View Full Version : Cabo - Ninja Style 10/05~08/2007

10-09-2007, 02:13 AM
So as many of you know, I went to Cabo San Lucas this past weekend with Mrs. Funjunkie for a long over due honeymoon and a well deserved fishing trip! (We never took our honeymoon when we got married 8 years ago!!)

And so, we set up a trip for Cabo back in April. Per the advice of several travel agents, we stayed a a nice resort hotel in Cabo San Lucas. Perfect for the angler and (Mrs.) non-angler.
So here we are at the airport. As normal people would do, we walked up to the gate only to find the sign by the door read "American Airlines to Albany boarding at 9:50am"....uh....our plane is due to fly at 9:55am.

Nope, seems like a last minute change...

Not a good way to start a trip....
We hung out at the airport and waited....and waited...and waited....and then finally "We're boarding AA to Cabo!!" YEAH!!

2 1/2 hours later,
We're here!!

The first evening we had dinner, walked along the beach and went to...uh...sleep... :wink:

--DAY ONE-- October 6, 2007

5:30am Wake up call. I'm already awake.
6:00am Mrs. FJ kindly rubs suntan lotion on FJ's hard to reach places.
6:30am Shuttle comes to pick me, my gear and my hopes.
7:00am On the panga "Karena"!
7:05am We load up and head out!
7:10am We pick up bait. You know that saying "big bait, big fish"? I think this is where it came from!! We were using big bait called Cabrillito (?) that looked exactly like Spanish Mackeral!!
7:30am The Capt'n says, rig this to your line and troll it. A small squid jig. I'm thinking, what are we going to catch on this thing? Bonito??? Funny I should ask such a question because that is EXACTLY what we were fishing for!! Evidently big fish like to chew on big bait...so bonito fishing it is!!
7:40am 10 minutes later, like the PRO that we've become fishing for bonitos, we have enough and we head out further.


We troll for the whole day and ended up with one bite by a PEANUT (cute term used for very small dorado). Captain asked me twice if I wanted to keep it, but I refused. I can land fish this size at Clemente, why would I want it?!?! So I bounced it on board port side, de-hooked and released starboard side...one smooth move!

Although we skunked on this day, I was greeted by a really nice striped marlin that came port side to the boat...I wish I had a camera attached to my freakin forehead!! It literally looked up at me, I waved and it swam away. Totally and completely a religious experience!!

Score: 0 keep, 1 release short, 1 "higher power" experience

--DAY TWO-- October 07, 2007
REVANGE (RE-VAN-HEY) just like it sounds, REVENGE! The Captn' was pissed about yesterday cause he found out that the fish were biting outside of the coast and in Pacific Ocean territory. So first thing he tells me "We're going to fly out there, make bait and get the big one!" I told him, "Show me what Mexico is made of!! Bring it on baby!!"

7:05am We leave dock.
7:07am We buy bait, but something felt different today. I felt "muy suerte" unlike yesterday. Our bait guy seemed to think so...(Maria de la luz...Maria of the Light. Coincidence? Or is the guy upstairs looking out for me? You tell me....)
7:20am This 19' panga with a 90hp Honda outboard flies!! We're now facing the Pacific blue and all it's glory!
8:30am 3 things happened so quickly, I never had a chance to gather my thoughts...
Here's #1 and #2...
And then #3...


For some unknown reason, the Captn' grabs my 25# setup, baits it and casts out. He says "watch, this will land a mucho grande pescado". At this point, anything is possible. We troll around a few minutes when, I feel it. A change in the force...BAM!!!! And just as I went to set the hook, a 30ft Blue Marlin jumps out of the water not 20ft from our boat!!! OH SH-T!!! OH SH-T!! IT'S HEADED STRAIGHT FOR US!!! Into the water it goes, I'm following my line, it jumps out again this time 15 ft from the boat pointing sideways. It shakes its head and POP!! Like as though I had even a prayer to land a Blue Marlin on 25# test!!!! The Captn' pale. FJ pale. We look at each other, pale. HOLY S--T. Did you see that? We would have gotten our ***** handed to us by that BLUE!! The Captn' is now yelling something in Spanish, I didn't understand the majority of it, but I think the sentiment was mutual. "F'n Mother F'r!!"
Again, I don't think I've ever wished so much that I had a freakin' video camera strapped to my head than this moment.
Mucho Grande Pescado my a--!! THAT WAS GRANDISIMO VATO!!

