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View Full Version : Silverwood through the 4 seasons....?

11-03-2015, 12:09 AM
We live relatively near to Silverwood but never really fished it though we've kayaked there once. (Tandem) My wife surprised me this past weekend, suggesting that we learn to fish Silverwood since other surrounding lakes have not been that great for fishing. Love my gal....:LOL:

I apologize for this rudimentary question.

Would someone be kind enough to let me know if Silverwood is good to fish all through the year? Or are there better times to fish than others? And what would the seasons be?

And what are the major species that you fish for?

Again, apologies for the rudimentary question. And thanks in advance for any kind help.


11-03-2015, 09:36 AM
I'll start with fall seeing as we are in the middle of it now. Striper would be a good target, you can fish cut bait and small plastics for the schoolies or 6-12in swimbaits if you want to target Double digit fish. Largemouth can also be good on traditional lures around drop-offs.

Winter: when the trout are planted they are relatively easy to catch on powerbait, spinners, spoons, I've even caught some bigger ones on small(4-6in) swimbaits! When its really cold they are about the only thing going.

Early spring-through mid summer is a great time to target LMB, and striper. There are also some big cats in there as well and no special way to catch them at the Wood, bait of choice on a hook, and in the water.

The best thing to do is take a variety of baits for the species you want to target and go exploring. Wouldn't hurt to take a guided trip with someone who knows the lake and let them show you how its done either. #TO

11-03-2015, 09:44 AM
Boat or shore? Makes huge difference on how you tackle Silverwood or any reservoir for that matter. Time of day, time of year etc... So many directions to go with this discussion I really wouldn't know where to start. The discussion on striper or largemouth activity from shore or boat could take a small book but if trout or catfish is your forte then the discussion is much shorter.

11-03-2015, 05:33 PM
Thanks Twin22 & Seal.

Shore and kayak. No powerboat. We can Kayak about 4mph pretty easily.

Catfish - probably no interest i that. Probably most interested in trout and stripers. We are proficient trout fisher people but that's about all we know. Used to powerbait many years ago until our boys got bored though they did well at a number of derbies so we went to minijigs. But this is now more for my wife and I to not only kayak or hike, but also catch some fish along the way.


Boat or shore? Makes huge difference on how you tackle Silverwood or any reservoir for that matter. Time of day, time of year etc... So many directions to go with this discussion I really wouldn't know where to start. The discussion on striper or largemouth activity from shore or boat could take a small book but if trout or catfish is your forte then the discussion is much shorter.

11-03-2015, 05:53 PM
Shore fishing for stripers and trout is pretty good compared to a lot of other lakes, pretty easy to figure out if you spend time

11-04-2015, 07:31 AM
You can also just drag a lure behind you for the stripers and or trout when they plant them.