View Full Version : 10/6/07 NBU CORONADO ISLANDS "Grande ole' time 2"

10-06-2007, 09:52 PM
Today was THE BEST mistake that I have ever made. Our weekly NBU outing was total spur of the moment. Mike (Ymin72) and I met up with Bob (LA Smoker) at Point Loma to fish a 3/4 on the Grande. Joe is in Cabo right now and Slater didn't have the finance available and Terry called in sick.

So off to San Diego we went. We actually found a parking spot in the parking lot so we were off to a great start.

Then we find out that there were only 28 people on the manifest on an 88 ft. boat so we had total comfort throughout the day.

Before we stopped at the Island and despite having a scope-patch, Bob and I began the day by... chumming to attract the fish. Bob's $5 grilled cheese and my $6 breakfast plate came crashing onto the glassy waters of the Coronado's.

Once we actually started fishing though, all was better and I must tell you it was PHENOMENAL~!! There was the seal problem but that comes with the island fishing experience and you can't do anything about that.

6 stops total. We had choices from the get go. Fly flined sardines (Nose hook, Gill hook, Belly hook). Dropper looped Sardines. Plastics. Jigs. Anything you threw out there would get hit. And of all my days on going fishing, today on the Grande produced THE MOST VARIETY of mixed bags imaginable.

We landed... Sand dabs, Chuckle heads, Sheep heads, Sculpins, Boccaccios, Halibut, Lingcods, Sand bass, Calico Bass, White fish, Barracuda, Bonito, Yellow tails and spotted some Blue Fin Tuna... ALL ON A 3/4 DAY~!!!

Something came over me that is very out of the ordinary. When I was signing in on the manifest, i had a feeling that i should play the JP. If you follow my posts then you know that I NEVER play JP. BUt today I put in the $5...

I told Bob as he looked at me with disbelief, "I wouldn't play if I didn't think I was gonna win today".

My Final count for the day was-
1 short Ling (26 inches)
2 Barry's
1 Calico bass
1 Bonito
1 Salmon Grouper
1 Sculpin
1 Yellow Tail (15 lbs JP)

BTW, there were no banana's on the boat.

10-06-2007, 10:27 PM
Way to go on the mixed bag! I went out on the Mission Belle about a month ago and got the skunk out there! So... I'm guessin it was pretty cold out there since LA Smoker wasn't sportin his trademarked "Lil Black Banana Hamock" :lol:

10-06-2007, 10:27 PM
here's your trophy shot mike~!

10-06-2007, 10:43 PM
too bad i missed out, i had diarrhea till like 12 PM today >< &#46;&#46;&#46; kevin just so you know its a good thing i didnt go, or else i woulda caught that JP YT without signing up for JP &#58;) be happy i had the runzzzz

10-06-2007, 10:46 PM
also&#46;&#46; there is so many wrong thing's i can do with photoshop on both your puking pictures&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46; if you know what i mean !! and im sure joe WILL do something about it too ! better remove it before he comes back home&#46;&#46;&#46;

10-06-2007, 11:01 PM
no&#46;&#46;&#46; Joe knows that this is a very PG site&#46; He's the one that always reminds me of that&#46;

10-07-2007, 07:48 AM
Dude that was nasty!
But good pics and report anyway&#46;

10-07-2007, 08:24 AM
nice going guys, looks like another good time&#46; sorry im so broke lol&#46; i hope to be on the next trip&#46; well not to bragbut my yellow was bigger lol&#46; so were there yellows every where or just a couple around?

10-07-2007, 09:30 AM
I enjoyed your great report and pictures&#46; The chum line did the trick &#58;lol&#58;



10-07-2007, 09:56 PM
trlrtrsh67 - abne - steve092 The chum definately helped&#46; If it wasn't for Bob starting the chain reaction, we would have all been fine&#46; Thanks for the reply&#46;

Slater - There were 4 Yellows landed yesterday&#46; 2 of them by Team 57 NBU&#46; I lost a huge yellow to the dogs in the morning&#46; Maybe we should start a donation foundation for you so you can show us what's up&#46; Save the starving fisherman foundation&#46;

Mike (A-hawg) I finally found a trip where I could say "You should have been here yesterday"&#46;

