View Full Version : OC parks rock!! with Aggs the Angler / FishWellLureCo / BassBrigade

03-19-2014, 07:37 PM
This past Saturday i hit up an OC park just to hang with my nephew and niece , catch some sun and enjoy good ol fam time!
i knew there was a body of water at this oc park... soo brought my gear just in case.. i started off with the big bait...20 mins nothing..
went to the jerk bait .....20 mins nothing went to the other side of the lake under a tree where my fam was sitting eating ice cream..
and i started drop shotting.. 15 mins .......nothing...

i met a nice young boy name adrian who was 12 yrs old and had a strong passion for bass fishing, had a good talk with him as he asked me questions,
giving him tips and info.. trying to give back to the youth... after a short break / watching him fish...

i pick up my LDC swimbait rod.... and start chucking the big bait again..

2nd or 3rd cast ......... BOOM !!!!!

http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f343/driftdoctor/photo1.png (http://s50.photobucket.com/user/driftdoctor/media/photo1.png.html)

http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f343/driftdoctor/photo2.png (http://s50.photobucket.com/user/driftdoctor/media/photo2.png.html)

i made a long cast to the center of the lake.... and i let the big bait sink to the bottom.... 5 10 15 secs.... . then let it sit..... i pop the tip to get it off the ground.

and begin the slowest reel motion possible that will keep the bait right off the ground.... the swimbait is about 35 yards out.... cranking slowly and steady.

it was 2-3pm in the afternoon , high sun clear sky , no wind maybe 1-2 mph most at times.... soo i knew to work the bait slow as possible , i dunno if the swimbait
came across a bed since it was soo far out.. and the beds r usually shallow and close but yea........ i felt a snag type pull as if it was a branch...

and when u dont know or are not sure............what do u do on a swimbait? SWING for the fence... with a long right to left baseball swing not up or down..
horizontal pull ... i swing and move 2-3 steps left to initiate the hook set and apply add resistance by stepping to the side... soo as i reel in and walk to that same
side to pick up any slack i may have given as im reeling... 25 yards i feel the head shake ... 20 yards im pulling shes pulling .... hasnt jumped yet.... i know its coming.
sooo my rod is low almost touching the water......... at time.......... 10 yards she jumps!! what a beauty !! she spits the bait ! hook is stilll in.. since its a line thru 2 joints
:p ... shhh..... hint* ........... and at 3 feet away... she jumps again.. and the little boy i was helping helps me lips her and carries up of the 3 foot bank drop off...

team work !!! i yell !!!

give him a high five and raise the hefty green LMB... im stoked , im high ......... this is what i do.. and why i have had days chucking the big bait for 8-9 hrs only to skunk.

its days like this that pay off.. and makes it all worth it....

whats even better was my 2 yrs old nephew and 1 yr old niece ..was there behind me and witness the whole cast to catch right behind me... there mom n dad
look in awe as they first laughed wen i got to the park asking why is that bait soo big..." they cant swallow that they wont bite it , its prolly too big"

i love planting seeds, giving back to my passion.. the future the youth... sooo blesssed to let the kids see me in action and for them to witness the fish first hand.

http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f343/driftdoctor/caleb.jpg (http://s50.photobucket.com/user/driftdoctor/media/caleb.jpg.html)

the best part is ........ i told the boy to switch from crank to jig and from jig to fluke carolina, cuz the color he was using was too bright for clear water...

sure enuff 5 mins after my fish he hooks up on 2lber right next to mee....\

soooo stoked for both of us... its all about giving back... good vibes, shakas and peace... dont be that cocky douche fisherman... yall , lifes too beautiful.

but yea OC parks ROCK and they free hahahahah , i just got lucky this time yall....... a little redemption after my deps 250 was jacked and someone cut the line,
and ppl laughed at me after loosing my swimbait at a OC city park...

its part of the game...... who ever cut it and took the bait may they catch with it... .as it gave me good fish and joy... if its at the bottom of the lake now.....soooo be it... God wills it..

but yea.. thanks for the read fnn fam... lets keep positive vies on the post and site.. good energy.
be nice if u comment lol..

ill see yall out there ......

stay tuned on fnn and fb and ig ........ follow me on instagram : aggsone
or on facebook michael aguilar

my new swimbait i made is coming out soon still working on the some proto types... and tuning..

but yea..... thank you in advance...

- fish Respect

- mike aguilar / aka " aggs the angler " / FishWell Lure Co. / and the FishWell company and team.

R u one of us? BASS BRIGADE !!!! BRGD / the water is my stadium

....big baits coming soon...

http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f343/driftdoctor/prototype.jpg (http://s50.photobucket.com/user/driftdoctor/media/prototype.jpg.html)

03-19-2014, 10:44 PM
LOVE THIS REPORT....touche' ! :Wink: It's obvious you have your heart, head and attitude in the right place, keep up the good work on the water and giving back to our youth :Thumbs Up:


03-20-2014, 12:32 AM
thanks brahdah troutdog !! peace and shaka's to ya man... tight lines...

03-20-2014, 09:19 AM
This is an awesome report. Enjoyable read. Nice fish mang!!!

03-20-2014, 11:21 AM
Hey Aggs,

Awesome report bro!!! man i was all pumped on that play by play when you were reeeling it in!!! good stuff, keep it up....good work! great pics also....

Tony G

03-22-2014, 10:05 AM
Nice bass Aggs! Almost all our park ponds carry fish like that. Mostly caught in the Spring when they get a little stupid. Being there to take advantage takes a committed angler. Mostly though, if the county would open up the many other fishing options there would be less pressure on your pond and better fishing. If your pond was maintained and kept in tip top shape it could produce so many more fish like that. Especially when you are a kid, a fish that substantial seems twice as big. Makes for a much better fishing experience. Lay it on 'em you guys and more power to you. Catching fish like that take time and effort, and usually a great cast. I would like it if more of my great casts (i.e. right next to the dock, stump, shadow, shad boil ) resulted in fish...

03-22-2014, 08:00 PM
Cool read,nice pics,nice toad LMB,yup some local lakes still hold some lifetime catches,biggest LMB in the lake I frequent that I've witnessed was 14lbs.

Cya Tuna Vic

04-14-2014, 01:05 PM
Awesome post and catch. I bet the kid was mega inspired!

04-14-2014, 05:08 PM
Well, they're nice fish, but to be fair it's the middle of the spawn..