View Full Version : Three sessions squeezed into a two day SWAT weekend

SP Dan
03-24-2014, 09:20 PM
I've had this lousy cold for 9 weeks along with a sinus infection and a cough!
Enough is enough all ready! I can't catch fish while laying in my bed!

Saturday March 22, 2014 Morning Session #12 "Solo Session"

Sun Rise: 0651, Sun Set: 1903
Air: 54 - 64 deg, Water: 65 deg and milky with weeds, I had to hunt for clean water, Sky: AM pt cloudy, Wind: 3 -6 MPH
Predicted Surf: 2 ft , Swell: 1.2 ft , Sec Intervals: 5.
Session Duration: 0615 hrs to 0930 hrs.
Assault Tactic: LC 110 lure.
AO : aka: South Bay

My Total fish count: (1) 14" Hali and (1) Jack Smelt.

Check this out ... this is a 4" Giant Keyhole Limpet, it was held for a quick photo and was immediately returned to where it was found

The giant keyhole limpet is a primitive type of snail, or gastropod, which lives from Central California to Baja. Characterized by a slimy gray, black, or brownish skin covering its gray shell (yes, its shell is under its skin), this animal is often found fastened onto rocks using suction, feeding off of algae with a radula, or tongue, that scrapes the algae into its mouth on the yellowish underside of its body. This limpet has a black central hole which is used to expel waste away from the gills and mouth to avoid the waste reentering its body. It can grow up to 10” in length. Their shells were used as currency and decoration by Native Americans.

http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/dancorery/P1000264.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/dancorery/media/P1000264.jpg.html)

http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/dancorery/P1000265.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/dancorery/media/P1000265.jpg.html)

Sunday March 23, 2014 Morning Session #13 "Fishing with friends"

Sun Rise: 0650, Sun Set: 1904
Air: 54 - 61 deg, Water: 64 deg with beach break sand, some clean, clear holes, nice Perch conditions, Sky: AM pt cloudy, Wind: 1 MPH
Predicted Surf: 1 ft , Swell: 1.1 ft , Sec Intervals: 6.
Session Duration: 0600 hrs to 0930 hrs.
Assault Tactic: LC 110 lure.
AO : aka: South Bay

I put a few calls out Saturday night for Sunday Morning and my SWAT Brotha's: Lucas aka: Mr_Dunev and Don aka: Bachiboy were both there at pre-gray lite and were looking for a :Fishing Catch: fight!

http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/dancorery/P1000270.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/dancorery/media/P1000270.jpg.html)

My Total fish count: (13) BSP and (2) short Hali's (1) 15" BSP (a PB) and (1) Wall-eye Perch. Nothing photo worthy except for the BSP!

15" BSP and my new PB

http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/dancorery/P1000268.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/dancorery/media/P1000268.jpg.html)

A parting shot of the Boyz!

http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/dancorery/P1000271.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/dancorery/media/P1000271.jpg.html)

Sunday March 23, 2014 Sundowner Session #14 "Fishing with a friend"

Sun Rise: N/A, Sun Set: 1908
Air: 59 deg, Water: 59 deg and clean, very promising, Sky: AM pt cloudy, Wind: 1-2 MPH
Predicted Surf: 1 - 2 ft , Swell: 0.9 ft , Sec Intervals: 14.
Session Duration: 1800 hrs to 1030 hrs.
Assault Tactic: LC 110 lure.
AO : aka: South Bay

Bones and I had decided to meet at 1800 hrs and fish up through last lite in the Santa Monica Bay Area.

As soon as we had stepped on the beach ... Mike noticed birds diving about a 3rd of a mile ahead of us along the beach and said "That's where we are heading Dan!".... "That's the spot!" Well .... Mike knew the area well and he put me on "the" spot ... and the fish bite began right away for the both of us.

Mike is already getting hits and tugs but the fish kept getting away! :EyePop: Hmmmmm! Then I'm also getting the same :EyePop: bump and runs until we started setting our hooks on the 1st bump and it's a "JACK SMELT" :LOL: attack ... oh .. brotha!

Mike was first to beach a nice YFC plus a few JS.
Mike and I were able to beach four different species tonight .... Mike said ... "five if you were to count me too! Ha ha ha! ... Mike you slay me! :ROFL:

My Total fish count: (2) Jack Smelt (1) 14" short Hali and (1) 17" Calico bass. Note: When Mike and I measured the Calico on the sand, it measured 17 1/2" but in the photo makes it looks like it's 17", :Wink: so I calling it 17".

http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/dancorery/P1000273.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/dancorery/media/P1000273.jpg.html)

14" Hali
http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/dancorery/P1000266.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/dancorery/media/P1000266.jpg.html)

[B]School Lesson: I was taken back to school and was re-taught the reason and the importance of putting one's foot on top of the fish, to hold it down firmly on the sand .... controlling it and then extract the hooks from it! :Embarrassed: "Grasshopper"!
My Smelt jerked and had slipped my grip "like a wet slippery bar of soap" and in that fraction of a second "BAM! ... all of a sudden ... I'm hooked on fishing and now I'm playing Dr. Dan on myself.

(2) two of the #4 4X TN hooks stuck me, one hook only went through about a 1/4" and poked out, and the other hook poked out about 3/4" away on the other side. Sorry no photo of being hooked.

I was shocked and surprised at the fishing time that I was loosing and decided that there was only on thing to do ...
"that's right soldiers ... get back to "FISHING"! .... and I couldn't do that with this nuisance hook sticking out of my hand .... so with pliers in hand and a few firm deliberate tugs ... I was able to get right back to fishing in no time!

http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/dancorery/P1000274.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/dancorery/media/P1000274.jpg.html)

Thanx for checking out my fish report folks!

SP Dan <"))><

03-24-2014, 10:37 PM
:Shocked:Hope that hand you cleaned and sanitized real good !!!!

Might drop some more antibiotics for that if you have some ? :Smile:

03-24-2014, 10:49 PM
I've had this lousy cold for 9 weeks along with a sinus infection and a cough!
Enough is enough all ready! I can't catch fish while laying in my bed!

Hi Dan

Sorry you were down and for so long. Nothing worse then dreaming/thinking of catching fish and not being able to do sumpin' bout it:EyePop: Glad you got out there and got it going again!!! Great report and great pictures as always.

All the best,


03-25-2014, 12:43 AM
Very glad that we had a chance to get back in the surf together Danimal! Being out there with you and Lucas was awesome. It was quite the perch fest but no sign of that elusive jailbird we were hoping for. Congrats on the nice checker on your evening session but WOW, did that come at a price!:Shocked: Crazy that we were just talkin about that kinda thing happening after the morning session and SHAZAM! It happens. Hopes that heals up quickly and you're back out getting more payback.:Wink: Been missing your reports since you've been on sick leave so keep it up!

Welcome back brother!!!

03-25-2014, 08:53 AM

So happy to read a report from you again brother! Great job kicking that nasty cold/flu/sinus infection! We (baby and I) got it again and are miserable. Nice job on the checker and thanks for the cool pics (except maybe that last one).

When the bite down south starts up again, I will let you know so that we can get together!


03-25-2014, 10:08 AM
Nice report man. Good to here the hook set on your hand wasn't too bad. Now to make sure no infection sets in.

What is the orange thing in your first pics.

SP Dan
03-25-2014, 12:47 PM
WOW, did that come at a price!:Shocked: Crazy that we were just talkin about that kinda thing happening after the morning session and SHAZAM! It happens.


Hey Don .... I guess I'd better start talking about 40" halibut! ha ha ha! ... And see what happens!

SP Dan
03-25-2014, 01:10 PM

Might drop some more antibiotics for that if you have some ? :Smile:

The doctor has had me on antibiotics for the last 20 days... so I should be OK. I appreciate the concern Danial.

SP Dan <"))><

Hi Dan

Nothing worse then dreaming / thinking of catching fish and not being able to do sumpin' bout it:EyePop: Nick

Thanx Nick,

It makes me literally bounce off the friggin' walls when I can't get in on the bite!

SP Dan <"))><


When the bite down south starts up again, I will let you know so that we can get together!


I'm already waiting for your call-to-arms as I write you this! lol!

SP Dan <"))><,

What is the orange thing in your first pics.

It's a "Giant Keyhole Limpet". I posted additional information with the picture. :Wink: Check it out!

SP Dan <"))><

03-27-2014, 02:24 PM
Wow Dan, thats a rough stretch of being sick. Glad to hear you are on the mend and were able to hit the surf again.
I have yet to find the time to hit the surf yet this year but have been doing plenty of freshwater fishing. Very cool pic and information about the Giant Keyhole Limpet! Congrats on a productive weekend with friends and glad to hear you were able to unhook yourself and get back to the task at hand! Lol

Thanks for the report and pics!

Which Way Out
03-27-2014, 08:50 PM
Dan sometimes in the line of battle some blood gets spilled. In the past when I have spilled some, the fishing was good. But I wouldn't make a practice of it!

Who's that stranger in the crowd with the Tie..............:LOL:


03-28-2014, 03:43 PM
Good to see Lucas out on the sand again. Looking pretty GQ in a San Francisco kinda way :ROFL:
JK Mr D....

As always it was a pleasure hitting the sand with ya Dan. Why is it that every time I fish with you ....you out fish me? Must be that USMC sniper blood in ya for sure!

Now I bet you will never try to hold a slimy torpedo while trying to remove the hook...LOL Like I told you...they are spaztic so you just grab the hook with your pliers and shake them off.
A painful lesson learned.

03-30-2014, 06:00 AM
Great pics Danimal.

I was taken back to school and was re-taught the reason and the importance of putting one's foot on top of the fish, to hold it down firmly on the sand

Not a good idea especially with Halibut. Could result in a slow death.

just grab the hook with your pliers and shake them off.
A painful lesson learned.
Like Mike said.
Needle nose not hemostats.

03-30-2014, 12:54 PM
Great pics Danimal.

Not a good idea especially with Halibut. Could result in a slow death.

Like Mike said.
Needle nose not hemostats.

I'm sure Dan was ONLY referring to a spaztic jack smelt Martin. I told him that they go nuts as soon as you pull them out of the water. So I said "You are better off stepping on them so you can get ahold of one of the hooks then shake them off!" Sorry if this sounds kinda mean but I look at jack smelt as oversized bait fish and definitely not worthy of grabbing with your hand at all. I usually step on them lightly with my rubber boot and grab the hook with my pliers and shake them off....LOL
(We're not talking ...stomp on them...just lightly with your rubber sole for a split second while you grab the hook) An LC with three sharp hooks on it attached to a jack smelt is an accident just waiting to happen as Dan's pic proves.

03-31-2014, 09:00 AM
Dan, long time since we've fish together but I hope we run into each other soon.
Nice job on the sessions and keep up the good job.

SP Dan
03-31-2014, 03:12 PM
Wow Dan, thats a rough stretch of being sick. Glad to hear you are on the mend and were able to hit the surf again.
I have yet to find the time to hit the surf yet this year but have been doing plenty of freshwater fishing. Very cool pic and information about the Giant Keyhole Limpet! Congrats on a productive weekend with friends and glad to hear you were able to unhook yourself and get back to the task at hand! Lol

Thanks for the report and pics!

Thanx Dan,

Yeah ... it was a beach not being able to get out there but after 10 weeks and finally being mended (98.8%) ..... look out boyz .... here I come!

SP Dan <"))><

Dan sometimes in the line of battle some blood gets spilled. In the past when I have spilled some, the fishing was good. But I wouldn't make a practice of it!

Who's that stranger in the crowd with the Tie..............:LOL:


Hi ya Bill,

I've always said .... "That if there wasn't a little blood spelt by the end .... well ... I just didn't have that good of a time!" OORAAH!

The funny thing about hooks .... they don"t stick around for very long .... whether they are in the fish or the angler! :LOL: Ha ha ha!

