View Full Version : Border Secured

07-23-2014, 08:54 PM
No not the USA border, the Israeli and Indian border. For those that say it is too difficult to secure our border perhaps we could get some advise from the Israelis or Indians on how they did it.

The Israeli border fence.

The border fence between India and Pakistan.

The border fence between India and Pakistan as viewed from space at night.

07-23-2014, 10:20 PM


07-24-2014, 07:49 AM
Speaking of the border, did anyone hear about Brown's Cali supreme court nomination the other day? Born in Mexico, jumped the border with his family, went to Harvard, worked for Obozo on immigration policy(we know how that's working out), never a judge in anything and now is set to become a supreme court justice. He is an anti-colonialist, far left ideologue. Say hello to Mariano-Florention Cuéllar (nicknamed Tino);


07-24-2014, 08:12 AM
Speaking of the border, did anyone hear about Brown's Cali supreme court nomination the other day? Born in Mexico, jumped the border with his family, went to Harvard, worked for Obozo on immigration policy(we know how that's working out), never a judge in anything and now is set to become a supreme court justice. He is an anti-colonialist, far left ideologue. Say hello to Mariano-Florention Cuéllar (nicknamed Tino);


In before the "THAT'S RACIST" crowd. I guess all the lefty's are having a "Wet Dream" over his nomination.:Sad:

07-24-2014, 08:35 AM
In before the "THAT'S RACIST" crowd. I guess all the lefty's are having a "Wet Dream" over his nomination.:Sad:

Yup, but there's nothing posted that could be construed as racist. Fact, his family walked across the border. Fact, he's a "Harvard educated lawyer". Fact, Harvard is America's school of American/non-American subsidized commies. Fact, he worked with the Clinton administration and most recently as an immigration adviser for the Obozo administration and clearly this administration is illegally ignoring our immigration laws. As a matter of fact, some say they're aiding and abetting. The Cali supreme court has traditionally been a moderate court. This is Brown's second, and many say there will indeed be a third if Brown runs and wins the next election making Cali's supreme court far left and ideologically driven, just like it's state government. This will not bode well for Cali...

07-24-2014, 08:38 AM
Hey he is just tryin' to catch up with the 9th Circuit Court, can't have all them 9th lefties gettin' all the action can ya????????

07-24-2014, 08:48 AM
Hey he is just tryin' to catch up with the 9th Circuit Court, can't have all them 9th lefties gettin' all the action can ya????????

Lol, no doubt...

07-24-2014, 01:16 PM
Yup, but there's nothing posted that could be construed as racist. Fact, his family walked across the border. Fact, he's a "Harvard educated lawyer". Fact, Harvard is America's school of American/non-American subsidized commies. Fact, he worked with the Clinton administration and most recently as an immigration adviser for the Obozo administration and clearly this administration is illegally ignoring our immigration laws. As a matter of fact, some say they're aiding and abetting. The Cali supreme court has traditionally been a moderate court. This is Brown's second, and many say there will indeed be a third if Brown runs and wins the next election making Cali's supreme court far left and ideologically driven, just like it's state government. This will not bode well for Cali...
With all that being said and True!!!!! We can all have some fun later on another thread, about the proposal to break Commyfornia into 6 independent states.

07-24-2014, 03:17 PM
Yup, but there's nothing posted that could be construed as racist.

Who said it was racist?

07-24-2014, 05:23 PM
I say we just place a giant dome over the entire region so the rest of us can resume living healthy truly normal lives.