--Fast Forward--

10:30am We've been trolling around for a while now. Nothing happened since we got hit hard and fast by the earlier 3. I'm driving the boat while the Captn' is crouched over cleaning my fish. I spot some birds and slowly move the panga over..."mira! mira! birds!" I say...Captn' looks at me with that look, "....and....what's you're point?"

10:45am We're directly below the scoping birds when reel #1 goes off!! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!! (See, I told you so!!) I pump the gas hard to set the hook (I'm still driving) and jump on the reel to start winding. Just as I did that, reel #2 goes off!! Captn' picks that one up and sets the hook hard!! Puts it back in the holder and winds in one of the troll rods and hooks a live bait and casts out. 2 seconds later, BAM!!!

SO, what does this mean. We have 3 freakin' rods loaded, one licensed fisherman, and nothing but revenge and adrenaline pumping through my veins!! I WIND, I WIND SOME MORE!!

#1, I wound in some line, it took some more...15 minutes later...
Then I jump on reel #2, and WIND, WIND, WIND!!
#2 is in the box!
#3 is in the box!
Then quiet.

Captn' just finishes filleting a dodo, and when ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!
My Avet JX2 and Kencor Zebra landed this one, I tell ya, that is the bomb ***** setup!! Completely different fight compared to the Seeker American they had on board.

So, now I'm sitting in the chair worn out a little but not completely content yet. I haven't seen the big papa dodo yet. You know the one that kicks yo butt for 20+ minutes?!

I sip on my water, staring at the ocean. I catch a glimpse of something green. My heart races...could it be? One of the live bait troll rods starts to stutter...I call it the "Shutter of Death". It's when the bait is doing whatever it can to get the hell out of there away from whatever is chasing it.
I feel the force...Luke...
it's coming....
here it is...
the moment...
we've been waiting for...
I jump on the rod, Captn' yells at me "Un momento, wait amigo!! Freeline, freeline!!" 8 secs later, I feel it take a second bite and "NOW SET THE HOOK!!" "Bass-master here I come!!" I swing hard!! From there I wait about a minute of line just mercilessly peel off the Shimano TLD2. Can you imagine what that feels like? You can't do jack squat while it's running. Just stand there and hope there's enough fresh line on the reel and the drags won't burn out!
And then finally it slows down, one pump at a time I pull and wind, pull and wind...20 minutes later...I see color. I see BIG color. And then it sees me, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!! 20 more secs of "ma~n, I just wound this line in...you're gonna take more?" S--T~!!
15 minutes of pull and wind, pull and wind....I've gotten so used to this situation, I pull out a cigarette and light it. It's gonna be a while...

Finally, after all this time, it gives up and BAM!

GAFF!! (What you thought I would let this one go?!?!) Big bull!!

--End of day 2--
Final Count: 6 dorados, 2 YFT and one happy FJ74!!

Here are some pics non-fishing related, enjoy!!

Here's one for you Bob (and your boss!!) LOL!!

This is just funny! Gotta think of better names for products!!

I should have bought this shirt! Kev, you've heard me say this too!!

Something so wrong, yet so funny...

For those that don't remember where they were during the Cabo Loco tour....

What did we do when I wasn't fishing??

LA Smoker
10-09-2007, 03:27 AM
Here are some pics non-fishing related, enjoy!!

Here's one for you Bob (and your boss!!) LOL!!

