View Full Version : Where to go.

06-21-2014, 10:59 AM
My kids are out of school now so our fishing season begins. I'm not sure where to take them this summer, years past we've gone to Elizabeth Lake with good luck on bullheads, but I think it's a loss this year. I'm thinking of trying Quail Lake but going to the back is out of the question( four little kids),or Brite Lake in Tehachapi or maybe even Lake Isabella but thats a two hour drive from Lancaster. Our target is catfish or even panfish. Any help on spots is appreciated. IM me if you don't want your spot public. Thanks

06-25-2014, 01:31 PM
We ended up going to Brite lake, wind was crazy. I caught a small blue gill the kids didn't get anything, left by 1pm because the wind was too much. I plan on going to Lake Gregory next week if anybody has advice on the bite there.

06-26-2014, 09:14 AM
We ended up going to Brite lake, wind was crazy. I caught a small blue gill the kids didn't get anything, left by 1pm because the wind was too much. I plan on going to Lake Gregory next week if anybody has advice on the bite there.

Not sure about Gregory, but GVL supposedly had a large stocking yesterday or today.

06-30-2014, 08:19 AM
We ended up going to Brite lake, wind was crazy. I caught a small blue gill the kids didn't get anything, left by 1pm because the wind was too much. I plan on going to Lake Gregory next week if anybody has advice on the bite there.

I heard lake Gregory is closed for this year(?).