View Full Version : 80 year old man shoots pregnant woman that was robbing his house and kills her

07-27-2014, 12:21 PM
80 year old man shoots pregnant woman that was robbing his home and kills her.


"An 80-year-old California retiree shot dead a pregnant woman as she and a male accomplice tried to flee Tuesday night after breaking in and robbing the man’s home in Long Beach.

And Tom Greer has no regrets about plugging the woman with two shots as she begged for her life.

“She says, 'Don't shoot me, I'm pregnant! I'm going to have a baby!' And I shot her anyway," Greer told KNBC-TV."

Boyfriend of the pregnant woman and herself had been robbing other homes in the neighborhood prior to this. They were robbing his home in the middle of the night when he returned home to find them. They both jumped him but he was wily enough to get away and grabbed his pistol. The assailants fled the scene with him following and when the woman tripped up he shot her while she pleaded for him to spare her life.

Knowing all of this personally I feel nothing for her or her boyfriend. Why was she not thinking of her unborn child before she got involved in robbing homes? The issue is now gonna be will he get charged for shooting her because she no longer posed a threat because she was fleeing. Personally I believe she got what she deserved and I hope that they don't file any charges. Sad that the unborn child had to pay for his mothers actions but I don't find the man wrong for taking action against people who invaded his home. If you can't feel safe in your home then what?


07-27-2014, 01:03 PM
For the robbers "play stupid games win stupid prizes".

For the elderly gentleman he is in a world of hurt legally. As soon as the robbers fled his home he was no longer under threat and the shoot became unlawful. Further to the point in shooting (no pun intended) off his mouth he further incriminated himself. He has no legal defense under these circumstances and will most likely get his senior care needs taken care of by the State. A wrongful death lawsuit is probably already in the works by the deceased's family members and they will most certainly prevail.

In California even in the case of a good shoot where no criminal charges are filed a civil suit by the deceased's family members is a sure thing in every case.

07-27-2014, 01:16 PM
For the robbers "play stupid games win stupid prizes".

For the elderly gentleman he is in a world of hurt legally. As soon as the robbers fled his home he was no longer under threat and the shoot became unlawful. Further to the point in shooting (no pun intended) off his mouth he further incriminated himself. He has no legal defense under these circumstances and will most likely get his senior care needs taken care of by the State. A wrongful death lawsuit is probably already in the works by the deceased's family members and they will most certainly prevail.

In California even in the case of a good shoot where no criminal charges are filed a civil suit by the deceased's family members is a sure thing in every case.

Agreed to all of what you said. Most important thing in all of this was he should have kept his mouth shut.

07-27-2014, 01:52 PM
He's 80 years old and they were robbing his house and jumped him.
Thats all I needed to know to say they deserve what they got.

Usually only the the worst kind of drug addicts do things like this.

Recently up here in the news I heard about a tweeker mom who had her baby in her house, closed his umbilical cord with a chip clip and went cruising around town For a joy ride. Baby died of meth poisoning and they finally brought him to a hospital blue as a berry.

Tweeker type stuff.

07-27-2014, 02:14 PM
Old man is an unstable prick. There's no excuse for that, she pleaded with him and he offed her. There wont be a wrongful death charge, he's getting 1st degree murder, and you can bet they wont take it easy on him in this state :LOL:

And before anyone tries lecturing me about meth-heads, my father was one, and abandoned me. Should i track him down and plug him twice? Good lord.

07-27-2014, 03:05 PM
Not unless he robs you and then tried to beat you down when you are 80..

in this world the tweeker crook battery suspects would have probably gotten away Scott free if he didn't do something.

ill admit he didn't have to kill them. Coulda went for a knee..

if somebody robs my house and jumps me , I'm probably gonna go for my gun.
Luckily I'm not that good of a shot id probably hit them in the ear. Another reason I left California. I like the right to defend myself from harm and would never abuse it. When I first came here I was in Washington. A "stand your ground" state.

in Washington, you'd get shot for this.

07-27-2014, 07:26 PM
UPDATE | 6:02PM | Police have arrested a third suspect involved in Tuesday night's robbery that left one other suspect dead after the resident fatally shot her.

After investigating the incident further, Long Beach Police Department detectives discovered a third suspect, identified as 49-year-old Ruby Adams of Long Beach, was involved in the residential robbery.

Adams was arrested and booked for robbery Thursday night. It is anticipated that charges will also be filed against Ruby Adams on Monday.

Adams has been identified as the mother of another suspect, Gus Adams, who was arrested Wednesday and charged with one count each of murder, residential robbery, residential burglary, grand theft of a firearm and felon possession of a firearm.

Police said the case pertaining to 80-year-old Tom Greer is under review by the District Attorney's Office. Greer fatally shot Andrea Miller, one of the intruders, outside his Bixby Knolls home after he discovered the suspects had broken into his home.

Greer has been quoted as saying that 28-year-old Miller, a Long Beach resident, claimed she pregnant before she was killed and used that as a plea while Greer was chasing her down an alleyway with a gun. The LA County Department of Coroner determined Friday that Miller was not pregnant.

During the review process, police said it is uncommon for the DA's Office to request additional investigative follow-up.

old pudd fisher
07-27-2014, 07:53 PM
Shootin a crook in your home will most likely make you more of a criminal then the crook in California sorry to say. Why even own a gun for self defense anymore !! I still have one but sure would hate to have to fire it a someone, big time trouble it would be. Got a big baseball bat handy but if that doesn't work then heaven forbid.

07-27-2014, 09:16 PM
More info:

UPDATE: LA County Coroner's Office Confirms Andrea Miller Not Pregnant at Time of Death

2:40PM | Ed Winter of the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office has confirmed that Andrea Miller, the woman fatally shot by Long Beach resident Tom Greer after intruding into his home, was not pregnant at the time of her death.

According to the 80-year-old Greer, Miller had claimed she was pregnant and to not shoot her at the time of the incident.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.

ORIGINAL: Long Beach Man Arrested in Connection With Tuesday Night Burglary in Bixby Knolls

July 24, 5:30PM | A Long Beach man is in custody in connection with a residential burglary Tuesday night, where one additional suspect was fatally shot by the resident.

Long Beach Police Department Chief Jim McDonnell said at a press conference Thursday afternoon that 26-year-old Gus Adams of Long Beach was arrested Wednesday night for breaking into an elderly man's Bixby Knolls home.

An additional suspect, 28-year-old Andrea Miller of Long Beach, was shot and killed by the resident after he returned home to find his home being broken into.

McDonnell said Greer told police the suspects attacked him and jumped on him then fled. He then grabbed his .22-caliber Smith and Wesson revolver, which he used to shoot at the suspects.

Both suspects had a prior similar criminal history, McDonnell said, adding that he did not know if they were under probation or had any warrants. He also said they did not have any relationship to Greer and he didn't know their relationship to each other.

The resident, 80-year-old Tom Greer, told NBC4 that he shot Miller outside his home after she attacked him.

McDonnell said Greer fired rounds inside his home before chasing the unarmed suspects into a nearby alley, where he shot Miller, who claimed she was pregnant while she was being chased.

"She says, 'Don't shoot me, I'm pregnant! I'm going to have a baby!' And I shot her anyway," Greer said to NBC4.

McDonnell said the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office was working to determine if Miller was pregnant at the time she was killed, but said she showed no obvious signs of pregnancy during the incident.

Greer was interviewed by police after the incident, and the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office will decide if he will be charged with Miller's death, McDonnell said. It is unknown how many shots were fired.

McDonnell said the District Attorney's Office will determine if Greer should be charged based on his state of mind during the incident. He also said Greer suffered a broken collar bone, cuts and bruises.

If charged, there may be additional charges if Miller was pregnant, McDonnell said.

Greer told police that his home had been broken into three times prior, two reported and one unreported, and he believed Miller and Adams were connected to those robberies also.

Because the shooting occurred outside the home, the legalities of the shooting are uncertain, McDonnell said. He also said it was not yet known if the guns were registered in Greer's name.

Adams is being held on $1 million bail for residential robbery and murder, since he was involved in the events that led up to Miller's death, McDonnell said.

07-27-2014, 09:53 PM
Thank you Devore Flyer for adding to this

old pudd fisher
07-27-2014, 10:01 PM
What state of mind being 80 years old was his state of mind, the old guy was beat up by them pretty bad. Gun registered in his name ? what dose that matter.

07-27-2014, 10:17 PM
Having an unregistered gun used in a crime is an ENHANCEMENT and a longer penalty for sentencing. Oh and there was no pistol registration in California before 1991 and long gun (rifle and shotgun) registration only began in California January 1, 2014.