Hahaha... just cuz I work in WeHo doesnt mean I'm.... you know... Not that theres anything wrong with it if... that was what you were into... but not for me personally. Can I use enough ...?

This is just funny! Gotta think of better names for products!!

Mmmmmmmm.... Golden & Hot. They're just missing Salty.

Welcome back Joe.

10-09-2007, 08:43 AM
Great reports and pics Joe!

Sounds like a great belated honeymoon! (meaning you go fishing and she goes shopping!) Ha ha!!

10-09-2007, 09:06 AM
AWWWWWWWW YEAH~!!! That's my boy~!!!!!

I can't believe you didn't invite me. Honeymoon or not I should have been right there on that panga killing dem bastuds with u. I frikin' want that shirt too. Congratulations on the DoDo's and dont forget to save me some Mahi Mahi. Peace bro. Glad to have you back.

p.s. glad you got a chance to put the hurt on the Mrs. Maybe now you won't be so cranky all the time. Lol.

10-09-2007, 09:08 AM
Good job! Way to slay em! Man, I'm really envious now. I want to go down to Baja or Cabo... or Alaska. Guess I'll have to wait till my honeymoon! Hahaha!

10-09-2007, 09:40 AM
Bob - if you look carefully at the package, it says "saltado". The Golden Nuts are salty too!! LOL!! :rofl:

Rich - Thank you! So we're going to see you eventually on one of our NBU outings, right?!?!

Kev - Isn't it enough that both of our wives think that we're having an affair?? With each other?!?!?! I'll be stopping by tonight with dodo meat, so keep your K-***** up past 9pm!! p.s.s. She put the hurt on me and yes, I'm not as cranky now... :banana:

Jeremy - Stop being envious and get the heck out to fish with us!!

10-09-2007, 09:53 AM
good write up joe senpai..looks like you had a blast down there..yea i know some of these guys wouldve liked hot nuts :roll: ..save me some mahi fillets too yea?haha see you soon bro

10-09-2007, 10:37 AM
WOW! What a great report that was! Thanks for sharing. I am so freakin jealous, i dont really know what to do, except start making plans for a similar trip.

10-09-2007, 10:40 AM
welcome back Joe. awesome trip and congratulations on your honeymoon.

was that your first dorado? did you eat the heart?
too bad you didnt hook into any wahoo cause i really really wanted to try some.

btw, did you take your own gear down there?

10-09-2007, 10:44 AM
Great report!!! :thumb: one of those reports that makes me feel like im right there on vacation with you! you just made me realize how bad i have to go to cabo next year. CABO LOCO TOUR 2008 HERE I COME!

10-09-2007, 10:58 AM
Baseballer & Victor, thanks for reading!! This trip was a little different in that I had to balance fishing with personal life. For next year, I think I will jump on the Cabo Loco Tour and convince as many of you FNN and NBU boyz & girlz to go with! It's hard explaining the adrenaline rush to someone who has little interest in fishing!

10-09-2007, 11:02 AM
welcome back Joe. awesome trip and congratulations on your honeymoon.

was that your first dorado? did you eat the heart?
too bad you didnt hook into any wahoo cause i really really wanted to try some.

btw, did you take your own gear down there?

Mike, thanks!
No, this was not my first dodo. Just my first Cabo Dodo.
Yeah, according to the Capt. wahoo hunting is a whole different game. He told me that next time to bring Rapalas if I want to hunt them.

I brought my 3 Kencor/Avet setups: 25#, 30# and 40# (2-speed). The 40# is the only one that saw any real action. I think next time I go, I will bring the 40# and my 135# troller. These beasts are definitely not line shy by any means!!

10-09-2007, 01:57 PM
Nice work buddy! Next year bring your wife with us like everyone else and you should have any issues! Reading this thread really makes me miss it down there.


10-09-2007, 02:06 PM
So Duc, how many PMs a day do you get about next year's Cabo Loco tour?!?!

10-09-2007, 02:17 PM
welcome back Joe. awesome trip and congratulations on your honeymoon.

was that your first dorado? did you eat the heart?
too bad you didnt hook into any wahoo cause i really really wanted to try some.

btw, did you take your own gear down there?

Mike, thanks!
No, this was not my first dodo. Just my first Cabo Dodo.
Yeah, according to the Capt. wahoo hunting is a whole different game. He told me that next time to bring Rapalas if I want to hunt them.

I brought my 3 Kencor/Avet setups: 25#, 30# and 40# (2-speed). The 40# is the only one that saw any real action. I think next time I go, I will bring the 40# and my 135# troller. These beasts are definitely not line shy by any means!!

Nice! My Senator is waiting to see some real action as well :) Did you have your SX with you? Or is that too light? I may have to start gearing up for next year! I *really* want to join the Cabo Loco tour! I've been wanting to for the past two years (esp. after coming across last year's [2006] posts. The ones from this 2007 trip just made me drool that much more). I can never seem to find any friends of mine who would be down to go though, and *something* always comes up... whether it's not enough vacation or some other stupid thing (i.e. more weddings... :? haha)

10-09-2007, 02:44 PM
Nice! My Senator is waiting to see some real action as well :) Did you have your SX with you? Or is that too light? I may have to start gearing up for next year! I *really* want to join the Cabo Loco tour! I've been wanting to for the past two years (esp. after coming across last year's [2006] posts. The ones from this 2007 trip just made me drool that much more). I can never seem to find any friends of mine who would be down to go though, and *something* always comes up... whether it's not enough vacation or some other stupid thing (i.e. more weddings... :? haha)

Yeah, the SX came with me. It's the one with the 25# test that got busted by a GIANT!!
Maybe fishing in San Jose Del Cabo is a little different than Cabo San Lucas. I didn't have much choice or chance to fish with 30# or 25#. Everything is straight trolling and the dorado definitely put up a REAL GOOD FIGHT!!!

But considering the equipment supplied by the panga, I think what you have will do fine. Just got to spool heavier on it. Definitely spectra backing to gain overall length.


10-09-2007, 03:34 PM
So Duc, how many PMs a day do you get about next year's Cabo Loco tour?!?!
Lots my friend...

10-09-2007, 03:50 PM
So Duc, how many PMs a day do you get about next year's Cabo Loco tour?!?!
Lots my friend...

Sorry to hear that...
================================================== ====================================
FELLOW FNNers!!! NOW HEAR THIS!! STOP PM-ing DUC about next year's Cabo Loco Tour!!
Although considered by many as a "FISHING GOD" to many, he is not a FORTUNE COOKIE and doesn't have the slightest clue of what's going to happen or not happen!! As in the past, he generously posts the sign up posting when the time is right. (Usually January when he feels like it.)

The man needs to work, keep his family happy and take me out on his boat! Stop the harassment!!
================================================== ====================================
I hope this helps.

10-09-2007, 04:23 PM
Duc, you have a boat? What the F are we waiting for?!?!!

10-09-2007, 04:28 PM
Duc, you have a boat? What the F are we waiting for?!?!!
I think that if we went I would have to tow a tanker behind us. LOL.

10-09-2007, 04:31 PM
So Duc, how many PMs a day do you get about next year's Cabo Loco tour?!?!
Lots my friend...

Sorry to hear that...
================================================== ====================================
FELLOW FNNers!!! NOW HEAR THIS!! STOP PM-ing DUC about next year's Cabo Loco Tour!!
Although considered by many as a "FISHING GOD" to many, he is not a FORTUNE COOKIE and doesn't have the slightest clue of what's going to happen or not happen!! As in the past, he generously posts the sign up posting when the time is right. (Usually January when he feels like it.)