10-07-2007, 10:21 PM
nice chum line you guys got goin there&#46;&#46;lol&#46;&#46;hey looks like i missed out on a good trip&#46;&#46;congrat to your JP kevin&#46;&#46;will join you guys next time&#46;&#46;thanks for posting

LA Smoker
10-07-2007, 11:37 PM
That first stop for rock fish was pretty gnarly&#46; But once we got to the other side of the island it was a lot better&#46; I cant believe we were both scoped out and ended up chumming&#46; Mike's salty burrito settled his urges&#46; That was pretty funny though&#46; When one wasnt yakking he would laugh at the other one blowing chunks and then vice versa a few more times&#46; I'll act it out with emoticons for all of you&#46;

http&#58;//fishingnetwork&#46;net/images/tmp2/fahr06&#46;gif Mike and Kevi, less Theresa&#46;&#46;&#46; Waaaah! I have diarrhea Waaaah! &#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46; http&#58;//fishingnetwork&#46;net/images/tmp2/fahr02&#46;gif and then me floorin it cuz I took my sweet time getting ready&#46;

Mike was his usual self &#58;food&#58; Kevin and I were&#46;&#46;&#46; 8) both feelin 8) Money baby&#46; Money&#46; Mike you're 8) too but you're 8) &#58;food&#58; &#46; Kevin was the first to
http&#58;//fishingnetwork&#46;net/images/tmp2/schla03&#46;gif&#46; then Mike http&#58;//fishingnetwork&#46;net/images/tmp2/schla03&#46;gif then me http&#58;//fishingnetwork&#46;net/images/tmp2/schla03&#46;gif well I tried to sleep but couldn't&#46; After about an hour of trying to sleep I got up & ordered a grilled cheese&#46; After the grilled cheese I felt a little http&#58;//fishingnetwork&#46;net/images/tmp2/7502&#46;gif and then http&#58;//fishingnetwork&#46;net/images/tmp2/9529&#46;gif Kevin who btw wasnt feeling too &#58;oops&#58; good either was laughing &#58;lol&#58; at me and taking pics and Mike was patting me on the back &#58;spank&#58; Thx Mike&#46; &#58;food&#58; "No problem" said Mike&#46; Then Kevin hands off the camera to Mike and http&#58;//fishingnetwork&#46;net/images/tmp2/9529&#46;gif and then I started &#58;lol&#58; &#46; Then Kevin's subsided a little and I came right back with http&#58;//fishingnetwork&#46;net/images/tmp2/9529&#46;gif and Kevin laughed &#58;lol&#58; &#46; Kevin wasn't going to let me win that easily so her&#46;&#46;&#46; http&#58;//fishingnetwork&#46;net/images/tmp2/9529&#46;gif and of course I &#58;lol&#58; and Mike&#46;&#46;&#46; well Mike was just 8) &#58;food&#58; I could probably do the whole day in emoticons, but I wont&#46; You're welcome&#46; Hey K3lly don't blame me for making you chum&#46; You did that on your own, I just expedited it's release&#46;

- Nancy

10-08-2007, 08:20 AM
Good job on the yeller and rest of all those fish! Great trip!

10-08-2007, 08:22 AM
Great report and good job on the YTs!!!!

The puking pics are just plain wrong! No mercy amongst friends! Ha ha ha!!

10-08-2007, 08:32 AM
Awesome Awesome trip!!! Next season I'm gonna have to go out with the NBU it looks like you guys always have a blast!!!!!!!

10-08-2007, 09:00 AM
Hi k3vin_kim and followup members,

Most excellent report and even better pics&#46; One thing though &#46;&#46;&#46;&#46; on the sqews &#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46; ya shoulda used the video function so we could get the live action&#46; Would have been great to add audio (low bellow) then slomo play of the guys!!

Seriously WTG on the JP and all the great fishing &#46;&#46;&#46;to all&#46;

Your group is becoming an institution !!



