View Full Version : Ice Bucket Challenge

08-21-2014, 10:16 AM
What A joke! only in America would we waste clean water to avoid donating to charity....

the challenge cant be to go pick up a hand full of trash or something useful

what's your take on this ice bucket Bullsh*t?

08-21-2014, 10:18 AM
all that water wasted pretty soon there going to donate to the water district...

08-21-2014, 10:22 AM
I warned my sister not to even think about it (her whole family loves this type of stuff).

Now I can guarantee you that because of the success of the donations being made in name of the "challenge" there will be others cropping up to annoy me further.

One day I just have to turn off the damn computer for good.

08-21-2014, 10:22 AM
I did my challenge over my tomatoe plants, and I donated to the breast and prostate cancer research. GBA!!!!!

08-21-2014, 10:32 AM
my thought exactly.... pretty soon every company or non profit is gonna give this "fundraising" style a try

funny to think we do this type of stuff in the middle of a drought

08-21-2014, 10:40 AM
What A joke! only in America would we waste clean water to avoid donating to charity....

the challenge cant be to go pick up a hand full of trash or something useful

what's your take on this ice bucket Bullsh*t?
I thought u did the ice bucket and dontated money?? So u do this so you dont donate money? Im confused lol

08-21-2014, 11:21 AM
It started out as a challenge to DONATE to the ALS charity within 24 hrs or get an ice bucket bath as punishment.

Well its morphed into taking an ice bucket bath to raise "awareness" of ALS and not donating.

Basically its a "look at my vid on Facebook"

08-21-2014, 11:49 AM

ALS Awareness is great and all but how about Drought Awareness??? no too logical?

08-21-2014, 10:11 PM
A buddy died 2 years ago from ALS. 6' 4" 250 then went down to 145 lbs then died in less than a year. Most dump less than 2 - 3 gallons, about 2 toilet flushes. With all the millions of dollars raised for research it is worth it. Not to worried about it. They are putting in a Raging Waters in Temecula, Lol. Thousands of track homes built in the inland empire, So Cal desert. Do you think the average renter that gets free water is worried ? I got a vid challenge on FB, passed on it and donated $100. How about all the people with pools, major evaporation. Golf courses ect.

If it's yellow, let it mellow.
http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g263/14141414141414/102.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/user/14141414141414/media/102.jpg.html)

08-21-2014, 10:23 PM
All these people do and post, bragging rights. Then they don't donate. Kinda lame, feel good.

Within 24 hours of being challenged, participants are to video record themselves in continuous footage. First, they are to announce their acceptance of the challenge followed by pouring ice into a bucket of water. The bucket is then to be lifted overhead and poured over the participant's head. Then the participant can call out a challenge to other people.

In one version of the challenge, the participant is expected to donate $10 if they have poured the ice water over their head and donate $100 if they have not. In another version, dumping the ice water over the participant's head is done in lieu of any donation, which has led to some criticisms of the challenge being a form of slacktivism.


08-21-2014, 10:55 PM
I think it is all a matter of perspective really. Are there a lot of people out there who are doing the challenge because it is the "cool" thing to do? Yes. But regardless of the intentions behind each individual challenge the reality is that awareness for ALS is increasing. Not by just word of mouth either. The fundraising for ALS research has shot through the roof as result of the ice bucket challenge.

08-22-2014, 09:40 AM
LOL @ this thread!

I noticed it about 20 minutes after I posted myself doing it and calling out an FNNer. Sorry to put you on the spot.

My daughter challenged me and I accepted. Told her if I did it she had to make a donation. She is making a small donation with her dad's money. She wants to include me in her social stuff... I'm game. There are worse things that a teenager could be doing than wasting water.

For those who think its lame... You're entitled to your opinion. I have friends that think it's lame to post reports or participate on a fishing site and I don't let them stop me.

As far as it being just a "look at me" moment... Of course it is. Everything on social media is. Posting fishing reports or stating your opinion on a thread like this one is a "look at me" statement. At least the challenge raises awareness and money for a good cause. Anybody who donates or raises for charity feels better about themselves for doing so. I used to volunteer at the special olympics because my brother has Down's Syndrome and I gaurantee that I got more joy out of those days than my brother or the other special needs kids did. Should I have not helped because I was gaining something too?

Those bringing up the drought have a valid point that should be expressed so that people doing the challenge think about how much water they're using. Hopefully they're doing it in a way that the water being dumped on them can still be used for something else too and not just wasted. Don't just throw stones though... Do you do every thing you can to save water? Do you water your lawn? Wash your car? Just sayin.

08-22-2014, 09:51 AM
what I think is lame is that people waste water to avoid donating.. only in America!

like I said why not do something productive like pick up a hand full of trash or something like that?

instead of dumping 5 gallons or so on our heads why not donate 5 gallons to Africa or other places in need?

this whole concept is to give back yet we are wasting instead of giving back.....

08-22-2014, 09:54 AM
LOL @ this thread!

I noticed it about 20 minutes after I posted myself doing it and calling out an FNNer. Sorry to put you on the spot.

My daughter challenged me and I accepted. Told her if I did it she had to make a donation. She is making a small donation with her dad's money. She wants to include me in her social stuff... I'm game. There are worse things that a teenager could be doing than wasting water.

For those who think its lame... You're entitled to your opinion. I have friends that think it's lame to post reports or participate on a fishing site and I don't let them stop me.

As far as it being just a "look at me" moment... Of course it is. Everything on social media is. Posting fishing reports or stating your opinion on a thread like this one is a "look at me" statement. At least the challenge raises awareness and money for a good cause. Anybody who donates or raises for charity feels better about themselves for doing so. I used to volunteer at the special olympics because my brother has Down's Syndrome and I gaurantee that I got more joy out of those days than my brother or the other special needs kids did. Should I have not helped because I was gaining something too?

Those bringing up the drought have a valid point that should be expressed so that people doing the challenge think about how much water they're using. Hopefully they're doing it in a way that the water being dumped on them can still be used for something else too and not just wasted. Don't just throw stones though... Do you do every thing you can to save water? Do you water your lawn? Wash your car? Just sayin.

That's it we need to change the "challenge" from water and ice to dirt, plenty of that to go around!

I take no pride in being a bitter basstard when it comes to being negative about this "challenge". I would much prefer to have your attitude but hey gotta be me.

Good for you and all that actually take this "challenge" seriously but there are so many that obviously are just relishing the back pats so to some of us it's getting annoying.

Basically prodding others into doing the act, or if you want "challenging" them is what bothers me and mark my words this is only the beginning, once other charity's see the success they will try and find a new "challenge" to fill their coffers.

City Dad
08-22-2014, 10:32 AM
I heard the Scalding Cat Pee challenge was a total flop...

old pudd fisher
08-22-2014, 11:22 AM
I heard the Scalding Cat Pee challenge was a total flop...
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

08-22-2014, 12:36 PM
I have heard that since this thing got started they have raised 8 times the normal amount of money for ALS, and that was 2 weeks ago. Its much bigger now. And it looks like a lot of people are having a lot of fun.

08-22-2014, 03:47 PM
I warned my sister not to even think about it (her whole family loves this type of stuff).

Now I can guarantee you that because of the success of the donations being made in name of the "challenge" there will be others cropping up to annoy me further.

One day I just have to turn off the damn computer for good.

That's a really good plan. Bye.

08-22-2014, 08:09 PM