View Full Version : The right to bear arms...

12-21-2014, 08:38 AM
What's good for the goose is also good for the gander...

http://www.salon.com/2014/12/19/gun_nuts_vile_muslim_test_why_open_carry_activists _dont_want_to_extend_the_right_to_everyone/

12-21-2014, 07:42 PM
I'll explain it to you PC. Whether we except it or not it is Islam, regardless of citizenship. All through their holy book, the Koran, are passages regarding converting by the sword and world rule. Anybody not a Muslim, is against the religion. "Peaceful" Muslims will not speak out against the radical sects causing bedlam and mayhem because they know what is in their holy book. Speaking against would be apostate.

Therefore their carrying arms in solidarity with the 2A is not the same as a non-Muslim.

12-21-2014, 07:47 PM
What's good for the goose is also good for the gander...

http://www.salon.com/2014/12/19/gun_nuts_vile_muslim_test_why_open_carry_activists _dont_want_to_extend_the_right_to_everyone/

Your a ******* idiot

12-22-2014, 08:20 AM
I'll explain it to you PC. Whether we except it or not it is Islam, regardless of citizenship. All through their holy book, the Koran, are passages regarding converting by the sword and world rule. Anybody not a Muslim, is against the religion. "Peaceful" Muslims will not speak out against the radical sects causing bedlam and mayhem because they know what is in their holy book. Speaking against would be apostate.

Therefore their carrying arms in solidarity with the 2A is not the same as a non-Muslim.

So, the Constitution doesn't apply to American citizens who are Muslims? How exactly does that work? Should they not be allowed to vote as they can't differentiate between their religion and politics? Please explain...

12-22-2014, 08:22 AM
Your a ******* idiot

That may be true. However, that doesn't change the issues raised... And you haven't addressed them, you've only attacked the messenger.

12-22-2014, 08:47 AM
That may be true. However, that doesn't change the issues raised... And you haven't addressed them, you've only attacked the messenger.

Lol and what have youve been doing hypocrite. Look at ypur statement should we take that seriously. Another thing you have an invalid source. Ill take you seriously if you can get government sources

12-22-2014, 08:57 AM
Lol and what have youve been doing hypocrite. Look at ypur statement should we take that seriously. Another thing you have an invalid source. Ill take you seriously if you can get government sources

Care to clarify what the h*** you're talking about. One can't answer what makes no sense... Assume I'm a first grader and explain clearly if that helps you...

12-22-2014, 08:57 AM
Bucket. Would you trust any government sources? I know your are way smarter than to trust anything he would post from a government source.....heck you can keep your doctor......LOL.
Lol and what have youve been doing hypocrite. Look at ypur statement should we take that seriously. Another thing you have an invalid source. Ill take you seriously if you can get government sources

12-22-2014, 09:17 AM
Bucket. Would you trust any government sources? I know your are way smarter than to trust anything he would post from a government source.....heck you can keep your doctor......LOL.

My thoughts exactly. Like the budget is balanced and the labor department releases real unemployment numbers...

12-22-2014, 10:21 AM
Bucket. Would you trust any government sources? I know your are way smarter than to trust anything he would post from a government source.....heck you can keep your doctor......LOL.

What government sources are you talking about, exactly. One needs no report to ask these important questions about gun rights and Constitutional rights. I ask the questions again. So, the Constitution doesn't apply to American citizens who are Muslims? How exactly does that work? Should they not be allowed to vote as they can't differentiate between their religion and politics? Please explain... This has nothing to do with any report. These are questions which stand alone waiting for an answer. Also, since gun rights are supposedly so important to gun rights activists, these are important and deep questions relating to those ideas... It also importantly covers where religious rights or voting rights begin and end...

12-22-2014, 10:22 AM
My thoughts exactly. Like the budget is balanced and the labor department releases real unemployment numbers...

See above message... This has nothing to do with balanced budgets, labor department releases, or 'keeping your own doctor'...

12-22-2014, 10:42 AM
My thoughts exactly. Like the budget is balanced and the labor department releases real unemployment numbers...

Or what is the truth ?? was Michelle Obama right the first time she told the story about the little old white lady asking for her help in the store...or the second time she told the story about how the little old white lady was a racist ?

12-22-2014, 10:44 AM
[QUOTE=pcuser;751908]See above message... This has nothing to do with balanced budgets, labor department releases, or 'keeping your own doctor'...[/QUOTE

It was a reply to me asking Bucket if we could trust anything the government put out in a statement or otherwise if you actually found government proof to back any of your statements at all
you love putting as spin on stuff just for the sake of argument

12-22-2014, 10:54 AM
[QUOTE=pcuser;751908]See above message... This has nothing to do with balanced budgets, labor department releases, or 'keeping your own doctor'...[/QUOTE

It was a reply to me asking Bucket if we could trust anything the government put out in a statement or otherwise if you actually found government proof to back any of your statements at all
you love putting as spin on stuff just for the sake of argument

It's remarkable how often you ignore the issues raised to say stuff that has no bearing on the subject. It's because you have no answers to the questions clearly posed to you... And again, the questions stand without any need of trust.

12-22-2014, 03:36 PM
So, the Constitution doesn't apply to American citizens who are Muslims? How exactly does that work? Should they not be allowed to vote as they can't differentiate between their religion and politics? Please explain...

Are they really citizens yearning to be apart of our nation? The black Panthers did not want to kill us or seek world domination. I think you know the correct answer. We can show you the light switch but can't make you turn it on.

12-22-2014, 04:22 PM
Are they really citizens yearning to be apart of our nation? The black Panthers did not want to kill us or seek world domination. I think you know the correct answer. We can show you the light switch but can't make you turn it on.

Again, how does that work? Are you implying that all Muslim Americans are terrorists? Then maybe we should round them up and kick them the hell out of here. By the way, America is a nation of many different ideas. So, you aren't automatically right in all your views. The Black Panthers do get mentioned here a lot. Are you afraid of them? Should we throw them the hell out too. Who get's to stay and who gets thrown out? Where is all this in the Constitution exactly? In seriousness, the vast majority of Muslim citizens in America are here because they want to be here as American citizens. Any that are terrorists should be arrested, charged, and tried for their crimes. I don't like seeing a lot of what happens in this country and I care about making things better for all of us. Some of the way I phrase things is to stimulate legitimate discussions on important issues. It's called 'playing the Devil's advocate'.

12-22-2014, 05:41 PM
Bucket. Would you trust any government sources? I know your are way smarter than to trust anything he would post from a government source.....heck you can keep your doctor......LOL.
Not all of them but they are more reliable than the news. The fbi stats say blacks commit the highest percentage in crime. I observe it and the spurce match my observations

12-22-2014, 05:44 PM
My thoughts exactly. Like the budget is balanced and the labor department releases real unemployment numbers...

True the obama administration does notb use the u6 unemployment numbers which is 14%. They cherry pick their info. Quick way to find out ask random people in public if they are employed. I did that and the number is 25 %.
Same for fat people sources say 75% of the population is fat. I did random counts and it seems to be true.

12-22-2014, 09:27 PM
Again, how does that work? Are you implying that all Muslim Americans are terrorists? Then maybe we should round them up and kick them the hell out of here. By the way, America is a nation of many different ideas. So, you aren't automatically right in all your views. The Black Panthers do get mentioned here a lot. Are you afraid of them? Should we throw them the hell out too. Who get's to stay and who gets thrown out? Where is all this in the Constitution exactly? In seriousness, the vast majority of Muslim citizens in America are here because they want to be here as American citizens. Any that are terrorists should be arrested, charged, and tried for their crimes. I don't like seeing a lot of what happens in this country and I care about making things better for all of us. Some of the way I phrase things is to stimulate legitimate discussions on important issues. It's called 'playing the Devil's advocate'.

Are we talking about the whole world or your article? Again, the Black Panthers were mentioned in your article. Here is an excerpt from your article. No, these people do not care for America and are a threat.
"What if there were a group of Muslim open carry advocates who called themselves “Sword of the Prophet” and whose avowed mission was to bring Sharia law to the U.S., "

If we are going to just start asking all sorts of questions playing devils advocate, do you like Cheerios? I'm done. You know the answer to your inquiry.

