View Full Version : 10/10/07 - Jetty - regular stuff - pics

10-12-2007, 10:36 PM
Hi guys,

After going on a cruise with my wife, and not being able to fish while in Mexico, I was dying to wet some lines.
You read correctly...I didn't fish in Mexico! Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan & Cabo....no fishing!! ARGh...don't ask.

Anyway, my buddy calls me up and we decide to hit up SBNJ. He got there earlier in the day to try out his newly
purchased umbrella bait net. So I get there around 8:00pm and start navigating the rocks. 15 min later, I see
him only to find out he had no clue how to setup the net and didn't get any bait. haha! :idiot: (sorry buddy! lol)
He had some frozen bait but was skunking it up. We kicked it a few with a couple cold ones and then it was TIME.

I setup a 10lb'er, bait and cast. I setup an 8lb'er, bait and hold. Tap..tap..jerk..Dink ON!


:2guns: :skunk: ...I slayed! haha..

I rebait, cast and hold. As I'm reaching for a db, I feel some more tapping. Tap..tap..jerk..Bigger dink on!


Sweet..maybe 3rd time I'll get a good size one? So I rebait, cast and hold...and hold...and hold. After 10 min
of holding, I set it down and grab a coke. As I'm swiggin away, my buddy yells at me he's got something.

Moments later, he pulls in this:


:2guns: :skunk: for Mikey!

As soon as I take the pic, I hear my pole fall over the rocks! Idiot.. forgot to set the drag. I helplessly
make my way back to my spot to see where it went and whew.. it's dry. I hurry down, retrieve the pole and
start reeling in. ("It feels like a nice one on 8lb test!", I tell myself) I slowly, gently reel it in and up comes an 11"


Some time later, my buddy tells me he's got something again and I get over there to snap this:


Nice!..bigger bass at 11". 2 for Mike! Ding, ding!

Then I get a small Sargo:


After about 30 min, the action slows down so we decide to call it. We pack up and as I reel in my lines, my 10lb'er
has a fish on! It's another calico bass but a bit smaller than my 2nd. Poor thing looked near it's death. So I quickly
remove the gut hooked Mosquito, which is much easier to do than with other hooks. But instead of gently
tossing the fish back, I tried one of those fish resuscitations you see on tv. I found a stable stance, placed the fish
gently in the water, palm up and slowly "swished" it back and forth while moving it slowly forward. At first it wanted
to belly up, but after a few moments and a bit of manual coaxing, slowwwly righted itself! I couldn't believe it! haha..
So I turn to tell my buddy that it's looking good for the calico, when all of sudden it takes off quickly splashing water
all over me!! :evil:

:2guns: :bfish:

Try to help a friggin fish and I get splashed! haha.. :bang:

But it was good getting out there! And at least I didn't loose any tackle to the rocks! First time I haven't lost
something while fishing a jetty. All fish were CPR'd except the sculpin. (mmmmm!)

Anyway, thanks for reading and fish on!

10-12-2007, 10:43 PM
Nice report. Congrats on beating the skunk.

Thanks for the pics.


10-12-2007, 11:33 PM
it sure sounds relaxing. kicking with friends having a brew.
i used to fish king harbor jetties quite often....2-4 times a week.
sure beats sitting at home.

10-13-2007, 10:10 AM
I feel your pain not able to fish in mexico with wife been there fun vaction the wife called it = no fishing for me . ha ha :banana: :banned: