View Full Version : Altitude problems?

06-09-2014, 07:47 AM
Since I am not a doctor, I am hesitant about calling it altitude sickness. I am 67 years old and go to the gym 3 times a week for general fitness training. I started with 12 lessons from a PhD. in conditioning. He also is the trainer from a local college team. Anyway, I head up to the Sierras every year for a little fishing and hiking at about 8000 feet. This year I had signs of weakness, insomnia and shortness of breath while in bed, of all places. What say you? Thanks...

06-09-2014, 08:12 AM
Classic symptoms of Altitude sickness. One of the extreme sports that I did in my much younger years was high altitude mountain climbing and was a mountain search and rescue member with the SBSO. My symptoms would begin to start at +12,000 feet, pilots are required to be on oxygen at 14,000 feet. Most of the time the body will acclimate within 24 hours. Symptoms will disappear almost immediately when you go to lower elevation.


ps: Send me $20 I don't make house calls.

Nessie Hunter
06-10-2014, 07:29 AM
Altitude sickness is mostly a lack of Oxygen.
Get a small bottle and mask to take with you.
Load up as often as possible on it..
At least first day or two.

06-10-2014, 10:47 AM
Sounds like high altitude issues.

I had 'em on the hike to Rock Creek that sits above 10k. Then again, drinking beers while hiking at that elevation probably wasn't the best of ideas, but I felt like my brain was about to leave my skull for the entire time there.

For my next trip, I laid off the cervesas and hydrated starting 3 days prior. Instead of a sixer, I packed 100 ounces of water in my hydration pack, and popped some aspirin to thin my blood a few hours before. Worked like a charm. Your body consumes more water at higher elevation, so be sure to keep drinking H20.