View Full Version : Testing the BlueCam with Cutbait, Great Fishing Too!

03-15-2014, 11:07 PM
Cutbait contacted me and asked about my trolling camera setup. One thing led to another and we arranged to try taking some underwater Aquaduct video.

We met up today at mid afternoon. Cutbait told me that we would be able to see schools of fish swimming around. i was skeptical but held my tongue.

Well, on the first spot we could see schools of fish swimming around and on the second spot and etc.

He took video with my drop down camera and I tried with a pole camera. the drop down camera work great but the pole was just long enough to get the camera 3 inches deep.

Here's the first video that Mike took.


Mike got some hits fishing the first spot and I had some follows but they wouldn't commit so we moved.

At the next spot we looked down and there was a big school of striper right below us. Mike dropped the camera down and the result is below.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUZp0yO_tYT31OSS9Vb_wJ8g&v=FCcqsHgyjz0& feature=player_detailpage

I saw lots of striper when I looked down but there are more showing in the video than I could see.

Mike sent me around to make the first cast into that spot and I got my skunkbreaker.

http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq265/fishinone/3-15-14%20Aquaduct%20with%20Cutbait/20140315_160747_zpsec94ac10.jpg (http://s454.photobucket.com/user/fishinone/media/3-15-14%20Aquaduct%20with%20Cutbait/20140315_160747_zpsec94ac10.jpg.html)

After that the school moved on and so did we.

At the next spot we started casting and had only a few followers but after a few casts the striper started showing up. I think Mike landed 3 before I hooked up.

Soon though I was on too! Mike wasn't wasting any time between catches so I really didn't have to wait long.

http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq265/fishinone/3-15-14%20Aquaduct%20with%20Cutbait/20140315_172302_zps441ae979.jpg (http://s454.photobucket.com/user/fishinone/media/3-15-14%20Aquaduct%20with%20Cutbait/20140315_172302_zps441ae979.jpg.html)
The pictures are just my fish. mike caught more than I did but didn't stop for pictures.

Mike just hammered the fish at this spot one after another.

After he caught all of the willing fish we moved to the next spot. Mike continued his slay and I began to catch some too. The fish in this spot were thick and they covered a big area.

http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq265/fishinone/3-15-14%20Aquaduct%20with%20Cutbait/20140315_172755_zps6efdb39d.jpg (http://s454.photobucket.com/user/fishinone/media/3-15-14%20Aquaduct%20with%20Cutbait/20140315_172755_zps6efdb39d.jpg.html)
This fish managed to rip the back hook clean out of that Lucky Craft when I released it. i just fished it anyway.

http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq265/fishinone/3-15-14%20Aquaduct%20with%20Cutbait/20140315_173144_zpsa9c3df72.jpg (http://s454.photobucket.com/user/fishinone/media/3-15-14%20Aquaduct%20with%20Cutbait/20140315_173144_zpsa9c3df72.jpg.html)
You can see the hook is gone in this picture.

Mike was catching twice as many fish as me. I was just taking pictures.

Going back to a spot Mike jumped and did a pirouette in mid air. It was artful but I was wondering what was wrong with him.

http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq265/fishinone/3-15-14%20Aquaduct%20with%20Cutbait/20140315_184025_zps5dfb96cc.jpg (http://s454.photobucket.com/user/fishinone/media/3-15-14%20Aquaduct%20with%20Cutbait/20140315_184025_zps5dfb96cc.jpg.html)
He almost stepped on this little rattlesnake. I guess that explains the dance moves!

We had been talking about rattlesnakes earlier but I don't think that we actually expected to see one. It is Winter, isn't it?

Mike landed 11 fish today. I don't know how many were keepers but it's safe to claim a limit.

I landed 6 and 3 were keepers.

All fish were released.

We agree that the video was a success. What more could we ask for?

Thanks Mike for the guide and camera testing service!

03-15-2014, 11:54 PM
Great report Ron. That's some way cool video guys. This definitely tops CBs previous *** scratch #1 hit Duct video.

03-16-2014, 05:34 AM
Team Cutinone!

Was a blast. As good as we could hope for. I am amazed at how many fish, also the way the camera attracted them. I think your right, it produces a noise they just wanna check out. One thing or sure they aren't spooked.

A few tweaks, (stabilizer for the current) longer pole, more mid day.

Thanks Ron. I plan on lots of duct underwater videos.

Our discussion onnthensnake went like this

Mike: later in the spring Ron you have to worry about rattlers here, but its still early

Ron: everytime I think I have them figured out they surprise me.

Well I was surprised! Watch for snakes all!

03-16-2014, 07:03 AM
Very nice video gents! The stripers move so slowly when not hooked, together with their big eyes, it's no wonder you need quality lures and light lines for bait to get 'em...I have a buddy with one of those underwater video setups...I think it would be good if they had a remote screen so you could see what you were recording while you were doing it...

03-16-2014, 07:31 AM
That is pretty cool guys! I really would have liked to see Mike doing the Bako Shuffle, complete with a pirouette! What a finale.....LOL Glad you guys had a fun day, and you only got bit by fish! The snakes are out here in the AV also, time to pay a little better attention now that it is starting to warm up.....................Dave

03-16-2014, 07:58 AM
Very cool. That fish was just as curious about the camera as the operator was of the fish. Lol, too bad you couldn't have captured Mike doing his snake dance on vid, that would be classic. Yup, it's an early snake season indeed as they're popping up down here as well. Good job sticking and videoing them Ron and Mike...

trail blazer
03-16-2014, 08:32 AM
Great job my brothers!.........Wish I coulda made it,,spending time with the wife due to her loss or id a been there.


Which Way Out
03-16-2014, 09:04 AM
That was fun to watch guys. If you somehow develop a stabilizer, we might get to see one of those fish give Cutbait the Bird....:Finger:



03-16-2014, 09:13 AM
Cool post.

Double A
03-16-2014, 01:50 PM
Nice day. Thanks for cutting into fishing time to make those videos... Pretty cool.

03-16-2014, 02:17 PM
I like the videos there cool great job on the catching as well!!

03-16-2014, 02:56 PM
Thats pretty cool! That LMB kept making me laugh....every time the camera panned over to him he was closer lol

03-16-2014, 05:20 PM
Thats pretty cool! That LMB kept making me laugh....every time the camera panned over to him he was closer lol

Everybody knows those LMB's are attention whores...

That is a kick to see Mr. Stripey swimming around without a care in the world, unaware we are all out to get them.

I know you'll be working on better and better video and I'm looking forward to seeing it.

03-16-2014, 07:22 PM
Great report Ron. That's some way cool video guys. This definitely tops CBs previous *** scratch #1 hit Duct video.

Thanks Dave, We tried to get some video of us fishing but I think I managed "Operator Error!".

Team Cutinone!

Was a blast. As good as we could hope for. I am amazed at how many fish, also the way the camera attracted them. I think your right, it produces a noise they just wanna check out. One thing or sure they aren't spooked.

A few tweaks, (stabilizer for the current) longer pole, more mid day.

Thanks Ron. I plan on lots of duct underwater videos.

Our discussion onnthensnake went like this

Mike: later in the spring Ron you have to worry about rattlers here, but its still early

Ron: everytime I think I have them figured out they surprise me.

Well I was surprised! Watch for snakes all!

It was a blast! They did seem to attracted to it.

Very nice video gents! The stripers move so slowly when not hooked, together with their big eyes, it's no wonder you need quality lures and light lines for bait to get 'em...I have a buddy with one of those underwater video setups...I think it would be good if they had a remote screen so you could see what you were recording while you were doing it...

I think that the setup you're talking about would cost a lot more.

That is pretty cool guys! I really would have liked to see Mike doing the Bako Shuffle, complete with a pirouette! What a finale.....LOL Glad you guys had a fun day, and you only got bit by fish! The snakes are out here in the AV also, time to pay a little better attention now that it is starting to warm up.....................Dave

He was going along just fine and all of a sudden he flew up into the air and spun around. I'm glad that he saw it. I would have hated explaining to him that if his survival required me to suck on his leg, he was gonna die! LOL

Very cool. That fish was just as curious about the camera as the operator was of the fish. Lol, too bad you couldn't have captured Mike doing his snake dance on vid, that would be classic. Yup, it's an early snake season indeed as they're popping up down here as well. Good job sticking and videoing them Ron and Mike...

Mike did a great job of getting them on camera. There is no assist for aiming, it's mostly intuition.

Great job my brothers!.........Wish I could a made it,,spending time with the wife due to her loss or id a been there.


I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

I was hoping to see you out there. The dynamic between you two is fun to be around.

That was fun to watch guys. If you somehow develop a stabilizer, we might get to see one of those fish give Cutbait the Bird....:Finger:



I think that they knew that he had the pole. That's why they swam right up to the camera. "Oh look Cutbait has present for us!"

Cool post.

Thank you.

Nice day. Thanks for cutting into fishing time to make those videos... Pretty cool.

It did cut into the fishing but how else are going to get souvenirs like these?

03-16-2014, 07:29 PM
I like the videos there cool great job on the catching as well!!

Thanks you,

Thats pretty cool! That LMB kept making me laugh....every time the camera panned over to him he was closer lol

I was watching as he approached and hoping that he would grab it.

Everybody knows those LMB's are attention whores...

That is a kick to see Mr. Stripey swimming around without a care in the world, unaware we are all out to get them.

I know you'll be working on better and better video and I'm looking forward to seeing it.

It's work and takes time for fishing but every time I get decent video I know it's worthwhile.

03-17-2014, 09:58 AM
Awesome post.
Maybe it would be nice to see a video like that in the AV.....then again maybe it wouldn't.
Took a buddy out with me yesterday and gave a lesson on how not to catch fish.
Fished out west yesterday. Tried LC, Flukes and assrtd cranks, but nothing. Dead calm water.
Probably would've done better if I fished the pond next to the freeway off of ave H.
Other than the Buffleheads the duct looked dead. Can't imagine the buffleheads hanging around if there were no minnows to eat.
Maybe a different story at night with the moon.

03-17-2014, 07:13 PM
Probably would've done better if I fished the pond next to the freeway off of ave H.

for what it's worth....i hear people are catching limits of trout at apollo park :Razz:

03-17-2014, 08:15 PM
Where did you see that snake at?

03-17-2014, 09:57 PM
Where did you see that snake at?

In the gravel exactly one step ahead of me.....

In all seriousness it is at my goto spot right now and I swore Ron to secrecy. Its the striper video spot. I ain't giving it up. Having said that, everyone should be careful everywhere

03-18-2014, 11:51 AM
In the gravel exactly one step ahead of me.....

In all seriousness it is at my goto spot right now and I swore Ron to secrecy. Its the striper video spot. I ain't giving it up. Having said that, everyone should be careful everywhere

No really! It was in the San Joaquin Valley.