View Full Version : Had a ghosty feeling. 10/14

10-04-2015, 02:42 PM
First off! HG7 was awesome! Great meeting everyone and putting faces to names. Special Thanks to Arthur, Mike, and all the SWAT members who helped put on the event.

Decent conditions today besides a bit of salad. Very cloudy which stayed overcast till about 9am when the sun started breaking through. Low tidal chance and a long slack tide Right at about 9am.

I pick off the usual suspects (Mac,Bones,Cuda) and target a section that had a bit more grass. Decided to give the swimbait a go. first cast got bumped and pull up an 18" hali and 17" checker back to back.

http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j162/Ryan_Sean_Yoel/001_2.jpg (http://s80.photobucket.com/user/Ryan_Sean_Yoel/media/001_2.jpg.html)
http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j162/Ryan_Sean_Yoel/002_2.jpg (http://s80.photobucket.com/user/Ryan_Sean_Yoel/media/002_2.jpg.html)
Worked the area a bit more and Ron screams for me to run over. Get over and... i'm sure he will post his report. Right place and the right time. ;)

Back to my grassed out area and get a nice take. Few nice runs with strong head shakes. I knew it was my acquired target.

Low light conditions right at the slack tide ;)
http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j162/Ryan_Sean_Yoel/surf%20fishing/IMG_0022.jpg (http://s80.photobucket.com/user/Ryan_Sean_Yoel/media/surf%20fishing/IMG_0022.jpg.html)

I put a few more cali's/hali's on the sand. Hook into a nice grade calico and once it hits the sand i was in shock. Any ideas what happened?
http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j162/Ryan_Sean_Yoel/surf%20fishing/IMG_0024.jpg (http://s80.photobucket.com/user/Ryan_Sean_Yoel/media/surf%20fishing/IMG_0024.jpg.html)
http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j162/Ryan_Sean_Yoel/surf%20fishing/IMG_0025.jpg (http://s80.photobucket.com/user/Ryan_Sean_Yoel/media/surf%20fishing/IMG_0025.jpg.html)

Always blessed to be on the sand. Thanks for reading guys.

10-04-2015, 03:06 PM
Great job today Sean. It was a pleasure meeting you as well. I had the itch to hit the sand this morning but my body said hell no. ...lol
HG was a lot of work. When I dropped off my daughter she said "Dad...we've been on the road for 12hrs!"....? Combine that with the chore of having to pack away my overstuffed SUV full of the event stuff and needless to say I was worn out this morning. Woke up to rain and decided the fish aren't going ANYWHERE...LOL Great job on the mixed bag today. Looks like the calico was almost dinner for a bigger predator for sure and it was very recent. Amazing that the fish was hungry enough to even hit a bait.

10-04-2015, 03:44 PM
Great meeting you yesterday! Looks like you had a great session this morning. Like Mike, I wanted no part of getting up early this morning. It's definitely quite a job putting on an HG event, but it's all worth it. Glad you were able to get out there and slay some fish. Looks like that one checker got thumped harder than your LC! Would've liked to have seen you hook up to whatever that was...unless it was a dang sea dog.:Wink:


10-04-2015, 06:03 PM
Nice mix of fish there,especially the WSB,that Cali was pretty fortunate there's no vitals in that area of attack!

Cya Tuna Vic

10-05-2015, 05:16 PM
HI Sean:

Way to go. That is a nice set of fish!!!!

Good seeing you at HG & and thanks for helping us with the canopy:Big Grin:

see ya soon,


10-06-2015, 12:52 AM
Very nice job out there Sean
You've got that AO locked down to the T :Cool:
Congrats on the WSB man, those things are a beauty.
As far as the Calico goes, it amazes me how something can survive when its missing a quarter of its head lol

10-06-2015, 10:19 AM
Mike: I was extremely tired but i knew the conditions were going to be in place and probably my only chance to attack before the swell picks. That was sure a mission. Sorry i couldn't help out cleaning up. My ride wanted to take off. Yeah i was tripped out by that calico. I would catch it during the month of Halloween. :EyePop:

Don: Great meeting you too yesterday! Thanks for helping put on the event Don. I got home and wanted to catch something badly. The itch was itching. I don't think i would be able to handle whatever took a chomp on it with my set up. :LOL:

Thank you Tuna Vic, ive yet to catch a tuna this year!! :Neutral:

Hey Nick: Sorry i couldn't help out more! Bummer about your rods but now you really got to break in those new set ups. See you soon hopefully with lots of bendo going on!

Illest: i didn't get to meet you but thanks for doing the photography bro! Ive put in a TON of work out there. Poseidon is repaying me over time. I like the sketchy spots. I actually got soaked out there one of the jetties at HG7. :Secret::Embarrassed::Cool:
I know my legal will greet me soon. WSB are gorgeous! same with calico's. well the ones that haven't been zombified.

10-08-2015, 04:29 PM
Another WSB :Shocked::Rolls Eyes::LOL: Legal or not I think it,s three within a month or so ? Outstanding catches !!