View Full Version : FNN a lurker free environment? log in required

06-15-2014, 04:20 PM
Your thoughts?

06-15-2014, 04:26 PM
What's the purpose? if someone is "lurking", they are not bothering anyone (nor are they contributing). Most forums have lots of unregistered views

06-15-2014, 04:34 PM
What's the purpose? if someone is "lurking", they are not bothering anyone (nor are they contributing). Most forums have lots of unregistered views

Im not sure what the intentions of the change is but lurking w/o contribution back is IMO a certain type of free loading

Double A
06-15-2014, 04:47 PM
Agreed on the free loading. Hate it!!!
But, there are also a lot of "registered members" who "log in" just to read. And rarely contribute anything.
It is what it is.

06-15-2014, 04:50 PM
Lots of guys and gals want to check it out before joining. They want to see what it's all about and if they feel they will fit in. The lurkers don't bother me as much as the anonymous trolls who infect the threads. I get it though, they get free info and contribute nothing, but I understand folks wanting to know what it's all about as well...

old pudd fisher
06-15-2014, 05:11 PM
That's ok with me, guess I will just stay logged in longer.

06-15-2014, 06:26 PM
Your thoughts?

amen... been hoping for something like this... or at least a section for login in only.... i don't mind sharing tips with others who share tips, but don't like sharing tips to lurkers just to have 100 people fishing the same spot the next day...

06-15-2014, 06:45 PM
For me it's bitter sweet. I think it's great that when a regular post up that
He went fishing and was on boils, there will not be 3 million lurkers seeing this and
Crowd that lake The very next day.

But on the bitter side, it sure is a pain with my phone to log in every time
I want a quick fix reading about fishing.

But I will live and manage. I think it is a great change for all of us.

trail blazer
06-15-2014, 06:54 PM
amen... been hoping for something like this... or at least a section for login in only.... i don't mind sharing tips with others who share tips, but don't like sharing tips to lurkers just to have 100 people fishing the same spot the next day...

We had that a few years back,,,,,,,,,a log in only section,,had to have over a 100 posts just to be OKd in,,,,that ruled out the lurkers and Non contributing FNNers,,,,,started out great then just kinda fizzled out with action,,,,,,,set there without any posts for months while the other pages were off the hook,,

LOL,,,,,,,,,,,,,Looks like weve come full circle AGAIN,,,,,,


06-15-2014, 07:30 PM
This change may work. I can say this much and I know for a fact that I'm not alone on this. I don't post all my reports since hardly anyone ever responds to them, and for those that do I thank you. The purpose of this forum is to share reports and engage in exchange of ideas or comments and quite frankly this forum is so far from that. I've used other forums where this registered user idea works out pretty well. There just seems to be a fair number of critics out here so that does contribute to the lack of posting by some users. Think about it. If an environment is full of critics and is unwelcoming would you want to take part in that?

06-15-2014, 07:53 PM
Well let me put my 2 cents in. I've noticed for years the member log in vs lurkers is about 7 to 1. For every 1 log in member you have 7 lurkers, well what does that mean in English. It means that the paid sponsors have a decent size audience, which means more revenue for the site. If it was restricted to log in members only, the paid sponsors would have only a fraction of the old audience. Which in turn they might not feel it's worth putting their advertising dollars here. Besides the big contributor's here are probably not enough of a big audience the sponsors want. If their are no sponsors why have a Web site, this is private enterprise and why do this for Free!!!! Just my 2 cents!!!!!

06-15-2014, 08:55 PM
Mixed feelings. I think people will register just to view posts. Although it may drive away lurkers that are too lazy to register.

old pudd fisher
06-15-2014, 09:16 PM
Well we might get new members, got one so far that's a good thing.

trail blazer
06-15-2014, 09:36 PM
As iv stated already on this thread,,,,,,,,its already been done,,,,,and some of us on this thread WERE here when it was done , and NEVER used it! ,,,it was a waste of time,,,,,,,,,went dead for months and months while the water specific forums were on fire,,,,,,,,,,,,,It wont work!,,,Not only will it not get used BUT it wont help generate advrtsmt, or shall I say $,,,,,,,,,,

I was SURE that it was a great idea when it was 1st tried,,,i argued FOR it,,,,,,,,,,now lol,,,,,,,I know that I WAS wrong.


06-15-2014, 09:40 PM
As iv stated already on this thread,,,,,,,,its already been done,,,,,and some of us on this thread WERE here when it was done , and NEVER used it! ,,,it was a waste of time,,,,,,,,,went dead for months and months while the water specific forums were on fire,,,,,,,,,,,,,It wont work!,,,Not only will it not get used BUT it wont help generate advrtsmt, or shall I say $,,,,,,,,,,

I was SURE that it was a great idea when it was 1st tried,,,i argued FOR it,,,,,,,,,,now lol,,,,,,,I know that I WAS wrong.


Agreed.. top secret forums just mean a closer group to keep your secret spots from instead of the whole board

Perris Bluegill Chaser
06-15-2014, 09:42 PM
I like spying on them bake-o-boys...

Perris Bluegill Chaser
06-15-2014, 09:51 PM
so true...
Well let me put my 2 cents in. I've noticed for years the member log in vs lurkers is about 7 to 1. For every 1 log in member you have 7 lurkers, well what does that mean in English. It means that the paid sponsors have a decent size audience, which means more revenue for the site. If it was restricted to log in members only, the paid sponsors would have only a fraction of the old audience. Which in turn they might not feel it's worth putting their advertising dollars here. Besides the big contributor's here are probably not enough of a big audience the sponsors want. If their are no sponsors why have a Web site, this is private enterprise and why do this for Free!!!! Just my 2 cents!!!!!

06-15-2014, 10:17 PM
SHUT AND FISH CARPBOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................... .............................lol.................. ..........

06-15-2014, 10:29 PM
Well let me put my 2 cents in. I've noticed for years the member log in vs lurkers is about 7 to 1. For every 1 log in member you have 7 lurkers, well what does that mean in English. It means that the paid sponsors have a decent size audience, which means more revenue for the site. If it was restricted to log in members only, the paid sponsors would have only a fraction of the old audience. Which in turn they might not feel it's worth putting their advertising dollars here. Besides the big contributor's here are probably not enough of a big audience the sponsors want. If their are no sponsors why have a Web site, this is private enterprise and why do this for Free!!!! Just my 2 cents!!!!!

Well etucker I'm going to commit blasphemy here and agree with you. It is indeed a capitalist free market and this site is indeed private enterprise and I think the advertisers and sponsors will lose. Less hits equal less money. Most of these lurkers will not sign up as trail blazer stated and advertising revenue will be lost. The web domain is not free and thus running this site is not free so I think the site owners will lose out as well. But etucker, that doesn't mean you get to figure out a way to raise the site-masters taxes...

old pudd fisher
06-15-2014, 10:38 PM
Good night all. I log off for now.

06-16-2014, 02:12 AM
Well you asked for my thoughts. I stated them and that is all. Who knows, maybe we'll get a new influx of new members who will actually post and who will actually interact with others instead of asking, "where is this at?"

06-16-2014, 06:07 AM
A forum is not unlike society today "Makers & Takers". Some people make deposits, some make deposits and withdrawals and some only make withdrawals. Where's my FREE STUFF some will ask and some will demand it. Sad times indeed.

Double A
06-16-2014, 06:11 AM
Well you asked for my thoughts. I stated them and that is all. Who knows, maybe we'll get a new influx of new members who will actually post and who will actually interact with others instead of asking, "where is this at?"

"Where is this at? " ... Is also one of my personal favorites.

Double A
06-16-2014, 06:13 AM
A forum is not unlike society today "Makers & Takers". Some people make deposits, some make deposits and withdrawals and some only make withdrawals. Where's my FREE STUFF some will ask and some will demand it. Sad times indeed.

So true Dev. So freakin' true.

Double A
06-16-2014, 06:21 AM
I like spying on them bake-o-boys...

Me to PBC... But, they just wont give up their biggest secret...
I've been waiting for them to give up their barber!!!

06-16-2014, 08:17 AM
Me to PBC... But, they just wont give up their biggest secret...
I've been waiting for them to give up their barber!!!

Mine is Gillette

Scott uses Wahl

06-16-2014, 08:20 AM
One thing is for sure. "Hits" per thread will plummet! "Hitts" per pound will not unfortunately :Sissy Fight:

06-16-2014, 10:26 AM
I don't post all my reports since hardly anyone ever responds to them, and for those that do I thank you. The purpose of this forum is to share reports and engage in exchange of ideas or comments and quite frankly this forum is so far from that. There just seems to be a fair number of critics out here so that does contribute to the lack of posting by some users. Think about it. If an environment is full of critics and is unwelcoming would you want to take part in that?

