View Full Version : 06/14/2014 - Malibu - Luck

06-14-2015, 11:47 PM
Hi All,

Hope everybody is doing fine and still fishing!

Today was a great, lucky day for me!!! :Envious: Got struck by Poseidon.

Got to the location at 6:00am and saw two fully equipped fishermen already attacking the grounds. I started slowly heading there way.

The water was clear, had less grass than usual, and saw small little bait fishes around. Looked like a promising day (as I usually hope). But fished for an hour with no bite. Saw the two heading back, from a distance you could tell they were S.W.A.T. . It was Don (bachiboy) and Mike (bones).:Beer Toast: Haven't seen them for a while, so we chatted a bit. They also didn't have any action, and decided to head out. Since I was only half way through the stretch, I kept fishing down the beach.

After around 20 minutes, I finally get my first tap and bite. :Fishing Catch: Knew it wasn't going to be something big since it was a light and easy fight, but, still, was very, very happy. :Big Smile:

Landed the first fish of the day, size of my foot.

Since there was fish, I targeted the same area. After a few casts I get another hit. This time was definitely stronger.
Was just under legal. :Twisted: Haven't caught a legal halibut for probably 1.5 years.

Kept casting and landed another one.

And another one. This guy coughed up half of fish, bigger than my Flashminnow.
:Bug Eyes: :Bug Eyes: :Bug Eyes: :Bug Eyes: :Bug Eyes:

The bite didn't seem to end. Felt like every cast there will be a hit. Tried different spots on the beach and were still going.


First short calico.



And around 8:30 am, I get another hit. I didn't feel anything unusual, how it hit, felt like a 16" calico. Thought wouldn't be that hard to land him. Tried to reel him in, but it ran off. Thought my drag was loose, so I tightened it a bit, and I gained a little of him, but still kept running every time. Thought it was fun and wasn't really serious about it, until I tightened the drag even more, and I still couldn't bring him close. Is this really just a normal calico?? So I checked how strong my drag was, and realized it's been set up way too tight for the normal surf fish I see. Then I started to get pumped up and serious. Didn't want to loose whatever was on the other end. So I adjusted the drag not to be too tight, and fought back and forth with him. My hand was pretty tired and still haven't seen what it was. After a while it slowly gave up the big drags. I gained more and more on him. Finally, he showed himself. From the sand above with the clear water, you could see how big and beautiful he was. A white sea bass. It was tired out, he was just slowly swimming in the shore. It was time to bring him in, but had to wait until a bigger wave can help me push him on shore.

My biggest catch every!!! :Big Smile: 37" White Sea Bass :Big Smile:



Luckily, the hooks weren't too deep and he was tired, so wasn't too hard to unbutton them.
And thankfully, the lure wasn't outside his mouth ripping his throat or gills out.

After a few photo shots, carefully took the LC out and quickly put him back where he belongs.
He looked healthy but you could tell he was tired. Helped him to be in position for a bit, then off he went.

Kept fishing for another hour and caught 3 more short halis, then died off.


Sorry no photo.

10 * Halibut (short)
2 * Calico Bass (short)
1 * White Sea Bass (legal)

I don't know if it was the timing, location or what. I just feel blessed. Never had this happen before, not even close.
I fish probably 2 or 3 times a month now, not as often as I used to, certainly not as much as I want. And really haven't been catching much (or anything) the past two years. Big thanks to Poseidon!! :Not Worthy:

Don and Mike, it was really great meeting you two again. I always get lucky when you guys are around. :LOL:
Hope you two did well too!! :Thumbs Up:

Hope you all enjoyed my post.

Tight Lines every body,

06-15-2015, 12:47 AM
OMG!!!!:EyePop: I would say that you never leave fish to find fish but things were looking grim. Guess we needed to hold out for a bit and let the tide swing. Well, it wasn't a total loss. We got on some fish at our next AO but nothing like you got into. Way to stick it out and out the wood to em.

Congrats on a beautiful PB!!!!

06-15-2015, 07:00 AM
Holy Moly...... Like Don said Albert. I guess the greylight thing was not the way to go. I kept saying to myself that the outgoing would be the ticket but I had been up since 3:30am and I was wiped out already. You sir just tied my PB WSB from the surf and what a beauty she is. It most definitely was all about timing and Poseidon couldn't have rewarded a kinder person.

Good job my friend.

06-15-2015, 08:04 AM
Absolutly stellar................congrats, Verne

06-15-2015, 09:49 AM
Wow Albert that was something,dig the way you set the read up,it just kept getting better and better then bang! Legal WSB,very cool,that's gonna be a day to remember for a long time, Thanks.

Cya Tuna Vic

City Dad
06-15-2015, 01:07 PM
woa... that thing is a beast. way to go!

06-15-2015, 04:54 PM
That is one gorgeous fish Albert , congrats!

06-15-2015, 06:35 PM
Luck or skill. I know, being modest. That is a toad from boat or shore. Great job on the multiple species day. Curious though. What color is that LC? Seems like a winner for sure!!

06-15-2015, 09:33 PM
Wow, way to go man! That is one amazing catch. I don't even want to post my report now , I was fishing very close to that stretch of beach you were fishing. A DFG warden had mentioned somone had caught a 37 inch WSB. Now I know who and now I might have to poach your spot haha.

06-15-2015, 09:58 PM
Cadillyak: I believe it was the Ghost Metallic Sardine. 2nd time using it, 1st time got skunked. :LOL:

fish4life: Haha, it's not my spot. It's everybody's beach, feel free. :Thumbs Up:

06-16-2015, 12:26 AM
Wow! That's Awsome!
U definetly were in the right place at the right time to have the pleasure to hook all those fish & the skill/knowledge to land that WSB. Seems to be a feast or famine year so far(I've caught almost half my total fish count for the year in 2 sessions & had many skunk sessions)
Congrats & thanks for the report.

murrieta angler
06-16-2015, 09:34 AM
Congratulations on the Huge WSB Albert!
You are now the second person I know in the last week to catch a legal WSB...:Big Grin:
You were indeed Blessed and the release was a welcomed read.
Thanks for sharing and take care,

06-16-2015, 01:22 PM
What a day! Nice job!

06-16-2015, 03:10 PM
Wow, way to go man!

06-17-2015, 06:47 PM
That,s some outstanding catching right there !!! :Smile:

06-18-2015, 12:43 AM
Wow! Epic outing! You were at the right place at the right time. Don't you love it when that happens!
Good job on not letting those S.W.A.T guys poach your spot. LOL
Congrats again on the fish of a lifetime. Beautiful fish! Love those bars!


06-18-2015, 04:56 AM
WOW...what an awesome session!! :Thumbs Up: That WSB is one beautiful fish. I really enjoyed your report, totally cool.

06-18-2015, 05:39 PM
Congratulations on the Huge WSB and the release was a welcomed read.<><

X2 Much respect, Verne

06-20-2015, 12:58 PM
This report brought a big smile to my face. :Big Grin:

Great job Albert, a very deserving prize indeed! :Thumbs Up:

I remember that I was standing next to you when you caught your previous personal best White Sea Bass. :Wink:
Now you have beaten "my" personal best Ghost. :Envious:

Well done my friend and I hope to see you out there on the sand sometime soon or at HG7. :Cool: