View Full Version : Pb??

03-30-2014, 05:08 PM
Ive tried fishing powerbait all kinds of ways. Under a bobber, carolina rigged, ive tried different colors, ive rolled it in hatch dust and dipped in trout dip, ive tried different length of leaders making sure it floats off bottom or sinks under bobber. Ive never caught anything on powerbait yet i see fishing reports all the time of people pulling in monster fish and full stringers all on powerbait. I feel like everyone and their mother uses powerbait so how are people catching fish with it if the fish see it all the time and what am i doing wrong? am i not saying the magic words when i roll the dough?

03-30-2014, 05:19 PM
Ive tried fishing powerbait all kinds of ways. Under a bobber, carolina rigged, ive tried different colors, ive rolled it in hatch dust and dipped in trout dip, ive tried different length of leaders making sure it floats off bottom or sinks under bobber. Ive never caught anything on powerbait yet i see fishing reports all the time of people pulling in monster fish and full stringers all on powerbait. I feel like everyone and their mother uses powerbait so how are people catching fish with it if the fish see it all the time and what am i doing wrong? am i not saying the magic words when i roll the dough?
I rarely use powerbait, it doesnt seem to work a lot of the time i use it either. But when it does seem to work thats all the fish bite on for that day, in my experience..

03-30-2014, 05:44 PM
PB usually works everywhere some times u just have to find the color they want. What size line and hooks are u using?? some times its location. usually at pay lakes i always fish with 2 poles one a couple ft out and the other 1 further out. well let us know a little bit more info on ur set up and hopefully we can help you out

03-30-2014, 05:56 PM
I'm not a huge fan of Power Bait and I don't know why, because it works. I typically fish nightcrawlers and mealworms but i always carry PB with me whenever I chase trout because I want to catch fish. I fish it C-rigged the same as I do the garden hackle, though I use a small treble hook (#18) and put just enough dough on it to cover the hook. Makes a bait about a quarter inch across. I prefer a little ball, though sometimes I will also use twice the bait and roll it between me hands to make a bait about 3/4" long that is a little thicker in the middle and pointed on both ends. I think it looks like an aquatic pupae, but that may be a confidence thing for me.
As for colors, my preference has always been original yellow followed by rainbow, then chartreuse. I don't like glitter and I don't like chromo. Stay away from nuggets; they're just expensive little things you can easily make for yourself.
Of course there are others who use different techniques but this is a good start for catching fish. Forget the hatchery dust and other scents, too. Unless the water is super cloudy you do not need a scent for PB.

Lip Ripperz
04-22-2014, 12:32 PM
Hello Mevangel,

First, start with your setup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6IewE4gXv4

Second, answer these questions:

1. What lake are you fishing
2. What time of day are you fishing
3. Are other people catching fish while your NOT catching
4. What particular day out of the week are you out fishing
5. What months are you fishing

Theres are lot do with why youre not catching, and with the right answers, we can probably narrow down exactly why.

As far as scents, go with what you have faith in. I personally never fish without garlic amore or corn killer Love Sauce and Hatchery Dust while using powerbait. It works for me so I stick to it. Youll notice a lot of people with their own preferences above, just go with what you believe in or see people using with success.

My guys can answer more questions for you if you have them on our facebook.com/lip.ripperzfishinglures page.

Chat soon

Bryan Friedman, CEO
Lip RipperZ, Inc

04-22-2014, 07:28 PM
Most important thing is CONFIDENCE! every1 will have their own opinion about scent( thats a whole other thread if we go on this lol ), i personally don't use anything as i have encountered a big mess and OIL all over my gear and back pack, NOT GOOD AT ALL. I usually just buy the PB that has GARLIC already infused. that never fails for me. GL out there

06-02-2014, 04:20 PM
small hooks. size 18 treble is perfect. I use 4-6 main line and 2-4lb leader thats at least 24".the reason is fish can't look down, so they are looking up. hence long light leader. have a sliding sinker behind your swivel on the main line. Don't have your PB ball size of golf ball, just enough to cover the hook, but it also it must float.
I like garlic, salmon, cheese flavors.