View Full Version : How British Spies "Seed the Internet With False Info, Control YouTube Pageviews and M

07-19-2014, 07:14 AM
This is how Government works now...and the people let them...

From: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-07-18/how-british-spies-seed-internet-false-info-control-youtube-pageviews-and-manipulate-

"Thanks to Edward Snowden, we now have proof about an incredible set of tools used by the British equivalent of the NSA, known as the GCHQ, or Government Communications Headquarters. These tools will essentially confirm every single conspiracy theory you could have ever imagined when it comes to propaganda on the Internet. It allows British intelligence officers to: “manipulate the results of online polls, artificially inflate pageview counts on web sites, ‘amplify’ sanctioned messages on YouTube, and censor video content judged to be ‘extremist.’”

Being the creative folks that they are, GCHQ even came up with code words to describe each “product.” These include, UNDERPASS (for poll manipulation), SILVERLORD (for censorship), GESTATOR (for the manipulation of YouTube views), PREDATORS FACE (for DDOS attacks), the list goes on…

Glenn Greenwald writes at The Intercept that:

The secretive British spy agency GCHQ has developed covert tools to seed the internet with false information, including the ability to manipulate the results of online polls, artificially inflate pageview counts on web sites, “amplif[y]” sanctioned messages on YouTube, and censor video content judged to be “extremist.” The capabilities, detailed in documents provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, even include an old standby for pre-adolescent prank callers everywhere: A way to connect two unsuspecting phone users together in a call.

The tools were created by GCHQ’s Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG), and constitute some of the most startling methods of propaganda and internet deception contained within the Snowden archive. Previously disclosed documents have detailed JTRIG’s use of “fake victim blog posts,” “false flag operations,” “honey traps” and psychological manipulation to target online activists, monitor visitors to WikiLeaks, and spy on YouTube and Facebook users.

GCHQ refused to provide any comment on the record beyond its standard boilerplate, in which it claims that it acts “in accordance with a strict legal and policy framework” and is subject to “rigorous oversight.” But both claims are questionable.

Several GCHQ memos published last fall by The Guardian revealed that the agency was eager to keep its activities secret not to protect national security, but because “our main concern is that references to agency practices (ie, the scale of interception and deletion) could lead to damaging public debate which might lead to legal challenges against the current regime.”

This last line is of crucial importance. The entire point of spying has nothing to do with terrorism, but as many of us have suspected, it is all about protecting and maintaining the status quo.

Oh, and just in case these products aren’t enough fascism for you, no need to fret. We learn that:

"And JTRIG urges its GCHQ colleagues to think big when it comes to internet deception: “Don’t treat this like a catalogue. If you don’t see it here, it doesn’t mean we can’t build it.”

So next time you question the number of views on a certain video, or your website experiences a DDOS attack, there may be a intel officer at the other end of the line with a giant sign saying “f**! you mate.”

Full article here: https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/07/14/manipulating-online-polls-ways-british-spies-seek-control-internet/

07-19-2014, 08:16 AM
The British do not have a monopoly on what they want the public to know. As I posted on another thread: "My oldest son has an MBA and undergraduate degrees in Computer Information Systems, Geographical Information Systems and Environmental Science. He is a 15 year disabled USAF veteran and a Data/Management Analyst for one of the largest Government Agency's. He moved out of his agency's headquarters and relocated to a 20 acre spread in Texas and telecommutes now. The reason for his move was motivated by his teams analysis of what is going on under the radar of the public and what the future is going to bring. His conversations with me during a trip to visit him last year was that nothing that ANY Government agency puts out for release should be believed NOTHING. The facts, statistics and numbers are cooked and he can not believe what is going on."

Having said that do you really believe the economic, unemployment and inflation numbers put out by our guberment, well do ya???????

07-19-2014, 10:06 AM
The British do not have a monopoly on what they want the public to know. As I posted on another thread: "My oldest son has an MBA and undergraduate degrees in Computer Information Systems, Geographical Information Systems and Environmental Science. He is a 15 year disabled USAF veteran and a Data/Management Analyst for one of the largest Government Agency's. He moved out of his agency's headquarters and relocated to a 20 acre spread in Texas and telecommutes now. The reason for his move was motivated by his teams analysis of what is going on under the radar of the public and what the future is going to bring. His conversations with me during a trip to visit him last year was that nothing that ANY Government agency puts out for release should be believed NOTHING. The facts, statistics and numbers are cooked and he can not believe what is going on."

[QUOTE]Having said that do you really believe the economic, unemployment and inflation numbers put out by our guberment, well do ya???????

Lol, well I was just over at a Wapo article re: Elizabeth Warren and if you listen to all the progressives there the unemployment rate is REALLY 6%, the economy is just going like gangbusters and gas and groceries are plentiful and cheap. Lol, a bunch of them think Moon beam is one of the best administrators this country has ever seen and want HIM to run for president. After all, Cali's economy is the model for America's future to them...

07-19-2014, 10:19 AM
Just the sign of the very strange times we're in,. Bradley Manning to get gender treatments while Vet's wait and die, Black Captain America, Female Thor. Next Superman will be transgender and Batman a Hispanic, Zorro and Hop Along Cassidy I don't even want to go there.

07-19-2014, 10:45 AM
Just the sign of the very strange times we're in,. Bradley Manning to get gender treatments while Vet's wait and die, Black Captain America, Female Thor. Next Superman will be transgender and Batman a Hispanic, Zorro and Hop Along Cassidy I don't even want to go there.

Wait, so what happens to Elmer Fudd and Popeye?

07-19-2014, 10:49 AM
Wait, so what happens to Elmer Fudd and Popeye?

I don't want to know about Olive Oyl YIKES!!!!!!!!!

old pudd fisher
07-19-2014, 10:57 AM
Popeye will dump Olive Oyl and move in with Bluto !

07-19-2014, 11:09 AM
Popeye will dump Olive Oyl and move in with Bluto !

Oh crap I had forgotten about Bluto. lol What about Whimpy?????????

07-19-2014, 11:13 AM
Oh crap I had forgotten about Bluto. lol What about Whimpy?????????

Sadly Whimpy passed on after being forced to eat off Michelle Obama's school lunch menu...

old pudd fisher
07-19-2014, 11:15 AM
Oh crap I had forgotten about Bluto. lol What about Whimpy?????????

He was gay from the start !

07-19-2014, 11:18 AM
So Whimpy was a closet Sausage puffer and the hamburger thing was just a ruse?????? Damn who would have known.

07-19-2014, 01:37 PM
Everybody knows Wimpy played the rusty trombone. Where you been?

07-19-2014, 01:39 PM
Everybody knows Wimpy played the rusty trombone. Where you been?

Hey when I was a small kid in school they did not teach us about that stuff, today not so much. :EyePop:

07-19-2014, 01:59 PM
Ah sorry for going over the top!
I just think the descriptive term is hilarious.

07-19-2014, 02:06 PM
Ah sorry for going over the top!
I just think the descriptive term is hilarious.

Hey when I was in school ya never heard of a 14 year old boy bedding his teacher either, times have changed indeed.

old pudd fisher
07-19-2014, 08:13 PM
Was sweet Pea a boy or a girl ? I never did know that. Sorry for jackin your thread Coleyounger. I like your reads.

07-21-2014, 07:42 AM
Was sweet Pea a boy or a girl ? I never did know that. Sorry for jackin your thread Coleyounger. I like your reads.

I just found this article to be interesting. Where the thread goes isn't up to me nor am I offended in anyway so no apology needed.

I guess by now the public is pretty much numb to the fact that they are being played like brainwashed puppets by the governments of the world anyway so it is no wonder that articles like this doesn't fuel peoples anger.

07-21-2014, 08:01 AM
Coleyounger more than a few of us are angry as he** but short of a revolution or a public hanging of our officials in power not much is going to change is it. The free stuff crowd and the sheeple just keep voting these azzhats back in office if they even vote at all. I am more unhappy with the number of people that elected to sit out the last election allowing these people to stay in office. Not unlike a drug addict or alcoholic nothing seems like it will change until people get "Sick and tired of being sick and tired". Our founders would have been shooting by now. That's my thoughts and I am stickin' to it.

07-21-2014, 08:17 AM
To add to your original post from the Washington Examiner:

The Obama administration is expanding its online data search of Americans to find potential civil unrest -- like the 2010 Tea Party movement -- and squash it before they take root, a prominent financial advisor has warned clients.

David John Marotta compared the administration's efforts to those used by former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover against his critics and 1960s activists. "Targeting activists isn't anything new. J. Edgar Hoover made it his life's work. What has changed is the vigor with which the government has assumed its own activism against certain groups," he said.

“If you wonder why the National Security Agency is collecting so much online traffic information, it is because you can use such metadata to determine patient zeroes in the intellectual pandemic of beliefs like the Tea Party movement. The idea is that, if they could identify the potential origin of such movements, they could eliminate the threat merely by silencing the source,” he wrote on his blog.

Marotta, based in Charlottesville, Va., often blogs for Forbes.

In his latest post for his firm's site, Marotta Wealth Management, he said that the administration has become paranoid about public unrest and is turning against them.

“Government has never been known for customer service. But today it is known primarily for being against the very people it is supposed to serve,” he wrote.

“All governments, ours included, survive by using force or the threat of force to skim resources off the top of the earnings of their productive citizens. Most governments do this as quietly as possible via hundreds of small fees and taxes. But when a government is overextended or its control threatened, government officials become more aggressive in their collection and more belligerent in their control.

“Governments, like currency, require legitimacy to stay in power. If citizens don't believe in the control of the government, then the government will lose its power. Regimes are therefore susceptible and fearful of any doubts expressed such as, ‘Government does more harm than good.’ The administration knows these ideas can spiral out of control and take on a life of their own,” Marotta warned.
Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at pbedard@washingtonexaminer.com.

07-21-2014, 08:42 AM
Coleyounger more than a few of us are angry as he** but short of a revolution or a public hanging of our officials in power not much is going to change is it. The free stuff crowd and the sheeple just keep voting these azzhats back in office if they even vote at all. I am more unhappy with the number of people that elected to sit out the last election allowing these people to stay in office. Not unlike a drug addict or alcoholic nothing seems like it will change until people get "Sick and tired of being sick and tired". Our founders would have been shooting by now. That's my thoughts and I am stickin' to it.

Have you considered expatriating? Nothing is going to change as the system has been redesigned socially and politically to insure nothing does change. Voting anymore is pretty stupid if you think about it. You can call it an a constitutional king with a puppet congress court but the candidates that the people raise to the throne, to the seat, or to the easy chair, will always be the master. They are the democrats and republicans that people put "above" the law, and since they have the power of making the laws... it is their mission to see that you obey.

The constitution only exists on paper, not in principle or law... and the laws made are to pry money from your wallet mostly to benefit the elite and special interest with a few leftover crumbs handed down to the peasants assuring they once again receive the majority "vote" in the next election.

Being angry will not fix this and neither will voting. A revolution isn't going to occur so what are your options? A nation with a 17 trillion dollar growing national debt only means that taxes, fee's, and fines are only going to go up moving forward which basically means the politicians will be stealing your hard earned assets and forcing you to become much poorer. The smart money (corporate and private) comprehends this reality and are leaving this country in droves. Start looking into expat communities around the world. You may be surprised at how nice they can be..That doesn't mean it is easy to do but given the options, it is better solution than to die miserable and poor...I will likely be out of here once the wife retires...we will see...

07-21-2014, 09:33 AM
At my age I have learned more than a few lessons in life and have an advance degree in “The School of Life”. On the maternal side of my family tree my ancestors were Native American and Irish. The Irishman came to America as an indentured servant and fought in the Revolutionary War. Also a number of my maternal ancestors fought in the Civil War under the Stars and Bars of the Confederacy. The rebel in me says it’s my country and it’s worth fighting for, if not for me but for my children and their children. If it’s worth fighting for then it’s worth dying for.
At this stage in my life on this Earth I have nothing to prove and nothing to fear, nearly all of my goals and dreams have been met. I have traveled and spent time in 38 States and 8 Countries and have seen those things that I have wanted to see. I have tasted the foods and ethnic cuisine I often wondered about, sampled more than my fair share of fine wine and really good whisky and even had a couple of great Cuban cigars. Traveled to exotic and not so exotic places to fish and hunt that many only dream or hear about. Been there and done that so to speak.
One of the greatest fallacies we have adopted is that life is precious. Life is not precious, life is fleeting, expendable, a burden for some, and not deserved for others. None of us get out of here alive, so we must actually live while we are here. When someone checks out, it was their time. There is no "too soon" or "too young: to die, we all die in our time. Don't be sad when someone died, celebrate their life and remember who they were, knowing that they have moved on to the next place, whatever you believe that is. Leave this earth with a memory and a legacy that those closest to you will live, remember and pass on.

07-21-2014, 11:19 AM
At my age I have learned more than a few lessons in life and have an advance degree in “The School of Life”. On the maternal side of my family tree my ancestors were Native American and Irish. The Irishman came to America as an indentured servant and fought in the Revolutionary War. Also a number of my maternal ancestors fought in the Civil War under the Stars and Bars of the Confederacy. The rebel in me says it’s my country and it’s worth fighting for, if not for me but for my children and their children. If it’s worth fighting for then it’s worth dying for.
At this stage in my life on this Earth I have nothing to prove and nothing to fear, nearly all of my goals and dreams have been met. I have traveled and spent time in 38 States and 8 Countries and have seen those things that I have wanted to see. I have tasted the foods and ethnic cuisine I often wondered about, sampled more than my fair share of fine wine and really good whisky and even had a couple of great Cuban cigars. Traveled to exotic and not so exotic places to fish and hunt that many only dream or hear about. Been there and done that so to speak.
One of the greatest fallacies we have adopted is that life is precious. Life is not precious, life is fleeting, expendable, a burden for some, and not deserved for others. None of us get out of here alive, so we must actually live while we are here. When someone checks out, it was their time. There is no "too soon" or "too young: to die, we all die in our time. Don't be sad when someone died, celebrate their life and remember who they were, knowing that they have moved on to the next place, whatever you believe that is. Leave this earth with a memory and a legacy that those closest to you will live, remember and pass on.

Your wisdom on life and death is great. But....you were not put on earth to become a slave to government. You speak of the future for your posterity, yet our politicians and electorate have spent our posterity's future. The U.S. will become a 3 world country. The trend is in western rich countries all have the same attributes...“Rich countries” are all heavily in debt, losing money, and technically insolvent, which makes them incredibly dangerous and hungry to plunder the wealth, savings, and productivity of their citizens.

We have entrusted central bankers with total control of the money supply. And they have abused that trust by printing trillions of dollars, euros, pounds, etc. out of thin air.

The amount of law, code, and regulations has increased at an unprecedented pace and governments tell us everything from what we can and cannot put in our bodies to whether we can collect rainwater that falls on our own properties. Police states have arisen everywhere and we are now indoctrinated from a young age to fear the state. You cannot even apply for a passport anymore in the Land of the Free without being threatened with fines and imprisonment.

History is generous with examples showing that this time is no different from other times in the past when governments have gone through the same cycle where they rise, they peak, they fall, and finally crumble. For example: the Roman Empire, the Empire of the Great Ming, the French-Bourbon Monarchy, the Ottoman Empire, the Soviet Union, the British Empire. All of these empires from the dustbin of history had more than one thing in common with each other: Unsustainable finances, Debasement of currency, Expansion of the state, Over regulation, Military fatigue, Erosion of freedom, and finally… collapse (over night, or over many years).

History always seems to repeat itself. Knowing this makes me wonder why should one have any allegiance to a country or body politic that is on a path of suicide? ?

07-21-2014, 12:54 PM
If the patient (USA) is going to survive we have at most 5 to 6 years to begin correcting/treating the disease that it has. It will not be without further pain and suffering, drastic cutting on affected parts and some amputation of unneeded and diseased parts. Will the patient agree to the life saving measures is yet to be seen or is it terminal???????

I have a cousin some 20 years my younger that after a number of years in the Navy (Seals) and suffering from the loss of adrenaline highs from that service that alcohol and drugs would not replace and a divorce has spent the last six years as a Dept. of Defense contractor in Afghanistan and Iraq. As he would say he and his small team would do the dirty work that our Military could not do under the "Rules of Engagement" set by the politicians. After banking six figures a year tax free as a modern freelance hired gun he has bought a rubber tree plantation and relocated to Thailand to live with a local "Rent a Wife" as he calls her. It is stunning to hear what he has had to provide the Thai government with in terms of net worth and financial liquidity to live in the country, here not so much just walk across our open border.

His personal feelings are that before a revolution or civil war would happen that a Military Coup could be possible as many as in most of the senior Military and Special Op's are more than pissed at the direction of the country and what they have made sacrifices for.

What is stunning is that people are talking or even thinking that economic collapse, revolution, civil war or a Military Coup is in the future is something I have never heard in my lifetime. Indeed it is interesting times we live in.

07-22-2014, 07:23 AM
If the patient (USA) is going to survive we have at most 5 to 6 years to begin correcting/treating the disease that it has. It will not be without further pain and suffering, drastic cutting on affected parts and some amputation of unneeded and diseased parts. Will the patient agree to the life saving measures is yet to be seen or is it terminal???????

I have a cousin some 20 years my younger that after a number of years in the Navy (Seals) and suffering from the loss of adrenaline highs from that service that alcohol and drugs would not replace and a divorce has spent the last six years as a Dept. of Defense contractor in Afghanistan and Iraq. As he would say he and his small team would do the dirty work that our Military could not do under the "Rules of Engagement" set by the politicians. After banking six figures a year tax free as a modern freelance hired gun he has bought a rubber tree plantation and relocated to Thailand to live with a local "Rent a Wife" as he calls her. It is stunning to hear what he has had to provide the Thai government with in terms of net worth and financial liquidity to live in the country, here not so much just walk across our open border.

His personal feelings are that before a revolution or civil war would happen that a Military Coup could be possible as many as in most of the senior Military and Special Op's are more than pissed at the direction of the country and what they have made sacrifices for.

What is stunning is that people are talking or even thinking that economic collapse, revolution, civil war or a Military Coup is in the future is something I have never heard in my lifetime. Indeed it is interesting times we live in.

The U.S. is well past the tipping point of solvency. We have been running 500 billion to over a trillion dollars a year deficits, trillions of dollars in quantitative easing, operation twist, ZIRP, etc. for what? A GDP growth rate of 1.2%....Take out the mandated health care spending and GDP is negative which means the U.S. is in recession. The money borrowed for the wall street bail outs has been paid back but instead of the government paying that money back to the creditors, they spent it on special interest.

No military coup will happen nor should it. Civil unrest will not occur until the banks fail. That is when people find out there so-called insured banks accounts are nothing but loans and the deposits are treated as unsecured creditors. Too big to fail banks does not mean they can't fail, it just means the U.S. government can't afford for them to fail as the FDIC doesn't have nearly enough money to cover the deposits from one large bank failure, let alone a number of them. More bail outs will happens.

Social security will fail as there is zero dollars in the trust fund. All there is is a special bond that when there isn't enough taxes to cover the cost, they have to borrow the money at interest which adds to the real debt...intergovernmental debt is a book keeping stunt. The government will have to borrow money to cover government / military pensions again at interest. If a person or corporation kept there books like the government does, they would be prosecuted.

The U.S. government is insolvent. The only thing keeping it afloat is the printing press and the fact that for commodity trading in oil, OPEC still requires U.S. dollars. If that changes, the dollar is toast.

If a person is lucky enough to have a retirement, the best advice one can give is get out of the country and expatriate. Have the retirement go directly into a foreign bank which exchanges it to local currency. Diversify, diversify, diversify....Hold other currencies and property in other countries. Stay away from the western so-called rich nations. When these western rich nations collapse, you don't want to be tied to them...If one is stuck here which many people will be, become as self sufficient as possible.