SP Dan <"))><

Good to see Lucas out on the sand again. Looking pretty GQ in a San Francisco kinda way :ROFL:
JK Mr D....

As always it was a pleasure hitting the sand with ya Dan. Why is it that every time I fish with you ....you out fish me? Must be that USMC sniper blood in ya for sure!

Now I bet you will never try to hold a slimy torpedo while trying to remove the hook...LOL Like I told you...they are spaztic so you just grab the hook with your pliers and shake them off.
A painful lesson learned.

Hi ya Mike,

It took a long time to make it happen but the end results of spending time in the salt with the "Young-man Wearing A Tie" was well worth the effort! :Big Grin: I believe that Don had also offered up some gear as a final acceptance bribe to our friend! It was like baiting a people trap with cheese .... ask Disney! :LOL: Ha ha ha!

Mike .... you give me way more credit that I deserve .... that will be the day that I really out fish you my friend! That will be the day ... indeed!
You've just been taking it easy on the Ol' man! Besides I really do get a kick out of fishing with you my friend.... you are constantly observing, studying the conditions and openly sharing the facts of your findings... all good stuff! :Thumbs Up:

You were absolutely correct about the lil' spaztics .... they are slippery and 9 times more dangerous when they have 9 hooks :EyePop: flailing about them! I've handled many of them on the release in the past .... but it takes only that one time .... BAM! :Embarrassed:

SP Dan <"))><

Great pics Danimal.

Not a good idea especially with Halibut. Could result in a slow death.

Like Mike said.
Needle nose not hemostats.

Hi ya Martin,

I had some fun ... scouting about the low tide line with my camera... and I actually located quite a few of these Giant Keyhole Limpets.

I must apologize to you if I had miss lead you in my report report Martin, I hope that you believe that there "was not" any type of malicious cruelty being administered to any of the marine life that I've encountered. I try to limit myself to making as "minimal of contact" as possible with all marine species while surf fishing and practicing 100% CPR.
It's been over two years since I've brought home anything from one of my sessions .... and I'm proud of this fact .... it's just good ol' Karma Martin!
One time ... "because I was asked" ... one time ... I did give a SWAT Brotha one of my legal Halibut catches and I still kick myself for it today!

I only meant that I would control the fish better and hopefully causing as little or no damage to the fish as possible ... even if it is bait fish ... it will still receive the same respect and gentle care as any other living creature.

Now Martin .... I don"t know how Halibut had gotten thrown into this mix, especially because I was only referring to the Jack Smelt that I had in my hand.

FYI Martin ... when the Jack Smelt slipped through my grip .... that's when the hooks hit me and at the same time the Jack Smelt became naturally released and gaining it's freedom with out the need of needle nose pliers! I don't recommend :mad: this to anyone!

I'm sure Dan was ONLY referring to a spaztic jack smelt Martin. I told him that they go nuts as soon as you pull them out of the water. So I said "You are better off stepping on them so you can get ahold of one of the hooks then shake them off!" Sorry if this sounds kinda mean but I look at jack smelt as oversized bait fish and definitely not worthy of grabbing with your hand at all. I usually step on them lightly with my rubber boot and grab the hook with my pliers and shake them off....LOL
(We're not talking ...stomp on them...just lightly with your rubber sole for a split second while you grab the hook) An LC with three sharp hooks on it attached to a jack smelt is an accident just waiting to happen as Dan's pic proves.

That's correct Mike! <"))><

Dan, long time since we've fish together but I hope we run into each other soon.
Nice job on the sessions and keep up the good job.

Hi ya Sokha,

Wow .... it's been a while my friend!