The man needs to work, keep his family happy and take me out on his boat! Stop the harassment!!
================================================== ====================================
I hope this helps.
WTF? LMAO! :lol: :lol:

10-09-2007, 04:46 PM
Did I say something wrong?? :lol:

Nessie Hunter
10-09-2007, 06:27 PM
Good job Joe... :banana:

Its awesome fishing down there... :shock:

10-09-2007, 06:56 PM
awsome trip funjunkie 8)

:lol: we all need some salty and hot nutts sometimes :rofl:

10-09-2007, 07:00 PM
damn i miss cabo :cry:

10-09-2007, 11:52 PM
Good job Joe... :banana:

Its awesome fishing down there... :shock:

Thanks Frank!!
I hope to join you guys next year and share moments like these with ya all!!


10-09-2007, 11:53 PM
awsome trip funjunkie 8)

:lol: we all need some salty and hot nutts sometimes :rofl:

Ah, dude....no we don't.


10-09-2007, 11:54 PM
damn i miss cabo :cry:

My feelings exactly... :bawl:

Granny Fish
10-10-2007, 08:24 AM
damn i miss cabo :cry:

Me too! It's getting cold here, lets go back.

10-10-2007, 09:59 AM
Damn Joe, I just woke up right now. That wine knocked my *** out. Mina says thanks for the bottle of CABO WABO.

10-10-2007, 10:15 AM
Damn Joe, I just woke up right now. That wine knocked my *** out. Mina says thanks for the bottle of CABO WABO.

Must be nice being able to work in your boxers.... :evil:

10-10-2007, 02:55 PM
Damn Joe, I just woke up right now. That wine knocked my *** out. Mina says thanks for the bottle of CABO WABO.

Must be nice being able to work in your boxers.... :evil:
Why is he a stripper? :D

10-10-2007, 03:51 PM
Damn Joe, I just woke up right now. That wine knocked my *** out. Mina says thanks for the bottle of CABO WABO.

Must be nice being able to work in your boxers.... :evil:
Why is he a stripper? :D

Duc, you didn't know??
Here's our work "clothes"....

10-10-2007, 05:25 PM
Duc, you didn't know??
Here's our work "clothes"....

HAHAHA! I heard all those dancers are ghey anyways, is that true?

10-11-2007, 09:38 AM
HAHAHA! I heard all those dancers are ghey anyways, is that true?

If getting excited looking at yo hottie wife makes me ghey :shock: ...well then...I guess I might be. :2guns: LOL!!

LA Smoker
10-11-2007, 10:49 AM
Hahahahha... god I'm so sexy. Why doesnt Mike have a neck? It's usually me that's the No-neck

10-11-2007, 11:56 AM
Hahahahha... god I'm so sexy. Why doesnt Mike have a neck? It's usually me that's the No-neck

Muscle Man Mike's got bigger traps!!

10-11-2007, 07:24 PM
That was a really nice report.

Congrats to you on your catch.

Thanks for the post


10-11-2007, 08:32 PM
That was a really nice report.

Congrats to you on your catch.

Thanks for the post


Troutman, thanks!!
So you lurk around the saltwater too??? eh??


10-12-2007, 09:09 AM
HAHAHA! I heard all those dancers are ghey anyways, is that true?

If getting excited looking at yo hottie wife makes me ghey :shock: ...well then...I guess I might be. :2guns: LOL!!
:offtopic: :lol: :lol: :lol:

10-12-2007, 09:50 AM
HAHAHA! I heard all those dancers are ghey anyways, is that true?

If getting excited looking at yo hottie wife makes me ghey :shock: ...well then...I guess I might be. :2guns: LOL!!
:offtopic: :lol: :lol: :lol:

YOU TOOK IT THERE!!! LOL!!! :twisted:

Greg Madrigal
10-13-2007, 08:34 PM
Excellent read FJ! That was da bomb! Way 2 slayyyyy. Isn't Cabo great?! Never know what u gonna see/catch.

