View Full Version : AV Round 3,On Fire I'm Telling you...

05-02-2014, 12:29 AM
Woke up this morning and got the word from work, Its game time.. Finished up what I had to do around the house,
made sure the bills were paid, kiss the wife good bye and hauled butt up the 14 for a Round 3 session.
Crossed over the duct and see no flow,, ok.. no problem,, I go into no flow mentality and start my journey from East to West.
Being satisfied with my new found pattern and technic and feeling confident its time to move on to find new patterns and change
it up for that piggy I've been after I have come to the conclusion that I will sacrifice my catch streak in search of my toad.
So nobody worry, I will leave plenty of stripers for all to catch, hahahaha,, j/k.. I've been lucky and that's all I can say.
There's nothing special about what I'm using, Here's the killer combo that is on Fire, Nothing to hide for all to see...
Anyways back to the report, The anticipation of the first spot and the first cast is always the worst, like a first date and super exciting and blood
pumping its almost hard to cast straight, First stop Completely opposite from where I've been fishing, fresh turf, fresh water I start my day
with the motivation and confidence of a good streak going on here so here it goes,,,cast one... cast two.. Wham Bam Fish on,,
man this is getting to easy I say.. lol.. fought her for a few minutes and saw she was a little bigger so I gave her some time to play out
and that's a good thing of course, as long as their getting bigger that's ok by me take my time and in the ice chest she goes,
did the happy dance, chugged some Gatorade and went right back at it, cast one.. cast two.. cast three... ok nobody home,
Off to the next spot.. and the next spot... Cast one... Cast two... Cast three.... Whamm bamm,, Fish On!!!...
fought this one for a mere 5 seconds and it does the infamous Large mouth Bass head shake sticking out the water and spits the lure...
I'm standing there applauding her for a job well done and laughing at the same time, that lil stripebastard..
Owell that's fishing, sometime you win, some time you lose... I'll be back I tell her and move on down the road...
Passing by the poppy preserve I had flash backs and visions of that deadly corner that almost got me while my mind was occupied otherwise..
here is that spot exactly.. coming around the corner I was almost hoping to have the same run in, but no dice..
Back to fishing,,, Hit one more spot before back tracking my day and of course I stopped by again for the one that got
away but she was long gone. as my day comes to an end at the last spot and I decide to try things differently,..
Cast one... Cast two... Cast Three...Bump Bump,, Swing... Miss... but that's ok because I think I'm on to something new here..
but until next time I wont know for sure,,, Only one way to find out... Dial it in..
Tight Lines,

05-02-2014, 04:17 AM
ha ha you showed a road shot I know exactly where you been going ,I drive there everytime I go to pyramid,,,,,,,,,,,keep killin them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,T/O,,,,,,,,,,,

05-02-2014, 09:21 AM

I know that stretch of road.......have some property not far from there.

Congrats on the Duct line sides......

05-02-2014, 09:46 AM
I appreciate your posts and enjoy the heck out of them! Hope your luck continues, so there will be more posts!
I fish that same stretch a lot, but I haven't had much success as of late.
Think its time to switch up my routine and stop putting on the "How not to catch anything clinic!"
For one the crawfish scent ain't getting it!

05-02-2014, 09:55 AM
NICE going on the stripers fishbones!


05-02-2014, 10:14 AM
Congrats on the catching Alex.

I guess that you'll never be able to drive by that spot safely again. :)

Now back to the fishing. I think you've gotten past the multiple AV skunk thing. It seems like every body starts like that in the AV.

05-02-2014, 01:00 PM
Great job FB! You have found the working pattern.

05-02-2014, 01:02 PM
Bones, Tha Killa! Keep it moving!

05-02-2014, 03:33 PM
Nicely done again! I hit out west for a bit before sundown last night for nada...your technique is prevailing...

05-02-2014, 10:42 PM
ha ha you showed a road shot I know exactly where you been going ,I drive there everytime I go to pyramid,,,,,,,,,,,keep killin them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,T/O,,,,,,,,,,,

Hahahaha... yupp a road shot.....lol you should stop by one day Bob, maybe meet me up there and see if you still got it..

I know that stretch of road.......have some property not far from there.
Congrats on the Duct line sides......

Thanks Scott, wanna join me on my next adventure?

I appreciate your posts and enjoy the heck out of them! Hope your luck continues, so there will be more posts!
I fish that same stretch a lot, but I haven't had much success as of late.
Think its time to switch up my routine and stop putting on the "How not to catch anything clinic!"
For one the crawfish scent ain't getting it!

Thank you kind sir, I do enjoy writing reports almost more than catching fish..lol
As for the clinic.. oh man I can say I've been there.... a lot..lol and yeah.. the crawdad scent isn't helping..

NICE going on the stripers fishbones!

Thanks TD, hope all is well my friend.

Congrats on the catching Alex.

I guess that you'll never be able to drive by that spot safely again. :)

Now back to the fishing. I think you've gotten past the multiple AV skunk thing. It seems like every body starts like that in the AV.

Ron, buddy... you always say the most funniest things..hahah.. thank heavens the skunk streak is over... phewww man it stunk too..hahaha

Great job FB! You have found the working pattern.

Thanks Slacker, it took me long enough and well worth the wait.. it has opened up many new doors for more slayage.

Bones, Tha Killa! Keep it moving!

