View Full Version : rush creek oct 29th thru nov 2 (late report)

11-17-2014, 09:29 AM
so finally was able to get my pictures to attach so thats whay the report is late. Arrived to silver lake campgound on wed to perfect weather could ask for better. After setting up and fishing the lake for nada we decided to scout around a little and headed down to the mouth of rush at grant. We managed to land a couple small browns and a couple rainbows. The next morning I got up and decided to walk rush near the campground to see what I could find while the wife was still sleeping. Glad I did. The browns were everywhere!!!! In the first 2 hours I landed 3 over 20 inches. I calle the wife and she ended up with a nice one to. The rest of the weekend I spent fishing that area of rush with good results all weekend. I have beeen fishing this area for years and been trying to hit the spawn and it finally happened. Sat morning we got a little snow and the fishing in the upper section of rush slowed down. We took a drive down to the mouth of rush at grant again. The browns had started moving up from the storm and we saw at least 15 fish well over 20 inches. I managed to get one decent one and my wife did also. they just werent too interested since they were in the middle of spawning. Over all this was probably the best fishing trip ive hed to the sierras. And here are the pics

first rainbow of the trip

monster browns






a couple of the smaller fish



Sat morning

Sun morning shot before we left

11-17-2014, 09:30 AM
not sure why the photos are popping up. Ive been having nothing but trouble for some reason

11-17-2014, 10:14 AM
Awesome trip and photos!

I think the trick with photobucket is to use the link called "IMG". You should see that on the right-hand side, bottom option:


Paste that directly into your post, and the pictures should show up as an in-line image. Here's an example, of one of your really great pictures:

http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy217/simijab/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-11-02080611.png (http://s793.photobucket.com/user/simijab/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-11-02080611.png.html)

phishin phool
11-17-2014, 12:43 PM
Makes me sick seeing those browns molested during thier spawn and handled like that. That is one of only a few places left that have a natural spawn and should be closed to fishing. That is a special place and should be treated as such. Sorry to sound like a jerk but it is because of posts like this and treating fish like that, that this special fishery is only a fraction of what it used to be and along with it others spots there. So sad.

11-17-2014, 01:03 PM

11-17-2014, 01:56 PM
Makes me sick seeing those browns molested during thier spawn and handled like that. That is one of only a few places left that have a natural spawn and should be closed to fishing. That is a special place and should be treated as such. Sorry to sound like a jerk but it is because of posts like this and treating fish like that, that this special fishery is only a fraction of what it used to be and along with it others spots there. So sad.

I couldn't agree more! Needs to be shutdown completely cause even if it went to barbless 0 take some would still handle the fish like this.

Too many of these threads.

11-17-2014, 02:03 PM
Is everyone complaining because of the fact it's brown trout only?

11-17-2014, 02:13 PM
FYI, DFG plants their hatchery fish up there at the end of the season. You guys flaming him is wrong, he is allowed to enjoy the fishing within his limits, and share his reports as he see's fit. I had a trip up there where my buddy and i caught about 75 browns for the 3 days we fished. Glad you got to spend some time on the creek, thats a really fun place to fish!

11-17-2014, 02:55 PM
Sucks to see these posts.

11-17-2014, 03:00 PM
Thanks for sharing the beautiful pics simijab...I agree with exfactor here...he's legally fishing and then reporting on a fishing website...and I love brown trout, but they're not indigenous to the eastern Sierras, or to the New World for that matter, so he's not destroying an endangered species here...

11-17-2014, 03:10 PM
FYI, DFG plants their hatchery fish up there at the end of the season. You guys flaming him is wrong, he is allowed to enjoy the fishing within his limits, and share his reports as he see's fit. I had a trip up there where my buddy and i caught about 75 browns for the 3 days we fished. Glad you got to spend some time on the creek, thats a really fun place to fish!

Ok if he caught them and kept his limit he was within his rights, agreed. But I think this fishery should have a regulation change. These threads are causing an influx during this period of the year and it should be shut down. I think most that have fished this region for many years would agree. Many that fish this area during the spawn snag their fish, no I'm not saying he did.

11-17-2014, 03:16 PM
lol I only kept the 2 that im holding up. they were both spawned out already. The male I kept first and the female I tried to release but she didnt have the energy left. But I assure you they had already did their thing. All other fish were released

11-17-2014, 03:17 PM
also none of these fish were snagged. If they didnt want my lures I let them be

11-17-2014, 03:26 PM
these are also the only fish i got pictures of. there were others caught but most of them pop off soon as i give them slack line because all of my lures are barbless

11-17-2014, 03:29 PM
I think you just did yourself more harm than good in admitting what you did but no more from me other than keeping a spawning or spawned out female is just a waste. Meat will be minimal and not of good quality.

11-17-2014, 03:32 PM
Guess you should jump on the lmb folks who fish the beds too right? It's fishing it's a sport that's been around for a long time and will continue to be reguardless if a spawned out fish is taken they have and will survive.

11-17-2014, 03:42 PM
Awesome, WTG and pics are awesome, i only wish i could fish that, good job!

11-17-2014, 03:45 PM
I have fished the area for over 50 years and I like my method best.... I don't take the fish out of the water and I have never ever taken a photo of a fish I caught... I know what a fish looks like so I don't need a picture.. Besides I don't own a digital camera and have no idea how to post photos even if I owned one..

11-17-2014, 03:53 PM
Guess you should jump on the lmb folks who fish the beds too right? It's fishing it's a sport that's been around for a long time and will continue to be reguardless if a spawned out fish is taken they have and will survive.

I can't resist! Do you really think that you can handle a spawning trout the same as an lmb and they will have the same survival rate? You are confusing 2 subjects. The take of fish legally, which he did according to him which I believe is fine and the handling of caught and released trout which if I read his story correctly he handled at least a couple pretty bad according to the pictures I saw, not only 2 fish were handled. This is not a finite resource in any way shape or form. Largemouth bass live in every pond it seems and are pretty damn hardy fish whereas brown trout and rainbow trout are not.

My comment re: spawning females not being good to eat is just an FYI. Yup I've kept a couple in many years gone by and just like a spawned out lmb they are soft with very little meat.

I don't think he should be flamed and I feel a little guilty but will not hold back on my opinions regarding the handling of caught fish, especially trout.

11-17-2014, 04:29 PM
at least 70 percent of the fish I caught that weekend never came out of the water. the female was going to die no if ands or buts so I kept her. she felt like a deflated balloon. Everyone has there own opinion thats fine. I was there and nobody on here was there with me. Im glad I fished most of that river before friday came around when these guys showed up and started use salmon roe sacks to catch them. luckly they only got a couple out of the hole I caught fish in the day before. fishing with bait theyve got no chance. You could tell these guys were locals to which you wouldnt think locals would be fishing like that. Anyways Im not worried about the fish I released. Ive been fishing the Sierras for 30 plus years Im not just some guy going up there to fill his freezer.

11-17-2014, 04:51 PM
I also understand that I would have people not agree with this. Its fine I saw the fish swim off. Maybe there will be a fish or 2 that dont make it but they could have fooled me. And not sure how many people have tried to catch a fish thats about to spawn but they dont want anything but a piece of tail at the time. the only way to catch one before it spawns is to snag it. which i already stated did not happen in my case.

11-18-2014, 09:01 AM
Awesome trip and photos!

I think the trick with photobucket is to use the link called "IMG". You should see that on the right-hand side, bottom option:


Paste that directly into your post, and the pictures should show up as an in-line image. Here's an example, of one of your really great pictures:

http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy217/simijab/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-11-02080611.png (http://s793.photobucket.com/user/simijab/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-11-02080611.png.html)

thanks for the info

11-19-2014, 03:37 AM
I'm guilty in posting one of these threads a few years back for rush. I was already hit by the brown bug and I happened to be up the last week of the season. I know now that I'll never go back and fish that creek for the spawn. Doing so was wrong,I didn't know much about brown trout at the time. I have since done my homework and I chase these fish non stop. East side, west side, oregon!! I'm addicted. I agree the regs need to be changed, even more now with california doing away with the browns. Get them in the lakes and let them spawn when the time comes. It's a hell of alot more rewarding. And that so called 21.6 out of rush is a complete joke fish might have been 11 pounds tops...

Fish with a Lance
11-20-2014, 12:55 PM
Been fishing there for over 50 years. It's still about the same as it was then. Probably better the past 2-3 years than it ever was.

11-23-2014, 09:25 AM
Flaming fellow fisher folks on a fish reporting website when he is fishing legally is weak! Try a PM with some help full hints. Thanks for the report and pics. Showed my Pops this, he has been fishing their since the 60's and he said "use to be we were all on the same team".

Piss on Myspace
11-23-2014, 03:38 PM
This thread should be titled "the improper way of handling a trout". Sorry Simijab, I only know what you show, and the fishing handling skills you and your girl are demonstrating is a bit concerning. I have always respected your fishing talents and advice, however, dirty fish that obviously fell on the ground and pictures with fingers in the gills is an obvious no no...my rule of thumb, if you drop the fish, you lost your photo op and its time to go back in the water...especially during a critical time of the year like it is. Another thing you may want to consider is switching to a single barbless on the lures for a much easier and less stressful release. Plus it levels out the playing field when shooting these ducks. I'm not asking or demanding you stop fishing there, just to have more consideration for the beautiful species that most stay up at night dreaming to catch. Remember this is Ma Natures playground and we must always respect the resource!!!

11-24-2014, 09:28 AM
This thread should be titled "the improper way of handling a trout". Sorry Simijab, I only know what you show, and the fishing handling skills you and your girl are demonstrating is a bit concerning. I have always respected your fishing talents and advice, however, dirty fish that obviously fell on the ground and pictures with fingers in the gills is an obvious no no...my rule of thumb, if you drop the fish, you lost your photo op and its time to go back in the water...especially during a critical time of the year like it is. Another thing you may want to consider is switching to a single barbless on the lures for a much easier and less stressful release. Plus it levels out the playing field when shooting these ducks. I'm not asking or demanding you stop fishing there, just to have more consideration for the beautiful species that most stay up at night dreaming to catch. Remember this is Ma Natures playground and we must always respect the resource!!!

I do understand your concern. Out of the 20 or so fish we caught through out the week that we were there we kept 3 fish. I only got pictures of fish I didnt release directly from the lure without touching them at all. Actually the 2 pics where they are in shallow water I didnt touch them either. Also the one that was dirty I did drop. I didnt want to keep her and tried to release her but she was too tired and just kept floating. that pic was taken after all that happened. I do want you to understand these pictures were taken over five days of fishing and there were many more fish that live to fight another day

11-24-2014, 10:29 AM
I do understand your concern. Out of the 20 or so fish we caught through out the week that we were there we kept 3 fish. I only got pictures of fish I didnt release directly from the lure without touching them at all. Actually the 2 pics where they are in shallow water I didnt touch them either. Also the one that was dirty I did drop. I didnt want to keep her and tried to release her but she was too tired and just kept floating. that pic was taken after all that happened. I do want you to understand these pictures were taken over five days of fishing and there were many more fish that live to fight another day

Simijab, you had a hell of a trip, one you can remember for a long time to come. Congrats, and don't let the fish huggers get you down.

I'm as hardcore C&R as anyone else, the only FW fish I ever keep are Stripers, Crappie/Perch, and the occasional stocked trout, but I do recognize that the very act of putting a hook in a fish's mouth, playing them until they run out of energy, then yanking them out of the water where they can't breathe is going to inevitably do some harm to the fish. It's just a part of the sport that we all have to accept. Sure, there are some steps we can take to reduce mortality, and I'm all for them, but if we absolutely don't want to harm them in any way, we really shouldn't be fishing for them at all.

11-24-2014, 02:08 PM
nice Fish ove the sierras

don't let these guys bust your bubble !

01-01-2015, 01:14 PM
Quit killing those browns! If you need meat, eat the stocker rainbows.

phishin phool
01-01-2015, 07:28 PM
Been fishing there for over 50 years. It's still about the same as it was then. Probably better the past 2-3 years than it ever was.
Are you kidding me! Not even close to what if was 10 years ago. And the last 2 years "better than it ever was"? For what? Killing wild fish? How do you justify that statement? Its been so low the spawn has been very minimal. I've only been fishing it since bout 1982 but just in the last several years I've seen a fairly big change. Alot more people targeting spawning browns because of posts like this and social media. Some are responsible....most are not.

01-17-2015, 09:04 AM
http://youtu.be/6IuvT7c7oQ4 Filet and release!

Its just not the same, taking a picture of a stocked trout frying on a rock next to an empty budlight can right?

fish hunt
01-17-2015, 11:37 AM
as far as photo bucket goes dont use it ive never seen it work right and your pics have ads attached to them
photo bucket more like photo suck it
glad you had a good trip its just easier to share pics just straight from your computer and photo bucket deletes pics after a certain time

01-18-2015, 01:05 PM
http://youtu.be/854IiYOfkgM This one's better. Got to love eating those Goldens!

Wow....that's really some kind of special45584Always have enjoyed watching a Golden trout slowly dying out of water.

01-18-2015, 01:57 PM
I also understand that I would have people not agree with this. Its fine I saw the fish swim off. Maybe there will be a fish or 2 that dont make it but they could have fooled me. And not sure how many people have tried to catch a fish thats about to spawn but they dont want anything but a piece of tail at the time. the only way to catch one before it spawns is to snag it. which i already stated did not happen in my case.

Look i wont be one to Just hammer you..BUT..you could use a lesson in fish release and handling
and see a fish swim off means almost nothing Here is an Example..never use hands or a new that is not rubber on a trout. I have personal experiance with tour being put in a new not made of rubber...and people who grab the fish with dry hands...they do swim off..I have seen them put in a pond..3 days latter the net or hand marks show up in the sides of the fish
a full 70% of them will die in a week. Please take what others have said and learn from it. Trout are a very fragile fish. and with poor handling as you have show only fuels a fire with most everyone.
Those brown trout are on the rare side in California. They are a resource to be taken care of....
I used to fish the Dam at Bridgeport lake in the winter. We caught many Large browns on the dam,..but bad handling and Bragging where fish were being killed found floating belly up had he lake closed to all fishng when trout season was closed..where we used to have a great Catch and release sport.
Poor handling of spawning browns will get the season changed to NO fishing soon if it don't quit
cutbacks and lack of DFG money will just make it easier for us to LOSE the use of that stream if poor handle and lack of care for the fish continue
No one is perfect myself included.
Please understand the Browns are such an important resource in california. I am with others and think the season should be closed for the spawn
As you know this year snagging was taking place..maybe not by you But it was happening...if your honest you seen some of it if you were there more than 1 day
take a tip from others...handle the fish properly don't even get them out of the water

Hey DFG has done blunders..in the 60s DFG killed of thousands of brown trout in lake convict because they were eating the freshly stocked rainbows...they stacked browns up like cordwood..still have some old pictures somewhere of that
Kern river late 60 early 70 10 fish limit..browns in sept-nov would go 80 lbs...poor DFG season and rules and that is gone forever
so we have very few Brown trout resources where browns grow large left..lets keep them
Most of the fish you and other grabbed with your hands..and held near on in the gills they are DEAD now Bear food
if you were keeping your limit to eat....then no harm done..
use this a a Good lesson for the future
and Nice fish

01-18-2015, 03:40 PM
Look i wont be one to Just hammer you..BUT..you could use a lesson in fish release and handling
and see a fish swim off means almost nothing Here is an Example..never use hands or a new that is not rubber on a trout. I have personal experiance with tour being put in a new not made of rubber...and people who grab the fish with dry hands...they do swim off..I have seen them put in a pond..3 days latter the net or hand marks show up in the sides of the fish
a full 70% of them will die in a week. Please take what others have said and learn from it. Trout are a very fragile fish. and with poor handling as you have show only fuels a fire with most everyone.
Those brown trout are on the rare side in California. They are a resource to be taken care of....
I used to fish the Dam at Bridgeport lake in the winter. We caught many Large browns on the dam,..but bad handling and Bragging where fish were being killed found floating belly up had he lake closed to all fishng when trout season was closed..where we used to have a great Catch and release sport.
Poor handling of spawning browns will get the season changed to NO fishing soon if it don't quit
cutbacks and lack of DFG money will just make it easier for us to LOSE the use of that stream if poor handle and lack of care for the fish continue
No one is perfect myself included.
Please understand the Browns are such an important resource in california. I am with others and think the season should be closed for the spawn
As you know this year snagging was taking place..maybe not by you But it was happening...if your honest you seen some of it if you were there more than 1 day
take a tip from others...handle the fish properly don't even get them out of the water

Hey DFG has done blunders..in the 60s DFG killed of thousands of brown trout in lake convict because they were eating the freshly stocked rainbows...they stacked browns up like cordwood..still have some old pictures somewhere of that
Kern river late 60 early 70 10 fish limit..browns in sept-nov would go 80 lbs...poor DFG season and rules and that is gone forever
so we have very few Brown trout resources where browns grow large left..lets keep them
Most of the fish you and other grabbed with your hands..and held near on in the gills they are DEAD now Bear food
if you were keeping your limit to eat....then no harm done..
use this a a Good lesson for the future
and Nice fish
Wait Wait Wait is this coming from the same person who said, I killed a #8 LMB because someone told me, "I should release it." I killed that Bass which was my right because I wanted to teach that C&R fishermen a lesson. If it wasn't you, I apologize for thinking it was you!!!!

01-18-2015, 03:44 PM
Wait Wait Wait is this coming from the same person who said, I killed a #8 LMB because someone told me, "I should release it." I killed that Bass which was my right because I wanted to teach that C&R fishermen a lesson. If it wasn't you, I apologize for thinking it was you!!!!
yes it was me...and like i said in the post if your keeping it then no harm done..but releasing it to die later is another thing
get your act together
bass are every where is every water...and even bass need good handling to release them unharmed
brown trout are a special resource int his state so releasing them with care is important

01-18-2015, 05:37 PM
yes it was me...and like i said in the post if your keeping it then no harm done..but releasing it to die later is another thing
get your act together
bass are every where is every water...and even bass need good handling to release them unharmed
brown trout are a special resource int his state so releasing them with care is important
Let's go with Brown Trout are special and Bass are every where. Which of the two species of fish with a SNAP OF A FINGER CAN HAVE 10,000 lbs of them stocked at one lake any time some one desires it. (For the slow thinking ones Irvine lake did that in November of this year) Answer: Brown Trout!!! Next question: Which species of fish is usually only stocked once in a lakes history and then has to totally depend on natural reproduction to perpetuate itself. ( If there was ever a major fish die off, like what happened to Lake Mission Viejo this year) That lake would be ruined for next 12 years at least. Answer: Large Mouth Bass!!!! I do know Tom, I think you over estimate Brown Trout and don't give enough credit to the Large mouth bass fisheries we have here in Southern California!!!!! lol Maybe those C&R Bass fishermen, who told you the proper thing to do was release that 8 pound bass are on to something!!!!! lol

01-18-2015, 05:44 PM
Let's go with Brown Trout are special and Bass are every where. Which of the two species of fish with a SNAP OF A FINGER CAN HAVE 10,000 lbs of them stocked at one lake any time some one desires it. (For the slow thinking ones Irvine lake did that in November of this year) Answer: Brown Trout!!! Next question: Which species of fish is usually only stocked once in a lakes history and then has to totally depend on natural reproduction to perpetuate itself. ( If there was ever a major fish die off, like what happened to Lake Mission Viejo this year) That lake would be ruined for next 12 years at least. Answer: Large Mouth Bass!!!! I do know Tom, I think you over estimate Brown Trout and don't give enough credit to the Large mouth bass fisheries we have here in Southern California!!!!! lol Maybe those C&R Bass fishermen, who told you the proper thing to do was release that 8 pound bass are on to something!!!!! lol

well most of my fish i do release...95% but once in awhile...I eat them...so
back on topic...if you are going to release a fish do it properly..same goes for us bass guys i bass boats...letting them hit the carpet..or failure to bubble them from deep water is just as bad
I do NOT feel bad about eating a fish once in awhile..but if a fish hits the carper or dirt..i will keep it as it will die..even a bass
this stuff about it swam away fine..No kidding to die later
bass are much hardier though
too bad i have not found a way to let my Deer go sometimes..how do you handle that one??
mine keep getting lead poisoning..well the last one copper death

phishin phool
01-18-2015, 07:29 PM
The topic on this thread was a certain creek and a population of wild fish. Not hatchery fish stocked in an urban reservoir. Take your stupid *** back to the GD forum.
Let's go with Brown Trout are special and Bass are every where. Which of the two species of fish with a SNAP OF A FINGER CAN HAVE 10,000 lbs of them stocked at one lake any time some one desires it. (For the slow thinking ones Irvine lake did that in November of this year) Answer: Brown Trout!!! Next question: Which species of fish is usually only stocked once in a lakes history and then has to totally depend on natural reproduction to perpetuate itself. ( If there was ever a major fish die off, like what happened to Lake Mission Viejo this year) That lake would be ruined for next 12 years at least. Answer: Large Mouth Bass!!!! I do know Tom, I think you over estimate Brown Trout and don't give enough credit to the Large mouth bass fisheries we have here in Southern California!!!!! lol Maybe those C&R Bass fishermen, who told you the proper thing to do was release that 8 pound bass are on to something!!!!! lol

01-18-2015, 08:23 PM
The topic on this thread was a certain creek and a population of wild fish. Not hatchery fish stocked in an urban reservoir. Take your stupid *** back to the GD forum.
Actually I was teasing Tom about Killing a #8 Bass because someone gave him a hard time. To be technical this thread was a fish report, where the OP was slaughtered by others on the evils of fishing Rush Creek during the spawn and how he mishandled his fish. If the OP knew what he was getting into, I doubt he would ever have made that fish report!!!!!

01-18-2015, 08:41 PM
The way this thread has evolved is very disappointing on so many levels. I hope they lock it soon...

01-18-2015, 09:57 PM
If the OP knew what he was getting into, I doubt he would ever have made that fish report!!!!!

...and miss out on the validation from random strangers on the net, whom he'll probably never meet...yeah right!!! Maybe he was displaying his knowledge of proper C&R....catch and rape

Monster browns.... :ROFL:,,,,,what a joke

01-19-2015, 12:08 AM
http://youtu.be/6IuvT7c7oQ4 Filet and release!

keeping fish to eat is one thing..catching and killing for no reason is another
respect the sport