View Full Version : CDFW awards grants for "Green" projects

04-30-2015, 10:40 AM
Ok I'm not going to argue the potential positive impacts from these proposed projects, some are probably good and even positive for the enhancement of fish and game (although I only see a couple that I think would have direct positive impacts) but what I am concerned about is that this is the directive now for the DFW. They are being utilized more and more for green projects or supporting green projects under the idea that as long as it's good for mother nature it falls under the Department of Fish and Wildlife's umbrella.

My contention is this state is redirecting the purpose of the DFW and also much of the funds collected from fish and game license holders purchases. Yes I know this is a "grant" from cap and trade moneys collected but seems a better use for grant money allocated by the DFW would be to directly enhance fish and game opportunities, direct being the key wording especially since the budget is being slashed (see hatchery discussions).

What say you?


City Dad
04-30-2015, 11:10 AM
what if all this green house gas hype turns out to be a bunch of B.S. and we make the Earth a better place for nothing?

04-30-2015, 01:48 PM
what if all this green house gas hype turns out to be a bunch of B.S. and we make the Earth a better place for nothing?

Huh? I guess you are referencing the cap and trade part of this discussion. I'm more concerned with the focus of the DFW's charter at this point. Earth be damned I won't be around that long we need to keep them trout stocks up my pets will go hungry if they are stopped.

04-30-2015, 01:54 PM

I'd have to read into the details for each project.

I'm not gonna just shoot off the cuff like some members on here.

I do get what you're saying about the CDF or DFG or CDOW or whatever it's called now suddenly becoming the Tree Hugger alliance. I just need to read up on the specifics in order to give an opinion.

04-30-2015, 03:42 PM
Carbon Sequestration: In Wetlands......what a freaking joke. Anaerobic soils sequestering C02....oh come on now and at a tune of $21,000,000.
I thought CO2 was good for plants. If CO2 is such a problem, get rid of the Co2 tanks powering all the soda fountains, get rid of the tanks that fill up the balloons.....science is turning into a joke!

04-30-2015, 04:40 PM
Huh? I guess you are referencing the cap and trade part of this discussion. I'm more concerned with the focus of the DFW's charter at this point. Earth be damned I won't be around that long we need to keep them trout stocks up my pets will go hungry if they are stopped.

Well seal I think back when the DFG changed to the DFW we talked briefly about this and voiced our concerns that the DFG's priorities would shift from fishing and hunting to becoming more focused on environmental issues. And with the current state administration and it's radical eco allies we have a very valid concern regarding our rights to hunt and fish...and yes, keeping our apex predators supplied with their high protein candy bars...and the rest of the Trout guys after that...