... puck yo couch piggy!!!!)

lol (but sadly)

remember this from a while back?????

you figure that out yet????? hawgs figured it out and he super wussed. so much so that he will not crawl out from under his couch to stand his ground... lol!!!!!

that's good!!!!

i'm kinda worried he'll sneak out from under you two's dub dutch and twirl for you, i mean back you up on the gunslinger "crape". after all he's a scary fat man!!!! right CHUBS????

well, it's late (blah blah blah, but not hawggy late!!!!!) hahahaw

so, are you a republican??????

cuz we all know you're a damn liar.

this post of yours spews that all repubs/conserves lie, kinda supports the question, no?

the simplest answer will suffice... are you a damn liar or a republican???? which is it pucker boy?????




02-05-2016, 09:36 AM


A little penned up frustration?????? Do what I do, "GO GET YOU SOME!!!!!!!" lol

02-05-2016, 09:38 AM

A little penned up frustration?????? Do what I do, "GO GET YOU SOME!!!!!!!" lol

you don't like my HUMOR????!!!

hahahah ha.


02-05-2016, 09:47 AM

A little penned up frustration?????? Do what I do, "GO GET YOU SOME!!!!!!!" lol

because we all know you don't understand penned??





02-05-2016, 09:53 AM

are you deflecting with STUPIDITY now-a-days?

fine job there boy!!!!!



02-05-2016, 09:54 AM

googling pent, are ya?


02-05-2016, 10:01 AM

are you deflecting with STUPIDITY now-a-days?

fine job there boy!!!!!


Deflecting with Stupidity you say????????

Son, I don't know what side of the sexual fence you live on????? But any one calling getting laid Stupid, either doesn't know how to do it right!!!!! OR is a little light in the loafers!!!!!! lol

02-05-2016, 10:30 AM

Deflecting with Stupidity you say????????

Son, I don't know what side of the sexual fence you live on????? But any one calling getting laid Stupid, either doesn't know how to do it right!!!!! OR is a little light in the loafers!!!!!! lol

a little recap is in order here:

A little penned up frustration?????? Do what I do, "GO GET YOU SOME!!!!!!!" lol


you don't like my HUMOR????!!!

hahahah ha.



because we all know you don't understand penned??





googling pent, are ya?

Last edited by hookdfisherman; Today at 10:00 AM. Reason: ... my biotch!!! lol



are you deflecting with STUPIDITY now-a-days?

fine job there boy!!!!!



Deflecting with Stupidity you say????????

Son, I don't know what side of the sexual fence you live on????? But any one calling getting laid Stupid, either doesn't know how to do it right!!!!! OR is a little light in the loafers!!!!!! lol

lol still missing the point...

i was speaking to the dumbazz comment "penned up frustration" versus my pent up humor!!!!!

i can't help but let it out when the morons attempt to debate... but instead show true ignorance, let alone the stupidity you live in.

and as far as a sexual fence??? you musta slipped off and fell on the post... that's why the sh!tell flies outta both ends on you PUCK!

and quit deflecting... answer the question, debate your claim, prove your reporter claim... hell sh!tell or get off the post wussy boy!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!


02-05-2016, 12:44 PM

because we all know you don't understand penned??




I guess I have to explain the joke to you. PENNED is a play on words!!!! I know it's PENT, but as soon as I wrote something you could response too. YOU PEN ED as in writing a huge response!!!!!

02-05-2016, 12:52 PM

I guess I have to explain the joke to you. PENNED is a play on words!!!! I know it's PENT, but as soon as I wrote something you could response too. YOU PEN ED as in writing a huge response!!!!!

ohhhh, snap! are you punnin' me????

is that even a verb?

you got me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:UDaMan::UDaMan::UDaMan::UDaMan::UDaMan::UDaMan::U DaMan::UDaMan::UDaMan::UDaMan::UDaMan::UDaMan::UDa Man::UDaMan:


pure genius BOY! you got me to pen ed!!!!!!

chit, howdy!!!!!


are you jus' lyin'?????????

or you republican?

come on... lol



so... yeah. trying to save face, YOU LOSE!!!! lol

this is for you puck... here let me practice what i preach... any membas wanna take a swing at the validity of puck really knowing penned vs. pent ???

can i get confirmation that puck the tucker is being truthful?

hoggie?? come on chubs, i need your help here...

please hog, pen ed somphin for me, don't leave me penned up frustrated!!!!!


02-05-2016, 03:13 PM

i'm feeling the urge to pen ed again...

i am pen edding this to inform fnn that trump is ahead in the polls.

i pen edded this earlier but the post didn't take so i needed to re-pen ed it.

please pen ed me with a pm if you'd like to discuss this incognito,

you all know... cognito, wyoming... that is.



02-07-2016, 02:23 PM
My decision is based on how much tax is being collected from my pay check.

02-07-2016, 02:50 PM
My decision is based on how much tax is being collected from my pay check.
Then you'll love all the Republican candidates!!!! Everyone of them promises to cut tax's. Just don't be fooled by their other "BIG LIE", Tax cut's pay for themselves!!!!!!

Governments that don't tax properly are completely irresponsible. A perfect example of this on the State level is what Governor Brownback did in Kansas. He lowered the tax's so much that can't even pay for vital services.

On the National level the Shite will one day hit the fan, when the bridges start falling down and killing dozens of people in the process. The cause will be pointed out, "the Republicans were just too cheap to pay for the infrastructure to properly maintain them." (that's a fact) I wouldn't be putting my name supporting those kind of policies.

02-07-2016, 09:08 PM
Free Chit for Everyone!!


02-07-2016, 10:30 PM
Free Chit for Everyone!!


For everyone except business owners like you who"didn't build that business". You don't deserve your money and don't pay the gimmi dats nearly enough of your hard earned profits.


02-07-2016, 10:50 PM
Why don't you understand Hawgz? I can work a lot less and fish more taking people's money
Who make more then me. Sounds legit

http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b516/mikesocean/83602B0B-8FD0-47AB-88EE-14CBDD0FEADF_zpselpie6qn.jpg (http://s1289.photobucket.com/user/mikesocean/media/83602B0B-8FD0-47AB-88EE-14CBDD0FEADF_zpselpie6qn.jpg.html)

02-08-2016, 07:50 AM
Free Chit for Everyone!!

Hi Mike, I kinda look at it like Goldie Locks and the 3 Bears. When she get's to feel what the 3 beds are like to sleep in. The first bed is too hard (Trump) the second bed is too soft (Bernie) but the third bed is just right. (Hillary) lol

02-08-2016, 08:51 AM
For everyone except business owners like you who"didn't build that business". You don't deserve your money and don't pay the gimmi dats nearly enough of your hard earned profits.

You know HawgZ, even if Bernie was elected President THIS congress would never pass ANY tax increases for some new Social Programs. This Congress WOULD pass and the President would SIGN a new round of tax reductions, if any Republican candidate would win the Presidency. With the deficit being the way it is that's "no Bueno." Cutting back on Social programs is not the way to go either. So that's WHY I'm voting for Hillary, "she will just keep the status quo!!!!!" Which isn't that bad!!! (Thanks Obama!!!!) lol

02-08-2016, 10:35 AM
We interrupt this intellectually stimulating political discourse to bring you some important news.




That's right, free burritos.


We now take you back to your discussion about general stuff.

02-08-2016, 10:50 AM
It better be free

I won't


that poison.



02-08-2016, 02:59 PM
We interrupt this intellectually stimulating political discourse to bring you some important news.




That's right, free burritos.


We now take you back to your discussion about general stuff.

My burritos are pretty specific, Slight tangent here and there but overall I am aiming at a target. Most political discussion on this website is only as specific as the poster can generalize and vomiting mostly what they believe or wish to convince others to also believe. And, it is actually free. No advertising needed here, but thanks D umb S.

There's always a yin to yang. Bring the yang if you can.

Btw, maybe it's just bad camera angle/lighting but that net looks like a recovering alcoholic with the dts did the inlay and the fonts are REALLY BAD!

You can always just spray paint it hot pink, just a suggestion.


02-10-2016, 04:27 PM
However, this new generation of Republicans have taken lying to a new level!!!!!

Obama might have just been a mediocre President, but I can at least say "he wasn't a snake in the grass."

I think Obama and Hillary have taken lying to a whole new level.

Mediocre president ? WTF Tucker
Are you sniffing glue ?

02-10-2016, 04:40 PM
I think Obama and Hillary have taken lying to a whole new level.

Mediocre president ? WTF Tucker
Are you sniffing glue ?
As for the lying part, Obama and Hillary are lying to protect national secrets or their reputations. These new Republicans lie because they can and don't care even if their caught!!!

In fairness to how Obama ranked as a President (I've seen professional rankings) mediocre is a correct evaluation. However, it looks like all future Presidents are going to get that score or worse. I'm not being hard or unfair to Obama, that's just the way it is.

No glue sniffing!!!! But I am drenched in the sweet smell of Skunk Odor. I have never gone this long without catching a fish. It's not for lack of trying. I'm debating to go get Skunked at Lake Dixon tomorrow or the Nados for Yellowtail!!!!! lol

02-10-2016, 09:29 PM
As for the lying part, Obama and Hillary are lying to protect national secrets or their reputations.

Lol, you can't be serious. So many videos on his lies.
Here is a short one.


02-10-2016, 09:33 PM
Here is another short one. The 10 min and longer ones expose many more lies.


02-10-2016, 09:38 PM
Tucker how can you say the they have even been mediocre ?
People say W Bush lied. Bush is a Saint compared to these two.

Don't feel bad, I spent $90 on 3 trips to Santa Ana River Lakes for a skunk.

02-10-2016, 10:15 PM
Don't feel bad, I spent $90 on 3 trips to Santa Ana River Lakes for a skunk.

A lot less on the dumb phucks spending money on the Hindenburg-ish Trump campaign!

Atta boy, DR!

02-10-2016, 11:50 PM
Lol, you can't be serious. So many videos on his lies.
Here is a short one.

Ok he was lying to prevent secrets from getting out. Trump lied about see a video about Muslim Americans cheering the 911 attacks. See the difference?????

02-10-2016, 11:52 PM
Tucker how can you say the they have even been mediocre ?
People say W Bush lied. Bush is a Saint compared to these two.

Don't feel bad, I spent $90 on 3 trips to Santa Ana River Lakes for a skunk.
You can give him credit for a few things that get's him up to the Mediocre stage. lol

02-11-2016, 09:13 AM
My decision is based on how much tax is being collected from my pay check.

I can agree to a degree.
What's more important is what's being done with the money.
Spending it all on billion dollar planes that don't work and ridiculous wars that were based on BS is not what needs to be done.
Allowing corporations to hide their money and get tax breaks while sending jobs over seas to increase profits while making their American employees collect government assistance to survive, once again to increase profits is a real F'd up situation and one I will not be voting to participate in regardless of the tax rates.

02-11-2016, 04:15 PM
Ok he was lying to prevent secrets from getting out. Trump lied about see a video about Muslim Americans cheering the 911 attacks. See the difference?????
Did you watch the short video ?

What about transparency ? Secrets ? Is that a answer you can not answer because of Gov secrets ? Lol

02-11-2016, 05:18 PM
Lie, lie, lie...........Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury I rest my case.....


02-11-2016, 07:00 PM

Have you watched DVflyer's video. Any other Dems out there who support her ?

We haven't even touched the Clinton Foundation yet or the trail of bodies.
Cmon Tucker.

02-11-2016, 07:10 PM

Have you watched DVflyer's video. Any other Dems out there who support her ?

We haven't even touched the Clinton Foundation yet or the trail of bodies.
Cmon Tucker.

I have!!!! This is why Bernie just might get the nomination. It doesn't change my mind about voting for Hillary though. She still is the best candidate running for the Presidency now!!!!!

02-11-2016, 07:17 PM
Lie, lie, lie...........Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury I rest my case.....


You had better watch out, blind loathing white liberal trash cant see further than your rebel flag, so you must be lying. :LOL:

02-11-2016, 07:18 PM
I have!!!! This is why Bernie just might get the nomination. It doesn't change my mind about voting for Hillary though. She still is the best candidate running for the Presidency now!!!!!

You just want to see her naked. :Shocked:

02-11-2016, 07:27 PM
You just want to see her naked. :Shocked:

Hillery as seen by etucker. Who can ya believe, your lyin' eyes.


02-11-2016, 07:48 PM
You just want to see her naked. :Shocked:
It's the Trump women I would want to see naked!!!! Both wife and daughter!!!!! lol

02-11-2016, 08:07 PM
frenchy aka etucker why do I have this image in my head of you in front of the TV tonight watching the Democrat debate with tissues in one hand and lube in the other............

02-11-2016, 09:17 PM

so, what have we learned here today?

taking the high road leads to missing out on all the pen edding, at least the fun pen eds!