10-08-2007, 09:17 AM
Bob - Nice blow by blow&#46; As always, we were the loudest guys on the boat&#46; "F R E S H EEEeeeEEeeEE~!!!!" "F R E S H O N EeEEEEEEE~!!!" " AAAAAAAAAaAaaaAAhhhhHHHHHhhhhhHHhhh~!!!! I'm On The rIghT KiiiIIiiIiiiNNnnDDDD~!!!!! DDDaaaAaAHHHHHHH~!!! Oh and btw, thanx for dinner at Denny's the soup really helped for the ride home&#46;

JPLEE - Jeremy, after this trip I was thinking I should change my nickname to JP Kim&#46; You know&#46;&#46;&#46; JackPot Kim&#46; Lol&#46;

Sansou~!! c'mon bro, we were in your territory and you never come out with us&#46; I'll PM you next time we go out again&#46; Hopefully you can make it&#46;

DavidE - You too, I'll contact you for next weekend&#46; Actually PM me ure # so we can hook up&#46; Terry lives in Buena Park so you u 2 can roll together&#46;

Japan Ron - DId you know we have a new NickName for Mike? Yeah&#46; We call him "Vitamin Mike"&#46; In order to save himself from blowing chunks he put a quart of soju into his vitamin water and it saved his ***** from throwing up&#46; Thanks for the response Gatorade Ron&#46;


10-08-2007, 09:29 AM
Hey Bob what's with the chick names? Let's break it down&#46;&#46;&#46;

k3vin = k3lly
Bob = Nancy
Mike = Michelle
Joe = Josifina
Brad = Brangelina
Ron = Ryan Seacrest
Terry = &#46;&#46;&#46; Teresa


10-08-2007, 09:50 AM
dont get me involved in girly names&#46; it was you b!t*hes that either flaked or puked&#46;

anyways whos off today? wanna go 1/2 day?

terry = teresa

10-08-2007, 09:58 AM
Whatever MICHELLE~!!!!!! Don't try to call us B*tCh*s when YOU were the one that asked me for the scope patch and then when the Deckhand was chumming, you thought it was a sardine scale so you ripped it off on accident~!!!!!!!!


LA Smoker
10-08-2007, 10:25 AM
Hey Bob what's with the chick names? Let's break it down&#46;&#46;&#46;

k3vin = k3lly
Bob = Nancy
Mike = Michelle
Joe = Josifina
Brad = Brangelina
Ron = Ryan Seacrest
Terry = &#46;&#46;&#46; Teresa


HAHAHAHAHA Seacressssssssssssssssssst OUT!

dont get me involved in girly names&#46; it was you b!t*hes that either flaked or puked&#46;

anyways whos off today? wanna go 1/2 day?

terry = teresa

Maybe we should give Mike a Korean girls name like Mi Hae or Mi Joo&#46; Choose one Mike&#46;

Whatever MICHELLE~!!!!!! Don't try to call us B*tCh*s when YOU were the one that asked me for the scope patch and then when the Deckhand was chumming, you thought it was a sardine scale so you ripped it off on accident~!!!!!!!!

HAHAHA that was pretty funny&#46; Mi Joo&#46; Too late, I already picked one for you&#46;

10-08-2007, 10:32 AM
You guys got class&#46; I wanna fish with you&#46; I'll stay upwind thank you very much&#46;

Congrats on the Jackpot win!!!!


10-08-2007, 11:11 AM
Classic yaking pics! Awesome! &#58;rofl&#58;

10-08-2007, 11:18 AM
nice job guys, congrats on the JP 8)

10-08-2007, 12:21 PM
Wingnut, yeah it was pretty classic&#46; I can't believe Michelle timed it that perfectly, my camera has a substantial lag on it&#46; Or maybe I was just throwing up A LOT~!!!!!

CAPPO - what's up man~!! Everybody this is CAPPO my inspiration&#46; Cappo caught the meanest LINGCODS I have ever seen&#46; He is my inspiration behind my recent hunt for ling's&#46; What an honor for CAppo to reply to one of my posts&#46; Thanks Cap&#46; when r we gonna kill them lings bro?!?!?

10-08-2007, 05:13 PM
Awesome Kevin, nice meeting you on Fri&#46;&#46; Congrats on the JP&#46;

10-09-2007, 02:18 AM
I'll work on those pics, while I'm at work&#46;&#46;&#46;oops, did I say that out loud?? &#58;oops&#58;

10-09-2007, 09:17 AM
bass- tard&#46; You know what you said Joseph&#46; Keeping it PG&#46;&#46;&#46;

10-09-2007, 10:31 AM
Per popular demand&#46;&#46;&#46;

Obviously, Bob has been practicing at home&#46;&#46;&#46;

Kev, you eat some of the weirdest stuff&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;

10-09-2007, 05:57 PM
Joe u changed it&#46; what is that now? Shamu?

Bob doesn't surprise me when he has sardines jumping out of his mouth though&#46; How many dines have you killed Bob?

LA Smoker
10-09-2007, 06:15 PM
Kev, you eat some of the weirdest stuff&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;

Kevin is that Lizzie's old BF that you're chumming? I've heard of over protective fathers but this is too much!

Joe u changed it&#46; what is that now? Shamu?

Bob doesn't surprise me when he has sardines jumping out of his mouth though&#46; How many dines have you killed Bob?

I think only 3, I only do it for Tuna or YT&#46; I didnt do it at Coronado on Sat cuz well&#46;&#46;&#46; I really didnt want to yakk a third time&#46;

10-09-2007, 07:18 PM
I had no idea you guys fished on week days! I use to be able to do that, too&#46; Glad to see you guys were in the thick of it on this outting! SWEET! Nice Yellow, K3evin!!!

10-13-2007, 12:34 AM
NUMBER 1000!!!! YEAH!!!! &#58;banana&#58;

ghetto dad
10-13-2007, 12:42 AM
lmfao!! hey, wasnt that dude in the Fish Rap?????

10-13-2007, 10:38 AM
?? Joe's always the milestone guy&#46; He likes to plant his flag anywhere he can and be the 1000th or 2000th milestone marker&#46; THat's my boy&#46;

Greg Madrigal
10-13-2007, 06:18 PM
Kev, I can see it now &#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;"Hey Kev, I'm 'bout ready to hurl&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;Quick Grab the cameRAAAAAAAUAAGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

Gross&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;and wrong&#46; But funny! &#58;rofl&#58;

WTG on JP&#46; Fricken sweeeeeeettttt&#46;

Any keeper butts come aboard?


10-13-2007, 07:37 PM
No Greg&#46; I was making fun of Bob when he hurled and after he was done I got the urge&#46; Mike grabbed the camera out of my pocket&#46;&#46;&#46; kind of like, getting a taste of my own medicine type of thing&#46;

Anyways, No legals&#46; Mike caught a 20 inch hal&#46; The wierd thing was&#46;&#46;&#46; he caught it on a flylined sardine?!?!?! That Hal swam up to the surface about 80 feet to get to the sardine&#46;

mcfadden fishers
10-24-2007, 04:15 PM
so u just used sardines yea me n my dad r gonna head their from sandeigo on our own boat just curious how far is it from san deigo and do u need a mexican permit

10-24-2007, 04:53 PM
on an open party boat it takes about an hour and 1/2&#46; But if you or your dad has a private boat, you can get there in like 30 minutes&#46; And YES you need a mexican permit&#46;

10-24-2007, 07:38 PM
so u just used sardines yea me n my dad r gonna head their from sandeigo on our own boat just curious how far is it from san deigo and do u need a mexican permit

good luck&#46;

10-24-2007, 08:37 PM
Mike dude, why are you always so sarcastic&#46; Don't tell me you weren't being sarcastic&#46; I can just imagine u at home on your 34 inch LCD computer screen, drinking soju and chewing on an o-jing-o in kko choo jang and typing "good luck" with that smirk on the side of your face&#46;

10-24-2007, 08:41 PM
Mike dude, why are you always so sarcastic&#46; Don't tell me you weren't being sarcastic&#46; I can just imagine u at home on your 34 inch LCD computer screen, drinking soju and chewing on an o-jing-o in kko choo jang and typing "good luck" with that smirk on the side of your face&#46;

LOL&#46; why you gotta instigate???
dont ASSUME, cause you make an ***** outta U and ME&#46;

10-24-2007, 08:42 PM
LOL on the "o-jing-o"&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;that stuff gives you "boji" breath&#46; Ha ha!!

10-24-2007, 08:50 PM
LOL on the "o-jing-o"&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;that stuff gives you "boji" breath&#46; Ha ha!!

LMFAO&#46; &#58;lol&#58;