View Full Version : Stingray attack!

10-13-2007, 10:49 PM
GF and I went out to SB pier on Friday night (10/12/07). I was setting up with all three rods and our hoop net when she went over to some fishermen to help them get a stingray back in the water. She had control of the barb and tail and was trying to pull it off the deck but it was stuck (I think they do a suction cup thing). But dang if it didn't get her after she let go of the tail. Stuck her reall good in the hand. Brave girl. Not many girls I know will try to handle a fish let alone a stingray. She tried to tuff it out but the pain was too much so we packed up and left. I remembered that hot water helps for stingrays (the heat breaks down the venom), but the bathroom only had cold water. Stopped off at the pharmacy to get some benedryl and raced home. All the way she was crying from the pain. I never have been stung before but I hear it hurts like a mo'fo. Got home and immersered her hand in water as hopt as she could stand and immediately the pain was lessened. It was amazing how fast it worked. Gave her a vicodin and set her up nicvely in bed. Poor girl. I don't think she'll ever handle another fish now.

10-13-2007, 11:28 PM
Hi your girlfriend is one brave gal I was stung by a sculpin one time and hot coffee did the trick on the boat helping some drunk take the hook off.

10-14-2007, 12:35 AM
I love to surf, and i have been stung 4-5 times from a sting ray. You never get used to that pain, and I cant imagine how bad it would be to an unsuspecting gal. Hopefully you can convince her that it is fairly rare and probably wont happen again. Next time tell her to lip the fish. :wink:

10-14-2007, 11:42 AM
Please try not to take off the barb from a ray. That is their sole defense against attack. If you take off their barbs, 95% of the time they will die due to infections from their open wound.

10-14-2007, 11:48 AM
All you had to do is just pee on her wound, its the next best thing

Nessie Hunter
10-14-2007, 02:09 PM
All you had to do is just pee on her wound, its the next best thing

She would love you for sure then.. :bang: :bang:

"hold still... Stop screaming, biting, scratching and hitting me,, Im doing this for your own good sweetheart!!"..... :D :D :D

Stick with the hot coffee, or spend a lot of lonely nights wishing you had.... :lol: :lol:

Thats for Jelly fish Dana, the Ammonia neutralizes Jelly Fish stings.


10-14-2007, 03:59 PM
man, I feel bad for the gf
hope this doesn't discourage her to fishing

I was just bad luck, like Baseballer44 said rare occasion

I use to use my shoe and kick it off the pier. but I heard from
this dude that the stinger can whip around and hit your

thanks on the info about the hot water didn't know that

10-14-2007, 07:16 PM
Yeah, my understanding is heat for stingrays and ammonia (pee) or vinegar for jellyfish. She says she'll continue to go fishing but won't handle any more fish. Can't say I blame her. LOL

Granny Fish
10-14-2007, 07:32 PM
I've seen grown men cry from stingray stings. Brave girl you got there. She's a keeper! You done right to get it into hot water. :wink: Hot as one can stand, hotter the better.

10-14-2007, 07:41 PM
Rub sunscreen on it,

everyone knows it protects from harmful rays

:bang: :bang:

cant help myself sometimes.

10-14-2007, 08:44 PM
thats why I always wear gloves when I handle fishes. big thick mickey mouse gloves. :) :)


10-14-2007, 10:36 PM
Rub sunscreen on it,

everyone knows it protects from harmful rays

:bang: :bang:

cant help myself sometimes.

funny dude :lol:

10-14-2007, 11:51 PM
Your girlfriend is one tough lady!

Hope she's doing well. You'll know if she has any remnants of the barb if the wound reddens and drain pus. (go see a Dr. then!!)

By the way, most doctors disagree that urine helps. It's an old wive's tale. (especially where jellyfish are concerned, vinegar and/or isopropyl alcohol disactivates the remaining cysts)

10-15-2007, 07:27 PM
I remember stepping on my 1st stingray surfing Trestles, It was miserable walking the trail back up. But, a bucket of steaming hot water made the venom break down and drain out of my foot what a relief. Sorry to hear about that!

11-18-2007, 09:37 PM
Please try not to take off the barb from a ray. That is their sole defense against attack. If you take off their barbs, 95% of the time they will die due to infections from their open wound.


11-18-2007, 10:25 PM
Did You Pee on your Girls/fiends Sting Bite?
If she got better, She must like your 3rd leg.
If she got worse, U might give her a Magnifing Glass next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

11-18-2007, 10:27 PM
Did You Pee on your Girls/fiends Sting Bite?
If she got better, She must like your 3rd leg.
If she got worse, U might give her a Magnifing Glass next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

11-18-2007, 11:24 PM
Well back years ago we had taken off some stingers to make some necklaces b4 I knew about not taking off the stingers. As we were riding out to the wall, we hit a swell, and the boat jumped a bit and I put my hand right into a stinger. :nutkick: x 10 is basically what it felt like!

Well with this stinger in my hand, and we were still catching fish, my buddy grabbed the pliers and ripped it out for me. I bandaged it up, and put ice on it, which made the pain worse....lol....but kept on fishing. Byt the time I got home my hand was so swollen up, but dipped it in warm epson saltewater and it done the trick. I still got that damn stinger too...