View Full Version : First LC fish!

01-05-2015, 01:03 PM
Well it's not a trophy, but I had to post it because it's my first on the LC.
This morning on my commute I decided I needed to try the LC again and stick with it longer this time. I've noticed the conditions lately seem to be really good for it so I gave it a go. Stopped for a few minutes before work and got a couple hits but nothing stuck. That got my hopes up so I went back on my lunch break. Low tide, no current, small 1-2' waves, the water was really clear and I had to walk a ways before a found a spot with no salad and eel grass. Anyway, to make a short story longer, I finally got this guy to take it. Hit it on the second crank and fought great, new PB for me too. Really excited to finally hook up with the LC!
Thanks for looking :D
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v330/xjchad/IMG_9092_zps89a63acd.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/xjchad/media/IMG_9092_zps89a63acd.jpg.html)

01-05-2015, 04:12 PM
First LC fish.....New PB perch..... Awesome!

A little tip...Perch season is getting ready to really kick off and perch LOVE red tail hooks. You will honestly double your hook up ratio if you swap out the tail hook....Trust me. Just be quick to swing. The bigger perch will attack very aggressively and you don't want them to swallow the tail of the hard bait. Especially during spawning season!

01-05-2015, 08:11 PM
Thanks for the advice Bones!
I'll swap out the books to red this week.
I have to say that I'm way more excited about throwing this lure now that I landed one on it :)

01-05-2015, 10:57 PM
Very nicely done. Way to gut it out and score that chunky PB!


01-06-2015, 01:33 AM
Just wondering, when is the peak time of year for perch?

Also, have you guys noticed the red hook affecting the halibut bite as well, either negatively or positively?

SP Dan
01-06-2015, 09:43 AM
Congratulations on not only a PB but also for landing it on an LC! I know that I'm hooked!

Thanx for the fish report with pic.

SP Dan ~~~~~ <"))><

01-07-2015, 03:32 PM
Just wondering, when is the peak time of year for perch?

Also, have you guys noticed the red hook affecting the halibut bite as well, either negatively or positively?

"Also, have you guys noticed the red hook affecting the halibut bite as well, either negatively or positively?"

That's a great question! I think you would get a lot of different opinions on this topic. I have personally tried a number of different hooks and know of a few friends that swear by the red tail hooks. Now I fish my LC's right out of the box, no more tinkering with the hooks, but I have never targeted BSP either. I have great confidence in the stock hooks for catching halibut & really big ones too! :Wink:

01-07-2015, 10:38 PM
Nice.. A little confidence can go a long ways. If you keep throwing hard baits your confidence will continue to grow because these baits work and they will catch you bigger fish.