View Full Version : Cabrillo 9/28

09-28-2007, 02:20 PM
Launched out of the boat ramp @ 8 and made my way to the bait barge.
On the way saw 2 float-tubers near the beach. Maybe the wind, or clouds,
risk of rain, or lobster season opener but cabrillo was pretty dead for boat traffic today.
Pretty much had the whole place to myself.

I thought this would be a good day to get out of my comfort zone of plastics and crocodiles
and try live bait from a kayak. Not having had the time to build a bait tube I purchased a bait sled
( netting , with metal ring with some flotation). Got a kayak scoop of bait, have no idea what they were,
newbie me didn't think to ask. (@ 6" blue or green on top with 3 or 4 black spots down lateral line).

Once underway from the barge to sea lions were eyeing my stash so I took off away from them and they didn't follow.
The birds however did.

Put out 2 baits and sent them to the bottom.

First one to go off produced a large lizard fish that looked like it inhaled the whole bait.
It popped off as I was bringing it in to the yak.

Next one pole went bendo and I thought legal butt (maybe barndoor size),
put up a couple of good fights but ended up being a 4 ft shovelnose.
As I was trying to unhook it either abrasion took its toll on the line or it bit through the line and off it went.

Rebaited and soaked another only to get picked off, by a seagull.
Is that supposed to be unlucky ?

Headed back in @ 12

09-28-2007, 02:43 PM
Sounds like sardines to me.

http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/Species ... hp?id=1477 (http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=1477)

Always better to be fishin' than wishin'! :)

09-28-2007, 05:17 PM
Sounds like sardines to me.

http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/Species ... hp?id=1477 (http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=1477)

Always better to be fishin' than wishin'! :)

Amen to that! :wink:
