View Full Version : Good ole dayzz !

old pudd fisher
08-21-2014, 07:28 PM
Remember this stuff.4483744838448394484044841

08-21-2014, 07:32 PM
i still remember the pull down maps and bicycles, I'm from 1986 I don't go wayyy back but some lol

08-21-2014, 07:41 PM
Don't be dating me I remember all of that and more. I remember growing up before the automatic washing machine and dryer, anyone remember the wringer style washing machine and the clothes line? How about being entertained by the radio before the B&W television much less a color television or big screen? How about Hi Fi or Stereo or surround sound? Remember the first time you saw a microwave oven and how much it cost or the first personal computer or cell phone? Remember 8 track tapes or a car without air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, power windows, satellite radio or an automatic transmission?

08-21-2014, 07:48 PM
Don't be dating me I remember all of that and more. I remember growing up before the automatic washing machine and dryer, anyone remember the wringer style washing machine and the clothes line? How about being entertained by the radio before the B&W television much less a color television or big screen? How about Hi Fi or Stereo or surround sound? Remember the first time you saw a microwave oven and how much it cost or the first personal computer or cell phone? Remember 8 track tapes or a car without air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, power windows, satellite radio or an automatic transmission?

man ur going waayyyyyy back lol but I'm pretty sure those days were a lot better then theses days. now its all electronics

08-21-2014, 07:58 PM
man ur going waayyyyyy back lol but I'm pretty sure those days were a lot better then theses days. now its all electronics

Gasoline .25 cents a gallon, .99 cents for a car load at the drive in theater and McDonalds .15 hamburger and .10 fries. For $5 you and your date could really have a night out and have change left over, today not so much.

old pudd fisher
08-21-2014, 08:09 PM
Don't be dating me I remember all of that and more. I remember growing up before the automatic washing machine and dryer, anyone remember the wringer style washing machine and the clothes line? How about being entertained by the radio before the B&W television much less a color television or big screen? How about Hi Fi or Stereo or surround sound? Remember the first time you saw a microwave oven and how much it cost or the first personal computer or cell phone? Remember 8 track tapes or a car without air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, power windows, satellite radio or an automatic transmission? HEY HEY Devore just a few years behind ya. Was the best years of my life. Just wonder what todays young will be remembering.

08-21-2014, 08:28 PM
Today's young wont remember anything "Mary Jane" is legal and everyone deserves a participation trophy. Hey we old timers should be dead already. Electrical outlets two prong without a ground, no GFI's, no seat belts or child seats or air bags either. Chemistry sets with real scary chemicals, remember cap guns and dirt clod fights in the vacant lots? Carried a shotgun in my car to high school as did my other buddy's so we could go bird hunting after school. Riding in a car with the windows rolled up and the adults smoking in the car. Real fireworks you know the kind that went bang. In high school we had wood shop, cabinet shop, carpentry shop, metal shop, welding shop, auto shop, electronics shop and printing shop. And a good paying job was waiting for those vocational guys when they graduated and we also had Jr. ROTC and Future Farmers ag shop.

old pudd fisher
08-21-2014, 08:48 PM
Don't remind me about that, It's making me get depressed. I need a little whiskey tonight.

08-21-2014, 08:51 PM
Ah Whiskey the old mans drug. lol Have two fingers worth for me.

08-21-2014, 08:57 PM
I was born in the early 90s and had all of this stuff. They were great! BTW the blue part of the eraser did erase ink! I just didn't have a legitimate piece of paper to turn in after lol.