10-15-2007, 10:27 PM
Excellent read FJ! That was da bomb! Way 2 slayyyyy. Isn't Cabo great?! Never know what u gonna see/catch.

Greg, thank you!! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it!!
Cabo is heaven! This was my first trip there...it definitely won't be my last!!!
I have vowed to go back there every year from now on!! (Great motivation to work hard!!)


10-16-2007, 01:58 PM
I thought I had replied to this post? I remember reading the whole thing almost a week ago, or more.

Joe, I guess I really missed out. I'm gonna fish down there one of these days.
Congrtulations to you and your new bride......lol Glad you were finally able to consumate your marriage. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.


P.S. Nice going on the pascados.

10-16-2007, 10:52 PM
I thought I had replied to this post? I remember reading the whole thing almost a week ago, or more.

Joe, I guess I really missed out. I'm gonna fish down there one of these days.
Congrtulations to you and your new bride......lol Glad you were finally able to consumate your marriage. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.


P.S. Nice going on the pascados.

Alan, if anything, make it a goal in life to get your one leg and two butt cheeks down there!!! It's amazing!!!
Trout fishing is fine. Rockfishing is okay. Local YT and Barries are fun. Cabo fishing is simply HEAVEN!!!
I'm an addict after one trip. Already thinking, talking about, and secretly planning for next year!!


10-17-2007, 04:44 PM
29 more views and I hit the 1000 mark!! YEAH! Keep viewing people!! Otherwise I have to view this 29 times myself....

10-17-2007, 04:46 PM
Gotcha!! That's 27 more views...

LA Smoker
10-17-2007, 05:37 PM
better make it 22, I got your back kidd. :lol:

10-17-2007, 05:51 PM
19 more....oh so close...

10-17-2007, 06:51 PM
wow... REALLY slow day at work today eh Joe?

10-17-2007, 07:28 PM
Congrats on hitting 1001 views... I was # 995,996,997,998,999,1000 and 1001. OOOOh AND the 50th responder~!!


10-17-2007, 09:23 PM
Awww...shucks...you guys really do have my back!!
Wish that you would have left number 1000 for me though...you know how I enjoy milestones!!


10-17-2007, 09:25 PM
1015 just like that!

10-19-2007, 04:53 PM
That's so friggin awesome...

Way to slay em in Cabo!

How does Dorado taste? Fishy like tuna? Mild?

10-19-2007, 07:28 PM
That's so friggin awesome...

Way to slay em in Cabo!

How does Dorado taste? Fishy like tuna? Mild?

Thanks Fishmaniac!!

Dorado is very mild and easy to eat. Not as strong as tuna.
You should definitely make it a point to go down there!!

10-19-2007, 09:57 PM
That's so friggin awesome...

Way to slay em in Cabo!

How does Dorado taste? Fishy like tuna? Mild?

OMG that's so friekin' awesome... someone OTHER than the NBU actually said something about the post~!!!

10-19-2007, 10:03 PM
OMG that's so friekin' awesome... someone OTHER than the NBU actually said something about the post~!!!

That's what happens when you kick some REAL FISH butt!!! Not some short-by-2-inches-ding-a-ling!! LOL!!! :finger:

10-20-2007, 04:22 PM
I thought I had replied to this post? I remember reading the whole thing almost a week ago, or more.

Joe, I guess I really missed out. I'm gonna fish down there one of these days.
Congrtulations to you and your new bride......lol Glad you were finally able to consumate your marriage. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.


P.S. Nice going on the pascados.

Alan, if anything, make it a goal in life to get your one leg and two butt cheeks down there!!! It's amazing!!!
Trout fishing is fine. Rockfishing is okay. Local YT and Barries are fun. Cabo fishing is simply HEAVEN!!!
I'm an addict after one trip. Already thinking, talking about, and secretly planning for next year!!


There it is!!!! Proof that Funjunkie74 has never laid eyes on my butt. I only got one cheek...lol
