View Full Version : Two Spots Three fish/N. SAMO

09-19-2015, 03:21 PM
Arrive time 5.45am to One to Two footers on the medium low tide. Waters were clear, no big weed problems this time.

Water temp about 8am went up to about 70,started throwing the hardbait first at first spot, then went to the red

crack at second spot. Was a nice clear sunny day for a change, none of that early morn. marine layer stuff.

Turned out it was a Baby catching day,with a halibut, a Bass, and a YFC.





SP Dan
09-20-2015, 01:01 PM
Hi ya Daniel,

Couldn't make out the fish in the 3rd picture with all the sand covering it .... looked like a YFC to me. Nice job!

Very nice job beaching your (short) Calico, BSP and Hali! WTG Sir!!

As always ..... impressive fish numbers Sir!

Thanx for the fish report with pic's! :Cool:

SP Dan <"))><