Now that I'm feeling stronger ... I definitely plan on spending more time in the salt.
I hope that we will get to share the salt many times during this 2014 season. :Cool:

SP Dan <"))><

03-31-2014, 07:04 PM
Whoa... Lucas made a surprised surf appearance! :Surprised:
Really good to see the three of you sharing the sand. :Big Grin:
Dan, it's especially nice to see you back out there my friend. Take good care of yourself and stay healthy. :Cool:
I'm trying my best to get back in the saddle again, soon... :Wink:

SP Dan
04-01-2014, 09:50 AM
Whoa... Lucas made a surprised surf appearance! :Surprised:
Really good to see the three of you sharing the sand. :Big Grin:
Dan, it's especially nice to see you back out there my friend. Take good care of yourself and stay healthy. :Cool:
I'm trying my best to get back in the saddle again, soon... :Wink:

Hey Commander,

Yes Sir, it was a blast to have spent the quality time in the surf with my SWAT Brotha's Don and Lucas!

Ya know Sir .... we are seriously lagging behind the newer SWAT members ... Hmmmmmm ..... what do ya say to .............

"Let's get out there .... start ripping some lips and get some substantial numbers back up on that SWAT leader board"?!! :Thumbs Up: Eh?!?
We need to close the :BFish: numbers and turn this into a closer competition .... This is "Your SWAT Challenge" .... if you are up for it!

Thanx for your positive thoughts .... I am almost 100% and am ready to put a dent in the SWAT Leader Board!

Thanx for responding to my report Brotha! :Cool:

SP Dan <"))><

Which Way Out
04-01-2014, 07:24 PM
Hey Commander,

Yes Sir, it was a blast to have spent the quality time in the surf with my SWAT Brotha's Don and Lucas!

Ya know Sir .... we are seriously lagging behind the newer SWAT members ... Hmmmmmm ..... what do ya say to .............

"Let's get out there .... start ripping some lips and get some substantial numbers back up on that SWAT leader board"?!! :Thumbs Up: Eh?!?
We need to close the :BFish: numbers and turn this into a closer competition .... This is "Your SWAT Challenge" .... if you are up for it!

Thanx for your positive thoughts .... I am almost 100% and am ready to put a dent in the SWAT Leader Board!

Thanx for responding to my report Brotha! :Cool:

SP Dan <"))><

Count me in on some of that!!!!!:My Two Cents::Thumbs Up:


04-02-2014, 07:10 AM
Needlenose work great Dan. Just grab the hook and twist. It can be done without even touching the fish and almost no risk of getting hooked. Just didn't want others to think your stepping on all your fish. I don't think you get much control with hemos. Using fingers is risky, to each there own. Great post as usual Dan.

04-02-2014, 08:42 AM
Very nice report Dan. Sorry about your nasty sinus infection, I had the same wonderful gift for about 3 weeks...just lovely!

Hope to see you down my way soon as your comedic genius is dearly missed.


SP Dan
04-03-2014, 02:33 PM
Count me in on some of that!!!!!:My Two Cents::Thumbs Up:


LET'S DO THIS!! Damn the conditions ..... I'm heading out there somewhere this weekend! :Smile: Ha ha ha!

Needlenose work great Dan. Just grab the hook and twist. It can be done without even touching the fish and almost no risk of getting hooked. Just didn't want others to think your stepping on all your fish. I don't think you get much control with hemos. Using fingers is risky, to each there own. Great post as usual Dan.

Martin .... that works great just like you said ..... unless there is more than one hook in the fish ... then two hands or a foot are needed !

Very nice report Dan. Sorry about your nasty sinus infection, I had the same wonderful gift for about 3 weeks...just lovely!

Hope to see you down my way soon as your comedic genius is dearly missed.


Hi ya Kelly,

I am back to 99% on the mend and am ready for some serious lip ripin'! :LOL:

I have a feeling that you are going to be exposed to a lot of my as you call it ... my comedic "genius" :Wink: from here-on-in! Ha ha ... I call it my plane-ol'-fashoned BS which at times can be confused with wit! :ROFL: I don't know how it is that so many have misconstrued me! :Wink: Hmmm!

Let's fish together soon Kelly!

Thanx for responding to my fish report and get over that sinusitis real soon my friend! :Cool:

PS ... Congratulations on your receipt of receiving the SWAT Central Command Challenge as an inductee! :Big Smile::Applause:

SP Dan <"))><