When they come to confiscate all of my firearms they only get the one that is registered. All of the others don't exist or were lost in a horrible boating accident. lol

old pudd fisher
07-27-2014, 10:27 PM
I bet the old guy might have got that gun at Sears over the counter when he was 18 same day.

07-27-2014, 10:35 PM
I still have my first gun that my Dad bought for me on my 8th birthday. It is a Winchester 62A Galleria .22 short and was bought at a Western Auto store and taken home the same day. I can't even begin to guess how many rabbits and furry things I shot with it. A friend and I would ride our bikes to the county dump on Sundays and shoot the rats and crows.

You will note that the 80 years old used a .22 cal pistol.

07-28-2014, 01:15 AM
Murder is murder. He murdered her, so she lied about being pregnant, that's what tweekers do. :LOL:

Seriously though, that old man is a psycho that revenge killed her hahaha

fly addict
07-28-2014, 06:55 AM
It’s too bad he wasn’t able to kill all the scum bags who tried to rob and assault him! If the DA decides to file charges against the 80 year old man, I’ll send money for his defense fund.

07-28-2014, 07:20 AM
Murder is murder. He murdered her, so she lied about being pregnant, that's what tweekers do. :LOL:

Seriously though, that old man is a psycho that revenge killed her hahaha

If the old man was beaten up by the meth chick and dude then shooting her was a gift to society. Don't care what the drug of choice was anybody that beats up and old person should fk'n be shot.

If he wasn't beat up then I'm ok with him being charged with murder.

Lady Quagga
07-28-2014, 10:18 AM
The one thing which might save this guy is the DA's Office, which ironically has to decide whether to press charges or not. It wouldn't be a popular case, and I wouldn't want to try him. But I wouldn't count on a sympathetic jury in this case, regardless of his alleged state of mind.

While I sympathize with his situation, I cannot condone Mr. Greer's action. Had the killing occurred during the actual attack, that would be one thing. But the suspect was fleeing and pleading not to be shot at (albeit while lying about being pregnant) when he shot and killed her. And then he made an incredibly stupid statement to a reporter - one which would most certainly be considered by any prosecutor should the defense try to argue diminished capacity.

07-30-2014, 02:07 AM
If the old man was beaten up by the meth chick and dude then shooting her was a gift to society. Don't care what the drug of choice was anybody that beats up and old person should fk'n be shot.

If he wasn't beat up then I'm ok with him being charged with murder.OR, just maybe, therapy to repair the hypothylamus to cure long-term damage caused by meth abuse and cure tweekers would eliminate the problem?

It’s too bad he wasn’t able to kill all the scum bags who tried to rob and assault him! If the DA decides to file charges against the 80 year old man, I’ll send money for his defense fund.Good god. That is evil. Any eye for an eye doesnt work, man. Then we'd all be blind.

07-30-2014, 06:12 AM
Lol Smokehound.

If more people had guns then crime should drop, they used to hang people for less.
I hope the guy (tweeker) gets 20 years for assisting in the crime.

08-13-2014, 02:56 AM
Dont get me wrong, I'm all for guns. If i could, I'd pay xzibit to put a gun on my gun so i could shoot while shooting. But still the old guy murdered her. Murder is murder, people can make whatever opinions about this, but he murdered her, lol.

08-13-2014, 09:25 AM
I agree smokehound. Normally I'd be saying "We don't have all the information." but this guys either and idiot or he wants to go to jail. His statements say all that needs to be said. He said she was running away, claimed to be pregnant and he shot her anyway.

Killing people who are running away is murder. The pregnant thing makes it worse, even though she lied.

08-13-2014, 07:51 PM
I agree smokehound. Normally I'd be saying "We don't have all the information." but this guys either and idiot or he wants to go to jail. His statements say all that needs to be said. He said she was running away, claimed to be pregnant and he shot her anyway.

Killing people who are running away is murder. The pregnant thing makes it worse, even though she lied.

I don't find anything wrong with this at all except the fact that he ran his mouth afterwards. She got exactly what she deserved pregnant or not and its too bad he didn't get the guy as well. One less piece of chit running our streets. You can call it murder if you want, but let the ball be in your court and someone enter your house uninvited where you wife and kids reside. It would give me piece of mind knowing that they weren't going to come back and do any more harm. You never know how you are going to react to something like that until you are put into that situation but I would hope that I would have the courage to do the same thing as this old man but be savvy enough to keep my mouth shut afterwards.

08-13-2014, 09:39 PM
Good lord, if I fish with some of you guys im gonna have to pat you down :LOL: