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View Full Version : Skinner Lake Parking Lot 7/12/2014

07-15-2014, 11:49 AM
Wow and I do mean wow the inlet was like a huge parking lot on Sat. Close to 30 boats parked out at the inlet. Tons of traffic but any day out on the water is better than being stuck at home or work the whole day

07-17-2014, 08:19 AM
My buddy and I noticed the same thing, I took a pic!


07-17-2014, 11:19 AM
It is not just on weekends that you will see the parking lot at the inlet it is like that during the week as we'll .
The bite had been decent for a while then word got out and that resulted in the parking lot. Most of those boats are not getting fish as they have seemed to have moved out.

07-17-2014, 12:57 PM
Yup. I was out there today Thursday and counted eighteen boats parked there. I managed a few on the u-rig and every one spit up sand, gravel and worms. Guess they're bottom feeding right now.

07-17-2014, 01:25 PM
How was the LMB bite today PAW?

07-17-2014, 04:08 PM
I only did LMB for a short time before I needed to get off the water and get to urgent care (detaching retina). The few guys I talked to who know the lake said they did ok. BTW the water is down just a bit from Tuesday.

07-18-2014, 03:34 AM
Big tourney Sat, lots of boats planned....

07-18-2014, 07:30 AM

How big is this tourney tomorrow? The lake staff seems to know nothing about a tourney taking place tomorrow.

07-18-2014, 02:33 PM
My bad its Diamond Valley....

07-18-2014, 04:53 PM
Oh thank god , you would of been able to walk across the lake on boats. Talked to a friend today and he said most of the boats smelled like skunk when they left.

07-18-2014, 06:00 PM
Hey guys I plan in going to skinner tomorrow, and I usually only fish diamond, but I need a change in scenery. Any tips and location for LMB and stripers?

07-18-2014, 07:22 PM
for stripers just pack up some sardines and livers, and follow the fleet. Should be at least 15 or more boats in front of the inlet. Largemouth are in the weeds and reeds all over the lake.

07-18-2014, 08:43 PM
for stripers just pack up some sardines and livers, and follow the fleet. Should be at least 15 or more boats in front of the inlet. Largemouth are in the weeds and reeds all over the lake.

Right on PAW thanks

07-19-2014, 01:47 PM
for stripers just pack up some sardines and livers, and follow the fleet. Should be at least 15 or more boats in front of the inlet. Largemouth are in the weeds and reeds all over the lake.

Ok it's a sad day for me. Got skunked! You guys were right about the parking lot! Also there was a tourney goin on. Talked to a guy, n they said they caught 15lmb??! How?.. there was so much grass!! Drop shotting into it was frustrating. Any tips on how to fish skinner with all this grass?....I was trying to find the edge of it, but it was everywhere...

07-19-2014, 02:54 PM
You got skunked , I can't believe that lol when u leave the lake word has it the lake store now sells skunk remover

07-19-2014, 04:33 PM
Ok it's a sad day for me. Got skunked! You guys were right about the parking lot! Also there was a tourney goin on. Talked to a guy, n they said they caught 15lmb??! How?.. there was so much grass!! Drop shotting into it was frustrating. Any tips on how to fish skinner with all this grass?....I was trying to find the edge of it, but it was everywhere...

T-rigged creature bait and peg the bullet weight. Frogs and other top-water early then go to popping that t-rig into the grass and between the grass and Tules. Also look for holes or openings in the grass to cast into. Or punch it through the laid down Tules using a heavier bullet weight, if it's a foot or deeper chances are it will hold a fish. I haven't been to Skinner this year so I haven't seen the weeds. Are they on top forming a canopy yet? I also move out and fish the main lake points, ledges and rocks with a jig. Also, in the early AM or when there is wind-chop, in areas where weeds are not an issue or there are clear grass lines, I'll throw a shad or Bluegill colored Spinner bait in front of those Tules and grass lines...

07-19-2014, 04:59 PM
T-rigged creature bait and peg the bullet weight. Frogs and other top-water early then go to popping that t-rig into the grass and between the grass and Tules. Also look for holes or openings in the grass to cast into. Or punch it through the laid down Tules using a heavier bullet weight, if it's a foot or deeper chances are it will hold a fish. I haven't been to Skinner this year so I haven't seen the weeds. Are they on top forming a canopy yet? I also move out and fish the main lake points, ledges and rocks with a jig. Also, in the early AM or when there is wind-chop, in areas where weeds are not an issue or there are clear grass lines, I'll throw a shad or Bluegill colored Spinner bait in front of those Tules and grass lines...

I tried t-rig most of the day, casting it directly in the reeds and crank early morning. Drop shot senko towards the afternoon but still nothing. Had to be the location...I heard to find the edge of the grass line n fish along that. Which side is a good spot? I have to redeem myself it's embarrassing lol

07-19-2014, 06:02 PM
T-rigged creature bait and peg the bullet weight. Frogs and other top-water early then go to popping that t-rig into the grass and between the grass and Tules. Also look for holes or openings in the grass to cast into. Or punch it through the laid down Tules using a heavier bullet weight, if it's a foot or deeper chances are it will hold a fish. I haven't been to Skinner this year so I haven't seen the weeds. Are they on top forming a canopy yet? I also move out and fish the main lake points, ledges and rocks with a jig. Also, in the early AM or when there is wind-chop, in areas where weeds are not an issue or there are clear grass lines, I'll throw a shad or Bluegill colored Spinner bait in front of those Tules and grass lines...
Hawgz... no frog bite yet. In most places it's like fishing in an aquarium it's so clear. No paddies or canopies anywhere. There are sunken grass beds in water 10' or less where the sun is generating growth. They must have really blasted the chemicals this year. I stopped to drop shot off a point in 35' of water and I could clearly see bottom.

07-19-2014, 06:05 PM
I tried t-rig most of the day, casting it directly in the reeds and crank early morning. Drop shot senko towards the afternoon but still nothing. Had to be the location...I heard to find the edge of the grass line n fish along that. Which side is a good spot? I have to redeem myself it's embarrassing lol

Well, if there was a tourney going on those guys are hammering everything in site but you should still be able to stick them regardless. Both sides of the weed-line should hold fish but you gotta keep moving till you find them. Change the color of the bait, work it slow, burn it, shake it, dead-stick it or hop it around until you get bit. They can go from aggressive to lethargic in the blink of an eye so you have to present it to them the way they want it at that moment. Bait size, bait type, bait color, technique and cadence all fit into the picture so keep trying different things until you get a bite. Also at Skinner stealthiness indeed does matter...

07-19-2014, 07:46 PM
Hawgz... no frog bite yet. In most places it's like fishing in an aquarium it's so clear. No paddies or canopies anywhere. There are sunken grass beds in water 10' or less where the sun is generating growth. They must have really blasted the chemicals this year. I stopped to drop shot off a point in 35' of water and I could clearly see bottom.

Holy cow that place should have weeds all over by now. Gin clear water definitely calls for finesse fishing. Perhaps he should try out 4" Roboworms with a longer tag line to the weight to get it up higher . I'd imagine a lot of guys are throwing Senkos so the fish are seeing a ton of them. Is there any Bass fry visible? If so I'd try a small Bass fry crankbait...

07-19-2014, 09:02 PM
East end is pretty choked with weeds, not as clear as the main lake but clear water in places. I fished a club derby there today and 16 lbs. won it, that was on a jerkbait, I didn't throw it but heard there were some fish guarding fry that were eating it. There is a frog bite, I got one 4 on the frog and lost a couple in the same class, I had quite the crappy percentage of landed fish on the frog today but that's how it goes some days. Guys caught them on a fluke as well, I ended up fishing a drop shot in the pockets in the grass and got a few that way. Pretty fun out there right now!

07-19-2014, 10:22 PM
East end is pretty choked with weeds, not as clear as the main lake but clear water in places. I fished a club derby there today and 16 lbs. won it, that was on a jerkbait, I didn't throw it but heard there were some fish guarding fry that were eating it. There is a frog bite, I got one 4 on the frog and lost a couple in the same class, I had quite the crappy percentage of landed fish on the frog today but that's how it goes some days. Guys caught them on a fluke as well, I ended up fishing a drop shot in the pockets in the grass and got a few that way. Pretty fun out there right now!

Man I definitely was doing something wrong. I have all the right baits jus didn't know where to fish it. So stay away from the east end? Fish pockets with drop shot? Sorry I'm Guna go next week and don't wana get skunked this time.

07-20-2014, 06:27 AM
Man I definitely was doing something wrong. I have all the right baits jus didn't know where to fish it. So stay away from the east end? Fish pockets with drop shot? Sorry I'm Guna go next week and don't wana get skunked this time.

What lb. test are you using? 4# or 6# F/C is about as heavy as you can get away with using when Skinner gets this clear.

07-20-2014, 08:54 AM
I have been going to Skinner about 3 times a week for the past month (finally bought a boat and don't have to rent) and the lake changes daily. The lake was up and it looked like it dropped a foot or two last week.

When I was last there on Thursday I had a friend of my familys kid and could not hook up on any of the usual baits. I switched it up to a fly matching the hatch thinking I would at least be able to catch him a blue gill. To my surprise I hooked and he landed 4 fish in between 2-4lbs. I didn't hand my setup off to him anymore but the fry guarders went crazy for that fly, all suicide bass.

07-20-2014, 11:19 PM
What lb. test are you using? 4# or 6# F/C is about as heavy as you can get away with using when Skinner gets this clear.

6# test f/c seguar. Think I jus wasn't fishin were the bass were...

07-21-2014, 10:01 PM
I got my drop shot fish on 15 lb flouro, but that was in the back- I wouldn't bring a knife to a gun fight if you decide to fish back there :)