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View Full Version : Newport Harbor "private marina" question

08-24-2014, 11:41 AM
Went tubing with Ifish2little at NPH on 8/23 (a post of the trip will be put up soon) and we were told that a couple of the docks we were floating around were in a private marina where fishing was not allowed because "fishing line can get caught in the propellers of the boats". The people telling us this also told us that Harbor Patrol would be called if we didn't leave. I wasn't aware that this had any legal standing in navigable waters other than for security reasons in places like Anaheim Bay or harbor patrol docks. Does anyone know if this has legal standing? I called NPH Harbor Patrol and couldn't get a satisfactory from an elderly volunteer. Thanks.

08-24-2014, 12:05 PM
I would have called their bluff and told them to call harbor patrol. If you are properly licensed and there aren't any signs around proclaiming no fishing I wouldn't be too worried about it. Let harbor patrol come and clear up any issues because sounds more to me like somebody just trying to protect their boats more then anything else.

08-24-2014, 12:17 PM
Thanks for the reply. We actually didn't leave and told the first guy that we would continue to fish and deal with the HP when they got there and he said OK. He was very nice. The 2nd person was an older lady who obviously thought that money entitles you to privledges that us commoners don't deserve. Anyways we left the area because the bite wasn't too good but if it had been good I definitely would have fished until HP kicked me out.

08-24-2014, 01:16 PM
lol Those little 10" fish weren't worth the hassle anyways. She did give us the stink eye lol.

08-24-2014, 07:34 PM
I had this chick call 911 on my buddy and I when we were fishing in a skiff from the pavillon. She was yelling at us, telling us that fishing is illegal and if we don't leave, that she will call the cops on us. So we stayed. And man was the bay bass fishing epic. After about 10 fish later, harbor patrol rolls up on us. Asked to see our I.D.'s and our fishing license. Then asked us how many fish we had in the tank. We told them none. Then he asked the same question again, to which I replied the same answer. He then boarded the boat looked in the livewell and then read the lady the riot act. It was at that moment that he told her not to waste emergency services number and time for something of this nature. Meanwhile the other officer was writting her a ticket. Then the officer asked us to give her some space, which we did and went on our way. The next dock over I landed a nice 40 inch halibut while the lady was being given a ticket. What an awesome day. I really miss the bay at times. Flippin live bait under the docks is so much fun.

08-24-2014, 08:42 PM
That is an awesome story! A dream come true!