This pretty much sums it up for most people I talk to....

Less clicks means less bucks. I don't see this lasting, but it certainly works for me....the reality is the major social networks have taken it's toll on ALL forums. Looking back at the old threads there were countless people posting reports and giving positive feedback, today I see only a fraction of what it once was.

As the saying goes "it is what it is"


06-16-2014, 10:50 AM
I don't have a problem with lurkers. Many don't have the fortitude to put up with the nay sayers. I've met many at the lake and they are mostly nice people.

I remember thinking that people were trying to defend their turf the first time I posted a fish report. If I had cared what they thought I might not have been back.

Troll free would be more helpful. If you have clowns who don't post reports but just troll other people reports, their participation in fish report forums could be restricted. Maybe set up a troll section for them! LOL

City Dad
06-16-2014, 11:08 AM
I keep begging admins to ban anyone who joined after 2006... that way DS and I could tell each other where the tilapia bite is going down without having to worry... but they never go for it.

Anyhow, over the years my personal policy has become one of First Do no Harm. I try not to post or reply to posts with info that could blow up a vulnerable spot, encourage waste, etc.. I believe in our basic right and need to hunt and fish for food, so I'm not a catch-and-release "Nazi" - but there are just too many danm @$$ hats around these days to be totally free with the honey holes or killer techniques.

06-16-2014, 01:41 PM
I keep begging admins to ban anyone who joined after 2006... that way DS and I could tell each other where the tilapia bite is going down without having to worry... but they never go for it.

You know where the toad tilapia are. You just need the secret recipe, which I'm selling for $4.99 a bottle and advertising on all boards that I can, with my cronies jumping in with reports on how well my recipe works.

06-16-2014, 01:57 PM
Most that join these forums spend time lurking prior to jumping in. I have to believe that taking away the lurk factor has got to have a future impact on growth and revenue.

The social media idea is probably dead on. The info. available on them has grown tremendously over the last couple years.

I would love to see the powers that be explanation on this one.

06-16-2014, 02:02 PM
You know where the toad tilapia are. You just need the secret recipe, which I'm selling for $4.99 a bottle and advertising on all boards that I can, with my cronies jumping in with reports on how well my recipe works.

Those cronies, do they get a discounted rate on the product and special t-shirts at discounted rates? Do they also get to call themselves pro-staff? This is a tremendous idea and I'm surprised nobody has thought of it before!

06-16-2014, 02:13 PM
Those cronies, do they get a discounted rate on the product and special t-shirts at discounted rates? Do they also get to call themselves pro-staff? This is a tremendous idea and I'm surprised nobody has thought of it before!

Of course.

Pro staff discounts, tshirts, jigs, worms, hats...it's all there.

Contact CityDad so you can get on his Pro Staff. You'll have to peddle his Elk Hair Caddis flies made from the coat of his supposed BigFoot capture tho. And make sure when you catch your fish on PowerBait™, remove the hook and get a photo op with CD's flies in the fish's mouth. Post in Instagram, Facebook, MySpace, Google+, etc....

06-16-2014, 09:28 PM
I get lurkers on the boat all the time , most don't feel comfortable interacting with people they don't know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,most relax on the boat ,especially if they have followed my reports and storys over the years,they have a good idea what i'm about....................

Perris Bluegill Chaser
06-16-2014, 09:56 PM
true...becuz im almost ready to call you.....

I get lurkers on the boat all the time , most don't feel comfortable interacting with people they don't know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,most relax on the boat ,especially if they have followed my reports and storys over the years,they have a good idea what i'm about....................

City Dad
06-17-2014, 10:23 AM
Of course.

Pro staff discounts, tshirts, jigs, worms, hats...it's all there.

Contact CityDad so you can get on his Pro Staff. You'll have to peddle his Elk Hair Caddis flies made from the coat of his supposed BigFoot capture tho. And make sure when you catch your fish on PowerBait™, remove the hook and get a photo op with CD's flies in the fish's mouth. Post in Instagram, Facebook, MySpace, Google+, etc....

the hairs from between the toes of a Saquathopithicus Norte Americanus are the finest material for imitating a disintegrating Cheeto spinner... and you know this.

