View Full Version : Right hand vs. left hand fishing rod/reel

06-20-2014, 08:46 AM
This is something that has bugged me for a while and I haven't been able to find an answer googling it. Maybe I'm just not using the correct search terms. What does it mean when I'm looking at a rod & reel combo for sale online or in a catalog and it says "right handed?" Does it mean I hold the rod with the right hand or reel it with the right hand? My guess is that it's the reel, but just curious more than anything.

Thanks in advance and tight lines.

06-20-2014, 08:56 AM
if it says right hand, you reel is for "right handed people" so you reel with the right

billy b
06-20-2014, 09:13 AM
As Lee Corso would say "Not so fast, my friend"

If it's a spincast or bait cast ... then yes you wind with your right hand ... but not if it's a true spinning reel which would be wound with a left hand
Of course ... most spinning reels will allow you to switch the handle to the opposite side.

My hunch is that the person is trying to say it is for a right handed person.

I'd double check if possible ... some people ...

06-20-2014, 09:56 AM
Thanks for the answers, folks.

06-20-2014, 11:07 AM
But i'm left handed and always reel with my right hand, spinning and conventional... I have been doing it Wrong the whole time... :Explode:

anyway Billy B is right, "right handed" baitcasting reels and anything with the reel on top of the grip means reel with your right hand, which is the standard.
spinning reels will usually come with the reel on the left side, but most modern spinning reels are reversible, best to make sure it is or at least that the reel is on the side you prefer if it isn't before you drop the coin.

side note it is hard to find a good selection of left hand retrieve reels, so if you are just getting into the baitcasting/conventional reels try to learn on a RT hand reel.

06-20-2014, 11:25 AM
But i'm left handed and always reel with my right hand, spinning and conventional... I have been doing it Wrong the whole time... :Explode:

anyway Billy B is right, "right handed" baitcasting reels and anything with the reel on top of the grip means reel with your right hand, which is the standard.
spinning reels will usually come with the reel on the left side, but most modern spinning reels are reversible, best to make sure it is or at least that the reel is on the side you prefer if it isn't before you drop the coin.

side note it is hard to find a good selection of left hand retrieve reels, so if you are just getting into the baitcasting/conventional reels try to learn on a RT hand reel.

lol im right handed and only use left handed reels.... right handed ones are awkward to use

Nipple Twister
06-20-2014, 12:15 PM
As Lee Corso would say "Not so fast, my friend"

... but not if it's a true spinning reel which would be wound with a left hand

Huh? What is a "true spinning reel"? Example please.....

But bottom line, if it says it's a "left hand reel" then it's cranked with your left hand no matter spin or bait caster, the fact that these two type of reels mount top/bottom of rod is not a factor in this question to me.
I cast with my right hand with both types hence I always crank with my left hand regardless and for which I have a "left handed" bait caster. I have seen lots of others use "right handed" baitcasters, cast and switch it over to their left hand and crank with the right hand hence using a "right handed" bait caster, they are usually easier to get then lefties.
The spinning reel is, as previously stated, reversible so it doesn't matter but are usually shipped "left handed", the fact that it mounts below the rod is well, duh!

Lemme guess, a true spinner is not reversible?

06-21-2014, 08:08 AM
LEARN TO REEL WITH EITHER HAND THEN IT DOSENT MATTER...................................t/o................

Natural Lefty
06-26-2014, 11:26 AM
I am left-handed and I always use spinning reels, which are made to reel with the left hand and hold and cast with the right hand, so I reverse the reel handle on all of my reels. Left-handed is casting and holding the pole with the left hand but reeling with the right hand, at least with spinning reels, and vice versa for right-handed setups.

06-26-2014, 12:01 PM
But bottom line, if it says it's a "left hand reel" then it's cranked with your left hand no matter spin or bait caster, the fact that these two type of reels mount top/bottom of rod is not a factor in this question to me.

Simple explanation the rest of these responses gave me a headache, lol.

Nipple Twister
07-02-2014, 10:39 AM
I am left-handed and I always use spinning reels, which are made to reel with the left hand and hold and cast with the right hand, so I reverse the reel handle on all of my reels. Left-handed is casting and holding the pole with the left hand but reeling with the right hand, at least with spinning reels, and vice versa for right-handed setups.

NO! As previously stated, ALL reels regadless of how they mount on the rod either baitcaster or spincaster if it is a "left-handed" reel then it was made to be cranked with the LEFT hand, has nothing to do with what hand is used for casting............

Nipple Twister
07-02-2014, 10:40 AM
Simple explanation the rest of these responses gave me a headache, lol.

Thank you.....seemed like a no brainer to me........

07-02-2014, 01:19 PM
I cast with my right hand as the main power, over my right shoulder.
I then proceed to crank with my right hand also.

This creates a bit of a jumble when I swap the rod from my right Hand to my left hand while the bait is still in the air so I can crank in the bait.

Ive vey been told I do things goofy and can miss fish this way, but I complete the switcheroo mid-air before the bait hits home, so I beg to differ.

I cant cast with my left hand and I can't reel with my left hand. The way I am doing things comes natural to me.

07-02-2014, 02:03 PM
Moral of the story is, do whatever your most comfortable doing, And do your homework on new reels before you buy them to make sure it is set-up the way that you prefer.

07-02-2014, 02:17 PM
Does anybody know a manufacturer that makes left handed poles?

Nipple Twister
07-02-2014, 04:22 PM
I cast with my right hand as the main power, over my right shoulder.
I then proceed to crank with my right hand also.

This creates a bit of a jumble when I swap the rod from my right Hand to my left hand while the bait is still in the air so I can crank in the bait.

Ive vey been told I do things goofy and can miss fish this way, but I complete the switcheroo mid-air before the bait hits home, so I beg to differ.

I cant cast with my left hand and I can't reel with my left hand. The way I am doing things comes natural to me.

My father fished that way his entire life and landed a lot of fish, I say go with it.........thx for chimin in TJ.....

Nipple Twister
07-02-2014, 04:22 PM
Moral of the story is, do whatever your most comfortable doing, And do your homework on new reels before you buy them to make sure it is set-up the way that you prefer.

:Thumbs Up:

Nipple Twister
07-02-2014, 04:25 PM
Does anybody know a manufacturer that makes left handed poles?

no, couldn't get the guides to go that direction............:ROFL::ROFL::ROFL::Slap::Neen er Neener::LOL:

07-02-2014, 07:23 PM
Does anybody know a manufacturer that makes left handed poles?
Spiral wrap is all backwards. Love them. Can't tell if it's a left or right unless you factor in the direction of the wrap.. And that's when you MIGHT want to consider left or right on a rod! Not much to do with your hands tho