12-22-2014, 10:54 PM
I think all men have the right to bear arms...


Just look at those arms. No man should be denied the right to those.

12-22-2014, 11:34 PM
I think all men have the right to bear arms...


Just look at those arms. No man should be denied the right to those.

No wonder youre so frustrated

12-23-2014, 06:39 AM
No wonder youre so frustrated

How do you pull frustration from a clever play on words? Man, it hurts my brain sometimes trying to understand this guy. I've got to get on Bucket's level. Anybody have any mescaline handy? Or gold spray paint?

12-23-2014, 07:36 AM
I've got to get on Bucket's level. Anybody have any mescaline handy? Or gold spray paint?


Lady Quagga
12-23-2014, 01:43 PM
True the obama administration does notb use the u6 unemployment numbers which is 14%. They cherry pick their info. Quick way to find out ask random people in public if they are employed. I did that and the number is 25 %.
Same for fat people sources say 75% of the population is fat. I did random counts and it seems to be true.

Hot damn, someone call Gallup. This idiot has outsmarted them all.

12-23-2014, 01:51 PM
Hot damn, someone call Gallup. This idiot has outsmarted them all.

It's not the first time and sadly I don't think it's the last time...

Nipple Twister
12-24-2014, 01:44 PM
What if there were a group of Muslim open carry advocates who called themselves “Sword of the Prophet” and whose avowed mission was to bring Sharia law to the U.S., and they took to showing up armed and in large numbers outside of churches on Sunday, the way the OC guys do at the state house. Or what if there were a group of hispanic activist OCers, maybe an offshoot of La Raza who liked to organize armed protests at police stations and court houses, and who openly advocate the “reconquista” of the Southern U.S.?

Doesn't the above open statement sum up the fact they want to overthrow the established government? That in itself screams lawbreakers?

12-24-2014, 02:06 PM
What if there were a group of Muslim open carry advocates who called themselves “Sword of the Prophet” and whose avowed mission was to bring Sharia law to the U.S., and they took to showing up armed and in large numbers outside of churches on Sunday, the way the OC guys do at the state house. Or what if there were a group of hispanic activist OCers, maybe an offshoot of La Raza who liked to organize armed protests at police stations and court houses, and who openly advocate the “reconquista” of the Southern U.S.?

Doesn't the above open statement sum up the fact they want to overthrow the established government? That in itself screams lawbreakers?

Yes it does. And so do the progressive socialist "social democrats", some who are right here, who advocate for the fall of our free market based capitalist economic engine. They also advocate for an "authoritarian light" socialist form of government in the name of social justice...

12-24-2014, 02:18 PM
What if there were a group of Muslim open carry advocates who called themselves “Sword of the Prophet” and whose avowed mission was to bring Sharia law to the U.S., and they took to showing up armed and in large numbers outside of churches on Sunday, the way the OC guys do at the state house. Or what if there were a group of hispanic activist OCers, maybe an offshoot of La Raza who liked to organize armed protests at police stations and court houses, and who openly advocate the “reconquista” of the Southern U.S.?

Doesn't the above open statement sum up the fact they want to overthrow the established government? That in itself screams lawbreakers?

I'm not advocating an overthrow of the government and I'm not arguing that real terrorist organizations should be OK. I'm saying that the right to bear arms applies to every law abiding citizen of the country. I'm showing them something that makes them a little uncomfortable so they can decide while having all the possibilities. I think when one has more facts, one can make better decisions. I do play devil's advocate at times. That is a technique in symbolic logic that can get to the heart of the matter quickly if used well. I don't always get it right, but I try...

12-24-2014, 02:22 PM
Yes it does. And so do the progressive socialist "social democrats", some who are right here, who advocate for the fall of our free market based capitalist economic engine. They also advocate for an "authoritarian light" socialist form of government in the name of social justice...

My my, you so like to put words in others mouths. Most of what you just wrote is false. I would suspect they are false for others of my ilk as well... I didn't use any of those examples in my post. You like to think so as it makes writing a counter argument easier as you need not think very hard...

12-24-2014, 02:26 PM
So, the Constitution doesn't apply to American citizens who are Muslims? How exactly does that work? Should they not be allowed to vote as they can't differentiate between their religion and politics? Please explain...

If Muslims are Are unwilling to stand up for American values and denounce the be-headings and become Americans NO they should not have a right to Bear Arms
They are one of the reasons Bearing Arms is Growing in the USA
Again another post from Pcuser intent on stirring the pot while smoking a reefer and smiling when has caused descension as a internet troll

12-24-2014, 02:33 PM
Yes it does. And so do the progressive socialist "social democrats", some who are right here, who advocate for the fall of our free market based capitalist economic engine. They also advocate for an "authoritarian light" socialist form of government in the name of social justice...
Finally something I could response too. lol Is our free market based capitalist economic engine working all that well???? I would say not!!! The founder of the free market economic system said, "if the majority of the wealth of a nation ends up in the hands of a few, then it is a failure." My next question is, are things going that way??????? I would say yes!!!!! I don't think you can use your fuzzy number alibi on this one. 1% of the population owns 24% of our nations wealth and that number would appear to be climbing!!! So I think it's nice that people are looking for alternatives to MAKE EVERYONES LIFE BETTER, not just the lucky Rich!!!!!

12-24-2014, 02:49 PM
If Muslims are Are unwilling to stand up for American values and denounce the be-headings and become Americans NO they should not have a right to Bear Arms
They are one of the reasons Bearing Arms is Growing in the USA
Again another post from Pcuser intent on stirring the pot while smoking a reefer and smiling when has caused descension as a internet troll

I don't even remember when I last 'smoked a reefer'. It's been a while. Soooo, you think that we can defeat militant Islamic fundamentalists by carrying guns. And it's not stirring the pot, it's pointing out that what you wish for can have unexpected consequences. I'm merely pointing our some of those consequences. And I'm not advocating that terrorists carry guns. When they became citizens, they swore allegiance to this country. As to American values, we have a Constitution that explicitly says we can believe pretty much anything we want. It only proscribes criminal actions committed on the basis of those 'values'. You really need to take a good civics class. Actually, several people here should.

12-24-2014, 03:10 PM
Finally something I could response too. lol Is our free market based capitalist economic engine working all that well???? I would say not!!! The founder of the free market economic system said, "if the majority of the wealth of a nation ends up in the hands of a few, then it is a failure." My next question is, are things going that way??????? I would say yes!!!!! I don't think you can use your fuzzy number alibi on this one. 1% of the population owns 24% of our nations wealth and that number would appear to be climbing!!! So I think it's nice that people are looking for alternatives to MAKE EVERYONES LIFE BETTER, not just the lucky Rich!!!!!

Let me teach you another lesson in life etucker aka Frenchy. Each and everyone in this country has the opportunity to become one of the 1%. People do it every day and many are immigrants from other countries where they could not. You are only limited by your own imagination and drive. The thing that keeps anyone from becoming a 1%er is an individuals self imposed comfort level or ceiling.

In my working career I have known many 1%ers and they all have a common trait. If you ask your children, a neighbor or yourself how much money do you want to make or what would it take to make you comfortable you will come up with a monetary number. A 1%er will not give you a number as it’s not about the money it’s all about the passion of doing what they are doing. Passion and hard work along with sometimes a little good timing thrown in is what got them where they are. Luck does not fit in the equation. The very very wealthy rarely retire it’s not about the money it’s about the passion.

Working in management of an International Corporation I saw many sales and management staff reach their self imposed monetary compensation comfort zone. The company had no limits on wage or bonus compensation it was the employee that stopped producing when he or she reach their own comfort level. People turn down promotion, larger sales territory or overtime work all the time because they are monetarily comfortable where they are.

If you want something really bad enough you will spend the time and effort to reach that goal. A loser always looks for an excuse for not reaching that goal a winner is always moving the bar higher. If your a failure or not where you want to be in the economic scale of things that a good hard look in the mirror and get a grip on self honesty.

12-24-2014, 03:27 PM
Let me teach you another lesson in life etucker aka Frenchy. Each and everyone in this country has the opportunity to become one of the 1%. People do it every day and many are immigrants from other countries where they could not. You are only limited by your own imagination and drive. The thing that keeps anyone from becoming a 1%er is an individuals self imposed comfort level or ceiling.

In my working career I have known many 1%ers and they all have a common trait. If you ask your children, a neighbor or yourself how much money do you want to make or what would it take to make you comfortable you will come up with a monetary number. A 1%er will not give you a number as it’s not about the money it’s all about the passion of doing what they are doing. Passion and hard work along with sometimes a little good timing thrown in is what got them where they are. Luck does not fit in the equation. The very very wealthy rarely retire it’s not about the money it’s about the passion.

Working in management of an International Corporation I saw many sales and management staff reach their self imposed monetary compensation comfort zone. The company had no limits on wage or bonus compensation it was the employee that stopped producing when he or she reach their own comfort level. People turn down promotion, larger sales territory or overtime work all the time because they are monetarily comfortable where they are.

If you want something really bad enough you will spend the time and effort to reach that goal. A loser always looks for an excuse for not reaching that goal a winner is always moving the bar higher. If your a failure or not where you want to be in the economic scale of things that a good hard look in the mirror and get a grip on self honesty.
If someone was to go from humble begging's to a 1%er luck would have to be a factor of some kind. Case in point Bill Gates, did he invent a superior product that the world just have to have. The answer is no!!!! But the industry standard settled on HIS MS Doss.

I want to comment on your last paragraph. The system Conservatives believe in is Winners and Losers. Of course every Conservative believes that he will be a winner. But wouldn't it be nice if there wasn't too many poor people and very few rich people. With most people having a nice comfortable life. Some of the country's in Europe have obtained that status.

12-24-2014, 03:28 PM
Let me teach you another lesson in life etucker aka Frenchy. Each and everyone in this country has the opportunity to become one of the 1%. People do it every day and many are immigrants from other countries where they could not. You are only limited by your own imagination and drive. The thing that keeps anyone from becoming a 1%er is an individuals self imposed comfort level or ceiling.

In my working career I have known many 1%ers and they all have a common trait. If you ask your children, a neighbor or yourself how much money do you want to make or what would it take to make you comfortable you will come up with a monetary number. A 1%er will not give you a number as it’s not about the money it’s all about the passion of doing what they are doing. Passion and hard work along with sometimes a little good timing thrown in is what got them where they are. Luck does not fit in the equation. The very very wealthy rarely retire it’s not about the money it’s about the passion.

Working in management of an International Corporation I saw many sales and management staff reach their self imposed monetary compensation comfort zone. The company had no limits on wage or bonus compensation it was the employee that stopped producing when he or she reach their own comfort level. People turn down promotion, larger sales territory or overtime work all the time because they are monetarily comfortable where they are.

If you want something really bad enough you will spend the time and effort to reach that goal. A loser always looks for an excuse for not reaching that goal a winner is always moving the bar higher. If your a failure or not where you want to be in the economic scale of things that a good hard look in the mirror and get a grip on self honesty.
In simplier terms do you want to be successful or not. I noticed successful people tend to worry about the big shi# in life.they dont have an ego. And like you said they ate willing to rough things out

12-24-2014, 03:30 PM
Let me teach you another lesson in life etucker aka Frenchy. Each and everyone in this country has the opportunity to become one of the 1%. People do it every day and many are immigrants from other countries where they could not. You are only limited by your own imagination and drive. The thing that keeps anyone from becoming a 1%er is an individuals self imposed comfort level or ceiling.

In my working career I have known many 1%ers and they all have a common trait. If you ask your children, a neighbor or yourself how much money do you want to make or what would it take to make you comfortable you will come up with a monetary number. A 1%er will not give you a number as it’s not about the money it’s all about the passion of doing what they are doing. Passion and hard work along with sometimes a little good timing thrown in is what got them where they are. Luck does not fit in the equation. The very very wealthy rarely retire it’s not about the money it’s about the passion.