Hahahaaa... no killer here just very patient and spiteful towards the av duct.. but I've had my vengeance.....ahhahahahaaaa

Nicely done again! I hit out west for a bit before sundown last night for nada...your technique is prevailing...

Thank you ZW, I hate it when nobody's home and I come from LA too.
Prevailing and polished..haaha.. its just the beginning.. I hope... with a lot of luck on my side.

05-03-2014, 08:28 AM
good job Alex your making me jealous all those big stripers and im still sitting here waiting for the ice to come off the lake just so i can go fish for more trout. I need a change of scenery soon. thanks for the pictures and report now get out there and get that DD FISH ON

05-03-2014, 08:35 AM
good job Alex your making me jealous all those big stripers and im still sitting here waiting for the ice to come off the lake just so i can go fish for more trout. I need a change of scenery soon. thanks for the pictures and report now get out there and get that DD FISH ON

thanks Jim, it would be great to get you hooked up to a piggy when your here in cali.. lets hope that ice melts fast,,, come on ice...
im still fine tuning my piggy hunting skills but see her in my future.

05-03-2014, 01:16 PM
I can see a piggy in your future. You know you have to catch all the small ones and get them out of the way to get to the big ones

I hope the ice is off soon and the wind dies down its gusting to 45mph right now. Oh if you ever get out to wyoming in the winter I will get you into some ICE FISHING you will love it I will even take the ice shack out and turn on the heaters for you to stay warm. I know most Cali guys arent into below zero weather but its not always that cold

John will let you do some hand lining for good size hard fighting native rainbow trout
http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/trfishin/IMG_1560_zpsf67245ff.jpg (http://s255.photobucket.com/user/trfishin/media/IMG_1560_zpsf67245ff.jpg.html)

http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/trfishin/IMG_1545_zps779c5abb.jpg (http://s255.photobucket.com/user/trfishin/media/IMG_1545_zps779c5abb.jpg.html)

05-03-2014, 04:40 PM
that's the truth Jim, now that the dinks are out the way its momma time.. that shack will work, just need to get out the wind,, and its slayfest time in wyo.

05-03-2014, 05:08 PM
yup it blocks the wind great and with a heater you can open the vents and a door a little bit and heat it up to warm enough you can sit in there and fish without your coat on :Thumbs Up:

02-12-2015, 02:44 PM
Good to be back you rock bro what ya throwing

02-12-2015, 07:12 PM
Good to be back you rock bro what ya throwing

Welcome back!!! Lol
I use small to medium size lmbs for bait or just a rock...
Its a fast sink rock, and boy do those stupid stripers love em!!

02-12-2015, 07:50 PM
[QUOTE=Fishbones;757577]Welcome back!!! Lol
I use small to medium size lmbs for bait or just a rock...
Its a fast sink rock, and boy do those stupid stripers love em!![/QUOTE
I wish fnn had a like button sometimes...still skunkin the duct out here in hysteria...

Double A
02-12-2015, 08:47 PM
Welcome back!!! Lol
I use small to medium size lmbs for bait or just a rock...
Its a fast sink rock, and boy do those stupid stripers love em!!

I like your fast sink rock method.
However, I'm wondering...
Do you ever get any on topwater?
IE - skipping rocks. Just curious.
Rock on bro

Fly lining juvenile bass is for amateurs...

02-12-2015, 09:09 PM
Tonight there is a guy in Bakersfield who is pleased to have another grown man go to such great lengths...

To be idolized like this is really hard to keep the humility

02-12-2015, 09:44 PM
Welcome back!!! Lol
I use small to medium size lmbs for bait or just a rock...
Its a fast sink rock, and boy do those stupid stripers love em!!
I wish fnn had a like button sometimes...still skunkin the duct out here in hysteria...

Loll.. Hysteria "like"..
Yes a like button would do wonders!!

I like your fast sink rock method.
However, I'm wondering...
Do you ever get any on topwater?
IE - skipping rocks. Just curious.
Rock on bro

Fly lining juvenile bass is for amateurs...

Lmfaoo... Or skipping lmbs..

Tonight there is a guy in Bakersfield who is pleased to have another grown man go to such great lengths...

To be idolized like this is really hard to keep the humility

Its overrated anyways!!!

02-13-2015, 02:52 PM
Skipping UGBs for striper. I've got to try that.

02-13-2015, 09:03 PM
Skipping UGBs for striper. I've got to try that.

If you don't skip them tail first it can get ugly. Lol

02-13-2015, 09:31 PM
Alex did u hear of the underground trip yet?

02-13-2015, 09:54 PM
Hey.... I wanna hear more about this underground trip.

Please elaborate? LoL

Oh, can we use baby bass for bait too?

02-14-2015, 11:10 AM
Alex did u hear of the underground trip yet?

Hey.... I wanna hear more about this underground trip.
Yepp.. I have my gear ready for the call.

Please elaborate? LoL

Oh, can we use baby bass for bait too?

Of coarse Mike, every underground fishing team will get its own supply of baby lmbs for their bait tank.

02-14-2015, 08:03 PM
Dude, even I know that you use worms for underground fishing!

02-14-2015, 08:20 PM
The "Frog" rules.............

02-15-2015, 01:35 PM
chartreuse anything and its on!!!

02-16-2015, 12:02 PM
Way to go man! Great write up!

You da man, AV Sensei!

See you at the Dojo...
