View Full Version : Returned To Brite Lake 2/4

02-04-2016, 08:32 PM
Returned to Brite Lake since the weather finally settled down.

That last storm dropped about 8 inches of snow and the cold wind kept it from melting, and there was ice on the lake surface against the dam.

Took my time and started fishing about 7am using different PB concoctions. Quite a bit of ice and snow melted before the winds picked up

again at about mid morning, after which I had already C&R'd eight good sized trout going to 15 inches each. Since the wind started picking up good at 10:30,

I decided to call it a day.

Also, there were only 4 other guys fishing while I was there so if you're looking for some peace and quiet..............

Tight Lines !


fish impaler
02-06-2016, 04:48 PM
I fished on the south side of the dam this morning, from 6-9:30, saw a few crappie and bluegill, they looked really beat up with a bunch dead as well, any idea why? . Fished micetails, and power bait on a crig with 18" of 4lb, and tried the usual iron as well, not a sniff from the trout. Is there deeper water on the other side of the dam?

02-07-2016, 01:36 PM

South Side??? The dam is on the north side of the lake, but anywhere you see the deeper color green/blue is plenty deep, so from the east to the west is

plenty deep with the water being cold.

I've fished from the bend going west on the dam and have luck the whole way to the back corner. Most of the fish I'm catching are very close to the bottom,

so short leaders of maybe 8-10 inches is fine, or do a double hook setup at 2 levels. You also might try a 2 lb leader too.The trout seem to be right off the bottom.

No idea why the bluegill and crappie are beat up....maybe because of careless "fisheridiots" that don't know how to release fish properly, my 2 cents.

Just try the double hook and other setups until you get bit.

Have Fun!


fish impaler
02-07-2016, 09:20 PM
Thanks! I was fishing the west corner of the dam. where it hits the bank, water was pretty shallow there. I'll walk a bit further next time.