Working in management of an International Corporation I saw many sales and management staff reach their self imposed monetary compensation comfort zone. The company had no limits on wage or bonus compensation it was the employee that stopped producing when he or she reach their own comfort level. People turn down promotion, larger sales territory or overtime work all the time because they are monetarily comfortable where they are.

If you want something really bad enough you will spend the time and effort to reach that goal. A loser always looks for an excuse for not reaching that goal a winner is always moving the bar higher. If your a failure or not where you want to be in the economic scale of things that a good hard look in the mirror and get a grip on self honesty.

If you are correct, that means that 99% of people in this country aren't fit to be financially well off. Does that mean they all are losers or lazy bums. That's quite a bit of hubris on your part if you really believe that. I realize that you might quibble with the 99% number. It simply makes the argument less tedious. The middle class has been hollowed out the last several decades. That means in the past they were sufficiently hard working and driven to have been in the middle class. Are those same people suddenly lazy and entitled. More reasonably, the rules of the game have been changed to minimize their economic well being. It can't be both for most of those people...

I would argue that it is a deeper change that accounts for much of the problem. I posted a thread about how dramatic changes in production will dramatically lessen the need for workers. When we don't have jobs and we have high production, the model must change. We must rethink how we live and work. I'm not at all suggesting a 'welfare state'. I'm suggesting we will have to value different things than we have in the past. If these technology changes continue along the path they are on, we will be forced to reimagine our world in ways not imagined before. We will be far better off if we think this through sooner rather than later.

12-24-2014, 04:54 PM
Let me give you one of the secrets to my success in life and business. It is really simple and I wrote a paper on it in College 50 years ago.
It’s all about understanding “Time” and its value.
You’ve heard the terms:
I need more time.
I ran out of time.
I don’t have the time.
If I only had more time.
It takes too long.
Think about industries that were created and also replaced by time and it will never change. The Pony Express was replaced by the telegraph. The industrial revolution and the assembly line replaced the individual craftsman. The automobile replaced the horse and buggy. Cell phones have replaced the pay phone. The dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, microwave oven and automatic washer and dryer were successes because they save “Time”. The airplane replaced the train as a mode of passenger travel because it saves “Time”. Why upgrade to a faster computer oh it’s saving “Time”. The backhoe replaced the ditch digger. The light bulb extended the time we had otherwise lost to darkness. And I could go on and on.
The most valuable class I ever took was Speed Reading and I can read over 1500 words a minute while the average person reads just 300 words. This has allowed me during my life to read vast amounts of material. At one time I subscribed to over 50 magazines and newspapers it drove my wife crazy (not to mention the mailman). But when I read of a client out of state receiving an award or reaching some milestone or his child graduating or getting engaged or excelling is some sport I would send a note of congratulation. They never knew how I knew that information and it put me heads above my competitor and told them I cared about more than just the sale.
I read no less than 12 newspapers a day from the internet today, many are foreign newspapers. And you don’t even want to know how many financial publications I read.
As an example in my past line of work as an expert witness reading depositions and discovery documents the courts recognize 30 pages an hour as a billing standard. So if the average reader in my craft took five hours to read a 150 page document it only took me one hour. And I could bill at a rate of 30 pages an hour (per the courts) at my rate of $400 per hour you do the math.
If you’re going to go into business, invent or invest think “Time”. In the new world if your not thinking ahead about time you are going to be one of the losers.
Time is either your friend or your enemy and you better understand it and it’s value.

Nipple Twister
12-24-2014, 05:46 PM
...hmm, very valid points but damn, don't I feel like well, I don't know........ not sure if I am qualified to answer that...... kidding, kidding but I just couldn't resist, Devore really, just in jest my friend........

I have been reading your stuff for some time and was always kinda wondered how you seem to have mastered the ability to express yourself in the written word, makes wayyyyyy more sense now.
Please don't take offense to my humor, just had to laugh......... thx for the insight.

Lady Quagga
12-24-2014, 11:10 PM
I have been reading your stuff for some time and was always kinda wondered how you seem to have mastered the ability to express yourself in the written word

That's easy - he copies & pastes.