Balboa should be comming back on-line here before too long. If you wanna take some kids fishing, late summer/early fall at Anthony C. Beilenson Park (nicknamed "Lake Bablboa"), Van Nuys is a good bet. Purchase your Official CityDad Bigfoot Flies Tilapia Popper kit at any Big 5 (it's labeled "#10 Mosquito hooks" on the package) then sweeten with a chunk of Official CityDad SmellsLikeGlory Cyclid Nuggets - available at any bait and tackle shop (they're labeled "12 ct Large Nightcrawlers" on the container) stick on a bobber and you are in business.
North side of the lake is good. Kids will have a ball

There. I contributed.

06-17-2014, 10:35 AM
... stick on a bobber...

You mean, stick on a "CityDad Officially Licensed Limited Edition Red and White Bobber, available at your local Big 5."

BTW, please stop blowing up the spots. Lake Balboa will go the way of Newport Harbor at this point.

06-17-2014, 03:17 PM
Lurkers are present at all forums. Most of which are registered members checking posts without being logged in.

Many people on this site spend the vast majority of their time checking the classifieds, and rarely, if ever, really socialize here.

06-17-2014, 04:26 PM
Lurkers are present at all forums. Most of which are registered members checking posts without being logged in.

Many people on this site spend the vast majority of their time checking the classifieds, and rarely, if ever, really socialize here.
I'd say your wrong.

I have at minimum 20 fishing buddies I met on this site... My #1 Trailblazer infact.

I'm sure most of us on the site has half dozen buddies met thru FNN.

06-17-2014, 04:50 PM
I'd say your wrong.

I have at minimum 20 fishing buddies I met on this site... My #1 Trailblazer infact.

I'm sure most of us on the site has half dozen buddies met thru FNN.

I agree Mike. I've met lots of fishing buddies here. Easy 20! Some of them I met while they were lurkers.

old pudd fisher
06-17-2014, 05:34 PM
I have met and fished with a lot of FNN members, all great guys and gals. Some have been long gone for years and never post any more, I wonder why and hope the are ok.

trail blazer
06-17-2014, 06:23 PM
I love you cutbait

06-17-2014, 07:01 PM
This thread has taken a disturbing turn.

06-17-2014, 07:17 PM
I love you cutbait

Please no PICTURES!!!!!!!

06-17-2014, 07:57 PM
I love you cutbait

They don't understand Scott........

06-18-2014, 10:56 PM
Lurkers are present at all forums. Most of which are registered members checking posts without being logged in.

Many people on this site spend the vast majority of their time checking the classifieds, and rarely, if ever, really socialize here.

Pretty much sums up this forum. When I first started there were a lot more posters on here. Although, this recent change has caused a mini flurry of reports to come about.

06-19-2014, 07:43 AM
They dont understand the pumphouse up at bako.................................

06-19-2014, 08:16 AM
They dont understand the pumphouse up at bako.................................

What's with the Gnats choke job going on?

06-21-2014, 08:02 AM
they hit some speed bumps, I hope the straighten out and get back to playing decent,,,,,,,,its not over till the end of the reg season....................

06-21-2014, 08:22 AM
I would put up reports but seem to not be able to fine where to start a thread...........................HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

06-21-2014, 09:33 AM
It looks like login required now to see the forums? I was logged out and couldn't see anything.....

old pudd fisher
06-26-2014, 05:45 PM
A pain to log in every time, but see a lot of new members to the FNN after that. So I think its a good thing.

06-26-2014, 08:34 PM
most of the other sites have the same thing going on...................................T/O..............

Perris Bluegill Chaser
06-26-2014, 10:52 PM
push the check button, and stay log-in....smh

06-26-2014, 11:11 PM
Honestly I think this forum should do what BD does. It should allow one to view a certain amount of posts without logging in. After that, a login should be required if one wants to view more.

06-26-2014, 11:14 PM
I would put up reports but seem to not be able to fine where to start a thread...........................HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure what kind of report you plan on making, but, say for example, if you wanted to post a report of your trip to a party boat that goes under the Saltwater section. Under that, there's a sub forum that has categories e.g., private boaters, surf reports, etc. All you need to do is figure out the genre of your report, click on the forum, and click on the "post new thread" button on the upper left hand corner. From there you'll open up a box for posting you report.