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View Full Version : Summer is officially here 06.20.15

06-21-2015, 08:47 AM
Haven't been up to the Wood in a couple months, so I decided to get some trolling in. I got there about 5:45, and the line was already pretty long on the 138. When they let us in to the main entrance at 6, we stood still til 6:20. I didn't get launched until almost 7. Turns out hot saturdays are pretty popular times to hit the lake, who knew?
I trolled Miller and Cleghorn in my usual pattern for the first hour, and saw nothing. I made the move to Chemise, and that's what paid off. The stripers have apparently made their summer migration to the main body of the lake, as I didn't catch any back there in March or April. It was a real slow pick, getting one about every hour, ending the day at noon with 4 schoolies. Lots of salad fouling the lines, and the lice rockets were out in full force making for some chop. Wind picked up around 11:30, but not too bad. All the bites came on the same rod, with the same scrounger setup. All the other offerings I put out were ignored. For me, anyway, they seem to only eat the zoom stuff! Striper candy, B-52's, cranks, swimmies, you name it, they just look at those and laugh. They're biting deeper than last trip also, about 18-20'.
Upon leaving, the line getting in was backed up all the way out under the bridge, and up the offramp on 138. I've never seen it that bad before, holy cow that was probably going to take at least an hour for those latecomers to get in. Yikes!

06-21-2015, 12:47 PM
It was like a holiday weekend. The parking lot was full and vehicles were parking up the 138, common for holidays but not for regular weekends. Part of the issue is with the parking spots being eliminated due to construction (most of it has to do with ADA compliance that the Feds. were upset about).

Also if boating I would advise getting your reservations early for launch. The limit on number of vessels was going to be changed because of the elimination of some of the boat parking areas. Between boating challenges at other lakes, weather and construction Silverwood is going to be hammered I'd bet.

I just was driving by on the way up to Arrowhead, I stay away on the weekend days but might slip in later tonight, thanks for the update.

06-22-2015, 09:10 AM
There's. Noone out at 4am on the dirty side��......